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Soulless Bastards MC No Cal Boxset

Page 38

by Erin Trejo

  “You have some nerve. You did this. I have stretch marks because of you,” she snaps. God, she’s beautiful. I toss the wrench to the ground before grabbing the towel and wiping my hands. I stand up and walk toward her, a hungry glint in my eyes. I want that woman any way I can get her. Even if it’s only her lips.

  “You are gettin’ really mouthy with that baby in you,” I say running my hand over my daughter. Kenderly smiles.

  “I can’t help it. I’m hormonal, Tic. And hungry. Very hungry,” she says as I grind against her.

  “I can figure something out to go in your mouth,” I tell her. She slaps me before I press a kiss to her lips.

  “Keep it in your pants. That’s how we got this.” She nods between us. I regret nothing. I would do it again in a heartbeat.

  That’s the same thing I think about my life. I often regretted meeting Ashley because of what happened in my life since meeting her. I knew it was all in my head though. Ashley was the reason I found Kenderly. She’s the reason that we are together today. I don’t think that I would have known just how Kenderly felt if things didn’t go down the same way. I know I miss her. I miss my dad too, but we still have our family. It’s growing and getting better with each day. I’d like to think that they are out there somewhere watching over us.

  “I love you, baby,” I whisper against her lips.

  “I love you, too.”

  Our lives have always been crazy. I don’t see that changing anytime soon but I’m happy to say that we’ve finally found our way. There will always be something that causes a bump in the road but as long as we slow down and keep our eyes on the future, I know we can handle it.

  Chapter 46


  There’s a place you hang in limbo between worlds when you die. At least there was for me. I saw it all as if I was there. I guess in a way I was there. I heard Tic whisper he loved me over and over. I watched how he stroked my hair on the way back to the clubhouse. It was as though I could feel him.

  Dying wasn’t painful. Not when I had Jameson in my arms. That last few seconds were the perfect ending to my life. When I saw that bright light, I knew it was time to go. I knew that Jameson would be ok. Tic too. There was just a feeling of peace that washed over me when I watched him pick his son up in his arms. As much as I would have liked to be there with them in the physical sense, I will always be there in the spiritual sense. Tic made an impact on my life that I would have never have seen coming. He made me feel things that I didn’t know I could feel. He brought so much life out of me, I hadn’t known I wasn’t living before I met him.

  “You think they’ll be all right?” Blu asks holding my hand tightly in his.

  “Yep. They will. They have a lot to look forward to,” I tell him with a smile.

  “Yeah. They do. He’ll forgive himself, darlin’,” he tells me as if he knew what I was thinking. Maybe he does.

  “He deserves it. Jameson needs him.”

  Watching Tic with Kenderly has been the thing to hold me together. Seeing the real love they have and the way they bring out the best in each other. That’s what life is meant to be. Knowing that Tic has love in his life and Jameson has a mother who adores him sets me at peace. My time here is over.

  “Come on, sweetheart,” Blu says softly pulling me along with him. Our lives ended at the time they were supposed to, but I can only hope that theirs is just beginning.


  Soulless Bastards MC

  No Cal

  Chapter 1


  My name is Nathanial Dillinger. I’m also known as Nuts. More importantly, I’m Prospect. I’ve been a prospect for the Soulless Bastards MC for a little over a year now. I prove myself at every turn. With the shit luck the club has had recently, I don’t blame them for not patching me in yet. With the recent death of the Club President, Blu, this clubhouse has been turned upside down. It may appear that we have our shit together on the outside, but on the inside, we’re crumbling. We’ve lost contacts, suppliers. The club has taken hit after hit. I play my part, though. It’s what I want. I want to be a patched member. I want this world and all that it has to offer. It may look bad now, but it won’t stay this way. I’ve seen this club thrive first hand, and I know it will get there again. Loss is a hard thing, and when it’s the president of something as huge as this, it takes time to recover. Declan, the new president, is a strong leader. I have no doubts that he will bring this club right back to where it needs to be. Declan has groomed me. I’ve mirrored him for as long as I’ve been here.

  I wasn’t always like this – not this lethal or deadly. A lot of these guys grew up in shit. They had parents who weren’t worth a damn or didn’t even know them all together. I was the complete opposite. I was the one with the wealthy family, the typical boy next door. I was the one who had everything laid at his feet on a silver platter. I was spoiled and I hated it. Most people long to have that – to be handed everything their hearts desire. Not me. That lacks in ethics. You have to want something bad enough that you will go after it with your eyes wide open. You have to be willing to get dirty and to prove that you are able to handle what you want. Having things handed to me was like a nightmare. I was raised that way but something deep inside of me didn’t want it. I rebelled against it, against my family. When I turned eighteen I showed up at the Soulless Bastards clubhouse with a glint in my eye and stone in my heart. I was ready. I knew I was. I would be willing to take the shit that was thrown at me with open arms and welcome it.

  When Declan called me out, I was as proud as a parent watching their kid graduate. I was where I wanted to be. I was where I needed to be. I stood up for this club on more than one occasion because they are my family now, although my real family is still out there. I haven’t closed them out completely. They have learned to understand my need to earn my way in life. This club holds a place in my heart that could never be filled, and when Blu was killed, a part of me died with him. I may be a prospect but the amount of love and respect I earned from these people is far beyond anything I felt at home.

  I know my place in this club for now. I’m the go-to/clean-up boy. I deal in all things shitty. And when I say shitty, I mean shitty. The prospects are the runts. We get the grunt work. We do it with pride. A few guys it bothers. Me? No. I’m earning that patch like I’ve always wanted to do. So what if I have to get my hands dirty in the process? The hardest part so far was being shot. Yeah, I was shot. Protecting the women of this club. It was a goddamn honor, and I wear that scar like a badge.

  The one thing I didn’t count on was her. Cherry. That sexy little thing with a mouth to match. Cherry is your typical club whore. That’s what they call her anyway. I see her as more than that, but she won’t give me the time of day other than to sass me and make me smile. I don’t mind it. She thinks I’m just the overprivileged jackass that wants to be a biker. She couldn’t be more wrong about me, and one day, I will prove that to her. One day she will look even sexier wearing my patch on her own cut. Yeah, one day.

  Chapter 2


  “Get your filthy fucking boots off that table!” I snap. I swear to God none of these men around here have any type of common sense. They just do things to aggravate the shit out of me. I think they like it when I’m mad. In fact, there are a few that I know like it. Sick fuckers.

  I walk into the main bathroom and gasp. My hand instinctively comes to my face, covering my nose and mouth as I groan. These are grown ass men. I mean they are adults! Why is it so hard to piss in the toilet? Why is it even harder for them to clean up after themselves? I get that’s part of why I’m here, but Jesus fucking Christ could they at least be a little more considerate? I turn on my heel and stomp back into the main room to find Mayhem, Nuts, Derek, and Monster.

  “You!” I scream causing them all to look over at me.

  “You as in who?” Mayhem tries to be funny. Oh, this is not the time buddy. Not today!

  “You four come the fuck over
here. I have a little show and tell session for you.” I don’t miss the look in their eyes. If they think I’m going to flash them a piece of pussy now they are just down right insane. It isn’t happening. The four amigos stand sharing a grin with each other as they follow me toward the bathroom. When I step in they all follow. Grabbing the toilet brush I hold it up so they can all see it.

  “Step one. You take the long hard stick with the thick end.” I tell them gesturing with my other hand. Yes, I know it sounds sexual but they have to be talked to on their level.

  “Step two. You stick the thick end in the hole like so.” I say as I shove the toilet brush into the toilet. They all watch me in amusement.

  “Step three. Wiggle it around when you get it in there. Then pull it out and wipe around the edges like this.” I show them and tell them in my best tv announcer voice. Yeah, I’m in that kind of mood.

  “Step four. And I know this one is tricky for some of you. This little silver thing here is to flush it. Say it with me kids, flush it.” I press the handle down and stick the toilet brush back in the holder as the guys all chuckle.

  “Thank you for your fucking time!” I snap as I brush past them and out the door. Nuts stops me by grabbing my arm. His warm hand on my skin makes me tremble.

  “All you gotta do is ask, Cherry. I can do all that,” he says coyly. I can see the invitation in his eyes, but I also know better than to get attached to any of the guys.

  “Thanks for the offer, Nuts, but you are indeed, nuts. I’m sure you never had to clean a toilet in your life.” Pulling my arm from his grasp I head toward the kitchen to see what the others are doing. Clearly, cleaning the bathroom wasn’t high on their priority lists today. When I walk in, I find Prim in the corner with tears in her eyes. I hate that she cries so much. I hate that she always feels the way she does.

  “Come here.” I don’t even have to say her name, she knows I’m talking to her. Prim lives here at the clubhouse too. She grew up here with the guys. Prim walks over throwing her arms around me as she sobs.

  “Whose balls do I need to kick in?” I ask gently as I run my hand down her hair. Prim giggles a little before pulling back to look up at me. I reach up and wipe the tears from her eyes when she says, “I just wish things were different, Cherry. I wish I knew who my dad was. Blu was looking into it before.” She doesn’t finish. She shakes her head and looks away from me before she says, “He was like my dad, Cherry.” She cries again. Blu was a lot like a father to many of us. Unlike Prim, I knew my place here, but that didn’t stop Blu from playing the fatherly role when he needed to.

  “I know, baby. We can still look. I’ll help you,” I assure her. I want her to know that I’m always here for her no matter what.

  “Thanks, Cherry,” she says as I squeeze her tighter.

  “You are one of my best friends, Prim. You never have to ask me for anything. I’m always here for you,” I remind her. Her cries keep coming but that doesn’t matter. There is nothing going on today, or tonight for that matter, around the clubhouse so we can have our moment of much needed cry time.

  I can’t say that I don’t understand her. I don’t know my father either, but then again, I never really cared to find out. My mom on the other hand? I hate her with a passion but at the same time I love her. Does that even make sense?

  I do what I do to make a living. I like being here with the guys and I sure as hell like sex, but it’s the secret of my past that I don’t want to share. It’s mine and mine alone. No one should have to know the hell that I endured as a child. No one should have to know that every Thursday I leave to go take money to my cracked-out mother and at times deal with my delusional brother. That is all my past. That is all my future too. I will never be able to break free from that hell, and I sure as hell won’t drag someone else into my mess.

  I choose my path and now I walk it.

  Chapter 3


  I sit back smoking a joint with Mayhem. Me and him have gotten along a lot better lately. I don’t think the bastard liked me much at first.

  “You know I’ve been talkin’ to Dec about gettin’ you patched,” he says, passing me the joint.

  I nod my head and take a long hit. “It’s ok, brother. I know my place,” I say as I blow the smoke from between my lips.

  “I know that, but you deserve that patch. You took a fuckin’ bullet, man,” Mayhem says with a slight grin. He knows he laughed his ass off at me the night I got shot. He thought that was the funniest thing he’d ever seen in his life. Me walking around with that bullet hole in my shoulder. I reach up instinctively and rub the scar.

  “It is what it is, Mayhem. I’m good for now. You know I’d do anything for this club,” I remind him. He has to know that already, but he gets on these kicks lately that he wants to discuss it so I go with it.

  “That’s my goddamn point!” he roars, his temper getting the best of him.

  “What’s your fuckin’ point?” Declan asks from behind him. I turn to look over the back of the chair as Declan stands there with his arms crossed over his chest. He’s hardened up a lot. He isn’t the old Declan, not the one I first met. I suppose taking over as president will do that to you.

  “The fuckin’ point is, Nuts deserves his patch,” Mayhem growls before shoving out of the chair. He spins around and pins Declan with his glare.

  “I know that, and when shit is back to normal, he’ll fuckin’ get it!” Declan roars loudly.

  I look away. I don’t need to watch the inevitable show down that’s about to happen here. They’ve been like this since Blu died.

  “You’re a fuckin’ cock sucker, Dec. He’s worked his ass off, taken bullets and shit! He deserves that!” Mayhem lets loose.

  I respect them all, I do, but Mayhem has taken a liking to me, and I’m not sure why. We were never close before, not like me and Dec were.

  “I got a dick you can suck right here, motherfucker. You don’t like how I’m runnin’ shit? Haul ass down south.” Declan grits his teeth before walking away.

  I blow out a breath as Mayhem clenches and unclenches his hands at his sides. “Hey, Mayhem. You know it’s all good, right? I don’t mind waitin’, brother.”

  He turns his head, his long blonde hair clinging to his sweaty face and glares at me. “You know why I fuckin’ like you, Nuts?” he asks and I’m confused.


  “Yeah, you do. You got heart, motherfucker. You got one set of balls on you kid. You take a fuckin’ bullet, but you don’t demand your rightful patch. You kiss ass with other clubs but never complain. Do you know that you’re the first fuckin’ prospect that I’ve ever met like that? Most of them are whinny bitches. They want what they want when they want it. Not you though. You’re different, and it’s that fuckin’ heart that I like about you, brother. Never lose that. Now get me a beer,” he says with a laugh. He nods his head once at me before walking away. “Fuck it, I’ll get my own,” he mumbles, leaving me speechless.

  I don’t know what to say. I can’t believe that he said that to me or that he even sees that in me. Not many do.

  “He’s right, you know.” Her sweet voice floats through the room. I turn my head and see Cherry standing there looking like a fucking angel.

  “How do you figure?” I ask her. I want to hear her thoughts. I want to hear her voice.

  Cherry picks at the hem of her shirt before locking eyes with me. “I’ve never heard you complain. Not even when you got shot. You do the shit work for this club, and not once have I seen a nasty look on your face. If anything, you look happier to be doing it.” She giggles a little like the thought of that is funny to her.

  Reaching down, I grab my beer off the table and take a long pull before I nod and say, “You’d be right then. It makes me happy.”

  Cherry narrows her eyes. She’s confused and I like it. “You like hiding dead bodies or cleaning up after the wild party?” she asks, not sounding too sure of herself.

  “Honestly, yeah I do. It
gives me a place. It shows that I’m a real man.” Her eyes stay on mine but I see that sparkle that says she’s trying to figure me out. I like that she’s doing that. I want her to try and figure me out. I want her inside my head but not until she gives in and lets me in hers.

  “What about you?” I ask her softly. Cherry looks away quickly before I walk over to where she stands. I grab her chin in my hand and force her gaze back to mine. “What about you, Cherry? Why are you here?”

  I can see the war in those pretty blue eyes. I can see the pain, the fear, all of what she tries to hide from the outside world, but it’s not hidden from me.

  “This is who I am. I’ve never been anything but a club whore. I love these guys like they’re family.” Her words are rehearsed. I shake my head slowly as that fake smile she plastered on her face slowly fades.

  “That’s who you tell yourself you are. There’s more to you. You won’t let me see it. You keep those walls of defense firmly in place, but let me tell you somethin’, Cherry. When I want somethin’, I earn it. Just like that patch, I will earn your trust.”

  Her eyes fill with tears before she slowly backs away. I don’t go after her either. She needs time and I will let her have that, but when I think things are right, I’m going in full force.

  Chapter 4


  I’ve scrubbed this bedroom clean. Is it weird that I’m sort of a neat freak with my room considering I bring men in here to fuck? I don’t think so. I like things in order. I like having my room spotless with the smell of bleach. You can’t be too careful.

  “A club whore that is also a neat freak?” a voice says from my doorway. I turn around and see a man standing there with a grin on his face.


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