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Soulless Bastards MC No Cal Boxset

Page 46

by Erin Trejo

  “Stand up,” he says looking down at me with hooded eyes. I quickly climb to my feet and stand naked in front of him. “One thing I’ve thought about doin’ was fuckin’ you over that dresser. Your eyes on mine in the mirror. Watchin’ me take you from every position I can get you in.”

  My pussy throbs from his words. He knows how to make me wet, but the idea of him thinking about it before now is what’s turning me on.

  “Then what are you waiting for?” I tease him. Nuts slowly slides his cut off his shoulders. I take it in my hands and slide my arms through it, loving how the leather feels against my skin.

  “Fuck, Cherry,” he groans as he looks at me. His shirt is ripped over his head before he kisses me. It’s a possessive kiss that I melt right into. Nuts walks us backwards until my ass hits the low dresser. His teeth nip at my lip causing my pussy to clench and a moan to escape me.

  “Horny, baby? Do I make you hot?” he asks me pressing me back against the hard wood. My insides tremble as anticipation builds inside of me.

  “So hot,” I tell him. Nuts growls before I slowly turn around, giving him my ass. He takes it in his hands and squeezes roughly.

  “Look at me,” he says. My eyes jerk to the mirror and connect with his. The way he looks at me like I’m the only person in the world makes my body overheat. I want him more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life.

  “I didn’t picture you in my cut, but fuck, Cherry. This is better than my dreams.

  My cheeks flush as he pushes my back forcing me to bend over the dresser. My ass is on display for him, but his eyes never leave mine. Nuts thrusts into me and all my senses come alive. He holds my hips in his capable hands and plunges deeper. My nipples rub against the cool wood of the dresser making me that much hotter. I clench my eyes shut as Nuts fucks me roughly. I love feeling him inside of me, bare. I love felling him like I’ve never felt anyone else. I love having him near me. He makes me feel whole and special in a way I have never known before.

  “Eyes open, darlin’,” Nuts growls as the thrusts become harder. I open my eyes and look at him behind me, taking me in ways I’ve always dreamt of. “Don’t you dare stop lookin’ at me.”

  His hand comes around my waist, toying with my clit. My body tenses as he grins at me in the reflection. The more I watch him, the more I know my heart is in the right place. I’m in the right place. Nuts feels like home. A home I’ve never felt before in my life. As my orgasm comes closer, a tear slides down my cheek. Nuts doesn’t even ask why. He just watches me with the most love anyone could have for another, his gaze gentle as he works my body over. I almost doubt what I see in him when he says, “I love you, Cherry.” Nuts comes roughly with me right there with him. The feeling of us together in unison makes my heart melt.

  Nuts drops his forehead to my back and catches his breath as I do the same. I lay my heated face on the cool dresser and let the moment take hold.

  “That was better than I dreamt,” Nuts says making me giggle.

  “I never knew I’d like wearing leather while I was fucked, but apparently I need to do some shopping.” Just as the words leave my mouth, I can feel his dick twitch inside of me again. I can’t stop the giggle that comes with it.

  “We’ll go shoppin’, baby. I’m gonna need to see this leather you wanna wear. Although mine looks sexy as fuck on you,” he says before pressing a kiss at the back of my neck. Nuts pulls out of me and wraps an arm around my waist.

  “Let me go clean up,” I tell him. It’s mainly out of habit. It’s strange for me to have a man in my room that’s actually staying there.

  “Nope. Not a chance in fuck. Now get your ass in that bed.” When I don’t move, he swats my ass roughly making me yelp.

  Chapter 31


  “We have Mystic runnin’ his shit. We know if anyone can find him it will be Mystic. The problem is, he ain’t findin’ shit on Cherry’s mom havin’ a son,” Declan says as we sit in church.

  My heart hurts for Cherry. The things that Mystic found from her past will haunt me for the rest of my life. I would have rather heard them from Cherry, but I know there is a lot more than what Mystic can dig up. The fact that no one knew who her father was, the way her mother never really wanted her. It’s a total shitstorm and I sort of understand why she’s been holding on so tightly to her secrets.

  “Adopted?” Tic asks.

  Dec shakes his head. “No. There would have been record of that. Besides, that bitch was a whore around here. She didn’t have shit, broke, no job, no man, and no one in their right mind would have given her a kid,” Declan adds.

  I run my hand through my hair as I look around the table. I can’t believe that I’m actually sitting here as a fully fucking patched member of the Soulless Bastards. This has to be the best decision I’ve ever made in my life, next to Cherry. They are my family. They are more than that. They mean everything to me and we protect what’s ours. I can’t imagine anyone else being my brothers in arms as we hint down the piece of shit who has been hurting Cherry.

  “Next order of business: Viral Dead. We know what they’re runnin’ now, but we don’t know where they are gettin’ them from. We have to hold our asses on that one. We will hit them but not right now. I talked to Hawk down at the southern chapter and he wants us to hand this one over to them,” Dec says nodding at Ruger.

  “We have some intel we’re workin’ right now. We didn’t know if this was the same operation we were after or not. We want to take over lead on this one just to make sure shit plays out on our end too. That shit, of course, goes up for a vote,” Ruger says looking around at us.

  “Mouse is MIA. We haven’t heard or seen from that shit since the fundraiser. Don’t know what he’s thinkin’, but he didn’t leave that prospect cut behind. Which means, we find him and take it back,” Mayhem says.

  The guys all grunt their agreement on that one. I don’t give one shit about Mouse. He was nothing to me the second he put his hands on Cherry.

  “Let’s vote the Viral Dead shit,” Declan says looking to Mayhem.

  “I say let them take it. We don’t wanna fuck up their end of shit. If it’s the same group and we move in, they could get fucked,” he says.

  Dec goes around the table and everyone agrees. He stops with his eyes on me and I can’t help but grin. Fuck man, this is what I’ve waited for my whole life. A place I belong.

  “Let it go,” I say surely. I have no problem letting them take over on it. That’s one less thing I have to worry about when finding that bastard Justin is on top of my list.

  Dec grins at me then looks to Ruger. “It’s all yours, brother. The Mouse shit? We got an address for some of his family. We’ll feel it out, see what we get. The little piss ant didn’t go far. Tonight we have the security detail for Pep’s boys. They got a big drop and we need to have a clear head. Nuts, you’re on this time, brother.”

  I nod my head, ready as I’ll ever be. I’ve been on runs with the guys. Hell, I was shot on the last one! This one is different though. This is my first run as a fully patched member. No more being shoved to the side when shit gets good. No more taking the ass of it for them. I’m all in.

  “Anyone else have anything to bring to the table?” Dec asks looking around.

  The guys stay quiet until Mayhem speaks. “Yeah. When the fuck is Kenderly poppin’ that kid out of her vagina?” The guys laugh but Tic punches him in the arm.

  “Don’t say shit about my woman’s vagina, you son of a bitch,” Tic growls at him.

  It’s funny to watch those two. Since Blu died, they have been closer to each other. They have bonded more than they ever had before. It’s nice to see them getting along like real brothers.

  “Let’s go. We need to check ammo and shit before tonight. We ride at eight.” Dec slams the gavel on the table dismissing us.

  We all stand and head out of the room. Taylor paces near the door waiting for Mayhem. Her eyes jerk to mine before she looks back down.

��Everything okay?” I ask.

  Her head slowly comes up, her eyes meeting mine. There’s fear in those blue eyes.

  “If I was to tell your boy that I was, I don’t know, pregnant, how do you think he’d take it?” she asks shyly.

  “Are you tellin’ me before your man?” I ask her with a chuckle. Her face reddens before she covers her mouth with her hand.

  “Shit. He’s going to be so mad,” she grumbles. Mayhem comes out of the office and looks at the two of us before he moves toward Taylor.

  “What’s goin’ on?”

  Taylor’s face gets redder by the second.

  “What the fuck you askin’ me for? She’s your girl. I just came out of the office,” I tell him. Mayhem looks down at Taylor just as I wink at her. I will keep her secret for the time being.

  I stride down the hall feeling happier than I ever have before. My heart is full. My family is together. The world around me feels complete. Shoving into my room, I sigh when I see Cherry curled up asleep on the bed. I wonder when she came in here? Doesn’t matter, whatever I have is hers. I kick my boots off and slide my cut down my arms. Climbing into the bed behind her, I pull her body against me. She stiffens before she screams.

  “No! Justin please!” Her sobs break me. Little by little she is breaking me with what that asshole did to her.

  “Shh. It’s me, baby,” I whisper in her ear as I tighten my arms around her. She calms in my arms.

  “I love you, Nathaniel.” Those words will forever be cemented in my heart.

  Chapter 32


  I sit back and blow on the nail polish I just painted on my nails. Those stupid dreams keep coming. I hate that I see his face when I close my eyes, but I know Justin is out there somewhere. I watch Nuts as he cleans his gun and sets it to the side. The guys have a ton of ammo and guns placed in lines on the table. Brooke sits next to me as we watch them.

  “You would think they were robbing a bank,” she says with a giggle.

  “I’ve seen worse,” I say. I have. When Blu was alive.

  “I remember once there was a huge war over territory. Blu had triple that and then some. No one was walking away from them alive that night,” I tell her. My heart breaks a little every time I think of Blu. I miss him.

  “That was one of my first big shootouts,” Mayhem declares with a smile on his face.

  “We didn’t let shit walk away. You’re right on that, Cherry.” Tic nods at me.

  “You guys were so fired up that day. I remember just hanging back and watching. Tic was the worst. You remember, Tic?” I ask him.

  He sets his gun down and looks up at me. “Damn right I do. I was high as fuck and just downed a bottle of vodka. The whole goddamn room spun, but I was so ready to get shit goin’. Dad damn near made me stay back.” He chuckles as he remembers that night.

  “Mayhem acted like Mayhem. He was on the roof shooting and shit. Blu told him if he didn’t get his ass down he would send a sharp shooter to blow holes in his kneecaps.” I laugh as I remember that day so well. The girls laugh as the guys give Mayhem shit.

  “Sometimes I miss those days,” Declan adds.

  “I miss him,” I say, not needing to say Blu’s name.

  Nuts sets his stuff down and walks over to sit next to me. He throws his arm around my shoulder and says, “We all miss him, but we’re still here. We keep makin’ him proud.” I nod and kiss his cheek before he stands and moves back to the table.

  “Since we are having fun time, Nuts do you know how I met Cherry?” Brooke asks. My mouth drops open as I turn to look at her. She wouldn’t dare tell him what me and her did to Declan, would she? Yes, she would. That little shit.

  “No. I remember you at the gate is all,” Nuts says with a grin.

  “Yeah, tell him how you fucked with me that whole goddamn night,” Declan says as he cleans another gun.

  “You wouldn’t!” I snap at Brooke playfully.

  “Why wouldn’t she? You hidin’ somethin’ beautiful?” Nuts asks with that shit eating smirk on his face.

  “Well, Cherry came into the gym I worked out in one day. She said that Mouse and Nuts wanted to meet me and talk more,” Brooke starts but Nuts cuts in.

  “Mouse did. I didn’t see shit.” Nuts chuckles, making Declan laugh.

  “Anyway, she invited me to the party that night. I wasn’t going to come, but she kind of talked me into it. When we got here, everyone thought I was with Cherry so we went with it,” Brooke says with a smirk on her face.

  “What the fuck? I didn’t see none of this shit,” Nuts protests as he looks at Dec, who just shrugs and shakes his head.

  “What happened?” Nuts asks, needing to hear more. My cheeks heat up when Brooke talks.

  “Me and Cherry got a little close on the dance floor. We may or may not have kissed a little and touched a little more.”

  Declan groans across the room as if he was remembering every damn second.

  “Wait a fuckin’ second! You two?” Nuts turns to face us, pointing between me and Brooke.

  I smile, and Brooke nods her head before throwing her arm around my shoulder. “Nuts, honey, I could have your girl in my bed in the matter of seconds if I wanted it. That goes for now too.” I explode into laughter as Brooke eyes Nuts.

  “You don’t have what she wants hangin’ between your legs, darlin’,” Nuts tells her.

  Declan roars with laughter as Mayhem lets out a whistle. I can’t stop laughing. This has been the best night of my life. Everyone is just sitting around laughing and telling stories. It’s like a real family. We are a family.

  “We won’t even bring up what Declan did to Cherry that night,” Mayhem says. All eyes turn to him. The laughter stops and Nuts’ hands clench at his sides. Oh shit! He did not go there.

  “What? What did I say?” Mayhem tries to play the innocent role.

  I let out a soft giggle when Nuts’ eyes turn to me. I can see the playful side of him in there. He knows we all have a past, one I wouldn’t want to forget. Everything that has happened to me here is a part of who I am.

  “You have nothing to worry about,” I tell him, blowing him a kiss. Nuts grins and shakes his head at me.

  “I know that. You’re mine.”

  Chapter 33


  We have the area surrounded. We’re running security and perimeter just like we planned. Nothing seems out of the ordinary. I blow the smoke out of my mouth when Tic steps up next to me.

  “You know we were all fuckin’ around earlier, yeah?” he says looking at me.

  I nod once and say, “Yeah, I know. It’s no big deal. I know Cherry has a past with you guys. It’s done now,” I say that last part with certainty. Tic chuckles before lighting up his cigarette.

  “She’s a good girl. Shittier past than some of us but she made it.”

  I nod once. I know that all too well.

  “What do you think about bein’ a full patch, brother?” Tic slaps a hand on my shoulder giving it a little squeeze.

  “Love it, brother. You know I’ve worked my ass off to prove I’m somethin’. This right here,” I say tugging at my cut, “means the goddamn world to me.”

  “Heard that. You earned it. Not many have the nuts you do, man. It takes a special kind to be able to do what we do. We ain’t even the worst of them out here. Southern chapter? Fuck, Nuts, they are some crazy motherfuckers down there. Why is it so important to you, though? Why prove so much?” he asks.

  This is the part of my life I don’t talk about. No one knows about my parents except for Cherry. I don’t make that part of my life known for obvious reasons.

  “Don’t like talkin’ about it, Tic. Stays here, yeah?” I ask him. I need to know the rest of the guys will never know about my parents and their lifestyle.

  “Nothin’ goes past us,” he says truthfully.

  “My parents have money. A shit ton of it. Shit was handed to me when I was younger. I never wanted it that way. I looked at others and
wondered what it was like for them to have to earn everything they had. I saw the respect they got when they did earn it. I wanted that. I stopped takin’ shit from my parents and started doin’ my own thing. Just like this fuckin’ cut, I earned everything I had.”

  Tic nods along with my story. “So, shit ton like wipe your ass with a hundred, rich?” he asks playfully. I chuckle and take a drag off my cigarette.

  “Shit ton like wipe your ass on a million. It means nothin’ to me, though. Does that make sense? This, you guys, this club, that’s what means somethin’ to me.”

  “Makes a lot of sense, actually. You have a better head on your shoulders than a lot of guys you meet out here. You’re right about one thing,” he says as I watch him.

  “Which is?”

  “You earned your place here. No amount of money could get you into this shit. You can’t buy the kind of respect we have for each other.” He slaps my shoulder once more before walking away.

  I gaze up at the stars. I don’t wonder what my life would have been like before this club. There was no life before this. I earned my place here, and I couldn’t be happier. This is where I am supposed to be.

  “Shots fired!” I hear Mayhem through the coms unit. I flick my cigarette to the ground pulling my gun free from the back of my jeans. I walk slowly around the entire building. Stepping back toward the front I see someone standing there with a gun.

  “What the fuck?” I mumble under my breath when I see who it is.

  “That Mouse?” Tic steps up next to me, following my gaze.

  “What the hell is he doin’ here?” I ask more to myself than Tic.


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