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Shattered Circle: The Witches Circle Book 3

Page 5

by C. Larsen

  "I've been away from work for over a week. It's high time I get back to it."

  "You were attacked dad. I'm pretty sure the office will understand if you take a couple of weeks off to recuperate."

  "I'm fine. The last thing I need is more time off; I've been going crazy all week with nothing to do."

  I heave a sigh and pour myself a cup of coffee. Despite it being late afternoon, I feel in need of some caffeine. I yawn and take a sip of my steaming mug. "Well, you should at least try to get home at a decent hour."

  I think about the night awaiting me—Chuck Benson's party, with Gray as my chaperon. I can't say I'm exactly thrilled about it, but it’s better than sitting at home by myself all night.

  "Afraid I can't," he says, bending down to pick up a small suitcase I hadn't noticed. "They need me in California this weekend. I'm leaving in a few hours."

  "What?" I slam my mug down with such force it cracks. "California?"

  My dad raises his eyes at the broken cup, steaming coffee spilling over the edge of the counter. "Was that really necessary?"

  "Is California really necessary?" I counter, snatching a dish towel from above the sink to wipe up the mess.

  "I have to go, Emerson. I’ll be back Sunday morning. I want you to stay at Olivia's again while I'm gone," he adds sternly. "They still haven't caught the people responsible for the break-in, and even though the police assure me they're keeping an eye on the place, I still don't want you here alone."

  "If you're so concerned about my safety maybe you shouldn't be going across the country!" Rage boils up inside of me, and even though I know I’m overreacting, I can’t help it. It’s not as if this is the first time he's taken off last minute for a work trip. Ever since my mom died he's been slowly working himself to death. But suddenly detective Nickels' words come to mind. Does he really have to work in California this weekend, or is this just another lie, like the Boston conference? And if he wasn't at a conference that weekend, then why was he there? I refuse to believe my dad was cheating. He loved my mom. Didn't he? But then why lie about the conference? And why was Landon's mom in Boston that same weekend? It's on the tip of my tongue to ask him, but his next words distract me.

  "Emerson, don't be so dramatic. This meeting is important,"

  "And I'm not? That's the underlying message, isn't it? This stupid work meeting is more important than staying home for one god damn weekend to make sure that your daughter is safe from whoever broke in and attacked you only a week ago!”

  Of course, I know that the one responsible is gone, and even if she wasn't, there's nothing my dad could do to stop her if she decided to come back, but he doesn't know that. All he knows is he was attacked last week, and the first thing he does after getting out of the hospital is take off across the country, leaving his teenage daughter to fend for herself once again.

  He has the audacity to roll his eyes. "If I thought there was any danger to you, I wouldn't be going. The police assure me that whoever broke in last week is long gone by now—"

  "Whatever. Work yourself to death over your stupid job. I don't care. I have a party to get ready for."

  I suddenly can't wait for Gray to pick me up.

  Chapter 6

  Chuck's house is packed with people by the time Gray and I arrive. As we walk through the door Gray gives me a huge smile and tries to put an arm around my shoulders, but a glare from me stops him. His grin widens, but he drops his arm.

  I can hear whispers run through the room, gossip about me, I'm sure. All week Gray has continued to act way too friendly. Sometimes I'm amused by it, other times it's just irritating. I know there's nothing serious in his flirtatious banter, but the rest of the school doesn't know that. And now, with us showing up at the party together, the whole school probably thinks I've jumped into bed with three guys in a three-week period.

  Truthfully, I'm still a virgin, but gossip rarely deals in truths.

  Oh well; it's not like I'm not used to it. I paste a smile on my face and stride into the living room, Gray following in my wake.

  Despite my original reservations, excitement bubbles up. It's been awhile since I've been able to relax and enjoy myself. This party might be just the break I need: no training, no blood bonds or secret meetings. Tonight, I'm determined to have fun—no brooding allowed.

  Olivia and Mei join us, each with a drink in their hands. Gray offers to grab me a beer, but I shake my head. The last time I got drunk at a party I ended up puking in the bushes and losing control of my powers. I’m determined to keep this party drama free and alcohol doesn't seem to be compatible with that.

  "Hey Em, been awhile since I've seen you out," Mei says, her startling crimson irises looking me up and down.

  "Yeah, been busy. New contacts?"

  "Just got them today. You like?" She flutters her eyes dramatically.

  I laugh "Yeah, looks fab. Really accentuates the new hair."

  "That's the goal." She flips her bright red bangs back, making them fall dramatically over one eye. "So, what's up with the puritan act?" She motions to my empty hands. "Joined AA since I last saw you?"

  "I’m on a cleanse," I joke.

  "Riiiight. That'll last all of ten minutes. You guys see Kayla anywhere?"

  "I think I saw her in the kitchen with Robby Jenkins."

  "Robby?" Mei crinkles her nose. "She can't be that desperate. I gotta knock some sense into that girl."

  As she heads off in hunt of Kayla, Olivia shakes her head in mock sympathy. "Yeah, poor thing. Kayla doesn't take rejection well, and after both Sebastian and Gray blew her off, she's on the prowl to find some new poor sap to pay tribute to her."

  I give her a look. "It sure didn't look like Sebastian blew her off at Bianca's party." The image of Sebastian's guilty expression, Kayla lying naked, tangled in the sheets behind him, is forever imprinted in my brain.

  Olivia looks at me from under her eyelashes. "People do dumb things when they're drunk. We both know that."

  "Ain't that the truth..." I abruptly feel horrible for bringing up Bianca's party. Yet another reason to avoid drinking tonight. You never know who might try to take advantage of you. Olivia certainly didn't expect Dan to do what he did...

  I raise my eyebrows at the cup in Olivia's hand. "Speaking of which, I'm surprised to see you drinking tonight, after what happened and all..."

  Olivia glances away. "It's just soda." The she looks up, and with a forced smile adds, "But if anyone asks, I’ll tell them it's a Jack and Coke. It's amazing how many annoying comments you get if you don't have a drink in your hand."

  Half my mouth lifts up in a smile. "Tell me about it. You'd think Mei never saw me without a drink before." I shake my head.

  “Actually, I don’t think she ever has…”

  I elbow her in the ribs, suppressing a laugh.

  "Hey Em. Liv." Sebastian joins us, looking uncharacteristically subdued. "Gray's not here?"

  "He's by the keg." I nod in that direction. I suddenly wish he'd hurry up about it. Sebastian and I haven't really talked since we broke up, and I can’t say I really want to.

  "Where's your drink?" he asks. "I can go mix something up for you if you don’t want beer."

  "Actually, I was just about to grab her a Jack and Coke," Olivia says with a mischievous smile and a wink.

  I smile at her retreating back. Olivia has the right idea. If I don't at least pretend to be drinking, I'll be fending off questions and offers all night.

  With Olivia gone, Sebastian watches me, looking even more nervous. "Em, I've been meaning to talk to you, but I just haven't found the right time..."

  Anger creeps into me. I don't want to have this conversation. Things between us ended horribly and I really don't want to rehash it. Especially now, with so many people around.

  Dammit, where is Gray? I look across the room towards the keg. I can just make out Gray's towering form as he laughs and jokes with some guys nearby. Growling under my breath, I try to keep my anger in check.
r />   "I know things got a little crazy..." Sebastian begins. "But that doesn't mean we can't fix this." He gestures to me and him.

  I look at him, incredulous. He really thinks there's a chance we can get back together? I wonder if James mentioned anything to him about his offer. God, I hope not. Trying to keep the anger out of my voice, I say, "There is no this to fix, Sebastian. We're over."

  "Look Em, it's not like you were honest with me—"

  "You want to talk honesty? Yeah, okay, I lied about being a—" I check myself, glancing at the people around us. Lowering my voice even more, I continue. "I lied about being a witch. I lied for, what, two weeks? Three? And you've been lying about what you are for how long?" I hiss. "Three years?"

  "I couldn't tell you about that. I wanted to, so many times, but I couldn't. It would have put you in danger."

  "And I couldn't tell you about me."

  "Yeah, I know that now. Look, we both made mistakes, but we can move past this."

  "Like the way you moved passed me, right onto Kayla?"

  My strike hits home. His face pales and he glances away. "That was another mistake."

  "A mistake? You slept with her! And you waited one whole day after we broke up to do it!"

  His jaw clenches. "Yeah, a mistake." He looks me in the eyes, his own filled with pain and regret. "You have no idea how much I wish I could take that back."

  Remembering the sight of Sebastian and Kayla together sends a stab of pain through my chest. I look away before he can see the hurt on my face. "Yeah, well, you can't."

  "I know things can't just go back to what they were. But can we start over? Start out as friends again, see where it goes from there? You know, we were friends before we started dating." He gives me a slight smile. "I've missed you, Em."

  He looks so miserable. And he's right, we were friends before we were more. I may not want to be his girlfriend anymore, but friends I might be able to do.

  "Alright. We can try. But just friends."

  His smile widens to an all-out grin. "Sure. Friends."

  But the look in his eyes tells me that his interpretation of friends is slightly different from my own.

  "I mean it, Seb. I'm not interested in anything else. With anyone," I say, trying to wipe that self-satisfied grin off his face.

  We stand awkwardly for a few moments, Sebastian just staring at me, smiling, before Olivia finally returns with my soda. When she sees Sebastian grinning, she looks suspiciously in my direction. She opens her mouth for what I'm sure is going to be an embarrassing comment, but thankfully Gray decides at that moment to walk up and wrap one large arm around my shoulders. Sebastian's smile drops, but I don't shake Gray off.

  If his meaningless flirting will keep Sebastian from thinking there's hope for us, then I'll let him flirt. Better than leading Sebastian on when I know, deep down, we will never get back together. Even if I wanted to, there's no way I could forgive him, and not just for Kayla. The way he treated me these past weeks has shown me how incompatible we really are. How could I ever be with someone who would treat me so horribly, even if they thought they were justified?

  "Sorry for leaving you alone so long babe," Gray says with a wink. Then he turns to Sebastian. "Keeping my girl company for me?" A lazy grin forms on his lips, but in his eyes is a clear warning. Funny, I never pegged Gray for the jealous type, especially since him and I are just friends.

  Sebastian's gaze flicks to mine, but he doesn't respond to Gray's jab. Instead, incredibly, he lowers his eyes, turning his head slightly to the side. Confused, I look at Olivia, but she’s glaring at Gray, cheeks red with anger. A low growl rumbles from her chest, her teeth bared.

  Gray takes his steely gaze off Sebastian and chuckles low. "No need to get so riled. Just having a bit of fun."

  I look from face to face, realization dawning on me. Gray's show of dominance didn't have anything to do with me at all. It was all some sort of werewolf territorial spat.

  While I'm relieved I'm not the cause of the fight, it does make me question how little I know about werewolves and werewolf politics.

  I know Gray is an Alpha's son, so it would stand to reason he'd be more dominant than Sebastian, but seeing Olivia stand up to Gray, well, that was just weird. Is she truly strong enough to challenge the son of an Alpha while Sebastian meekly submits?

  I thought I knew everything there was to know about her, but now I'm beginning to see my best friend in a whole new light.

  Still glaring at Gray, Olivia says, "Come on Seb, let's go find Josh. Em, I guess we'll see you later." Without a backward glance, Olivia and Sebastian leave.

  Feeling a bit overwhelmed, I turn to Gray. "Um, what was that?"

  "What?" he asks, feigning innocence.

  "I have, like, two friends left in this entire town and you just chased one of them away!"

  Gray smiles, unashamed. "Don't worry, Olivia blames me for that, not you. And besides, you didn't want Sebastian hanging over you all night. I just let him know you were spoken for."

  He has a point about Sebastian. Isn't that why I let Gray to put his arm around me to begin with? But still, I don't need anyone fighting my battles, especially when it causes unnecessary drama.

  "And what makes you think you know what I want?" I challenge.

  "Come on, Em. It was written all over your body. The way you crossed your arms protectively in front, how you were leaning away from him, the way your face lit up when I came to your rescue." He grins, a boyish, slightly lopsided grin. "No need to thank me luna. I live to serve you."

  "Ha!" I laugh. His playfulness is too much to resist. "You expect me to thank you?"

  "Your laugh is thanks enough.”

  I open my mouth for a snappy retort, but words fail me as I glimpse a figure on the other end of the room. "What’s he doing here?"

  The roguish expression disappears as Gray turns, instantly alert, throwing himself in front of me in a half-crouch, as if shielding me from an attack. When he sees who I'm talking about, he relaxes his position, straightening back up.

  "It's just Caiden. What are you freaking out about?" He takes a swig from his beer, his usual lazy demeanor back in place.

  "Um, I think you were the one having the freak out," I say, still reeling from his transition from drunk frat boy to bad ass warrior.

  "Kinda' in enemy territory here. Can't be too careful."

  "Enemy territory?"

  He shrugs and downs the rest of the cup. "James' pack isn't exactly thrilled to have me hanging around, as you saw earlier," he says, referring to his little showdown with Olivia and Sebastian I assume. "They want me out of their territory, but due to prior...negotiations...they can't force me. As long as you're here, they're stuck with me. Doesn't mean one of them won't attack me given half a chance."

  I stare at him, mouth agape. "You're staying here, alone, to protect me even though James' pack might attack you at any moment?"

  "'Course. You think I'm gonna let those pups scare me off?"

  I don't even know what to think about that one.

  I turn my attention back across the room to where I spotted the very last person I'd expect to be here.

  Caiden's messy chocolate hair looks even more disheveled than usual, his eyes bright and glassy as he laughs at something the guy next to him said. I glance around, wondering where Arianna and Ethan are, but I don't see them anywhere. Not surprising—this isn't the sort of place I'd expect to find either of them, which makes Caiden's presence even more surprising.

  A spark of hope lights up my chest. Maybe he's here to keep an eye on me.

  It wouldn't be the first time he showed up at a party to keep tabs on me. But as I watch him, that little spark of hope dims. He certainly doesn't appear to be looking for me. In fact, I doubt he even knows I'm here...

  Something about the way he's laughing sends ripples of unease down my spine. He's usually so sedate; so calm and guarded. I've seen him laugh more in the last few minutes than I’ve seen in all the weeks we'v
e spent together. Then it hits me.

  Caiden's drunk. Oh my God. Not just drunk. He's trashed.

  Chapter 7

  On the outside, he appears to be having a great time, but something about it looks wrong. He's too loud, too boisterous, too...happy. It feels forced. Fake. There's an edge to his laughter, betraying the deep-rooted anger and self-hatred he carries around with him. After everything that's happened, I worry what he'll do if left here in this condition.

  I grab Gray's arm to get his attention. "Hey, we should give him a ride home. He's obviously had way too much." I try to keep my voice light, not wanting to betray the anxiety I feel. This isn't like Caiden. Something must really be bothering him to drink like this.

  Gray raises his eyebrows, looking at me like I've lost my mind. "You want us to leave the party to taxi your ex back home?"

  I pull back at his words. "Fine. You stay here. I'll take him back myself. Have fun," I say, my voice heavy with sarcasm. I turn away angrily and head for Caiden.

  I hear a mumbled curse behind me, then, "Wait up. I'll come."

  "Don't bother," I toss over my shoulder, too angry to care.

  I get to Caiden just as Ryan Winters, another senior at our school, passes him another shot. Taking it from his hands, I say, "I think you've had enough there, cowboy. Time to get you home."

  "Come on, Emerson. Let the man have some fun," Ryan says.

  "I think he's had enough fun for tonight. Anymore and he's gonna end up passed out on the lawn. Come on, Caid," I say, slipping under his arm to keep him from swaying.

  "Em!" he says excitedly, just noticing me. "Hey! You want a shot?" He looks blearily around him. "I just had one a minute ago."

  I smother a laugh. "No, I think I'm good."


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