Shattered Circle: The Witches Circle Book 3

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Shattered Circle: The Witches Circle Book 3 Page 33

by C. Larsen

  My suspicions seem to amuse him. "Ah, so direct. I do appreciate that. I want you to join for the same reasons we’ve discussed before. It’s no secret that your healing abilities would be very beneficial to us. Without you, two of our pack members would have died. Not having the benefits of an alliance with a coven the way Silver Ridge does, having a pack-sister with your abilities would give us a great advantage over other packs."

  Okay, I can understand that. It’s the same reason he tried to form an alliance with me months ago. But my instincts warn me that there's something more. I silently regard James, waiting.

  His eyes crinkle in amusement before he continues. "And, of course, there's the little matter of the prophecy." My heart pounds in my chest, though I try not to let my panic show. If he truly knows what I'm capable of, there's no telling what he'd be willing to do to gain control of me.

  "What do you know about that?" I ask him, keeping my voice level.

  "About the same as you, I'd imagine. According to the prophecy, you hold the key to freeing our race. As to how, I was hoping we could figure that out together."

  It looks like Josh has been sharing his suspicions with his dad. I glance at Gray. There are worry lines around his mouth, but he doesn't say anything. Apparently, he believes I’m capable of handling this.

  I quietly release the breath I've been holding, my heart beat slowing. So he knows I'm the Chain Breaker. It does put me in more danger, but so long as he doesn't know about my soul-binding abilities, I may yet have a way to form this truce and still keep myself safe.

  "You wouldn't need me to heal your pack members if you had an alliance with Night’s Hollow," I say, ignoring his comment about the prophecy for the moment.

  His lips twitch, fighting a smile. "True, but an alliance with them is very unlikely."


  "They want something we can't give them," he says, his gaze flicking to Gray. "And even if we could, there's no guarantee that they'd keep to their end of the bargain."

  "The coven would keep their word," I say with more confidence then I feel.

  "Really? You actually believe that, even after their unprovoked attack on us last night?"

  "That wasn't them," I say. "They didn't attack you."

  "And you know that for a fact?" he asks, raising an eyebrow.

  I hesitate. I know Mirowski and Caiden had nothing to do with it, but can I be sure about Richard and the others?

  James smiles knowingly. "No, I didn't think so."

  "I'm not a hundred percent positive that it wasn't them, no, but I'm reasonably sure it couldn't have been. For one thing, I've talked to their High Priest, Mirowski, as well as some other members and none of them have any knowledge of an attack. For another, whatever coven attacked Sebastian last night had a Soul Binder with them, and as far as I know, no one in the Night’s Hollow Coven has that ability. If they did, Caroline would have used them much sooner."

  James thinks this over, his gaze never leaving mine, before slowly shaking his head. "I'm sorry, that just isn't good enough. How can we form an alliance with people we can't trust?"

  I chew my bottom lip, deliberating my next move. "Would you be willing to meet with Mirowski to see if there's some arrangement you can come to?"

  "What would I get out of it?" he asks, eyes shrewd.

  "You mean besides avoiding a war that's likely to kill a lot of my friends?"

  He smiles at my sarcastic tone. "Yes, besides that."

  I purse my lips, trying to decide on the right angle to use. It seems to me that James wants only one thing: me. Or, more accurately, my abilities. Maybe if he wants that badly enough, it will be enough incentive for him to make the truce. My gaze flits to Gray, wondering how he'll take my next words. "Well..." I begin. "For one thing, if you and the coven can't come to a truce, I'll have to leave town again. Without protection from either side, I'll be too vulnerable to stay. So, if you really do want me and my abilities as part of your pack, you will help me to negotiate this truce."

  His eyes light up. "If I agree to a truce, you'll join my pack?"

  Next to me, Gray shifts uneasily.

  "I didn't say that..." I hesitate. "It’s not exactly up to me, after all. Nikolay would have to approve the transfer.”

  James’ gaze flicks to Gray again. “Not necessarily… It’s been a long time since we’ve gone to war with another pack, but there are some things worth fighting for.”

  I gape at James, horrified. Next to me Gray growls, baring his teeth. He’s talking about fighting Silver Ridge for me? I came here to prevent a war, not start one!

  “No, no, no,” I say, panic racing through me. “I don’t want a war.”

  James’ lips twitch in amusement again. I can feel Gray’s control starting to slip, his growls becoming deeper. I place a hand on his arm, hoping to calm him. “If Nikolay won’t agree to a transfer” —and I’m almost positive he won’t— “then, instead, we could discuss limited witchy-services—healing and such—for you and your pack for a certain length of time, regardless of whether I join the pack or not.”

  "Hmm...interesting." He pauses a moment, thinking it over. "If I can work out kind some sort of truce with Night’s Hollow, how long would your services be available to us?"

  "One year?" I ask.

  "Ten," he counters

  "Ten years? That's crazy!"

  "And you must be present for all hunts."

  I stare at him, mouth gaping. "Hunts? I never agreed to join the pack, just to offer limited services."

  "Hunts can be dangerous. The majority of injuries happen during a hunt. It’d be beneficial to have a healer on hand in case of accidents. If Nikolay won’t release you from his pack, we could make sure to schedule our hunts so they don’t conflict with Silver Ridge’s. And in the unlikely circumstance Nikolay does release you from his pack, you will need a pack to run with, to hunt with, in order to keep you from going feral."

  "I guess I see your reasons for why I would join the hunt," I concede. I glance at Gray again. He's glaring at James with golden eyes. He still hasn't said a word.

  I think it over. "Ten years is too long," I say. "I'll do three."

  "Eight," he counters.

  "Five years or until the prophecy is fulfilled," I respond. "Whichever comes first."

  James is right that I need the pack’s protection, especially since, apparently, the news is out about my status as the Chain Breaker. With Gray forced to return to Ashwood in two weeks, I’ll be on my own. I’ll be in danger from packs all down the eastern seaboard. And no doubt I’ll become a target for some witches as well once the coven finds out about my mixed blood.

  But once the prophecy is fulfilled, the werewolves will have no more reason to come after me. I'll be free.

  Though witches like Richard and Landon may still be a problem even then…

  "Seven years, but I'll agree to your terms regarding the prophecy. If you free the werewolves from our bonds, then you will no longer be obligated to the pack. Unless, of course, you choose to join us by then."

  I bite my lip. Before I can counter again, Gray steps forward, his voice a deep growl. "Specific terms can be settled at a later date. All of this is moot if you can't get the coven to agree to a truce."

  James' eyes narrow at Gray, but I'm relieved I don’t have to make anything official today. I need time to think this over. Am I really willing to bind myself to James' pack for the next seven years? It seems like an eternity. Of course, if I can break the curse then I won't have to worry about being in debt to the Haven Pack, but who knows how long that will take.

  "Yes," James finally agrees. "That will be difficult. But I will agree to meet with their High Priest, once terms are settled between Emerson and I," he says, turning his attention back to me. "Set it up somewhere public. He may bring his top three. I'll do the same."

  I breathe a silent sigh of relief.

  "But I want a sit down with Silver Ridge first, before meeting with the coven," James says, l
ooking at Gray. "I think there's a few things we need to discuss." He glances at me, a hint of a smile on his lips. "It's to everyone's mutual benefit if our two packs are not at odds with one another, especially considering your extended stay here." His gaze returns to Gray. "I'll call Nikolay to set it up, but I want both of you there at the meeting."

  Gray nods, though the tension rolling off him never abates. If anything, James' request for a meet with Nikolay puts him more on edge.

  Before we leave, I ask Josh to take me to see Olivia and check on Sebastian's injuries. They're waiting for me upstairs in Josh's bedroom.

  Sebastian looks good, if a little pale. When I walk through the door, he greets me with a huge grin on his exhausted face. He pulls me into a hug. I stand there uncomfortably, giving his back a small pat.

  "How are you feeling?"

  "Alive, thanks to you." The look in his eyes as he stares at me makes me fidget and glance at Gray. His jaw is clenched, arms stiff at his sides.

  I give Sebastian a small smile and take a step back, putting space between us. Then Olivia rushes up, her arms nearly strangling me. "Oh my God, Em. You saved him. I thought he was going to die!" Her voice catches on a sob. I squeeze her back.

  "I can't breathe, Liv," I say after a moment.

  "Sorry." She lets me go with a watery giggle.

  Sebastian is still beaming at me, and to my surprise, even Josh gives me a small smile of gratitude. "Yeah, Em. Thanks for your help last night."

  "Of course."

  He nods, looking away. For him, that small acknowledgment is more profuse than all Olivia's squealing and Sebastian's beaming smiles.

  Gray stands silently in the background while I re-check Sebastian's injuries. Whatever happened to him last night, there doesn't seem to be any lingering effects. His wolf is still on high alert, however, and there's a tense moment when I first make contact with Sebastian. I can feel his wolf straining to attack me, but Sebastian wrestles him into submission.

  Regardless, I do as cursory of a check as I can, pulling out before his wolf can work up the energy for another charge.

  The only injuries still healing are the slashes along his side. I explain to Sebastian, Olivia, and Josh how they happened, describing the net his wolf was trapped in and how I had no choice but to make shallow cuts in order to free him. Despite the fact that they're healing well, I can already see the scar tissue forming underneath and I know those marks will stay with him. I briefly debate attempting to heal the scars, but considering the way his wolf is reacting to my proximity, I decide it's not worth the risk. A few scars are a small price to pay for his life.

  Gray has been quiet the entire time, but he does step up next to me to wrap his arm around my waist once I finish checking on Sebastian. His large hand squeezes my hip and I know he's staking a claim, reminding Sebastian that I'm with him. I can't say his possessiveness bothers me. With the way Sebastian's gazing at me, as if I'm his personal savior, I'm more than happy to have Gray here with me.

  Before we leave, I remember what Mei said about them all dropping out.

  "Wait," I say, stopping in the doorway. Gray is already out in the hall and I can tell he’s anxious to leave. "Why aren't any of you in school?" I ask, looking at Olivia. "Mei said you guys dropped out. Is that true?"

  She shrugs. "The pack needs us for patrols.”

  "And it'd be stupid for us to keep going to school when we know there are witches there. We're not about to put ourselves at risk like that," Josh adds.

  "But you can't just drop out. What about graduating? What about college?" My gaze travels from one to the other.

  Olivia studies the floor, mouth twisting in a grimace. Sebastian looks almost amused. But it's Josh who answers, his black eyes full of derision.

  "We're not like everyone else, Emerson. We don't get the same choices. Our lives are already mapped out for us. We don't get to go to college, to go backpacking through Europe after graduation, to go off and be a doctor or a lawyer or an actor. We live and die in our packs."

  I glance behind me at Gray, wondering if that's true for him as well. He stares back at me, his expression sad, almost hopeless. He's one of the smartest people I know. Is he really not allowed to go to college? Will he always have to stay with his pack? Will I?

  If I can’t find a way to fulfill the prophecy, will that be my fate as well? Stuck in Ashwood Creek, or Haven Hollow, or some other small town, always under the constant control of one Alpha or another? Never allowed to leave or make my own decisions?

  As much as I care about Gray, I don't think I'd be able to stay in Nikolay's pack, to have to deal with his harsh rules and cruel punishments. The very thought makes me shudder. But if I leave and Gray stays, where does that leave us?

  "James usually allows some of us to take classes at the local community college, as long as it doesn't interfere with our pack responsibilities," Olivia offers softly.

  I turn away from Gray to look at her. "But you’re always talking about traveling after graduating."

  She shrugs again. "That’s just talk, Em. I knew it would never actually happen." Her expression is shuttered, but I can detect the sadness behind her words.

  "That's....awful." None of them have any choice in what they do with their life? They can't even take a short trip without permission from their Alpha. I can't imagine that kind of life. I'd feel like the walls are closing in on me.

  Reading the horror in my gaze, Olivia shrugs again and forces a smile. "That's life."

  Chapter 41

  As Gray drives me home from the meeting with James, I can tell he's bothered by something. He doesn't say anything, and there's no anger in his scent, but he's unusually quiet. Maybe he's just worried about James insisting on having a meeting with Nikolay. Or maybe, like me, he's worrying about the conditions of my deal with James.

  Whatever it is, he doesn't share it with me. Pulling up to my house, he makes as if about to get out, but I stop him.

  "You haven't said anything about the deal I made with James," I say, after we've been quiet too long.

  He attempts a smile, but it doesn't quite reach his eyes. "What is there to say? What deals you make are up to you. Although... I was hoping that once all this calmed down, you'd stay in the Silver Ridge Pack. With me."

  I bite my lip and look down. If it weren't for Nikolay and Ivan, I might have considered it. How can I explain to Gray that his father and grandfather scare the hell out of me? That the very idea of taking orders from them, putting myself in their power, turns my stomach?

  As much as I enjoyed running with Gray and most of his pack brothers and sisters, and as much as I would love to be in a pack with Gray, I know I will never be able to take orders from Ivan or Nikolay. Maybe once Gray is Alpha, things will be different, but that won't happen anytime soon. And James is right: if I don't want to go feral, then I'm going to need a pack. I don't know yet if I'll join James' pack. I'll need a lot more time to get to know the kind of Alpha James is. But for the time being, running with them on hunts should be enough to keep my wolf stable. If Nikolay doesn’t come hunting for me first…

  "I never promised to join his pack," I say to Gray. "I only said I'd run on hunts with them and help them out if they need at healing or whatever done."

  "Yeah. I know." He doesn't seem convinced.

  "We'll just wait and see what happens after the dust settles," I say. I don't want to promise him anything, but I hate seeing the disappointment in his eyes. "Don't forget, I still need to get both sides to agree to a truce. If I can't do that, the deal I made with James is off."

  "Yeah. And from the looks of it, forming a truce isn't going to be easy."

  I force a smile to my face and say in a teasing voice, "I know what would cheer you up."

  "What's that?" He makes an effort to smirk at me, but it's not his usual, carefree expression.

  "Pumpkin pancakes."

  "Pumpkin pancakes?"

  "Yup. I did promise you a raincheck on those IHop pancak
es, didn't I?"

  "I'm pretty sure they stopped serving those a while ago. You do know it's January now, right?" he says, his eyes slowly warming.

  "Well, maybe they have some other kind of disgusting flavor for the winter." I shrug. "I still say pancakes are the way to cheer up after a lousy day."

  "Yeah?" He smiles a little wider. I feel my own lips follow.


  He's still quiet on the way to the restaurant, a small crease appearing between his brows, as if he's thinking hard about something. I squeeze his hand as we pull into the parking lot and he snaps out of, giving me a broad smile.

  “Ready for some peppermint pancakes?"

  I scrunch my nose up in disgust. "I think I'll stick with buttermilk..."

  He laughs and leads the way into the restaurant.

  Settling into the worn vinyl booth, we look over the menu. I grin when I see the seasonal pancake selection. "Wow, Gray. Looks like you were right. Peppermint pancakes? Who on earth would actually order that?"

  "I'm getting a double," he says, giving me a bewildered look.

  Rolling my eyes at him, I turn my attention back to the menu. Gray wraps one arm around my shoulders and pulls me in for a long kiss. Above my frantically pounding heart, I hear the waiter walk up to take our order. I pull back from Gray and turn to request another few minutes, but the words die in my throat.

  Emerald green eyes stare accusingly into mine.

  "Caiden,” I gasp. “I didn't know you worked here."

  He doesn't answer. He glances at Gray next to me, who chooses that moment to pull me a little closer. When Caiden's gaze meets mine again, he looks like he's been punched in the gut.

  *Him? Is that why she pushed me away? A couple of months and she's already moved on to another guy. Not even a guy. An animal...*

  My cheeks heat. I peek over at Gray. He's glancing between me and Caiden, suspicion in his eyes. "Know what you're gonna get?" he asks me, an edge to his voice.

  I push my menu away. "I'm actually not hungry anymore." Caiden's still watching me, his lip curled in disgust. I should have told him today. I hate that he found out this way. "We should go." I slip out from under Gray's arm and stand to leave.


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