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The Pillaging of an Empire

Page 32

by Amanda Clover

  With a sigh she fetched from her vanity a container of cream and began carefully applying it to the marks. It was a good concoction, and she had plenty. It was an irony that Androse, despite his eagerness to leave his marks on her, always desired her ‘pristine’ for his next affections. It was only a mercy he didn’t demand she stay with him after she’d brought him to an exhausted orgasm. Fortunate, seeing as she hardly reciprocated his pleasure.

  Still, a small price to pay for the position she now enjoyed. A vulnerable one, but what else could the daughter of a fish monger expect? She smiled grimly at the mirror. Oh she’d come far from the docks of Longin’s Bay, that was for sure. Climbing lover after lover, reaching new heights. She still remembered the merchant whose eye she had caught that day in the streets. How she’d tempted him with fluttering lashes, taken him. He’d been a good man. A decent enough lover, and someone who had eagerly showered her with gifts. She’d almost felt bad when she’d dropped him, hooking up with a young knight and minor lord at a party hosted at the merchant’s estate. What had his name been? Gods, she couldn’t even remember anymore. There had been so many since.

  She paused, fingering the necklace which gleamed around her neck. Her mother’s. She’d taken it the night she’d left the house. She wondered how her mother was? It had been so long…

  Fabia shrugged, dismissing the memory. She took off the necklace and let it pool on the vanity among her creams and unguents. Power was a ladder. And one needed to be willing to step on people to climb. She turned back to the mirror and froze, her breath catching in her throat.

  The mirror no longer showed her pale curves. Instead, the glass seemed to swirl with smoke, as if it were a window looking out into a world of endless fog. Hastily, Fabia put the cream aside and stood, fairly quivering in anticipation as the mist of the mirror slowly parted, unveiling a woman.

  She was naked, but every inch of her radiated a fierce power. Magic fairly crackled off her naked skin, her crimson hair stirring, her eyes hard as emeralds and as glorious. Her breasts were larger than Fabia’s own, her curves ample but her body toned and hardened with a strength that sent liquid lust burning through Fabia’s veins.

  “Mistress,” Fabia breathed.

  “Hello, Fabia,” the Red Witch said.

  Fabia clutched her hands before her, eyes shining in adoration. “Mistress. Thank you for blessing me with your company! I am unworthy of your attention.”

  “Enough,” the Red Witch said, cutting her off. The red headed sorceress stepped forward, the mirror rippling like a disturbed pond as she stepped through, delicately landing on the floor of the tent.

  Instantly the concubine dropped to her knees, bowing her head in obeisance. She leaned forward, kissing the Red Witch’s calloused feet adoringly. “Mistress,” she breathed.

  The Red Witch stepped away, slowly walking about the tent. Her sharp eyes missed nothing, magic arching off her like crimson static, pinging off anything metallic in the room. She made a sudden gesture, and Fabia felt the sudden stifling of the air as a cone of silence engulfed the tent. “Well? What news, my slave?”

  Fabia beamed, still on her knees as she watched the gloriously powerful woman move slowly about her tent. “Mistress. All is as you asked. The fool Androse presses forward into the west without halting. His baggage train grows longer and his troops strained with the monster’s raids. He cannot keep this up for too much longer.”

  “Good,” the sorceress said. She paused by the vanity, eying the potions and make-up which dotted its surface. Fabia flushed. The woman before her didn’t need any such aids. Her beauty was natural, enhanced by her aura of power and her certainty in it. Fabia’s heart throbbed with love for the potent woman before her, as it had that night what seemed a lifetime ago when she had first looked in the mirror and saw the woman before her staring back. That night in the grasp of the potent sorceress had terrified her. Thrilled her. Entranced her. Never had she imagined the power of such a woman. Only the Red Mages had held such an aura, but with the Red Witch there was a fierce, wild beauty that plucked at the concubine’s very soul.

  The Red Witch turned suddenly and settled down at the edge of the cot. She parted her thighs, baring her puffy cunt, framed by a wild tangle of red hair. “Come, slave. You deserve a reward.”

  Eagerly Fabia scrambled across the floor and between her mistress’s thighs. She inhaled the other woman’s pungent scent, her lashes fluttering like the addict given their fix. Adoringly her tongue slipped from between her ruby lips and ran up along the other woman’s cunt, the taste of the sorceress tingling up Fabia’s tongue delightfully.

  “What else has happened?” the Red Witch asked indifferently as Fabia worshipped at the altar of her quim.

  “Mmm. The generals… mmm… grow tired of Androse’s orders. They… grow bold… in their protests…” Fabia moaned between her lapping at the other woman’s quim.

  “Hmm. Good,” the Red Witch hummed, leaning back as she enjoyed Fabia’s ministrations. Fabia wondered if she might be rewarded by her mistress tonight? But then she flushed, feeling the sudden filth of Androse’s cum within her. No. She wasn’t worthy to even feel the Red Witch’s fingers on her slit. She’d have to remember to clean herself out when she returned to the tent, in case her mistress visited.

  Fabia hesitated with the other news. The sorceress sensed it, glancing down. “You’re holding back, slave.”

  Fabia bowed her head. “Forgive me mistress. But I don’t…”

  The Red Witch gestured. Fabia squealed as something cracked across her tender bottom. “Speak up!”

  “Ooooh! Mistress, the emperor’s reinforcements are approaching faster than expected. They will rejoin the main army within the week.”

  The Red Witch’s lip lifted in annoyance. “Annoying,” she muttered, then smiled a little more. “But perhaps fortunate. Should they rejoin, the entire force of Istanov will be in one place…” Her eyes sharpened, looking once more down on Fabia. “Why did you think to keep this from me?”

  “F-forgive me, mistress,” Fabia cried, hugging the Red Witch’s thigh, looking up imploringly at the red head’s unforgiving gaze. “I did not mean to. I only wished to please you…”

  “You please me by serving me,” the Red Witch said sharply. She gestured again, and another crack of pain lanced across Fabia’s soft bottom.

  “Ahhh! Forgive me mistress!” Fabia moaned helplessly.

  The Red Witch scoffed. “Idiot. You’ll need to be reminded your place, I think. Now get back to it. It’s time for your punishment.”

  The sorceress pushed Fabia’s head back into her cunt. Fabia shivered with fear, but her pussy was already moistening, her stinging ass tingling with the sweet pain of her mistress’s displeasure. She snuck a hand between her legs, stroking her pussy as she kissed and licked out the Red Witch’s slit.

  “Mmm!” Fabia gasped as another blow struck itself across her bottom. But the pain had changed. It accented the pleasure of serving the domineering red head looming over her. Fabia’s breathing began to deepen, her eyes lidding with the strange pleasure of pain as the blows cracked across her shapely bottom, every impact lancing through her, reverberating in her tender core.

  “Mmnnn. Mmmmm! Mmm!” Fabia whimpered as her ass tingled with the blows, her finger delving deeper into her cunt, stirring Androse’s cum with her own juices. She began to rock, pushing out her ass to receive the blows, jolting forward as they struck her tender bottom.

  Oh but it felt so good!

  And it felt even better when she heard the heavy moan above her. She snuck a glance and saw the Red Witch’s blissful expression as Fabia eagerly serviced her pussy. The sight of her mistress enjoying her pleasuring spurred Fabia on. She delved more eagerly into the other woman’s cunt, her tongue teasing the pearl of the sorceress’s clit.

  “Yessss,” the redhead moaned above her. “That’s it. Right there my pretty slave. Mnnn! Serve your mistress.”

  Fabia moaned, strumming her own cl
it with breathless anticipation for her mistress’s height, forcing herself to slow down so she wouldn’t cum before the glorious woman towering above her. She panted, heart throbbing in delighted submission, her head spinning with the ecstasy of what she was doing.

  “Yes. Yes! Ah. Mnnnnn!”

  The Red Witch screamed with ecstasy as she came. Fabia moaned, tonguing her mistress’s sweet juices, her fingers driving into her own cunt as she came to her own shuddering climax.

  Fabia’s thighs quivered, her mingled juices and Androse’s cum splattering onto the carpet of her tent. With a final great sigh the Red Witch pushed Fabia away. “That’s enough, slave.”

  Fabia crawled back on hands and knees, looking adoringly up at her mistress. “Are you pleased with me, mistress?”

  The Red Witch inspected her nails. “I suppose you’ve done well enough.” She rose lazily.

  Fabia instantly scrambled to her feet. “You’re leaving, mistress?”

  “I can’t stay, can I?” the Red Witch said as she strode back towards the smoky mirror.

  “But… but I’ll see you again, yes?” Fabia pleaded, pattering after her mistress.

  “I’ll check back in,” the Red Witch said as she slipped a foot through the rippling glass of the mirror.

  “And… and we’ll be together. Won’t we mistress?” Fabia asked eagerly. “When monsters rule this land, we’ll be together. Right?”

  The Red Witch glanced back, an imperious smile on her full lips. She touched Fabia’s chin, tilting back the other woman’s head. “Of course, Fabia. My pretty slave.”

  Fabia shuddered in delight. “Thank you, mistress.”

  “Of course.” The Red Witch leaned in and gave the blonde a deep kiss. Fabia moaned, quivering with delight. “Make sure you do your part.”

  “Oh yes, mistress,” Fabia sighed, beaming at the red head. “I’ll make sure your plan succeeds.”

  “Good girl,” the Red Witch said. Her finger stroked Fabia’s chin as her hand withdrew, the Red Witch slipping through the glass and vanishing among the swirling mists. After a moment the glass resolved, and once more only Fabia’s flushed, naked reflection stared back.

  Fabia smiled blissfully with delight. Oh how grand it would be. She knew too well Androse’s weaknesses. Knew that he would never be able to stand against the western tide of the monster’s advance. Inevitably, Istanov would fall. And when it did, she had no intention to be shackled to a falling emperor. No. She would be at the side of new greatness. Beside the Red Witch. Her lover. Her darling.

  Fabia squealed, hugging herself in delight as she spun about the room, at last falling into bed. She gathered up the sheets, inhaling the lingering scent of her mistress. And all it would take was betraying the empire and humanity.

  Small price to pay, she thought, gathering the blankets to her face, falling asleep wreathed in the perfume of her mistress’s pleasure.

  A Dire Report

  “It appears the monsters are massing beyond Grinder’s Pass.”

  “Is that so?” Androse mused.

  The scout nodded, trying not to stare. Hard to do, and Fabia wasn’t doing him any favours. The poor man likely hadn’t expected to be called in while she was with his emperor, but so it went. To the man’s credit, he was doing well, particularly with how blatant the concubine was being. She was dressed in nothing but gold paint, her luxurious curves shining in the glow of the candles. Draped in Androse’s lap, she was lazily feeding peeled grapes into his mouth.

  Androse was in a similar state of undress. Nothing but a royal robe hid him from the eye, and only Fabia’s lovely curves prevented the scout from seeing Androse’s cock. Androse was smirking, watching the scout’s desperate efforts not to stare at his master.

  “I-indeed, sire. But, ah, Gedravor thinks there ah… may be more to it. Though many monsters have been seen moving north towards the pass, it seems to him that… that not as many are as should be. He advocates caution…”

  “Then he should do it himself,” Androse said, idly giving Fabia’s breast a squeeze, smirking down at the unfortunate scout. “Instead of sending his underlings to berate his emperor.”

  The scout flushed. “Sir Gedravor is busy my liege…”

  “Are you being smart with me, soldier?”

  The scout paled. He shook his head frantically. “N-no my lord. Of course not.”

  “Then you are a fool? Is that so?”

  The scout opened his mouth. Closed it. “I… I don’t know, sire,” he said.

  “Well you are either a fool or are being smart with me. And if you are neither, than it is up to me to decide, isn’t it?”

  The scout flushed, for even before his emperor a man can know the anger of shame. “Yes… sire…”

  Androse hummed as Fabia plopped another grape into his mouth. “Hm. An interesting question. Fabia, my darling? What do you think?”

  “Oh he must be a fool,” Fabia cooed as she ground her ass onto Androse’s cock with a giggle of delight. “After all, he came into your tent right when you were in the middle of a… very important meeting,” she purred, kissing his cheek, her lips wandering higher and sucking on his earlobe.

  Androse growled, his cock hardening against her golden ass. He shifted. “Hm. I must agree. Soldier? You are a fool. Report to the captain of my guard for twenty lashes. Perhaps that will beat some sense into you.”

  The scout bowed his head, shaking with anger. “Yes. My Emperor.”

  “But you did deliver this report. And well. So before you go,” Androse added, his eyes sparking with amusement. “A reward. Fabia? This man may kiss your ass.”

  Fabia rolled her eyes at Androse’s pettiness, but had to admit a tingle of amusement. “As you command, my emperor,” Fabia purred. She slid from his lap and turned about. Pushing out her ass, she bent over his lap and began to stroke Androse’s cock, smiling teasingly up at him as she gave her gold painted rear an enticing shake.

  She could fairly feel the anger roll off the unfortunate soldier as he stiffly approached. Her eyes twinkled, opening her mouth and taking Androse’s cock between her soft lips, sucking him off slowly as the soldier leaned in and gave her firm bottom a stiff kiss. She hummed in unfeigned pleasure, for there was something so deeply tantalizing about another’s humiliation to her.

  Androse laughed richly. “Well done, soldier. Now, thank my lovely concubine for her gift.”

  “My thanks,” the man wrenched out.

  Androse sighed, easing back in his throne as Fabia continued to suck his cock. “You are dismissed,” he told the soldier with a disdainful flick of his hand. “Report for your whipping.”

  The scout departed, the flap of the tent snapping with his angry thrust. Androse laughed again, his cock throbbing between Fabia’s lips. “Idiot,” he grunted, pressing her head further down onto his shaft. “Mmm. Keep sucking my dear. Fuck! Perhaps I should have had you suck his cock. Eh?”

  “Mmmm,” was Fabia’s only reply as she bobbed faster atop his meaty cock, hollowing her cheeks as she felt the now too twitch of his approaching climax.

  “Oh no. He doesn’t deserve this mouth. This is… the mouth… worthy of an emperor’s… co-ooock!” Androse roared, his seed bursting into her mouth. Fabia swallowed it all, her throat working as she sucked down his foul seed. She pulled free with a gasp, her eyes glowing with amusement. “Oh no, my Emperor,” Fabia breathed, fluttering her dark lashes. “He was so grateful for a chance to kiss my lovely bottom. Gods know he’s stared at me often enough. Why, he’ll likely take his lashes, then go to his tent to jerk his little prick in delight of the experience.”

  Androse laughed. “Too true, whore,” he said.

  Fabia’s smile twitched, just barely. How she hated that word. Well, it was of no consequence. She may seem a whore to Androse, but to her true love, she knew she was far more. The thought of the Red Witch filled Fabia with the warmth she knew she’d need to please Androse before the night was through.

  “Still,” Andros
e mused. “Strange report he gave. Those monsters fleeing towards the pass like that…”

  “Fleeing from you,” Fabia was quick to say, crawling atop his lap. She placed her hands on his shoulders, lowering herself so her hot gash settled atop his lap, rubbing against his now flaccid cock. “Oh how they fear you, my Emperor,” Fabia breathed, moving her hips, rubbing her slit against his quickly hardening cock. “They may have rampaged across these country bumpkins, but never against a true warrior. Never a champion of the Tournament of Roses!”

  Androse grinned, losing himself again in that memory of his youth. “Yes,” he breathed, his elaborate necklace chiming as he began to move his hips, the slopes of his belly shuddering. “Yes. We’ll crush them Fabia. Gods! It will be glorious!”

  “Oh my Emperor,” Fabia breathed, eager to turn his attention from the reports and any thoughts of the front. She arched her chest, pressing forward her breasts, the paint shining like molten gold in the fluttering light of the candles. “Your triumph will be celebrated across the empire!”

  Androse laughed harshly. He grasped her hips, suddenly tilting her forward. “Maybe I’ll even let you ride with me when I hold my triumph in the city,” he said before taking one of her hard, pink nipples between his rough lips.

  “Ooooh my Emperor!” Fabia moaned in delight as she rubbed herself against him eagerly, imagining the true triumph. Herself, kneeling at the feet of the Red Witch while Androse cowered in a cage. “It shall be glorious!”

  “Oh, you like that?” he breathed.

  “Oh yes, my Emperor. Oh yes!” Fabia panted. “Take me my Emperor. Take your eager slut!”

  “That’s more like it!” Androse laughed. He suddenly rose, pushing Fabia off him. The buxom blonde squealed in surprise as her back landed on the table. Androse loomed over her, grinning, the Heart of the Empire flashing like crystallized fire as he aligned his cock with her slick quim. “Let’s hear you scream!”

  “Ohhhh my Emperor!” Fabia cried as he pushed forward, thrusting his cock into her. “Yesss! Fuck me!”


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