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The Pillaging of an Empire

Page 51

by Amanda Clover

  And they passed Tina. Doria’s heart clenched at the sight of her friend on all fours, the shaggy thing that had pursued them thrusting into her unresisting cunny. The tears of fear and pain were gone from Tina’s face, though their evidence still streaked her cheeks. Instead her lips were parted, breasts swinging as she was ruthlessly fucked by the beast above her, the slap of its hips on her ass shuddering through the shapely young woman.

  “Yes! Yes!” Tina moaned. “Master! Fuck me! Oh yessss! Breed me! Breed meeeeee!”

  Doria shuddered, turning away from the sight. But as she did she caught the eye of the thing as it mated her friend. And what she saw in those glowing eyes sent a shudder of fear racing through her.

  Sensing it, the minotaur who carried her looked at the creature mating her friend. He snorted, his arms tightening around Doria, pulling her closer against him. The shaggy thing couldn’t meet the minotaur’s eyes for long, and turned back to Tina. It grabbed the girl’s hair, making her scream in pain, then pleasure as he ruthlessly rammed his cock deep inside of her. Tina screamed in ecstasy, the eye tattooed on her mons flaring bright crimson as she came in a shuddering climax.

  The minotaur snorted and moved on, carrying her beyond the village’s borders and the horrors within. Just beyond the buildings he set her down on her rump. Doria scuttled back on the grass, looking up in terror at the immense minotaur. The beast-man grunted and touched his chest.

  “I. Jax,” the monster rumbled. He pressed his blunt finger to her chest. “You?”

  “D-Doria,” she gasped.

  “Doria,” the minotaur rumbled, saying her name as if tasting it. He nodded slowly. “You safe. I keep Doria. You mine.”

  Doria felt the shaking of fear creep in once more. She fought to steady her breathing. So. This was it, then. She was this monster’s.

  At least, for now.

  As the immediacy of her fear was put behind her, she realized that she was lucky. Incredibly so. The monster didn’t seem intent to take her. Claim her like those within the village had done the other women in their grasp, turning them into nothing more than panting, rutting broodmothers who’s only concern was again the taste of their new master’s cock. She’d been spared that fate, though for how long she didn’t know. Only that the minotaur had claimed her as his, if not by whatever foul sorcery the Duke of Ashes had inflicted on her home country.

  She looked up again in the brutish face of the monster. He nodded down, and she followed the motion, her breath catching at the sight of his massive cock.

  “You want… pleasure?” the beast said after a moment.

  For a split-second Doria froze in fear. But when the minotaur did nothing to force his interest she realized she wasn’t about to be raped. But she had no true illusions about it. She had been saved, yes. But he was still a monster. He had still claimed her for his own pleasure. He might not be forcing her, but the crimson glow of her burning village still lit the scene she found herself in. The screams and moans of the women of town still carried on the wind in a chorus of agonizing pleasure. Her fate was entirely in the monster’s hands.

  She couldn’t let him take her. She mustn’t let him lose patience with her and think it would be easier to simply fuck her cunt, fill her womb with his seed and her mind with adoration for him.

  “Yes,” she said, her voice shaking. “Yes. I will… I will pleasure you.”

  The minotaur grunted, nodding his great horned head. He settled before her on the ground, his thick, flaring cock rising semi-hard from between his large legs.

  Taking a steadying breath Doria crawled towards the creature who was her master. The grass tickled her skin and the heat of the fires flickered from over the broad shoulders of the monster. His dark eyes shone in the moonlight intently as she moved between his legs, the heat of his body, of his cock, drawing her closer to his bulk. His smell hit her. A heavy, thick musk of the beast, mingling with the acrid stench of smoke and the cloying one of blood. She realized he’d likely killed in her village. He might show her mercy, but she doubted he’d done the same to any men he’d come across.

  Her hands teased forward and grasped his thick, pulsating shaft. The minotaur snorted and she froze, but when the sound didn’t repeat she shyly ran her fingers up his cock. He was huge. So big she couldn’t even fit her hand around him. Her fingers slid up and down his girthy fuck-pole, stroking him carefully, feeling his veins throb beneath her fingers, his pre slicking her hands as she began to pump his fat cock.

  She was not… entirely ignorant of such things. She’d had the odd roll in the hay with the village boy. But this was less like those giggling romps. It felt more like she were pleasuring one of the bulls from the fields. A mass of pure muscle and unrepentant dangerous mass. A beast docile for now, but able to switch its attitude in an instant and crush her with ease.

  And yet, she would be lying if she said she didn’t find something about that… strangely fascinating. Thrilling to some dark, private part of her trembling soul. How her heart beat faster as she felt his veiny cock swell in her hands, engorging to its full, quivering length. How her body warmed despite the chill air as his breathing deepened, the golden ring which pierced his nose jangling, her tangled hair stirring in his hot breath as she stroked him towards the inevitability of his climax.

  “Yes,” she murmured softly, so softly, so shyly. “Am I pleasuring you, m-master?” she said. “Are you… does this please you?”

  “Jax,” the minotaur rumbled.

  Doria flushed. “J-Jax.”

  The minotaur grunted and nodded his horned head. “Yes. Hand good. Stroke cock. Use tits.”

  She dared not disobey. The suffering of her people was still too fresh in her mind. She removed her hands, leaning forward more. She gingerly undid the top of her tattered gown, tugging it down to reveal the creamy orbs of her luscious breasts. Her nipples were stiff and throbbing in the cold air as she pressed her plush breasts around his thick shaft. So close now she couldn’t help but inhale his thick musk with every breath. His pre soon soaked her teats where she rubbed them against his cock, the stiffness of it, the heat sending her heart racing.

  “You… you have a big cock,” she gasped. “So m-mighty.”

  “Hrrrr,” Jax grunted in pleasure.

  “So big and thick. So strong,” she gasped as she slowly began to increase her pace, stroking his fat cock between her tits faster. Faster. She molded her breasts against his shaft, rubbing them against him, rolling his iron hard cock between the softness of her mounds. Every movement forward brought her lips within an inch of that flared tip of his cock. Every gasp inhaled another wave of his pungent musk and sent her mind awhirl. Oh gods. Oh gods was this really happening? Was this real?

  Jax grunted, his hips making soft movements, shoving his cock more eagerly between her tits. His groan grew deeper. Heavier. Suddenly, with a bellow that seemed to shake the forest, he came.

  Stunned by the sudden sound, Doria could do nothing more than kneel there, feeling his thick load swell in his cock, rush to the tip. His virile seed exploded from his cock, pumping into her face and onto her chest. Doria squealed in surprise, bolting back as what felt like liters of thick, monster cum basted her face and her teats in their musky essence.

  She fell back onto her plump bottom, gasping. She looked up at the minotaur to find him watching her, his dark eyes gleaming with amusement and satisfaction.

  Again she felt that oppressiveness of his strength over her. His power. She had to please him. Had to keep him happy, and above all, had to keep herself from being taken, and made his thrall. So long as he did not claim her pussy, she still had a chance to escape.

  She gathered up some of his thick cum and lifted it to her face. Her stomach rolled as she tilted back her head, drinking up his foul cum. The thick, musky taste burning on her tongue as his seed slid down her throat. She did it again, again, swallowing as much of his cum as she could.

  Panting, she let her arms fall weakly to her sides, gazing
up at the immensity of the minotaur. “Th-thank you, Jax,” she gasped, her tongue thick with his taste.

  Jax grunted, but approval shone in those dark eyes. Doria’s heart soared with hope, but quailed a moment later as the massive male rose to his feet and approached her. She scuttled back, eyes widening, but the minotaur easily reached out and took her arm. He kneeled down again, pulling her with ease to him, enfolding her in his huge arms, her back to his chest. Her heart hammered. Her ears roared with her pulse as she felt herself be nestled against the minotaur’s bulk, his immense cock pressing against her plush bottom. Oh gods. Oh gods he was still so hard!

  Then he lay them down, cuddling her against his furry chest. “Rest,” he rumbled, his breath again stirring her hair. “We rest now. Move tomorrow. Sleep.”

  Doria could only nod. The minotaur shifted, getting comfortable, holding her against him. Lazily his hands engulfed her ripe breasts, gently massaging her mounds despite his massive strength.

  Yet soon, even that passed, the immense minotaur falling asleep. Only then did Doria’s heart begin to ease. She was safe. He wasn’t going to fuck her. Not yet. Not yet.

  Jax’s body was warm, his wiry fur strangely comfortable against her bare back. Yet sleep did not come that night. For she faced her village, and all through the twilight hours the fires burned, and the cries of women and howls of monsters filled the dark with their song.

  The Road

  Kindness was a strange thing to experience at the hands of a monster. But when she saw what had become of the others of her village, Doria knew she had been granted some.

  Morning dawned with the taste of ash and cum on her tongue. She was still held in the minotaur’s arms, but as she stirred he woke and released her.

  “We go,” he said, rising.

  Doria dared not argue.

  They joined the rest of the monstrous band at the outskirts of the village. Doria followed at the minotaur’s heels, using his bulk to hide herself from the other monsters. As they walked among the rapacious band a great cheer went up from the unholy creatures. Jax raised his immense arms, snorting heavily and turning about to bask in the delights of the other monsters. It appeared her new owner was the leader of this group, a fact that sent Doria’s already conflicted feelings whirling anew.

  She put them aside quite easily as the human women trooped out of the village gate, bound to each other by a long chain threaded through steel collars.

  Doria stared, aghast at the scene before her. What clothes remained were little more than tattered rags. Breasts, ass and pussies were bared, all covered in the filth of the street where the women were taken, marked with scratches and the roughness of cruel hands. And above every mons there burned the symbol of a bloodshot eye, pulsing with power.

  Yet despite the horrors done to them, the women seemed almost delighted. They giggled and swooned, and though Doria could detect no falseness in their gaiety, it wasn’t really real either. It reminded her of the drunken laughter of the patrons when they had too much wine. It was a crude, almost pathetic laughter as the women were tugged along by the chain.

  Doria yelped as the minotaur gave her rump a squeeze. Her attention snapped back to the present as Jax pushed her forward and into the line of women. She dug her heels into the ground, eyes widening in horror as she saw an empty iron collar waiting for her.

  “N-no! Please don’t. I don’t… I…”

  Jax paid her protests little heed. He easily held her into the line, taking the collar and placing it around her neck. She shuddered as he simply bent the steel into place around her throat with a great heave and groan of steel. “Doria. Follow,” Jax said. His hand lingered on her shoulder for a moment, then he pulled it away, turning about and joining the other monsters.

  Doria stood there, stunned. But then the chain about her neck tugged, and she was marching behind the other women, flanked by several monsters that followed at a pace beside them.

  She supposed she should cry, but Doria couldn’t find it in her to do so. It was all simply too much. The tears wouldn’t come. They’d dried in the fire of her home and her life.

  All that remained to her now was escape. Escape, and freedom from the fate that awaited her. A fate she was now chained too. If ever she needed a reminder of the horror that awaited her, she needed only look forward or back to the endless line of women, bound by sex and sorcery to the monsters who herded them away from the ashes of the village, and deeper into the wilds of the forest.

  The woods crowded around them. The monsters in the lead broke the trail, allowing those behind to walk more easily. For a given value of easy. They had been marching for a good hour before Doria became aware of a pair of eyes burning into her back. She peeked back over her shoulder and her heart lodged in her throat at the sight of the shaggy monster who had taken Tina, his glowing eyes staring at her, his almost bestial muzzle splitting in a feral grin. She shuddered and hastily turned away, rubbing her bare arms, swallowing her choking fear.

  She yelped as a hard smack reverberated from her bottom. She jumped, head whipping about, chafing with the collar. An orc towered beside her. The brutal green skin grinned down at her, his ragtag armor barely covering his muscular green hide.

  “Good slut,” the orc grinned. “You want me fuck!”

  Her eyes snapped down as groped his loincloth, and the bulging cock it barely served to hide. His sweaty musk wafted to her and she shuddered in horror at the creature. The orc grinned wider and stepped nearer. He grasped her bottom and squeezed.


  The orc jumped back, startled. He whirled about and took a sudden step back. Jax loomed over the orc, towering over even the impressive physique of the green skin. The line had halted, monsters watching with interest, slaves staring vaguely.

  “She mine,” Jax snorted, the golden ring in his nose jangling. He thumped a heavy fist against his chest. “Mine.”

  Arrok blinked and nodded. “Hmm. Arrok not know. I not mean…”

  “Leave alone.”

  Arrok nodded and hastily beat a retreat, sulky like a child caught with his hand in a cookie jar. As he passed a giggling gertling he smacked the creature into a group of its stunted brethren, sending the lot of them squealing and scampering away.

  Doria shuddered. She stole a glance at the minotaur. “Th-thank you…”

  Jax glanced down at her. He grunted, his huge hand engulfing her view. Doria flinched and squeezed her eyes shut, but the blow never came. Instead, an almost tender touch of her hair was all she felt. She peeked up and saw the minotaur stroke her hair comfortingly. Then, Jax turned sharply away and shouldered back into the line. He bellowed something in a bestial language and the line of slaves and monsters were jolted into motion once more. As they marched Doria stole a glance back, but the shaggy thing that had claimed Tina was nowhere to be seen, lost among the shadows of the thick pines and brush. But she still felt the heat of its eyes on her. Watching her as she was marched deeper into the forest.


  They marched for hours after until at last Jax bellowed something from the head of the line. The monsters halted, the chain which bound the women jangling as they staggered to a stop. Several orcs went down the line, unlocking the collars from the slave women. Doria panted where she stood, but forced herself to stand straight as Jax pushed his way out of the forest and before her. The towering minotaur took her in and reached out. She didn’t flinch this time as his heavy hands grasped her collar, bending the thick steel like it were made of taffy. “Come,” he said.

  “Yes,” Doria said quietly. She stepped after him, walking past a number of other monsters who had taken advantage of the break, and their new slaves. A number of the creatures already bent their women over, rutting in their sopping cunts, or lying back beneath a tree while a village girl knelt between their legs, lovingly running her tongue up and down their inhuman cocks, moaning with servile delight. As she passed she got another look at the shaggy creature, the monster standing upright
, Tina on her knees and moaning as she serviced his canine cock. The creature’s glowing eyes followed her as she hurried after Jax and among the trees.

  So. This was it. She shivered as she recognized why she was being taken away. Somewhere private so she could be mated by the minotaur. Enslaved to his will and his flared cock. Her eyes snapped about, frantically searching for some kind of escape, but her exhausting made her legs wobble, and just a glance at the dense forest surrounding her made her soul quail with the prospect of trying to run.

  Her head slumped, defeat in her shoulders. It was only as she resigned herself to her fate that she heard the sound of splashing water. She lifted her eyes and gaped at a sudden clearing, surrounding a glittering spring. Fresh water fell in a gentle rush into a deep pond of water.

  “Bathe,” Jax said heavily. “You want… bath?” he said.

  Doria looked up into the heavy face of the minotaur. She smiled weakly. “Y-yes. I would…”

  The minotaur nodded again at the water. Then, with a heavy grunt, he sat down. For a moment Doria hesitated, but the sight of that fresh water drew her like a magnet. Feverishly she shed her clothes, uncaring of the minotaur’s eyes on her plump, nude curves. She waded into the water, gasping at the cool, refreshing touch as the dirt and ash and dried cum of the previous day sloughed off her. She ducked, diving under the surface, her hair fanning out in the water. She ran her fingers through her locks, dispersing the filth that had matted them. She sighed with delight, relishing the cleansing of the waters.

  She surfaced with a grasp, pushing back her damp hair, her breasts tingling from the cold water and nipples hard as gems. But even then she couldn’t totally ignore the minotaur sitting at the edge of the pond. Nor how heated his stare had become, watching raptly as her pale, naked curves glistened in the light.


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