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Off Duty (Shots On Goal Standalone Book 6)

Page 7

by Kristen Hope Mazzola

  “I shook my head. I don’t think I even want to get married,” I admitted.

  “Not event to the right person?” she teased, looking into the living room where Gavin, Brayden, and Sean were sitting around the TV, watching the news, beers in hand.

  “I know I do not want a wedding. If Sean is able to convince me to marry his ass, it’ll be on my terms, and no one will know about it.”

  “Fair enough.” She popped out her bottom lip, pretending to pout.

  I couldn’t believe Myla was giving in that easily, though. Usually she would throw a fit, saying she would have to be in the loop and demanding that I swear to it.

  I watched as she lovingly looked down at Lilly cradled in her arms. “You’re going to make a wonderful mother, My.”

  She looked up at me. “And you’re going to be the best auntie in the world to our little ones. To be honest, I think it’s refreshing that you’re so honest about what you want and what you see in your future. More people should be like that.”

  “What future?” Sean asked as he grabbed a few more beers out of the fridge.

  Wrapping my arms around his wide waist, I looked up into his glass blue eyes. “I just told Myla that I will never marry you or have kids with you.” I stuck my tongue out as he laughed a little.

  Kissing my forehead, he shrugged. “Jess, you’ve been my partner for a year—don’t you think I know what your views on kids and marriage are? Still here, aren’t I?”

  “Aw!” Myla exclaimed as I pecked Sean’s lips quickly.

  Lying in Sean’s arms on the couch with everyone else asleep was kind of perfect. Even though our relationship was new, it really wasn’t—it was just evolving.

  “So, should we exchange gifts now?” he asked, reaching over the arm of the couch for a gift bag that was on the floor next to him.

  I jumped up, clapping. “Yes! Let’s do it!”

  I dove under the lit tree, pine needles falling all around me as I searched for the box I had wrapped for Sean. Finally finding it, I clambered back onto the couch, sitting cross-legged facing him. He brushed a few pine needles off my shoulder with his thumb as he pulled me in for a long, slow kiss.

  I threw the small box into his lap. “Open mine first.”

  He grabbed it, shaking it lightly next to his ear. “What could it be?” he teased. “It is keys to a jet? Oh babe, you shouldn’t have. That’s just too much.”

  “Open it, you goofball!” I pushed his knee as he leaned over and kissed my cheek.

  “Thank you,” he said as he tore into the silver paper.

  “You haven’t even seen what it is yet.”

  “I don’t care, I’m just thankful that you got me something.”

  He opened the white box to a hand-stamped copper plate bracelet with coordinates on it. “What location is this?” he asked, eyeing the piece as an excited smile played on his lips.

  “Times Square.” I blushed as I identified the spot.

  “I love it, thank you again.” Kissing the tip of my nose, he put the gift bag in my lap.

  A ridiculous, wide-eyed Santa winked at me while he held his naughty list in one hand as I pulled the green tissue paper out, revealing a framed constellation. I read the date on it, unable to place it in my mind.

  Sean tapped on the glass right over the date. “That’s the day I knew I loved you. It was just about two months after you became my partner, and we had gotten street dogs right after responding to a carjacking. You licked mustard off of my cheek because we didn’t have napkins, and that was the night I knew you and I were meant to be together.”

  I blinked a few times while taking in the thoughtful gift. I remembered that night well. The carjacking had kind of rattled me and Sean took me to get food as a distraction after the situation was handled. He had always taken such amazing car of me in those types of situations.

  “I have no words for how perfect this is.” I wrapped my arms around his neck, scooting into Sean’s lap.

  “It’s nothing compared to how perfect you are, Jess.”

  Chapter 16


  Christmas dinner was upon us, and everyone was in the dining room and kitchen finishing up the last of the holiday meal prep like it was any other holiday.

  We were acting normal, but I was still completely on edge about the whole stalker thing. It was weird that Gavin and Myla hadn’t gotten any more notes or anything. Chad had been going to check on their condo daily, getting their mail and talking to the doormen—nothing. I really couldn’t put my finger on it, but something was off about the situation.

  “What’s up, Sean?” Gavin asked with a knowing look on his face.

  I shook my head. “I’m just still in cop mode. You guys are under my protection, you do know that, right?”

  He tried to hand me a beer, but I refused it. He shrugged, opening it for himself instead. “Do you think it was just a one-time thing?” Gavin asked as he set out the stuffing and gravy on the decorated table.

  Griffin was busy carving the turkey, and the girls finished the last-minute sides then set the table. “Dude, when that psycho was stalking me, she waited weeks in between contact. Turned out she had rented an apartment in the building across from mine with a direct view into my bathroom. Fucking crazy as hell.”

  Myla threw a dishtowel at her brother-in-law. “Not helping,” she shouted as she made her and Jess Tito’s and cranberry with lime.

  Griffin threw his hands in the air. “I was just telling you guys to not let your guard down. You’ll end up with a paper bag full of hair and toenail clippings left at your doorstep.”

  “Did they ever catch her?” Jess asked before taking a sip of her pink drink.

  “Yeah, she’s actually locked away. I wasn’t the only person she had stalked, and apparently, she had gotten violent with someone at one point. I kind of feel bad for her.”

  “Hopefully she’s getting the help she needs,” Jess remarked as she put the cherry and apple pies into the oven to warm up. One of my favorite things about her was that she was a master baker. My waistline hated it, but it was just too good to ever pass up.

  Crosby leaned on the counter across the kitchen. “Man, I just don’t get women sometimes. Like, all of you are so normal”—he motioned to the girls before continuing—“and then you get crazy bitches like my ex or this woman leaving threatening messages. It just blows my mind.”

  “Fuck if any of us have the answer. No offense, Gavin, but I would not kill someone to be with you. If you left me to be with another woman, you and her could go fuck yourselves and I’d just rake in my alimony while sunbathing on a beach somewhere with a sexy scuba instructor.” Myla nudged her husband with her elbow as she leaned up on her tiptoes for a kiss.

  “Now that right there is true love.” Gavin smiled down at his wife.

  Karla waved her hands in the air. “The baby is only going to sleep and leave us in peace to eat for so long. Enough talk about crazy psycho chicks—let’s dig in.”

  Right as we were settling into our seats and dishing our holiday feast out onto our plates, a brick crashed through the front window, rolling all the way to my feet. I kicked at it to make sure it was just a brick—no note or anything more dangerous—as I removed my gun from its holster.

  Seven leapt up, growling and barking at the front door. Jess was on her feet, gun in hand, waiting for my signal.

  I nodded to her and she started to usher Karla and Myla into the den with Lilly. Brayden had his shotgun propped in the crook of his shoulder, covering me as I made my way to the front door.

  “Go stay with the girls, send Jess back out to me. We’ll clear the perimeter.”

  “Got it.” Brayden fell back as the other guys followed him into the den to stay with Myla and Karla. I was thankful none of them felt like they needed to play hero and just let Jess and me do our job.

  “Backup is on the way. I just got off the phone with the captain,” Jess whispered as I opened the front door.

“Are you good?” I asked as she came up behind me.

  “What do you mean?” She put her hand on my shoulder, letting me know she was right on my flank.

  “How much did you drink?”

  “Not even a full drink,” she answered.

  “If there is a shot to be taken, let me take it.”

  She didn’t protest. She knew if there were an investigation, because I hadn’t even touched a drop of booze, it would be best that it was me with gunshot residue on my hands.

  The street was dark and quiet. I looked up to see that the street light had been busted out.

  I glanced over my shoulder at Jess. “I have a very bad feeling about this.” The hair on the back of my neck stood on end and we made our way around the side of the house. Seven was trotting next to us, her shoulders hunched like she was ready to pounce at any moment. I had never taken her for being such a protective dog, but I supposed instincts had taken over.

  Rustling came from the bushes. I whipped around as a woman burst out, grabbing Jess from behind. My gun was trained on her head as I started to try to think of the best way to play this. It took a few seconds for me to recognize her, but in her ravenous, blonde fury, I saw it was Marsheila who had Jess in a headlock with a Glock pressed against her temple.

  “Now, Marsheila, you do not want to do anything stupid,” I said in a calm voice. “Jess here did nothing to you. She didn’t even know any of us until the year after you and Gavin were done. Put the gun down. We can talk this out.”

  “You put your gun down or you pretty girlfriend gets to meet her maker.”

  “Take the shot,” Jess mouthed to me over and over, but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. Off in the distance, sirens started to blare.

  “Marsheila, those cops are not going to be as forgiving as we are. If you let Jess go now, there is still hope for you to walk away from all this.” My entire body was shaking. I was watching a madwoman threaten the only woman I had ever truly loved.

  “Stop lying to me, Whistler. You always hated me. You made sure all of them knew how much you wanted Gavin to leave me, how happy you were when I left him. He was mine first. He should be with me,” she screamed at the top of her lungs.

  Jess’s eyes were locked on mine as she continued to silently plead with me to take the shot.




  I exhaled and then did as Jess asked, pulling the trigger. I should have missed. I was way too damn nervous, but by some miracle, I got Marsheila right in the forehead. Blood and brain matter peppered the side of Jess’s face as she screamed.

  I ran to her, scooping her into my arms as our captain and Tomlinson rushed up the front lawn with a few other officers in tow. Captain MacDonnell called for a bus as I sank to the ground, rocking Jess in my arms.

  Chapter 17


  When I asked Sean to take the shot, I truly had no idea what I was in for. The sheer terror of that experience was something I would never forget. It was a Christmas for the record books, if nothing else.

  After I took a shower, we all sat in Brayden and Karla’s living room with Captain MacDonnell. He got our statements as the coroner picked up Marsheila’s body.

  “Are you okay, McBee?” my captain asked as I stared down into the cup of tea I was clutching in my hands.

  “Yes, sir. I’m just glad the situation didn’t escalate further and no one else had to be hurt.” It was the right answer, and mostly it was how I felt. I had just never had a gun held to me like that or seen someone die like that before. Even though we were trained for those situations at the academy, nothing compared to actually going through it.

  “Sir.” Sean sat up a little straighter, putting his hand on mine. “There’s something else you need to know.”

  “What is it, Whistler?” Captain MacDonnell started to gather the reports and notes he had sprawled out on the coffee table.

  “Jessica and I are together,” he blurted out.

  My heart started racing as I thought of all the things I was going to yell at him for outing us without even asking me about it or talking to me about it first.

  “It’s about damn time. We’ve had a wager going down at the station for a few months, predicting when you two would finally admit to your feelings for each other. I thought it would happen months ago.”

  “So, does that mean we can remain partners?” I asked, naively wishing for a Christmas miracle.

  He shook his head. “We’ll discuss all that after the new year. Take this time off and get some rest, all of you.” He glanced around the room. “You’ve all just gone through a lot. Lean on each other and remember that there is nothing more important in this world than the people you love.”

  After the captain left, we sat in silence for what felt like forever, until Myla finally broke the stillness.

  “I just wish we could know why she did it, ya know?” She sipped her hot cocoa, sitting in Gavin’s lap.

  He kissed her shoulder. “I guess there are just some questions in life we aren’t supposed to have answered, baby.”

  “Let’s promise to never talk about this night ever again.” Myla looked around the room as we all nodded in agreement.

  “This is a night I sure as shit would love to never bring up again.” I pulled a blanket over my lap as Sean tucked me into his side.

  “Amen to that, sweetheart.” He kissed my cheek before brushing some of my damp hair behind my ear. “I’m just glad no one got hurt.”

  “Tell that to the dead chick outside.” Griffin sat up a little straighter in his chair as he ran a hand over his face. “I knew your ex was crazy, bro, but damn.”

  Gavin shrugged. “I don’t think anyone could have seen something like this coming, especially at this time of year.”

  “Well, let’s not let this holiday go completely to shit.” Karla came in with a tray full of the pies and ice cream, all dished out on plates. Brayden and Crosby helped her pass them around before she took her seat next to me on the couch. “You’re one tough broad, McBee.” She gave me a little wink as she held up her mug of coffee and said, “To McBee and Whistler, two of New York’s finest in blue!”



  A few years later

  “Isn’t it so magical?” I nuzzled more into Sean’s side as he held me close.

  “New York City at the beginning of the holiday season is pretty special.”

  Standing in Rockefeller Center watching the tree being lit for the first time each year was one of my favorite traditions that Sean and I shared. The chilly air, the families gathered together, the lights, the smells, the sounds—it all added up to holiday bliss.

  “Let’s get married,” I blurted out as the tree ignited into its splendid Christmas glory.

  Sean grabbed my shoulders, whipping me around to look him in the eyes. “No.”

  “What?” I pulled away from him.

  He chuckled as I started to throw a mini fit. “No, I will not marry you.”

  “Why?” I stomped my foot, about to freak out on him.

  “Because you’re drunk on the season, swept away by the moment. I am not going to get all the way down to the courthouse for you to freak out and realize it’s not what you really want.” He stood there, waiting for me to reply.

  “I am not just drunk on the magic and shit.” I crossed my arms and puffed out my lower lip.

  “I do not need to marry you for you to be mine forever. That deal was sealed when you crawled into the back of our cop car. I do not need to marry you to love you, to grow old with you, to fight with you in the middle of Rockefeller Center with hundreds of people around. I am not marrying you until you know, and I mean know that you will only be happy with my last name and a piece of paper binding us together.” He dropped to one knee, pulling a small black velvet box out of his pocket.

  “Sean?” I put my hands on his wide shoulders as he looked up at me.

  “I want to be with you, from now
until always. I want everything and anything with only you. I am devoted to you unconditionally. So, I figured we might as well make it mildly official.”

  I tried to pull him to his feet, but he stayed kneeling. Glancing around, I saw people were starting to stare as Sean opened the box to a gorgeous white gold necklace with a diamond heart.

  “I didn’t know what symbol to go with, so Myla helped me pick this out.” He slid the chain around my neck, helping me put it on as I started to cry.

  “I love you, Sean.” I put my hand over the small heart as he continued to look up at me.

  “I am not asking you to marry me. I am not putting a ring on your finger. I do not need any of that, but I do need you to know how serious I am, how devoted I am to this, to us. I love you, Jessica McBee.”

  He clambered to his feet, scooping me up into his arms. He twirled me around as the gaggle of people around us clapped and cheered. They probably all thought we’d just gotten engaged, but to me the moment was even better than an engagement. It was my happily ever after; it was what I truly wanted. Maybe down the road my mind would change and Sean would actually put a ring on my finger, who knew? Right then, all that mattered was that we promised to be together. That was enough, because at the end of the day, a promise is a promise forever.

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