Alexander II
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This Law of Blood in Russia was a hellish circle. No one wanted to break the circle. Lubricated by the blood of the dead, the wheel of Russian history rolled swiftly toward revolution and 1917.
I often wonder, “What if?” What if (which has no place in history, but does in the human heart) they had just once forgiven a repentant killer. What if they had just once followed the parable of the prodigal son, which Dostoevsky had entreated his children to remember.
Who knows, perhaps Russia’s sad history would have been different.
Selected Bibliography
Archival Material
Emperor Alexander II 678 (some material is in the collection 8 of the Winter Palace, created during Alexander II’s lifetime)
Emperor Alexander II 677
Empress Maria Alexandrovna 641
Empress Maria Fedorovna 642
Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolayevich 722
Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich 722
Investigative Commission and Supreme Criminal Court on the case of the attempt on Alexander II of 1866 272
Investigative Commission of 1862 on the case of disseminating revolutionary calls and propaganda (1862–71) 95
“People’s Will” 122
Supreme Administrative Commission on the Preservation of State Order and Public Calm, 1880 94
Police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (1880–1917) Fond 109 (materials on People’s Will, Nechaev, attempt on life of Trepov, and the bomb in the Winter Palace in 1880)
Loris-Melikov, M. T. 569
Secret Archive of the Third Department 109
Staff of the Separate Gendarme Corps 110
Directorate of the Caucasus Gendarme District 1173 (telegrams and circulars about the attempts on the life of Alexander II in St. Petersburg, 1866, and Paris, 1867)
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