Great Britain:
in Crimean War
Polish autonomy supported by
revolutionary thinkers in
Russian Central Asia conquest protested by
on Russo-Turkish conflict
Grech, Nicholas
Gregorian Calendar
Grévy, Jules
Grey, Mabel
Griboyedov, Alexander
Grigorovich, Dmitri
Grimm, Friedrich Melchior von
Grinevitsky, Ignati
Gurko, Josef
Gypsies, The, (Pushkin)
Hassan, Prince
Heine, Heinrich
Herzegovina, in Russo-Turkish war
Herzen, Alexander
background of
on Chaadayev
in exile
journal published by
Nechaev distrusted by
on Nicholas I
serf emancipation sought by
socialist goals of
young radicals’ denigration of
Hesse-Darmstadt, Ludwig, Duke of
Hohenzollern family
Holy Alliance
Hotel Evropa
Hugo, Victor
Hungarian uprising
Idiot, The (Dostoevsky)
Ignatyev, P. N.
Imperial Ballet
Inspector General, The (Gogol)
Ioann Antonovich, Emperor of Russia
Ipatyev Monastery
Isaeyva, Maria
Ishutin, N. A.
Islam, militant
Italy, Carbonari revolutionaries in
Ivan III (the Great), Grand Prince of Russia
Ivan IV (the Terrible) Vasilyevich, Russian ruler
Ivanov, Ivan Ivanovich
Judicial reforms
Kabardia, Russian conflict of
Kalyaev, Ivan
Kamenny Bridge
Karabchevsky, N.P.
Karakozov, Dmitri
Karamzin, Nikolai Mikhailovich
Katkov, M.N.
Kavelin, Konstantin
Kazan Cathedral
Kerensky, Alexander
Kessel, K.I.
khadji Murat (Tolstoy)
khalturin, Stepan
Khiva Khanate, Russian subjugation of
Kibalchich, Nikolai
dynamite bombs constructed by
Kireev, A.A.
Kletochnikov, Nikolai
Klyuchevsky, Vassily
Kokand Khanate
Kokh, K.F.
Kolenkina, Maria
Kolotkevich, N.N.
Komissarov-Kostromsky, Osip
Koni, Anatoly
Konstantin Konstantinovich, Grand Duke
Konstantin Nikolayevich, Grand Duke
on Alexander II’s romances
on Alexander III
childhood of
court resentment of
as father
on heirs to throne
mistress of
Naval Department headed by
on prosecutions of revolutionaries
on Prussian conquest
reforms supported by
as Russian speaker
on security tensions
in serf emancipation process
Shuvalov’s enmity toward
on student unrest
Konstantin Pavlovich, Grand Duke
throne refused by
Korba, Alexandra
Koshelev, Alexander
Kotlyarevsky (Kiev prosecutor)
Kovalsky, Ivan Martynovich
Kozlinina, Elena
Kozlov (acting St. Petersburg governor)
Kozmich, Fedor
Kravchinsky, Sergei (Stepnyak)
background of
in exile
gendarme chief killed by
on Loris-Melikov reforms
militant ideology of
on Perovskaya
on train bombing plot
Kropotkin, Prince (Kharkov governor)
Kropotkin, Pyotr Alekseyevich Prince
Kucharev, Anya
Kunta-Hadji, Kishiev
Kurakin, Prince
Kuzmin, P.A.
Kuznetsov (student revolutionary)
Kuznetsova (ballerina)
kvyatkovsky, Alexander
arrest of
execution of
in regicide plots
Land and Freedom:
creation of
demonstration held by
dismantlement of
establishment of
ideology of
journal of
leaders of
Liberty or Death faction within
narodniki vs. politicals of
prosecution of members of
public officials attacked by
Lanskoy (minister of internal affairs)
Lavrov, Petr
Law Regulations (1864)
Lear, Fanny
Leichtenberg, Maria, Princess of (mother)
Leichtenberg, Masha (daughter)
Leichtenberg, Nicholas, Duke of
Leichtenberg, Yevgeny
Lenin (Vladimir Ulyanov)
Leo XIII, Pope
Lermontov, Mikhail
Letkova-Sultanova, E.P.
Letters on the Contemporary State of Russia (Fadeyev and Vorontsov Dashkov)
“Letters Without and Address” (Chernyshevsky)
Liberty or Death
Liebknecht, karl
Lincoln, Abraham
radical party planned at
spa of
Liszt, Franz
authors’ feuds and
censorship of
of revolutionaries
Litvinov (tutor)
Livadia Palace
London, international radicals in
London, Treaty of (1871)
Loris-Melikov, Mikhail
on Alexander II’s remarriage
anti-terrorism strategies of
assassination attempt on
government reforms developed by
military background of
as minister of internal affairs
moderate policies of
police operations overseen by
press relations eased by
Third Department eliminated by
Louise, Queen
Louis XVI, King of France
Macbeth (Shakespeare)
Maikov, Appolon
Main Engineering School
Maistre, Joseph de
Makovsky, Konstantin
Mandt, Dr.
Marble Palace
Maria Alexandrovna, Empress of Russia
on assassination attempts
background of
at coronation ceremony
court life of
death of
health problems of
marriage of
as mother
personality of
physical appearance of
on reforms
religious practice of
spiritualism of
Maria Alexandrovna, Grand Duchess
Maria Fedorovna, Empress of Russia (wife of Alexander III)
Maria Fedorovna, Empress of Russia (wife of Paul I)
Maria Nikolayevna, Grand Duchess
see Leichtenberg, Maria Princess of
Markevich, Boleslav
Markus, F.F.
Marmont, Auguste-Frédéric-Louis Viesse de
as private property
Marx, karl
Maryinsky Theater
Masson, Charles
Matthew, Gospel According to
Melgunov, Nikolai
Mendeleyev, Dmitri
sp; Menshikov, Aleksander Danilovich Prince
Merder, Karl karlovich
Meshcherskaya, Princess
Meshchersky, Prince
Metternich, Klemens Wenzel Nepomuk Lothar von
Mezentsov, N.
assassination of
Mikhail Alexandrovich, Grand Duke
Mikhail Nikolayevich, Grand Duke “Misha,”
Alexander II’s death and
in Turkish conflict
on Yuryevskaya
Mikhailov, Alexander
arrest of
in party organization
in regicide plots
Mikhailov, Timofei
Mikhailova, Alexandra
Mikhailovsky, Nikolai
Mikhailovsky Castle
Mikhailovsky Manege
Mikhail Pavlovich, Grand Duke
Decembrist uprising and
marriage of
military involvement of
wit of
Milan I, King of Serbia
Military reforms
Mill, John stuart
Miloradovich, Mikhail
Milyutin, Dmitri
on anti-terrorist crackdown
background of
on domestic reforms
on government critics
on Pobedonostsev
on Russo-Turkish conflict
on St. Petersburg fires
on Shuvalov
on student unrest
on terrorist actions
Milyutin, Nikolai
Minikh, Khristofor
Ministry of Internal Affairs
Mirsky, Leon
Mlodetsky, Ippolit
Moltke, Helmuth Karl Bernhard von
Morganatic marriage
Morny, Charles de
Morozov, Nikolai
background of
on fellow activists
as narodnik
prison sentence of
terrorist transformation of
in train bomb plot
motorcycle stunt shows in
revolutionary activism in
suburbs of
as Third Rome
Moscow University
Mrovinsky, General
Muravyev, Mikhail “Hangman,”
Muravyev-Apostol, Sergei Ivanovich
Myshkin, Ippolit
Nadezhdin (journal editor)
Nagibin, Yuri
Napoleon Bonaparte
defeat of
Polish alliance with
Prussia defeated by
on Russian power
on Speransky
on whipping
on women
Napoleon III, Emperor of the French
Alexander II’s rapprochement with
court of
in Crimean War
fall of
terrorist tactics opposed by
in Turkish conflict
Naryshkina, Countess
Natalya B. (lady-in-waiting)
Nechaev, Sergei
background of
Dostoevsky’s fictional portrayal of
former colleague murdered by
ideology of
People’s Will addressed by
prosecution of
revolutionary organization planned
on student radicalization process
Neigardt (Guards chief of staff)
Nekrasov, Nikolai
Nelidova, Varenka
Nesselrode, Karl
Neva River, flood of
Nicholas I, Emperor of Russia
accession of
Alaskan sale negotiations under
autocratic regime of
bureaucratic corruption under
camp bed used by
on Catherine II’s memoirs
Caucasian conflict begun by
childhood of
court elite of
daily schedule of
death of
Decembrist plot against
European control sought by
on family marriages
as father
France disliked by
as grandfather
marriage of
as martinet
military involvements of
mistresses of
monument to
Paul I’s ghost seen by
physical appearance of
Polish uprising suppressed by
political criticism of
on political dissidents
on prosecutions
religious practice of
secret police developed by
on serf emancipation
spirit visitation of
temperament of
work capacity of
Nicholas II, Emperor of Russia
abdication of
assassin’s execution approved by
on autocracy
childhood of
marriage of
murder of
revolution against
Nicholas Alexandrovich, Grand Duke “Niks,”
childhood of
death of
reformist bent of
Nicholas Konstantinovich “Nikola,” Grand Duke
Nikitenko, Alexander
Nikolai Nikolayevich, Grand Duke
Nikolayevsky Palace
Nikolsky, Ksenofont Yakovlevich
Nikonov (assassinated police agent)
Nobel, Alfred
Northern German Union
Notes from the House of the Dead (Dostoevsky)
Novoye Vremya
Oblomov (Goncharov)
Obrenovic, Milan
October Revolution (1917)
Ogarev, Nicholas
Oginski, Olga
Old-Style Julian Calendar, vii
Olga, Grand Duchess
Olga, Queen of Württemberg
Order of St. Andrew
Orlov, Alexei Fyodorovich, Prince
Orlov, Alexei Grigorevich
Orlov, Grigory
Oshanina, Maria
Ossetia, Russian conflict with
Ostrovsky, Alexander
Owen, Robert
Palen, Count
Palen, Petr
Pale of settlement
Palestine, Orthodox Christians in
Panayev, Ivan
Panin, Nikita
Panin, Peter
Paris, France:
Alexander II’s visit to
revolutionary underground in
Paris, Treaty of (1856)
Pashkov, Vassily, Prince
Paskevich, Ivan
Patkul, Alexander
Patkul, Alexandra
Patkul, Maria
Paul, Saint
Paul I, Emperor of Russia
accession of
bow ceremony of
lineage of
military drill observed by
mistress of
murder of
spectral appearance of
collective property system of
land allotments of
poverty of
rebellion of
revolutionaries’ outreach to
Stalinist collectivization and
urban migration of
zemstvo government of
see also Serfs
People’s Reprisal
People’s Will:
by-laws of
criminal prosecutions of
dictatorial discipline of
Dostoevsky’s proximity to meeting place of
dynamite bombs used by
establishment of
Executive Committee of
leadership of
p; Loris-Melikov reforms feared by
love affairs among members of
membership of
organizational structure of
public proclamations of
regicide conspiracies of
secret police mole placed by
terrorist ethos of
Perestroika, xi
Perovskaya, Sofia
background of
in final assassination plot
prosecution of
Perovsky, Count
Perovsky, Lev
Pestel, Pavel
Peterhof Palace
Peter I (the Great), Tsar of Russia
as Antichrist
marriage of
reforms of, xi
Russian guards created by
son killed by
Peter II, Emperor of Russia
Peter III, Tsar of Russia
family background of
guards regiments’ conspiracy against
marriage of
murder of
Petrashevsky, M. Butashevich-
Petr Fedorovich, Grand Duke
Petrov, Anton
Pirogov, Nikolai
Pisarev, Dmitri
Plekhanov, Georgi
Plevna, Russo-Turkish conflict at
Pobedonostsev, Konstantin
as head of Holy Synod
on Loris-Melikov’s reforms
reformist background of
retrograde ideology of
Pogodin, Mikhail
rebellions in
self-government in
Police Department:
terrorists arrested by
Third Department replaced with
Poor Folk (Dostoevsky)
Popov (Land and Freedom member)
Potapov, Alexander
Potemkin, Grigory, Prince
Presnyakov, Alexander
Protestant evangelicism
Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph
Prussia, imperial aggression of
Pugachev Rebellion
Pushkin, Alexander
on Alexander I
on Alexander II
on censorship
as literary icon
revolutionary critiques of
on Russian-Polish antagonism
on serf emancipation
Putyatin, Count
Radetsky (general)
Radstock, Granville Waldegrave Lord
“Raid, The” (Tolstoy)
Rasputin, Grigory
Rastrelli (architect)
Razin, Stepan
Razumovsky, Alexei (nephew)
Razumovsky, Alexei (uncle)
Razumovsky, Kirill
Rebel, The (Camus)
Revolution, cultural decline in wake of
assassination efforts of, see also People’s Will, regicide conspiracies of
coordinated terrorist actions of
criminal prosecutions of
falsehoods employed by
ideological discourse of
literature of
in London
militant transformation of
nihilists vs.
personal life forsworn by
as police informants
political reprisals against
as professionals
rural activism of
socialist goals of
student protests of
terrorist tactics employed in, see Terrorism
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