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Abaza, A. A.
Adlerberg, Alexander
as Alexander II’s childhood friend
Alexander II’s remarriage opposed
on assassination attempts
career of
on Yuryevskaya
Adlerberg, Vladimir
Agriculture, collectivism in
Aksakov, Ivan Sergeyevich
Aksakov, Sergei
Alaska, sale of
Alembert, Jean Le Rond D,’
Alexander I, Emperor of Russia
accession of
death of
love affairs of
in Napoleon’s defeat
physical appearance of
on serfdom
on succession
Alexander II, Emperor of Russia:
accession of
administrative appointments of
Alaska sold by
anti-terrorist policies of
assassination attempts on
birth of
childhood of
in combat
coronation ceremonies of
court life of
daily schedule of
death of
domestic reforms implemented by
education of
European nonintervention policy
family letters read by
on family marriages
as father
first marriage of, see also Maria Alexandrovna, Empress of Russia
German alliance favored by
governmental reforms planned by
languages spoken by
legislative body reorganized by
military operations of
military reforms directed by
Nicholas I’s influence on
oath of heir taken by
peace terms negotiated for
personality of
physical appearance of
on political radicals’ prosecu-tions
religious practice of
residential rooms of
retrogrades’ criticism of
revolutionary movements against
romantic involvements of
second marriage of, see Yuryevskaya, Ekaterina Mikhailovna, Princess
security procedures for
self-government experimentation of
serfs freed by
Sunday schedule of
territorial gains of
travels of
Alexander III, Emperor of Russia
accession of
Alexander II’s death and
Alexander II’s remarriage resented by
on anti-terrorism policy
on assassination attempts
autocratic rule of
childhood of
Dostoyevsky’s meeting with
education of
marriage of
personality of
physical appearance of
residences of
retrograde sympathies of
on Russo-Turkish conflict
security precautions of
Alexander Alexandrovich, Grand Duke, see Alexander III, Emperor of Russia
r /> Alexander Mikhailovich, Grand Duke
on assassination
on security measures
on Yuryevskaya
Alexander Nevsky Monastery
Alexander of Hesse, Prince
Alexandra Alexandrovna, Grand Duchess
Alexandra Fedorovna, Empress of Russia (wife of Nicholas I)
background of
cultural interests of
marriage of
as mother
at séance
on succession
Alexandra Fedorovna, Empress of Russia (wife of Nicholas II)
Alexandra Iosifovna, Grand Duchess
Alexandrov, Petr
Alexei Alexandrovich, Grand Duke
Alexei Petrovich, Tsarevich
Androsova, Natalya
Anichkov Palace
Anna, Queen of Holland
Anna Ivanovna, Empress of Russia
Anna Karenina (Tolstoy)
Anna Leopoldovna, Princess
Annenkov, Pavel
Apraksin, Count
Arouet, François-Marie (Voltaire)
political ideology of
public responsibility proclaimed for
Atlantic Telegraph
Augustine, Saint
Austro-Hungarian Empire
Communism vs.
cultural suppression of
nationalism linked with
reforms of
revolutionary response to
Russian Orthodoxy imbued with
secret police alliances with
serfdom in
Bakhmetyev (landowner)
Bakunin, Mikhail
background of
Nechaev supported by
revolutionary ideology of
Barannikov, Alexander
arrest of
in assassination efforts
background of
as Dostoyevsky’s neighbor
physical appearance of
Baranov, Eduard
Baranova, Yulya
Barantsov, A. A.
Barbarian (horse)
Bartenev (archivist)
Baryatinksy, Alexander, Prince
Baturin, S.
Baudelaire, Charles-Pierre
Bazhenov, Father
Beketov (Elizabeth Petrovna’s lover)
Belinsky, Vissarion
Benigsen, Leonty
Benkendorf, Alexander Khristoforovich
Berdyaev, Nikolai
Berezovski, Anton
Berlin, Treaty of
Bezdna, peasants massacred in
Bibikov (Life Guard colonel)
Bilbasov, Vassily
Biron, Ernst
Bismarck, Otto von
Black Sea, Russian access to
Boborykin, Petr
Bobrinsky, Alexei
Bogdanovich, Alexandra
Bogdanovich, Semyon
Bogolyubov (A. Emelyanov)
Bosnia, in Russo-Turkish war
Botkin, S. P.
“Bow to the Masters’ Peasants from Their Well-Wishers, A,”
Braunschweig family
Brothers Karamazov, The (Dostoevsky)
Bukhara, Russian subjugation of
Bukharin, Nikolai
Bulgakov (Horse Guard)
independence of
in Turkish conflict
Cadet Corps
Camus, Albert
Russian development of
Carol I, King of Romania
Catechism for the Revolutionary
Cathedral of Assumption
Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul
Catherine Canal, Alexander II killed
Catherine I, Empress of Russia
Catherine II (the Great), Empress of Russia
administrative strategy of
on court antipathies
death of
family background of
as grandmother
imperial power seized by
lovers of
memoirs of
as mother
on serfdom
on succession
territorial conquest of
Caucasus, Russian war in
under Alexander II
under Nicholas I
Central Revolutionary Committee
Chaadayev, Peter
Chapel of Sts. Peter and Paul
Charles I, King of Great Britain
Charles XII, King of Sweden
Checherin, Boris
Chechnya, Russian conflict in
Chekhov, Anton
Cherevin, Petr
Chernigovsky, Mikhail, Prince
Chernov, V.
Chernyaev, Mikhail
Chernyshevsky, Nikolai
background of
ideological influence of
on peasant reform
prosecution of
Civil execution
Collectivism, agricultural
Committee of Ministers
Communist International
Congress of the League of Peace and Freedom (1867)
Constantinople, Russian designs on
Constitutional government
Constitution of Loris-Melikov
Coronation Day
Corporal punishment
Côte d’Azur, wealthy Russians on
Crime and Punishment (Dostoevsky)
Crimean War
peace terms of
Custine, A. de
Dagestan, Russian conflict in
Dagmar, Princess, see Maria Fedorovna, Empress of Russia
Darwin, Charles
Davydov, Denis
Death penalty
see also executions
Decembrist uprising
prosecutions after
Defense attorneys
Deich (People’s Will member)
Delsal (general)
Demuth, Helen
Despot-Zenovich, A.I.
Devils, The (Dostoevsky)
Nechaev as model for character in
Diary of a Writer (Dostoevsky)
Disraeli, Benjamin
Dmitrieva (revolutionary)
Dmitriev-Mamonov, A. I.
Dobrolubov, Nikolai
Dolgorukaya, Alexandra, Princess
Dolgorukaya, Ekaterina Mikhailovna, Princess, see Yuryevskaya, Ekaterina Mikhailovna, Princess
Dolgorukaya, Maria, Princess
Dolgorukaya, Vera, Princess
Dolgorukov, Vassily, Prince
Dolgoruky, Mikhail, Prince
Dostoevsky, Anna Grigoryevna
Dostoevsky, Fedor,
on assassination attempts
background of
death of
execution witnessed by
health of
literary career of
marriages of
on other authors
physical appearance of
political beliefs of
prosecution of
real-life models for fictional characters of
religious convictions of
on revolutionary activists
on Russo-Turkish conflict
on satire
terrorist group as neighbors of
at Zasulich trial
Dostoevsky, Fedya
Dragomirov, Mikhail
Dreer, Nadezhda von
Drenteln (general)
Dvorzhitsky, Adrian Ivanovich
EC (Executive Committee)
see also People’s Will
Edinburgh, Maria, Duchess of
Education policies
Ekaterina Mikhailovna, Grand
Elena Pavlovna, Grand Duchess
on Crimean War
as family intellectual
as landowner
public service work of
reformist sympathies of
on succession
Elizabeth Petrovna, Empress of Russia
Elizaveta Fedorovna, Grand Duchess
Emelyanov, A. (Bogolyubov)
Emelyanov, Ivan
Engels, Friedrich
Eugenie, Empress of the French
European Revolutionary Alliance
Executive Committee (EC)
see also People’s Will
Fathers and sons (Turgenev)
Fedorov (St. Petersburg governor)
Fedorov, M.
Figner, Vera
Nechaev admired by
on other party members
on People’s Will membership
in regicide plots
rural experiences of
Filippov, Tertii
Filipson, G.
Finland, self-government in
Fittsum von Eksted, A.
Forgiveness Sunday
Fortress of Peter and Paul
Fourier, Charles
in Crimean War
1848 revolution in
extradition request denied by
first revolution of
free speech in
Polish autonomy supported by
Prussian defeat of
Franz Josef I, Emperor of Austria
Frederick II (the Great), King of Prussia
Frederick Wilhelm III, King of Prussia
Frederick Wilhelm IV, King of Prussia
Frederiks, Cecilia
Frederiks, Maria
Free Russian Printing Press
French Revolution
Fridenson (People’s Will member)
Frolenko, Mikhail
Frolov (executioner)
Galich, Alexander
Gambler, The (Dostoevsky)
Garibaldi, Giuseppe
Garshin, Vsevolod
Gartman, Lev
Gatchina Palace
Gautier, Théophile
Geiden, Count
Geiking (assassination target)
Gendrikova, Countess
Geneva, revolutionary meetings in
George I, King of Greece
German Empire
Girs, Nikolai
Glinka, Mikhail
Gogol, Nikolai
Goldenberg, Grigory
Golden Orb
Golovnin, Alexander
Goncharov, Ivan
Gorbachev, Mikhail
Gorchakov, Alexander, Prince
background of
extradition sought by
nonintervention policy of
on Russo-Turkish conflict
treaty negotiations of
Gorchakov, Mikhail, Prince
Gostiny Dvor
Gradovsom, G.K.
Grancy, Baron de
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