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Page 4

by Jessie Rose Case

  “I agree. I’ll make the request.” He looked back down at his own work. She’d been dismissed. Mina held back her reflex to tell him to fuck off, turned back to the door, opening it, she walked through and closed it behind her.

  The man gave her the creeps and it was clear he was up to his ass in something.


  Captain. We have communication from the rebel group. Infiltrated his net. Vict was on the Bridge dealing with a multitude of programme reports. He blocked them all off and focused on this one.

  On screen.

  Vict read the words on the vid screen. Can you confirm that that piece of base code is ours? His man glazed over, then gave him a mental nod. Kanane had more information to offer and asked to meet. He’d given them a time and place.

  Tell him we’ll be there.

  Affirmative. They were getting closer.

  Communication from the Admiral.

  On screen.

  Rage came up on screen and the pre-recorded message played.

  They had a DNA match. The blood was Cyborg. The fleet was coming. Vict blew out a breath. Depending on what they found now, would determine the fate for this world.


  Mina sat in the booth drinking her coda. She wasn’t interested in alcohol tonight. She’d come early so she could eat before her meet. She needed a bit of time to calm her nerves. The waitress brought over her Xinda Burger. Mina thanked her and tucked in. She didn’t see Kanane arrive, only when he sat in the booth opposite her. The waitress came over and he ordered his own drink. He went through their usual routine. He’d taken an empty seat. She didn’t know him, he didn’t know her. Just happen to share a booth. He introduced himself, then so did she.

  “That looks good.” He told her taking off his gloves. It was particularly cold out there tonight. Mina took another bite and swallowed.

  “It is. You ordering?” He shook his head, looking down at the menu, then speaking quietly.

  “No. I have someone I want you to meet. His coming tonight.”

  Mina’s burger was hovering in front of her mouth ready for another bite. She stopped, looking up at him and whispered. “You asked someone to meet you here?” He nodded slowly. She tried to keep her face looking pleasant, they were under surveillance in here as everywhere. She raised the burger to her mouth and spoke behind it. “Are you fucking mad?” She whispered.

  He raised the menu as if looking for something special. “These are people not from here. They have a special interest in what your doing and what you gave me. They wish to speak with you in person. This is huge for us. Proves we are not alone out here. They are concerned with what this world is doing and want answers.” Mina bit into her burger, suddenly it didn’t taste as good. Shit.

  She chewed, swallowed, then held the burger in front of her mouth again. “And what’s to stop security picking it all up, and finding ourselves in interrogation or worse?” She murmured angrily.

  “That would be us.” Mina registered the shadow the moment she’d heard the words. She’d not heard them approach. She looked up, her food forgotten. They were huge. Three massive men stood next to their booth. There was no way they were going to be missed on the cameras or get in the booth. Mina looked from one to the other. They were ….. stunning. Almost beautiful, but with enough edge to slice through that, giving them a lethal look, Mina felt hot, it increased their attraction. That was so wrong … She swallowed the lump in her throat, grabbed her coda and drank putting her burger down and wiping her hands. They’d be no hiding this. She was busted. Burnt. She put the glass down and sneered at Kanane.

  “You just put a target on all our backs.”

  “No one can hear or see us, we’ve had a dampening field around this entre quadrant for the past 30 minutes and it will remain in place, for 30 more after we leave. It will look like a fault on the system, nothing more.” Mina looked back at the male who’d spoken. He was clearly the leader. He turned and nodded to his two men who took up seats at the next table. The leader grabbed a chair and sat at the end of their booth. Mina was relieved he hadn’t tried to get in on her side. She wasn’t sure how she’d feel about all that maleness sitting next to her. Touching parts of her. She grabbed her coda for another pull.

  She focused on what he’d said. “That takes some skill.” She told him pushing what was left of her meal away. He stared at her. His gaze intense, hot even. Mina didn’t like the scrutiny; his gaze was all on her. She could feel her body heating. Mina fanned herself feeling uncomfortable and tore her eyes from him. The man suddenly took in a deep breath and continued to stare at her. Mina frowned. He was being rude now. “Could you stop with the staring and sniffing, I don’t like it.” She told him.

  Vict could scent her. He scented no male on her. Her fear had turned to light notes of desire, flowed all around her calling to him. Breathing it in had been delicious. As delicious as she was to look at. He’d taken her in in that first glance. Shoulder length dark hair, pale skin, green eyes, an hour glass figure with plenty to hold on to. Full breasts, heavy with need confronted him. He would enjoy playing with those, manhandling them, sucking them in and stroking them. He wondered how responsive they were. Would he be able to make her come with just his hands and mouth on them? The temptation to find out searing into him. She was his for the taking. His blood fired. Mate…… called out in his mind. He had found her. The one made for him alone. He struggled with the reality of it.

  “Your name?” He blurted out.

  She looked back at him like he was crazy. Then turned to Kanane again. “We’re done here.” She gathered up her purse and went to move. She wasn’t about to be strong armed by anyone, thought Mina. One large muscled arm came out and held her in the booth. Ok, maybe she was…

  “Your mine now. You go when I say you do.” Mina’s eyes flared, she looked to Kanane. He just looked embarrassed. No help coming from that quarter, Mina decided putting her purse back down.

  “I don’t know you. I don’t care to know you. I’d rather not this get nasty but hay, whatever floats your boat. Now, what do you want or I’m gone?” She told him hardening her voice.

  “Your name for a start.” Mina shook her head. Was he hard of hearing?

  She gritted her teeth. “You don’t need my name. What do you want?”

  The male leaned forward, looking far too good thought Mina. “I want to know everything about that code you gave to Kanane”

  Mina’s eyes flared, she was furious, Kanane had sold her out. She looked at him again. “You are so fucking dead. So much for being trust worthy.” Kanane flinched.

  “He’s not with the security forces.” Kanane told her trying to placate her. “Like I said, not from here.” He stressed. Mina looked at him for a moment longer, then at their guest again. He did look a bit different. Different clothes. Different standing. Military for sure. They were bigger, quiet and had tech knowledge, Kanane was right. This world didn’t have mixed skills. You were one or the other.

  “Like what you see female?” Mina realised she’d been staring. She blinked back her surprise at being caught doing it. He was a very fine specimen. In fact, she’d say she’d never seen better. He seemed to smirk at her. Mina mentally shook herself and frowned. He was also, far too intuitive. She ignored the remark.

  She looked back to Kanane . “Someone want to tell me why we’re all here?” She asked, “preferably before, I find myself in a locked cell under a death sentence.” The new comer growled.

  “No one will be putting you in a cell.” He gritted out. Mina raised both eyebrows at him.

  “Good to know……. I think.”

  The male seemed to temper his emotions before her eyes. “We are not from here, your friend Kanane, is correct. We come from a sector of Space that boarders this World. While doing research on Earth Corp we found information regarding your creation on this world. We have had a number of run in’s with Earth Corp, they didn’t take well to us legally taking their Space Station, so they came after u
s. On one of their worlds, they instigated a genocide programme. Those scientists trying to create it, destroyed themselves and their world in doing so. It would have killed everyone in its path had they been successful. That left us no choice, but to seek out the other worlds and see if they pose a threat to us or not. That is why I am here.

  “The things that are happening here are disturbing. But this is your world, not ours. We would have been happy to support a change for a more democratic government and leave that to the people, however, that focus changed the minute we found the code you had.”

  Mina frowned. She’d only given Kanane a fraction of the code and that was of interest to them? “Why?”

  Vict liked her challenge. It burnt deep within him. “The code is cybernetic. Code that in its origin, was created over many years by Earth Corp. Some 120 years ago to be more exact. They messed with it for the next 40 years, made it better, stronger, more adaptable. Then implanted it into humans designed to withstand the fabrication to their DNA and bone and muscle structure. Then they used them to war against anyone or anything, that got in their way. The perfect super soldier. Bigger, better, stronger and with far more skills than the average soldier. Programmable to do whatever was needed.”

  Mina sat shocked. Seriously? Someone had deliberately done that? Wanted to play God with people’s lives? She felt disgusted. It was unimaginable the horrors those people would have had to endure. “How do you know this?” She whispered. The waitress interrupted them, putting a drink down in front of the man, then withdrew, putting drinks on his companions table, before going back to the bar.

  He smiled at her. It was warm, his gaze penetrating. She liked the look in his eyes. Her body pulsed.

  “Because, those fuckers created us. We, are Cyborg.”


  Mina decided she was way out of her depth. This was more than she’d bargained for. Alien Cyborgs? Who would think up this shit? She blinked, looking over the male again still stunned by his revelation. She struggled to get her head around it. Scientists had gone out of their way to do this to another human being. She understood some people were ruthless, would go to extradentary lengths to get what they wanted or to try to achieve something important to them, no matter the consequences. She’d done something similar in getting that intel out. But this, was a whole new level.

  Mina picked up her purse and pulled out the data pad and pushed it towards the male. “The entire code is on here. I was able to re-create it. My job was to take apart the fragments and find applications for it. The possibilities are extensive but I didn’t like it, so decided to put it back together and that,” she gave a nod at the pad, “is the result.”

  The male put his hand on the data pad and glazed over, she could see his eyes working behind the closed lids. He looked to be ……. Up-loading the information! He opened his eyes and pushed the pad back to her. “It is our code. Code from one of our brothers. We are looking for him.”

  Surprise hit Mina again. They were looking for one of their people? Someone who was meant to be on their world? That wasn’t possible. People would know if a stranger was here with these abilities. He or she would stand out. Then the thought of how they’d got here surfaced. They’d been no sightings of crafts in decades. Mina racked her brains for the answer. The only crash she knew about was the rumours of some 30 odds years ago. She looked up at Kanane. “You have any recent information of a crash or visitors?” He shook his head at her.

  Mina frowned. If no one had arrived recently, then the last possible contact was …. “You can’t be serious!” She looked from one to the other. “Not even our security forces could have kept this quiet for 30 odd years but that’s what your thinking isn’t it?” They both nodded at her. She took another gulp of her coda shaking her head. “You have to be wrong. I told my boss I’d have better success if I had access to the original source. He took that on board. There’s no way, he would be interested in me doing that, if, I was going to be looking at one of you. I’d know there’s illegal stuff going on and they’d be risk of exposure to them.”

  “He may think the risk was worth it.” The male told her. Mina shook her head again trying to get her head around it.

  “That’s crazy. I would never work with them knowing, someone was being held against their will and he couldn’t make me.” She told them revolted by the thought.

  “The warrior may not know he’s being held against his will. If he’s cybernetics are damaged, he might see them as his saviours or his perception of events could be altered or damaged. We do not know how bad the crash was or how many survived.”

  Mina was shocked again. “There could be more than one?” The male nodded.

  “Could be 100, we do not know.” Fuck, thought Mina. There was no way they could hide 100 Cyborgs, looking at these guys, in this city. Things became very clear to her. These men were not in the city and the Corporations had to have them stashed somewhere.

  “Your looking in the wrong place.” She told him. “If they were in the city, people would know. They’d be information about sightings, people coming and going from something that had no tag. People being employed with no public face on it. They’d be rumours and vids. There’s nothing. They can’t be here. The Corporations have to have them somewhere, if they’re here at all.”

  “Sadly, you could be wrong female. If all that remains is their code, their bodies maybe gone.” He told her sadly. Mina realised that was a logical assumption given the situation, but the implications were horrendous.

  “But if the bodies are long gone, their code would have died with them.” She reasoned to them both.

  The male spoke again. “Not if it was extracted before death.” Mina’s worst thoughts had just been spoken.

  That was …… barbaric. “Are we capable of this?” She whispered to Kanane.

  “You know they are.” He told her. She knew their own people were going missing. How was this different? She knew in that moment, Kanane was right. This was very possible. Mina blew out a breath and leaned forward on the table, rubbing at her eyes. Suddenly feeling it had been a very long day.

  “You are tired. We will go now.” The male told her. Mina looked over at him.

  “I’m not meeting like this again. It’s too dangerous. If I get anything on the original code, I’ll send you a message but I’m not meeting.” She told them adamantly, “I’ll do whatever I can to bring justice to whatever is going on here. The people should know and once they do, it could end the Corporations rule once and for all.”

  “You will not have to meet us again like this. We have your DNA signature now. We will ensure your safety and come to you.” Mina wasn’t sure she liked that, it seemed a bit too ….personal.

  “And how exactly will you know I have something to pass on?” She asked annoyed. The male smiled and held out his hand in the Old-World way. Mina put hers in it finding her hand swamped by it. He closed his fingers gently over hers.

  “My name is Vict, I am Councilman and Captain to the Cyborg Empire. I will always know where you are on this world and, be able to find you. I will send you a link to your data pad. It will not be able to be tagged. If you need me, open it. I will be there.”

  Mina pulled her hand away. “Yeah well I’m not sure about that either. I need to go.” Mina waved at the waitress indicating for her bill. She started to walk over. “I will cover your meal and drink.” Vict told her. Mina shook her head wide eyed. “Don’t do that. We pay our own way on this world. It’s a record of what we do and where we go.” She whispered, putting another smile on her face as the waitress came over with it. Mina lifted her credit cuff and placed it over the device. It pinged and the waitress moved off. Picking up her bag, she made to leave, only ‘Vict’ was still in her way.

  He looked at the female desperately trying to get away. The feel of her skin under his hand been electric to his circuits. The delicacy of her hand in his, euphoric. He could taste her anxiety, fear and her need. Didn’t she realise they�
�d be no getting away from him now? He smiled at her gently. She had such spirit. Her mind sharp, inquisitive. He liked what he saw.

  “Your name beautiful?” He asked again. He needed to hear it. He’d tried to access her data pad when he’d uploaded the link but it had no tag.

  “I need to leave.” She implored. Vict nodded.

  “Your name.”

  Mina decided the bloody male was going to get her arrested. She pushed along the booth until she was at his side and did a very unladylike shove, he hardly moved, so she pushed passed him, knowing that for seconds her breasts were dangling dangerously close to those lips of his. For an insane split second she’d wanted to feel his lips on them.

  Mina stood and without looking back, headed for the door. She’d had enough for one night and needed some air. She wasn’t giving that male her name. He could track her with it. As she walked to her car, his words reverberated through her mind. He had her DNA signature now. He would be able to find her anywhere on this world. Mina shuddered and it wasn’t with cold. She opened her transporter and got in, closing the door quickly. She stared at the steering wheel. He didn’t need her name to find her. So why did he insist on it? She looked back towards the bar. Vict stood there with his two men staring at her. She had the ridiculous impulse to wave and tamped it down. She turned the transporter on and headed home. More confused that than when she’d arrived. What the hell was she mixed up in?


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