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Captain Stellar

Page 9

by R J Sorrento

  “I make no mistakes when I choose my heroes and villains,” Dr. Almighty reassured her, knowing both roles were equally important. What was a hero’s purpose without a villain to fight?

  Rita grinned widely. She usually hid her teeth, which had been damaged by her drug use during her teen years and her early twenties, but she appeared too proud for a small smile. “Do you want me to find him for you?”

  “Not yet. I have a feeling he isn’t very far.” Dr. Almighty picked up the photo of himself with Fernando and Margo. He was beginning to realize why his two favorites had been hard to find this week. “Funesto and Magenta can help me with that.”

  Rita looked down.

  “That will be all.” Dr. Almighty dismissed her without looking up from the photo he held in his hands.

  * * *

  Rita stood swiftly and left the office as quickly as she had entered it. She tried to not let Dr. Almighty’s slight rejection bother her too much. Rita could do more to help Dr. Almighty if he would let her. Even though she had identified Cal correctly, he only trusted his favorites to retrieve him. What was so special about Funesto and Magenta?

  Her loyalty and adoration appeared to have little effect on the genius scientist. He was a busy man with thoughts beyond her comprehension running through his head, but it hurt when she was excluded from important meetings that he solely reserved for Fernando and Margo.

  His lack of response to her smiles and compliments was frustrating, to say the least. She had tried changing her hairstyle and even the way she wore her makeup to get his attention, but nothing had worked in her favor. The only one he truly praised was Fernando, continually impressed by his teaching methods and tough love approach with the recruits. It was difficult for Rita to discern whether Dr. Almighty was secretly afraid of Fernando and what his hands were capable of, or if he genuinely cared for him as a son.

  Either way, Rita was tired of being ignored. She was beautiful, the crystal meth had not completely stolen her striking features, and she was getting damn good at using ice as a weapon. As much as she tried to convince herself of her worthiness, she was easily transported to being fifteen again, in awe of one of her high school peers who did not seem to realize that she existed.

  Chloe was a year ahead of her in school but they shared a few elective courses. She wasn’t conventionally beautiful like the cheerleaders, but she was charismatic and quirky with blue streaks in her straight black hair that cascaded down to her hips. Chloe had a few friends and they were often sketching together at lunch or comparing the Impressionists.

  Despite her eccentricity, Rita found Chloe to be unattainable. She was terrified to speak to her, until one lucky day they were partnered up in economics for an advertisement assignment.

  Rita had taken it upon herself to divide up the tasks of the assignment and asked Chloe if it met her expectations, to which Chloe had responded with an apathetic, “Yeah, whatever.” Rita was thrilled to hear Chloe address her directly, even if it had been only two words spoken in a tone devoid of emotion. When Chloe suggested that they work together in the library after class, Rita felt as if she could have been knocked over with a feather.

  Chloe worked on the visual aspects of the advertisement. She knew it was one of Chloe’s strengths, and Rita needed to earn a good grade since she was doing poorly in her other classes. Rita handled the slogan and the written portion of the assignment. As they sat across from each other at a small round table in the school library, Rita caught herself staring at Chloe as she sketched a logo, lost in thought. Rita returned her gaze to the assignment, but then glanced out the corner of her eye as Chloe rubbed a fruity lotion into her hands. She tried not to focus on the sweet scent as Chloe resumed sketching next to her. They worked quietly and although Rita wished she could find a way to break the silence, she was more than happy to count the streaks of blue in Chloe’s hair instead.

  After they presented their finished project in class the next day, Rita mustered up the courage during lunch to ask Chloe to hang out with her over the weekend. There was a local art show that she thought Chloe would enjoy, so she invited her along. Chloe had rejected her swiftly with a brief, “No, that’s okay.”

  When Rita extended the invitation to Chloe’s other friends as well, Chloe still shook her head. A few moments later, Rita had seen Chloe and her friends laughing and one of them pointed at her directly. She was crushed. Perhaps, she had been too obvious in her admiration and scared Chloe away before having the chance to get to know her. Either way, Rita felt like shrinking down to the size of a mouse and scurrying away. It had been one of the worst days in her life, and it had marked the beginning of her downward spiral.

  Rita shook the thoughts of the past from her head and shifted her focus to the new recruits. They seemed to enjoy her method of teaching and encouragement. If Dr. Almighty could get to know her better and see how worthy she was, perhaps she could be on her way to becoming his new favorite.

  She giggled to her herself. Rita had failed to mention to Margo and Fernando that Dr. Almighty had returned earlier than expected from his trip. Whatever they were up to was beyond her knowledge, but she knew they assumed Dr. Almighty was still in Los Angeles today. It was Rita’s time to shine.

  She looked in the mirror in the bathroom once again, acknowledging her icy blue eye shadow and pastel pink lip gloss were still in place, and fixed her hair. Rita smiled at her reflection, hiding her yellow teeth behind her glimmering lips.

  Chapter 13

  “Can we call it a night?” Cal wiped sweat from his forehead.

  “Thirty more minutes.” Margo clapped her hands, the sound bouncing off the warehouse walls. “I don’t like the hesitation in your landing.”

  “It’s Saturday night. I’d rather be at a bar right now.”

  Margo and Fernando offered blank stares.

  “A bar? Drinks? Fun?” he prodded.

  “You want to have fun?” Fernando’s eyes narrowed as he moved forward.

  “Well, yeah.” Cal’s voice trembled, but he took a step to meet Fernando’s.

  “I’ll make us some tapas.” Fernando grinned.

  Margo pinched her lips together. “But his training-”

  “Is over for today. You heard the Captain. It’s Saturday night, Margo,” he teased.

  Cal pumped his fist. Two victories: he loved the way Fernando’s eyes gleamed when he grinned and he was done training for the night.

  “I’ll pick up some things to cook. Plenty of wine in the cabinet, though.” Cal was surprised to feel Fernando pat his back before he left the warehouse.

  “Vamos.” Margo glanced at Cal before jogging down the corridor. “You should shower before Fernando returns.”

  “I smell that bad, huh?” Cal chuckled.

  Margo scrunched up her face. “I’ll start getting the pitchers ready for the sangria.”

  “Now we’re talking.”

  After a quick cold shower, Cal changed into his new clothes. He chose a gray button down with navy blue pants, and dragged his fingers through wet hair.

  “Your new wardrobe suits you,” Margo said with a smile, looking up from the pitchers of ice on the counter. “Best money Fernando has ever spent.”

  Cal cleared his throat. “Can I help with anything?”

  “I found some oranges in the fruit bowl. Help me slice them?” She motioned to the oranges and knives on the granite.

  “Sure.” He picked up an orange.

  “I hope I didn’t come across too harsh with training today, but it’s important that you’re ready for anything.” She clasped her hands together before picking up an orange.

  “Dr. Almighty.” Cal sliced through the center of the orange. “Why have you stayed so long?”

  Margo blanched. “He’s not everything Fernando makes him out to be. Dr. Almighty can be kind.”

  Cal set down the knife. “He kidnapped you when you were fourteen, right?”

  Margo’s shoulders tensed. “Yes, but then he took care
of us. He had this vision, I guess, and he chose us.”

  Cal shook his head. He knew Margo was intelligent, but why was she so blinded by Dr. Almighty?

  “Maybe you don’t know what it’s like to grow up feeling invisible. You’re handsome and charming and everyone seems to notice you. I wasn’t so lucky.”

  “Margo, I’m sorry. I-”

  “No, let me finish.” Margo set down her knife. “Growing up with Fernando wasn’t easy. Papa only concerned himself with his son’s career, his future. He pulled me from ballet classes, calling them a waste of time and money, yet never saw me fit to take over the family business.”

  “I’ve disappointed my parents, too. I get it.”

  “Do you know what it’s like to be second best? Dr. Almighty gave me wings. He chose me out of a group of hundreds that night. I was special to him. I stood out,” Margo wiped at tears with the back of her hand, “for the first time in my life.”


  “But, yes, there’s another side to Dr. Almighty. He wasn’t always so sophisticated with his methods. Kept us awake during some of the ‘perfecting’ procedures. I felt every needle that pierced into my neck. And arms. And shoulders. No matter how much I screamed in my restraints, he wouldn’t stop.”

  Cal’s hand shivered as he struggled to hold the orange in place.

  “I’ve been torn. I want to get away, but I’m afraid.”

  “Afraid? Even with your powers?”

  “He’s a very intelligent man. I know he could find a way to track us.” Margo rubbed her temples. “And having the power to fly doesn’t make me invulnerable. Fernando doesn’t tell me everything, but Dr. Almighty has all the latest tech, weapons included.”

  “Weapons?” Cal swallowed.

  Fernando burst through the door, arms full with brown paper bags stuffed with produce and other ingredients. “Margo, preheat the oven. I’m making bacon wrapped dates once I get the patatas bravas going on the stove.”

  Cal rubbed his hands together, more than ready to change the subject. “Can I help?”

  “Sit. Relax.” Fernando dug through one of the bags and pulled out a few potatoes.

  “Thanks.” Cal plopped onto the couch.

  “Don’t want you messing with my recipes.” He grabbed a knife from the block.

  Cal bit back a smile, feeling Fernando’s eyes on him.

  “Focus on the potatoes. You’re going to slice your finger off,” Margo scolded her brother, tapping the counter.

  Fernando mumbled something in Spanish.

  “I’m going to freshen up.” Margo stomped toward the hallway.

  * * *

  “These are incredible. I’ve never had bacon wrapped around a fig before.” Cal closed his eyes as he chewed, savoring the burst of flavor on his tongue.

  “A date.” Fernando scooted closer to Cal on the couch.

  “Huh?” Cal’s heart thumped at Fernando’s proximity.

  “Bacon wrapped around a date. Wrong fruit,” he winked.

  “Oh.” Cal giggled.

  Margo let out a heavy sigh. “It’s getting late.” She stood from her spot next to Fernando on the couch. “We still train early tomorrow. This little fiesta doesn’t change that.” She picked up the empty pitchers of sangria on the coffee table. Tiny remnants of ice cubes shook as she collected them.

  Fernando smirked. “Noches, Margo.”

  Cal shifted on the couch, setting his plate on the short glass table. He leaned back for a moment, taking in the scent of bacon and smoked paprika in Fernando’s hair, and then shifted forward again.

  “Uncomfortable?” Fernando scratched his jaw.

  “Just tired.” Cal stretched his legs. And drunk. And you’re gorgeous. And I have a boyfriend.

  “I thought you were a party animal, getting wasted every Saturday night.” Fernando gulped the last of his drink and set it on the table so that it touched Cal’s dish.

  “Yeah, I used to, but I’m kind of a lightweight. Don’t tell Margo.” Cal tapped a finger to his lips.

  “Your secret is safe with me.” Cal watched Fernando glance down at his navy blue socks. “So what did you do at these parties? I haven’t been to a bar or club in a long time.”

  “I don’t know, the usual, I guess. Eat, drink, take selfies.”

  “What is with these selfies?” Fernando raked his fingers through dark locks.

  “It’s fun.”

  “I’ll take your word for it.”

  “Wait.” Cal grabbed the back of his head. “You haven’t taken a selfie before? Like, ever?”

  “Like, no, I have not.” Fernando lightly bumped Cal’s shoulder.

  Cal fell back into the couch, acting like he had fainted, eyes closed tight.

  * * *

  “I don’t think I’m missing out.” Fernando reached out to touch Cal’s chest to jar him “awake” but pulled back his hand when Cal opened his eyes. Silently scolding himself, Fernando knew he was usually more cautious with his hands. He couldn’t ignore how his entire body felt, light and free, whenever they were together.

  Cal made him forget the cursed part of himself.

  “Get your phone out.”

  Fernando reluctantly got up to retrieve the phone from his back pocket. He caught Cal’s stare, his blue eyes glassy from the wine. Fernando felt a spark of hope that Cal’s gaze was one of admiration. But maybe Cal stared because he was tired. He didn’t want to assume anything about Cal’s feelings, no matter how much Fernando was drawn to him. Unlocking his phone, he sat beside Cal. He held the phone out as Cal leaned in closer and felt something click in his mind. “Oranges,” he blurted.

  “I think you’re supposed to say cheese.”

  “No,” Fernando chuckled, dropping his phone, the overabundance of strong Spanish red wine taking effect. “I was trying to figure out what you smelled like.”

  * * *

  Fernando’s voice dropped an octave, his words resonating in Cal’s ears and chest. “Oh.” Cal blushed, his cheeks warm. He hadn’t noticed before how deep Fernando’s voice could go. The baritone sound was soothing, and made the heat in Cal’s face shoot straight to his belly.

  Cal felt Fernando lightly brush his shoulder as he leaned over to pick up his phone. “Let’s try again.”

  Cal wasn’t sure if he had smiled as Fernando snapped the photo. His head was swimming from the wine, the heat from Fernando’s body so close to his, the scent of sweat mixed with spice.

  “Fantástico.” Fernando stared at the photo on his phone before locking it. He turned to Cal, their shoulders pressed together.

  Cal had been eyeing the scruff along Fernando’s jaw but jerked back when he felt a dark brown gaze catch his stare. “I, uh-”

  “It’s getting late.” Fernando squeezed Cal’s shoulder. “Margo will have a fit if we’re not up for our jog tomorrow morning.” He stood, slurring, “She can be such a pain in the ass.”

  The wine seemed to have made Fernando forget his own no touching rule. But Cal enjoyed the firm pressure of Fernando’s strong hand around his shoulder. His body tingled, warm from the sangria, and he shifted on the couch to ignore the ache in his loins. He squeezed his eyes shut as Fernando turned away from him. Cal fought against every drunken thought shouting at him to follow Fernando to his bed. Bad idea. Cal stroked his arms, tapping his watch from Jin with shaky fingers, and opened his eyes.

  “Good night,” Fernando mumbled before staggering away.

  “Night.” Cal tilted his head side to side as he got up from the couch to peer down the hallway. Fernando must have already gone into his room. He rubbed the back of his neck, staring at Fernando’s open doorway. Had Fernando left the door open on purpose? For him? Letting out the breath he’d been holding, Cal headed for the guest room and shut the door behind him.

  Chapter 14

  Jin stared at his black phone case in the study lab at pharmacy school, wishing he could will his phone to buzz with his focused gaze. The lab was too quiet, giving him the opp
ortunity to think about Cal’s lack of communication. It had been almost a week since he had texted Cal, asking to talk more seriously about moving in together. Sometimes Cal’s text messages were late, but it was unlike him not to respond at all.

  “Hey, check this out.” A pharmacy student entered the lab with his laptop and a clipboard covered with a mess of folded papers.

  Jin jerked in his seat at the unexpected interruption. “Oh, hi.”

  “Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you.” Derek sat next to him, adjusting his wire-rimmed eyeglasses. “I wanted to show you this.” He opened his laptop.

  Jin lifted an eyebrow. “Show me what?”

  “This video has been blowing up the internet the past week. I mean you’ve probably seen it, but it might take your mind off the big test.”

  “I’m sure I haven’t.” Jin rarely used social media. “I’ll check it out.”

  Derek scooted his laptop over to Jin. “This dude is incredible, just watch what he does with the car.”

  Jin studied the video. He had seen rescue videos before, but this man lifted the car with one arm and ripped off the door with the other without breaking a sweat. The man looked familiar, even with the sunglasses and the hardhat. When Jin realized where he knew the super-strong man from, his heart beat so hard he thought it would pump through his chest.

  The man in the video was Cal. He could recognize his stance anywhere.

  “Wow, that’s some video.” Jin tried to sound impressed, even though his hands trembled.

  “I get chills every time I watch it. This guy is something out of a comic book! I was thinking of posting a reaction video or something. There’s already like a hundred out there, but hey…”

  Jin zoned out as Derek babbled on about why his reaction video would be the best thing on the Internet. He wanted to be wrong, but Jin was sure it was Cal in that video. It would explain his strange behavior, and why he hadn’t heard from him.

  “I’ll see you later.” Jin picked up his phone and got up from the chair.


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