Book Read Free

Captain Stellar

Page 19

by R J Sorrento

  After searching the many shelves of the pantry, Cal gathered up ingredients to make pancakes for breakfast. He had loved seeing Fernando’s eyes light up at the sight of a stack of pancakes on his plate when they had first started training. He watched him spread warm butter over each one, pouring just enough syrup to sweeten them. It pleased Cal to return the favor for Fernando’s savory meals, so Cal hoped these pancakes would give Fernando something to smile about, considering the challenge ahead of them tonight.

  Glancing down at his hands, he saw that the bruises had faded to a light blue. He knew Fernando worried that his healing abilities were waning. He could see the fear in his eyes that he would never be able to touch him with bare hands.

  As he poured the batter onto the griddle, Cal’s mind raced with the possibilities of what could await him tonight. He flipped the pancakes when they were ready, trying to find the eye in the storm of his anxiety to rest his mind. But helplessness nagged at him. How could he even warn his mom, Jin, or Nessa without alarming them? Or was it already too late? Had they already been taken?

  He grabbed blue ceramic plates from the open cabinet and set the round white table for breakfast. A morbid thought crossed his mind that this would be the last meal he would share with Fernando and Margo. It was more like a sharp sensation in his belly than a thought in his head, challenging to dismiss.

  * * *

  Fernando woke up to the aroma of pancakes. He smiled as he pictured Cal pouring the batter onto the griddle. Thinking of him flipping each pancake was endearing. Cal always concentrated so hard on the most mundane of tasks. Having Cal on his mind was far more pleasant than the dream of a buried memory that had disturbed his slumber.

  When he was 16, after several months of being held captive at the lab, Fernando caught pneumonia, despite his isolation from the outside world. Most of the early days in the lab had become fuzzy, his brain protecting him from the trauma to his body. But the fear and suffering were palpable. His body had been weakened by the agonizing days of needles Ted had used. He was susceptible to any illness that the scientist introduced upon his return from daily errands.

  He had been burning up with fever and could hardly stand without his legs giving out. Fernando overheard Ted muttering to himself, wondering if this was a side effect from the genetic modification or pneumonia. Hearing a knock at the door, Fernando struggled to get up from his bed. After several failed attempts to stand, he unlocked the door and let him in.

  “Why haven’t you joined us for your studies today? We’re learning more about ecology today. That’s one of your favorite subjects.”

  “I feel like shit.”

  “May I?” Ted pointed to his forehead.

  Fernando nodded without looking up. Ted placed the back of his hand on the teenager’s sweaty forehead.

  “You’re burning up!” Ted pulled back his hand.

  “Think I’m a liar?”

  “No, on the contrary. You’re brutally honest, but it’s one of your many traits I admire.”

  Fernando glared in response.

  “I have a contact who is an excellent physician. He will visit this afternoon and give you medicine.” Ted patted Fernando on the back. “You’ll feel like your old self in no time.”

  Fernando scoffed. “I’ll never be myself again, not with these hands.” He wore his gloves even while ill, fearing Margo would touch his hands as she tended to him. He had already been taken from his parents; he couldn’t bear to be without her, too.

  Ted was quiet for a moment as he studied Fernando’s frown. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.” He returned carrying a tray with a cold compress, instant chicken noodle soup, and a cup of hot tea. “For you.” Ted placed the tray on his lap.

  The teenager coughed in response, a nasty sound of sticky thick congestion.

  “I don’t make mistakes.”

  Fernando looked ready to challenge the older man, but he hesitated.

  “I know you don’t see the purpose of your power, that you resent it, but you are destined for greatness. The moment I noticed you on the beach, I knew I had uncovered a treasure. You may not believe it now but have faith that one day you will find a purpose for your gift.”

  Fernando remained silent as he took in Ted’s words.

  “I promise to take care of you and your sister. You’ve been the best part of my life, even if it’s only been a few months. You bring me such joy.”

  Fernando sipped the fragrant jasmine tea, unsure of how to respond to the man who had abducted him.

  “Why?” He responded after several sips of hot tea. A temporary relief to his soreness.

  “When I was a boy, younger than you are now, I would rush home to read the latest comic books I bought with my allowance. So many heroes to admire and villains to fear…they were my best friends. Well, my only friends. The superpowers fascinated me: the ability to soar, manipulating metal, using elements like water or fire to fight. Every night I would dream of these characters, wishing they were real, hoping to wake up to a world where superpowers were a reality. So I studied hard and learned all I could about DNA and ways to modify it. Many have tried and failed, but I was given a gift from God above.” Ted pointed to his head. “He helped me find a way to do it. That’s why you and Margo are so precious to me. You are helping me show Him that His gift was not offered in vain. You’ve helped make my dreams into a reality.”

  Fernando was silent, unable to respond as he looked down at his cup of tea.

  The memory faded into the background as Fernando stood and stretched, redirecting his focus onto the smell of pancakes. He entered the kitchen, rubbing his eyes with gloved hands.

  Fernando felt Cal eye him, a smile spreading across his face. He raked fingers through his hair, attempting to fix messy waves. Despite feeling awkward in his faded tank top and gym shorts, Cal’s gaze made him feel desirable.

  “My nose woke me up.” Fernando yawned as he spoke, making his way to the table. “This looks fantastic.”

  Cal beamed as he sat next to Fernando. Despite enjoying every bite of breakfast, Fernando’s shoulders were hunched and his knee bounced. He placed his hand over Cal’s on the table, noting concern in blue eyes. “I wanted to-”

  “Good morning, everyone!” Margo carried three garment bags into the kitchen.

  Fernando closed his eyes in annoyance and removed his hand. “Buenos, hermanita.”

  “I put the finishing touches on late last night, so the costumes will be ready for tonight. They’re fairly basic but they’ll disguise our faces, which is most important. Want to see?”

  “Sure.” Cal craned his neck but seemed apprehensive of what hid inside his bag.

  “I have blue for you, Cal, to match your eyes. I’m guessing it will be form-fitting based on your measurements. But don’t look at me like that! It’s a uniform fit for a captain. The polymer fabric should hold strong against an ice attack. And it’s fireproof, so you’ll be ready for Kendra, too.”

  Cal took the blue uniform and stroked the smooth fabric. It looked comfortable enough and seemed to move easily as Cal rolled the fabric around in his hands. He turned the uniform over and Fernando noted three white stars in a straight line down the back. Cal pulled out a white belt and blue combat boots from the bag and inspected each item.

  “And don’t forget this!” Margo held out a fighter pilot helmet. “Just enough coverage to disguise you, but it shouldn’t limit your head movement or impair your vision.”

  “This is perfect, Margo. Thank you.”

  “You’re gonna look so badass in that.” Fernando eyed Cal’s helmet and uniform. He turned to his sister, bracing himself for what was in his bag.

  “And for you, dear brother.” Margo pulled out a black t-shirt, jeans, and black boots.

  “Those are from my closet.”

  “I know. I didn’t think you’d wear a costume.” Margo’s face brightened when she added, “But I found a mask for you.”

  Fernando took the black eye mask and
tied it around his face. “I look like Zorro.” He clenched his jaw.

  “No, you don’t,” Margo choked out between giddy laughs.

  Cal eyed Fernando. “You look damn good to me.”

  Margo grinned, as she watched her brother blush, rubbing his chin.

  “Really?” Fernando glanced at Cal, who was nodding with a sly smile.

  “Fine. I’ll wear it.” Fernando pulled out the knot he had tied before peeling off the mask.

  “And last but not least, my costume!” Margo pulled out a magenta-colored bodysuit covered with feathers and sequins. She had a golden masquerade mask to match. “I’m going to look fabulous flying around in this.”

  “Hermanita, we’re fighting Ted, not going to Carnival.”

  “Whatever, Zorro,” Margo winked.

  Cal cleared his throat, stifling a laugh. “I’ve had this idea floating around in my head. Maybe it’s crazy enough to work. But what if I go to Dr. Almighty on my own accord…no bombs? No battles?”

  “You can’t just hand yourself over to him, Cal.” Fernando took a step closer.

  “Why the hell not? Why should my mom or Nessa or Jin suffer because I’m too afraid to face him?”

  “Because Ted is stubborn. Once he has a plan, he sticks with it. No matter how terrible. I know him too well.” No matter how Fernando had begged, shaking in his restraints, for Ted to stop injecting his body in the lab, he wouldn’t. He had only looked at him with cold, calculating eyes as he brushed matted hair away from dark eyes and began again. Ted had stopped waiting for the sedatives to take effect, and Fernando had seen the urgency to perfect his new power reflected in his bespectacled gaze.

  “Fernando, maybe Cal is right. We can all speak to Ted. He’ll listen. He loves us.”

  “You honestly believe that maniac loves us, Margo?!” Fernando growled. “He injected us with poison. Tortured us for days. Wouldn’t stop until he saw his plan to the end.”

  Margo took a step closer to her brother. “Cal’s idea can work. Your judgment is clouded by your feelings for Cal.”

  Fernando squeezed his eyes shut. Margo was right that Cal influenced his decisions, he wouldn’t fight her on that. But he knew Ted better than either of them. As much as he would love to stop the battle before it began, it was hopeless to entertain the idea. “It will be for nothing. But if you and Cal insist, I’ll join you.”

  * * *

  After a few hours of pacing and doing their best to keep busy, the three of them headed for Dr. Almighty’s office. Based on Fernando’s estimation of Ted’s patterns this week, he would be in his office now. They had worn their costumes at Margo’s suggestion, hoping he would see they weren’t weak just because they didn’t want any of this to escalate. They were willing to fight.

  They marched to the office, Cal leading the way. He carried his helmet to allow for direct eye contact with Ted. The door was open, so he stepped inside and found the room empty.

  “Mierda. I think I know where he is.” Fernando turned and motioned for them to follow.

  “Where are we going?” Margo followed in a flash, hovering a few inches above the ground.

  Cal picked up his pace. He wasn’t ready to give up on his plan of negotiating to avoid battle. But the way Fernando’s face blanched before he turned around couldn’t be a good sign.

  He followed them along an unfamiliar, winding hallway with blinking fluorescent lights. The laboratory was an endless maze that Cal had no intention of exploring further. Each corridor had its own look and feel, the ones used more often had the odor of fresh paint, most likely cared for by the new recruits. The hidden halls stunk of mold and were dark enough to require a flashlight to navigate. Cal bumped into the walls with each sharp twist and turn as he flew to keep up with Fernando who, in another life, could have been an Olympic sprinter with his speed.

  Fernando paused when he reached his destination, catching his breath. They were standing in front of a door that had been left open. “This is where Ted had us locate you, the night Princess Freeze attacked.” He panted, holding onto the wall to rest.

  “What is this place?” Cal glimpsed dark floors and bright lights.

  They entered the enormous space and saw the television screens in the rectangular grid along the back wall were running the news. There were reports of five hostages being held at the top pod of the Ferris Wheel at Navy Pier. The camera panned over the scene. A crowd had gathered. Cal could see police officers trying to control the hoard of people but couldn’t make out who was in the pod. His heart leaped to his throat as he thought of his mom, Nessa, and Jin. Who were the other two hostages?

  “Captain Stellar.” Dr. Almighty got up from his seat, moved by the arrival of his ultimate hero. “I thought you would never return. Unless Magenta and Funesto have finally succeeded in their capture mission.”

  “Save it, Ted,” Fernando sneered.

  “I’m here to stop you,” Cal stepped forward.

  “It’s a little too late for that. Princess Freeze and her students are spreading the good word of Almighty Labs at the Ferris Wheel.” Ted pointed to the grid of television screens like a proud father showing off baby photos in his wallet. “After years of being treated like a worthless joke…devoting my life to my work, I finally have the recognition I deserve. The world is watching my creations, and it will never be the same.”

  Margo narrowed her eyes. “I feel like a fool, thinking you loved me and Fernando.”

  “I went through great lengths to find five of your favorite people, Captain.” Judging by the look in his eyes, Dr. Almighty seemed drunk on the power of his genius. He flashed a confident smile at Cal. “Some of them proved difficult to find. Your father, for example-”

  “You let them go! Order the princess to release them.” Cal gasped when he saw close up video footage of the Ferris Wheel pod on the grid of screens. He could see Valerie, Dominick, Gary, Jin, and Nessa huddled together in the pod. Cal ran to touch his mom’s face on the screen.

  “No,” Dr. Almighty boomed.

  Cal turned around to see the fire in his green eyes.

  “I’ve already activated the bomb. You have about 45 minutes to rescue them before the Ferris Wheel explodes.” He looked at the pocket watch that he kept in his white lab coat. “I’m sorry, 44 minutes.”

  Cal squeezed his hands into fists as his body rushed with adrenaline. The people he cared for were victims of his cowardice. He would not allow them to pay with their lives. There would be no way to live with himself or carry on if he lost any of them, even his absent father.

  He looked over at Fernando and Margo. “Let’s go,” he said, disappointed by the desperation in his voice.

  Cal sprinted out of the tech room, flying through the unfamiliar hallways. He looked to his left to see if Margo was flying at his side, but she was nowhere to be found. There was no time to waste. He continued down the sharp curves of the corridor, trying to remember how to escape the maze Fernando had guided them through with ease.

  * * *

  “Cal, we’re right behind you!” Margo hoped he could hear her from the tech room.

  “Not so fast, Magenta!” Dr. Almighty pointed to Vinnie, who popped up from under a table. He ensnared Margo with his strong, taut vines. They sprouted from his fingertips before she lifted off the ground.

  “Let me go!” She struggled to break free from the vines wrapped around her torso, legs, and feet. Her efforts were in vain; Vinnie only squeezed them tighter around her body the more she struggled.

  Fernando reached for his gloves to destroy the green vines with his hands, but Ted stomped his foot, startling him. “No, Funesto. If you try to help, I’ll detonate the bomb with one click.” Ted pointed to the computer beside him, his finger hovering over the keypad. “I want you to stay here and watch the news with me like a good son.”

  “Piece of shit,” Fernando snarled.

  “Such language,” Ted gasped, feigning offense. “I want to see your face when Cal loses everyone he cares

  Fernando spit on the dark tiled floor, reflecting the bright lights from the television screens. His saliva splattered onto Ted’s shiny white shoes.

  Ted narrowed his eyes at his ruined shoes, then stared at Fernando. “You may think I’m oblivious to human emotion, but I know love when I see it. The captain will be so disappointed when he realizes you won’t be coming to help him fight. Such a shame. He’ll never know how much you care,” Ted mocked him with a frown.

  Fernando wanted to scream until his voice was hoarse, but he held back. Margo had been right before. His feelings for Cal had clouded his judgment. They had been so obvious that even Ted noticed, using his love for Cal against him. Fernando kept calm, needing a level head if he was going to stop Ted from destroying Cal’s life.

  * * *

  After a dizzying flight through the corridors and the warehouse, Cal stepped outside of the lab. He looked for Margo and Fernando as he caught his breath. But he was alone. He closed his eyes, wishing to hear their footsteps. They must have fallen behind. Or worse. Dr. Almighty might have stopped them in their tracks.

  He had heard Margo shout to him so he knew they had intended to join him. He paced for another moment, his beating heart hoping Margo and Fernando were not far behind.

  He turned to the warehouse; how much longer could he wait for them? The image of his mother’s face on the television screen came to mind. Her expression was calm but her eyes were wide with fear. He couldn’t lose another minute.

  He had to make it to the Ferris Wheel in time. People he loved were trapped inside. It was his battle to fight, alone. He threw on his helmet, sprinted down the street and began his ascent.

  Chapter 27

  Cal soared through the skyscrapers on his way to Navy Pier. The wind whipped around him, the cold air biting at the exposed half of his face. Ignoring the chill in his hands, he pushed himself to fly faster. Every minute was precious. No time to enjoy gliding through the blended skyline of old and modern buildings. He flew over the river, covered with small bridges, and kept heading northeast. His gaze was focused on the edge, where the buildings met the lake shore.


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