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Join the Club (SWAT Generation 2.0 Book 7)

Page 4

by Lani Lynn Vale

  I snickered. “Okay. Well, just remember the towel on the handle in the bathroom trick, okay?”

  He squeezed my hand again. “Will do.”

  We passed multiple conversations, laughter, a few flashlights, and the cake before I tugged on his arm.

  “Wait, I want another piece of cake,” I said.

  He came to a halt, and then he moved.

  “I don’t have good enough vision to see the cake,” he admitted. “But I did want another beer. And the bartender is down there with a flashlight. Let me leave you here, he can shine that down here long enough for you to get cake, and I’ll come back for you, okay?”

  And that was exactly what he did.

  I made sure to cut Bourne a hearty piece of the delicacy as well, just in case he’d wanted some, too.

  If he didn’t want it, well then I’d just have to eat it as well so it wouldn’t go to waste.

  When he came back, I had my hands full of the cake, so he took my elbow as he led me the rest of the way to our table.

  When we finally arrived, Sammy still wasn’t back.

  I placed my cake on the table, knocking over an empty beer bottle as I did.

  I cursed and tried to catch it before it hit the ground.

  I did, but only after nearly dropping my cake.

  “Shit,” I said as I nearly bobbled the plate.

  That was when I realized that I was bent down, and my lips were against something hard.

  Something really hard.

  And warm.

  And belonging to Bourne.

  I slowly shifted away, careful of my plate, and said, “I’m sorry.”

  There was a long moment of silence then Bourne said, “I’m not.”

  A long pause followed his comment, and at first, I thought that maybe I was just making things up. Feeling things where I shouldn’t be.

  But then the cake was taken from my hand and placed on the table.

  I heard the Dixie Cups hit the floor in his haste to get the cake onto the table, and before I could say a word, my back was against the wall, and Bourne was pinning me to it.

  I gasped, unsure what to say or do.

  Scared that if the wrong thing came out of my mouth, then he’d stop what he was doing.

  And I didn’t want him to stop. Not at all.

  I swallowed hard, and I put my hands onto his chest, or tried to. The beer bottle was still somehow in my hand.

  He felt the beer bottle that was pressed against him and took it away from me, putting it somewhere.

  He apparently didn’t need me to do or say anything, because sensing my worry, he backed off a bit, giving me time to think.

  “You okay?” he asked. “This okay?”

  His hands were on my hips, and that was the only body part that was touching me. But I could feel the heat of him from my knees to my breasts. I knew he was still close.

  “Y-yes,” I said. “More than.”

  “One time,” he rasped against my lips. “One fucking time. That’s all I need.”

  Once? That was all that he needed for real?

  I wanted him, but I knew better. Once wasn’t going to be enough.

  The way it felt with his hands on my hips? If that was any indication, then I knew that this was going to be epic. And something like that once would only show us both what we were missing.

  Except, I didn’t say anything more to him. I only cleared my throat and said, “Okay.”

  Like a dumbass.

  Before I could say another word or realize that this was a really bad idea, his mouth was on mine.

  And all those ‘bad ideas’ and ‘this really shouldn’t happens’ were gone. In their places were feelings of awe. Feelings of ‘oh my God’ and ‘how is this happening to me right now?’

  “I can’t wait,” he told me. “You in that dress? My hand on your ankle for the last hour? It’s taken everything that I had not to push it farther up. Jesus Christ, I was praying for a miracle. Something to tell me to stop touching you. Something to get my head right. But obviously this is God’s way of telling me that you’re what’s supposed to happen. Right?”

  How was he able to talk so much?

  I was barely able to think with his mouth on my throat.

  “Bourne,” I breathed.

  There was more that I needed to say, but it never came out because his mouth was once again on mine.

  This time, his tongue licked the seam of my lips, sending electric shockwaves throughout every single nerve ending in my body.

  I shivered and leaned into him, loving the way the hard wall of his chest felt beneath my dainty hands.

  God, he was just so hard and muscular.

  It was a wonder that he was able to fit that hard wall of muscle into the shirt he had it in.

  I gasped, oxygen deprived now, and he took advantage, sweeping his tongue inside and delicately licking my tongue with his.

  I moaned into his mouth then, digging my fingernails into his pectoral muscles.

  “I want to push you up against this wall, tear those black thong panties to the side, and shove straight into you,” he growled as he pulled back, panting.

  I licked my lips and pushed farther into him.

  Then said three words that I never thought would come out of my mouth.

  “Then do it.”

  There was a loud boom of thunder, and then a streak of lightning lit up the sky, as well as the room that I was standing in.

  My eyes automatically found Bourne’s, and what I saw there had my heart racing even faster.

  He was reaching for me.

  He was going to take me.

  In the next second, I felt his hands on my hips, and then I was sitting on the stool that he’d been sitting on all night.

  I clutched the padded seat with both hands, surprised to find myself perched there.

  But then he moved between my thighs, and I felt the hot, warm head of his cock.

  When had he unzipped his pants? And whoa, was he big!

  “You covered?” he asked, grinding himself into me.

  I licked my lips and said, “I’m on the shot.”

  “If you’re fond of those panties,” he growled as he pushed my thighs out wider. “I suggest you do something with them.”

  By doing something I decided he meant move them to the side, but honestly, I just wanted to see what he would do, which was why I stayed exactly where I was and let him do his thing.

  And boy, did he do his thing.

  He didn’t move my panties to the side.

  He didn’t even pull them down.

  He ripped them off.

  Ripped. Them. Off.


  One second they were there, and the next they were gone, and I was left gasping in surprised awe at his show of strength.

  Listen, people. Panties weren’t easy to break.

  My sister and I had fought over a pair when we were younger. She said they were hers, I knew they were mine. And it all boiled down to the fact that we fought over them.

  There was a lot of pulling, tugging, and screaming involved.

  And in the end, the panties were stretched, but not torn.

  Not to mention that the underwear were quality.

  I’d spent a pretty penny on them. I knew that it was likely I’d be seeing Bourne at the party, and inwardly, I wanted to know I had something sexy on, even if he’d never see it.

  And oh, boy.

  Though he didn’t see it, he definitely felt it.

  “Fuck,” he said as he felt the heat of me touch the tip of him. “What the fuck?”

  What the fuck?

  “You’re so wet and ready,” he groaned. “How long have you been thinking about me? Be honest.”

  How honest did he want me to be?

  But, of course, the complete wrong answer came out of my mouth. When he said be honest, I was going to be honest.

“Since we were in tenth grade,” I breathed against the side of his face, loving how soft his hair was.

  He froze, his hand clenching on my outer thigh.

  Then he seemed to forget momentarily and backed away, his cock dragging deliciously through the folds of my wet sex.

  “No shit?” he asked.

  The lights flickered on, and my heart dropped to my knees.

  I wasn’t upset that they’d come back on, or worried that we’d get caught. There was no way that he’d let me get caught doing this.

  I was sad because if we had to stop what we were doing, we wouldn’t finish.

  I knew it with every single inch of me.

  We wouldn’t be moving this to a different place. It was either happening, right here and now, or not at all.

  The desolation must’ve shown on my face, because he cupped it with his hand and started to say something.

  A hard boom, followed by the sound of a transformer blowing, quickly caused the lights to go out once again.

  The room plunged into darkness, and that was when Bourne plunged inside of me.

  The cry of surprise that fell from my lips was echoed around the room by other’s cries of surprise. Though, I had a feeling that their cries were for a whole lot different of a reason than mine.

  “Shhh,” he said against my mouth, his lips whispering against mine.

  I tried to hold in the whimpers, but Bourne was a big man.

  Like… big.

  I had no knowledge of my first time. None.

  And since I hadn’t had sex again since my first time—I mean hello, I had a five-year-old, people—I really wouldn’t have anything to compare Bourne’s thickness to.

  I would be remembering this time, though.

  The beers that I’d had earlier were quickly wearing off, and I was one hundred and ten percent behind what we were doing. It would also mean that I would know what I was missing when it was gone.

  Bourne pulled out, then slowly slid back inside, filling me up even more than before.

  My mouth fell open in a silent cry, and my hands clutched at his shoulders.

  “Faster,” I pleaded. “Please go faster.”

  He didn’t move faster.

  In fact, he moved slower.

  “Bastard,” I whispered. “Please.”

  He laughed against my throat where he was slowly dragging his lips against my pulse point. Likely measuring just how much he excited me.

  “You’re killing me,” he growled, his thrusts staying smooth and measured.

  Not too hard. Not too soft.

  Just right.

  For him, anyway.

  God, if he’d just go a bit harder, I’d come.

  I knew with every fiber in my being that I would be coming tonight. Hard.

  The explosion was going to rock my world and star as one of my go-to fantasies for masturbating for many years to come.

  “I’m killing you?” I asked. “You’re nuts. You’ve been taunting me all night long with that hand of yours on my ankle.”

  His chuckle was breathless as he pulled away from my throat and once again moved his mouth up along the length of my jaw.

  “I had to switch you over to cups of beer instead of bottles because watching you put your lips to a phallic-like object was driving me insane,” he growled against my lips.

  I snorted. “I kept wanting you to drag me to you by my ankle, spread me open wide with that hold you had, and plunge inside of me.”

  His cock jerked as he lost his rhythm.

  “You bent over the couch earlier and I could see these,” he said, dragging his hands up the length of my thigh, his fingers dragging along my garters. He still had my panties clutched in one.

  He came to a stop at my garters, and I licked my lips.

  “I bought these because of you,” I said. “I specifically went to the lingerie store and bought them. For you. Just in case, on the off chance that you saw them.”

  He growled and started to thrust harder. Deeper.

  “I saw them,” he growled. “And I’ve been wanting to feel them against my hands all fucking night.”

  A moan started to tear up my throat, but before it could surface, we heard boots hitting the floor coming our way.

  The boots stopped, turned around, and went back the way they came.

  I was having sex with Bourne Pena, my baby daddy’s brother, in the corner of a crowded room.

  Sure, the lights were off, but did that really matter in the grand scheme of things?

  Bourne didn’t waste time pulling all the way out, then thrusting back in again.

  A squeak left my throat at the feel of him there, exactly where I’d wanted him for so long.

  “You feel like silk. Hot silk wrapped around my cock.” He groaned against me. “I want to pull this dress down, free those tits, and suck those nipples between my lips. Bite them. Suck them.”

  I allowed my head to fall back and my thighs to widen.

  My precarious position on the edge of the chair never wavered. He had me so securely in his arms that I never once feared falling. He would never let me fall.

  I breathed out shakily and tried to move my hips, to urge him faster and harder, but still he wouldn’t budge.

  He was doing this at his own pace, and I would get what I got.

  Which wasn’t bad… I just wanted him harder.

  I needed him harder.

  “Please, can you go harder? Please,” I whined, my palms going back to the edge of the seat.

  I didn’t know if it was the pleading in my tone or it was just when he’d decided that it was time, but he pulled out and slammed back inside.

  There was no measured thrust this time.

  No smooth entry. No reluctant withdrawal.

  No, he forced his cock so fast and hard inside of me that I nearly screamed.

  It was only his hand on my mouth that kept it at bay.

  “That’s why,” he growled. “Quiet, or I stop.”

  I didn’t want him to stop.

  With tears of frustration and need in my eyes, I nodded my head against his hand.

  He pulled away and then replaced it on my thigh where he pushed it up high and wide and started to fuck me.

  The stool I was on was squeaky as his thrusts became harder.

  Realizing this, he picked me up, twirled around, and pressed me against the wall.

  I gasped, surprised by the sudden move, but he didn’t give me time to adjust or reply.

  He started to fuck me harder, using the wall as back pressure to take me.

  I’d never in my life thought that I would enjoy rough sex, but what Bourne was giving me right then? Hard and fast? That was the best thing that I’d ever felt in my life.

  “You don’t come until I do,” he growled.

  There was an intensity to his words that had me agreeing without thinking through my words.

  My orgasm was close.

  So close that I could taste it. That I could feel it fluttering my insides.

  With his ramped-up speed and super cock, I knew without a doubt that I’d be coming whether he wanted me to or not.

  But just as I realized this, he slowed. “No.”

  At first, I was surprised.

  I mean, what the hell?

  Then I realized that he could tell that I was close. He didn’t want me to go.

  And he was making it to where I didn’t have a choice.

  “Bourne,” I hissed. “Why?”

  He pushed his cock back inside, going back to that same maddening pattern as earlier.

  “I don’t want this to be over too quickly,” he admitted. “I want to—”

  “Hey,” Sammy called.

  Bourne stilled with his cock half in-half out of me.

  I licked my lips nervously, praying that Sammy didn’t see.

  And that Bourne could finish me.

  Because holy hell in a han
dbasket, I was right. There.

  Bourne reached up and placed his hand over my mouth, and I realized then that I was whimpering.

  Jesus, but it felt good.

  I’d never realized, not once, how good sex could feel.

  If I had… I still wouldn’t have been doing it.

  I was a single mother.

  I worked eighty hours a week sometimes.

  I didn’t have time to find someone to have sex with, let alone have sex.

  So this was my one and only time that I was going to get for the foreseeable future.

  And Sammy was ruining it.

  My pussy squeezed on thin air, wanting and needing him back almost as bad as my body needed air for my lungs.

  He squeezed his hand onto my ass, telling me without words that I was to be good.

  But I couldn’t be good.

  I needed him to move.

  “Yeah?” Bourne asked, sounding completely unaffected by what we were doing.

  “I got a call,” he said. “Gotta go. Just wanted to tell you that I wasn’t here anymore.”

  Bourne moved his hand up my thigh, then slowly allowed his cock to once again sink inside of me.

  “Thanks,” Bourne murmured. “Stay safe.”

  “10-4,” Sammy said. “Will you bring my jacket with you when you leave?”

  Bourne smoothed his hand up the length of my ass, his fingers dipping into the crack of my ass and causing me to shiver as he did.

  I’d never thought about anal sex before.

  But when his fingers were inches away from that forbidden back entrance? And your man was currently deep inside of you not moving, giving you time to think? Yeah, now I was thinking about it. I was thinking about a lot of things.

  My pussy clenched when I thought about his fingers slipping further around, one fingertip…

  “Yeah,” Bourne’s voice stayed rock-steady. “I’ll bring it. I think it’s with mine.”

  “Great. Good luck getting home,” Sammy called.

  Did he sound further away now?

  I licked my lips and lifted my hips, desperate for Bourne to continue moving.

  “You are slowly killing me,” Bourne murmured. “You want him to find out?”

  I closed my eyes, but still I couldn’t help myself.

  I needed him to move in the worst way.

  “Sure can’t find it in me to care right now,” I panted.

  He chuckled, then started his slow, methodical thrusts again. The ones designed to drive me insane while also ratcheting up the anticipation.


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