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Join the Club (SWAT Generation 2.0 Book 7)

Page 12

by Lani Lynn Vale

  I slowly started to undo the buttons on his uniform top, grinning when I got to the Kevlar vest underneath.

  “You wear it,” I said softly.

  A few months ago, Asa had seen a patch that he’d wanted Bourne to have.

  It was an embroidered unicorn that was puking rainbows.

  It was the weirdest thing, but Asa had declared that ‘Uncle Bourne just has to have this.’

  To see Bourne wearing it made me smile hard.

  “I like it.” He grinned. “It’s a CrossFit patch. It’s pretty cool.”

  I pressed my hand against the patch and then started to untuck the tails of his shirt from his uniform pants.

  “What’s next?” I asked. “The shirt or the pants?”

  He stood up and started to undress, and I couldn’t help but watch the show.

  He started with the shirt, shrugging it off and tossing it unceremoniously to the floor, followed by his belt, then his pants.

  The Kevlar vest was next to go, followed shortly by his white undershirt, leaving him in only his underwear.

  “I need to shower,” he said. “I’ve had a long night.”

  In answer, I sat up at the end of the bed, then caught him by his waistband and tugged him to me.

  His eyes flared slightly, watching as I carefully drug him toward me, all the while licking my lips in anticipation.

  I wanted him in my mouth.

  Even more, I wanted to give him something that he could remember tonight when he was on his long shift. Maybe look forward to when he came home.

  “Shower later,” I said, licking the tip of his cock and loving the way he tasted.

  “I should really shower,” he muttered. “I’ve been sweating my ass off all… ahhh, Christ.”

  In answer to his ‘I should take a shower’ comment, I swirled my tongue around the tip of his cock like an ice cream cone that was melting, then sucked the tip deep into my mouth.

  “Fuck, that tastes good,” I murmured. “You taste good.”

  His eyes were hot when I glanced up, and I could see his hands clenching and unclenching, as if he was itching to grab a hold of my hair and tell me what he wanted to do.

  “Do it,” I urged. “Show me how you like it.”

  I don’t know what I expected.

  Maybe for his fingers to viciously sink into my hair, and his hands to clench as he started to rock his cock into my mouth until he got off.

  But that’s not what I got at all.

  Instead of the fast and furious mouth fucking I envisioned, I got a slow, almost beautiful slide of his fingers into my hair. As if he was relishing the way that my hair felt against his fingers before he slowly pulled his cock out of my mouth completely.

  Before I could protest, he kissed me soundly, pushing me back on the bed as his mouth claimed mine.

  I moaned when I felt him press against me fully, loving the way he felt pinning me to the bed with all of his weight.

  I gasped when his mouth left mine, eyes opening in time to see him crawling up the bed so that his groin was once again level with my mouth.

  I opened my mouth up as he guided his cock inside, moaning slightly when I could feel the sweet, salty taste of his pre-come gathered at his tip.

  “Only your mouth,” he ordered when I went to press my hands to his thighs.

  I dropped my hands, and he reached down and gathered them up with the hand that wasn’t planted in the bed holding his body up.

  Once he had my hands, he shifted them up high over my head and linked his fingers with all of mine, then pressed them to the bed.

  Slowly he started to work his hips, feeding me his cock one delicious inch at a time.

  When I’d start to get overwhelmed with his size, he would pull back, allowing me to breathe deeply before pushing back inside.

  Over and over he did this, fucking my mouth with a slow, sensual heat that was all Bourne.

  I should’ve known that he’d want slow.

  He always wanted slow.

  “Do you want to swallow me?” he asked.

  I must’ve looked a little worried because he pulled back with a laugh.

  “It’s okay,” he said.

  “I’ve never done it before,” I told him. “I’m honestly kind of scared of that part. What if I choke and puke all over you?”

  He grinned and took one of my hands and wrapped it around his cock.

  My hand looked ghostly pale against his tanned cock.

  “You don’t, like, sunbathe in the nude, do you?” I asked, looking at the difference of color between his cock and his abs.

  “No.” He started to work his hips faster, forcing me to hold on and watch as he slowly fucked himself with my fist. “Where do you want me?”


  I wanted him everywhere.

  I licked my lips and fell back to the bed, my fingers going to the waistband of my jeans.

  He watched in silence as I slowly kicked my shorts off, followed shortly by my shirt.

  His eyes took me in, touching on every single place that I found unsexy as hell.

  But the more he took in, the hotter his eyes got, until his cock had gone to absolute stone right in front of me.

  “God, you’re so beautiful that it hurts,” he murmured. “I want to taste every single inch of you. And even though I’ve had you before, it’s like I’m a kid in a candy shop. I don’t know where to fucking start.”

  I widened my legs and gestured to my lower half.

  “How about you start with your cock in me?” I suggested. “I’m all worked up from you fucking my mouth.”

  He grinned and completely ignored my suggestion, going down to his belly in front of me before burying his face between my legs.

  Let’s just say that there wasn’t any hesitancy in Bourne at all. He wasn’t unsure about anything he did and giving me oral sex seemed like a skill that he had to have mastered.

  “Jesus.” I all but bowed off the bed the moment his tongue touched my clit. “That felt like a livewire.”

  As if he’d touched that tiny little part of me with something that was much more conductive than his tongue.

  He laughed and pushed me back down, then went about swirling his tongue around the tiny little bud, touching but not quite giving me exactly what I wanted.

  His fingers probed at my entrance, dipping inside but just as quickly coming back out, giving me a hint of what I wanted while also holding back.

  “Why do you tease me so?” I whined.

  “Because I don’t want you to come,” he growled. “I just want you hot for me like I am for you.”

  “I am,” I promised. “So, so hot.”

  I wiggled in his hold, trying to force him to take more of me than he wanted to take.

  He chuckled against my pussy, his tongue vibrating with his amusement.

  “It’s not funny,” I panted. “Please, I need…”

  He added a finger.



  And the man was aware of what he did to me. Aware of how much I wanted him. Needed him.

  He was killing me softly. Slowly.

  I latched onto his ears, hoping for purchase when I knew that I wouldn’t find anything.


  He slowly slid that finger inside, nice and easy, traitorously slow.

  I wanted to snap my legs together around his head and force him to do more, but I knew what that would get me.

  Something slower.

  And I couldn’t do slower.

  So I stayed put where I was, allowing him to do what he wanted to me—what was the definition of torture again?—and nearly died of overstimulation.

  When he finally pulled back, I was on fire.

  My fingers were tingling. The tips of my breasts were hard and needy little points. My clit was singing.

  And my vagina? Bourne Pena now owned that.

ll he’d have to do was flick his finger in my direction, and I’d come running, even if it was another torturously slow thing like he was used to doing.

  He crawled up my body, his mouth skimming over my hip bones, followed shortly by my navel, then up past my ribs to my breasts.

  He let his tongue slide out as he went over one tip, causing a moan to shakily escape my mouth before he paused at my collarbone to suck the skin into his mouth and bite down lightly.

  I squeezed my eyes shut tight, praying for patience.

  Calm down, Delanie. He’ll give you what you need.

  I knew he would.

  He’d never not taken care of me before.

  But the waiting game that he made me play was a test of my nerves.

  I was right, though.

  The moment his cock lined up with my entrance and he slid inside? It was everything.

  He didn’t go slow, but he didn’t go fast. He kept his pace light and even as he slowly fucked me into oblivion.

  “I think I’m going to come,” I breathed, my hands clenching on the back of his biceps.

  He ran his bearded jaw over the length of my chin, then stopped when he was at my ear.

  “Then come.”

  I exploded then, unable to help myself.

  I went from feeling like I might blow up to actually blowing up.

  Tiny little fragments of myself were likely scattered all over my bedroom.

  I cried out, eyes going sightless as the orgasm to end all orgasms rolled through me.

  It was like a riptide. I didn’t realize how far and fast it was going to pull me under until it was already on top of me.

  Nerves I had no clue I even had burst to life, tingling and firing.

  My pussy clenched down hard on his cock, and for once I wasn’t quiet when I orgasmed.

  I screamed.

  Hard and loud.

  I felt my throat constrict and knew that come tomorrow, it’d probably be sore and hoarse.

  But for now? With the orgasm rolling through me? I couldn’t find it in me to be concerned.

  I panted as I slowly came back to life, and when my eyes finally blinked open, I felt like a different person.

  I looked at Bourne, saw his amusement, and could only shake my head.

  “I don’t think that I’ll survive if you keep giving me orgasms like that,” I told him bluntly.

  He grinned and pulled out, which was when I felt the wetness rush out of me.

  I quickly placed my hand over my sex and caught his release with my fingers.

  Waddling to the bathroom, I cleaned myself up as Bourne came in and started the shower.

  He grinned at me when I used my fourth massive wad of toilet paper to clean myself up.

  “It’s been a while,” he admitted.

  I rolled my eyes at him, causing him to laugh as he got into the shower.

  I followed behind him, reaching for the bar of soap so I could clean myself up.

  The shower was short and fast. At least, it started out that way.

  Since I’d already taken my shower, I decided to just join him—and possibly wash his back.

  While he was washing his hair, I watched as the soap suds rolled down his body in rivulets. Going over the speed bumps he called abs, seeping into the nest of dark curls that surrounded his still semi-erect cock, and then curling around his balls to fall down his legs.

  Glancing up at his face to make sure his eyes were closed, I reached forward and poked his cock. Lightly. Oh, so lightly. Just to see if he could feel it.

  I quickly glanced up at his face and saw him peek an eye open at me.

  “You felt that?” I asked.

  He flashed a grin at me. “Yeah.”

  I waited for him to close his eyes again, and then did it all over again, trying to touch a different spot this time, as well as trying to go for lighter.

  I glanced up at him in time to see his lips tip up at the edges.

  “That, too?” I asked.

  His grin went wider. “Yes.”

  I did it all over again, not bothering to look up this time. “What about then?”

  “Yes.” He paused. “The head of a man’s cock is the most sensitive part of his body. Trust me when I say, there’s likely never going to come a time when I can’t feel that. And if there is a time, we should probably go to the emergency room, because something is wrong with me.”

  Grinning, I reached forward and wrapped my hand around his cock.

  “What about now?” I asked.

  In answer, he pushed me up against the wall of the shower and said a few words against my lips.

  “Do you want it from behind, or with your back to the wall?” he growled.

  I reached for the soap and ignored his words, running my soaped-up hands all over the breadth of his shoulders.

  “I think you should get to bed,” I admitted. “I have work to do, and you have to sleep so you can get up tonight and do your shift all over again.”

  He growled and flipped me around. “From behind it is.”

  Ten minutes later, he was lying in my bed naked, face down.

  “Did you let your dog out?” I asked.

  “Yes,” he sighed as he sank farther into the bed. “About halfway through my shift, then right before I got off. Booth played with him a bit this morning before coming to work, too. I’ll go over there before work tonight and let him out. I’ll get dressed over there, too.”

  I thought about that for a long moment. “Why don’t you bring him over here? Do you mind if I go get him?”

  “Not at all, but grab my dry cleaning bag, too,” he muttered, half asleep. “It would help me immensely.”

  I went ahead and pulled the door closed behind me after that.

  An hour later, after getting Bourne’s dog, a black lab named Moses, I worked him in the yard with my pups in training.

  Two hours after that, my sister arrived home to say that she was only here long enough to grab clothes, then she was going to spend the day at Booth’s.

  “Isn’t that Bourne’s dog?” she asked, eyeing Moses.

  “Yep,” I said as I commanded, “Moses, sit.”

  Moses sat.

  He was a boisterous little devil that only stirred up more when he was around my rowdy little Cane Corso—and I say little meaning he was small for his breed at a cool one hundred and thirty pounds at two years old.

  “Why’s he here?” she asked, looking across the street at Priscilla’s place where I knew she assumed Bourne was.

  “I asked Bourne if he wanted me to bring him over here during the day, and he said he’d like that,” I answered, not quite lying, but definitely not telling the full truth, either.

  “Huh,” she said as she walked up the front walk. “You should come meet Bobo. He’s really sweet.”

  I’d heard about Bobo. Bobo was a retired military working dog that she got from one of her friends. I’d also heard that he was a little wild and scary. He’d also saved my sister’s life in an alley behind her work when her old childhood friend, Kerrie, had tried to strangle her.

  If it hadn’t been for Bobo, who knows where Dillan would be right now.

  “I actually had intended to stop by.” I paused. “I also heard that Malachi was going to adopt him.”

  Malachi was one of the men that worked on the SWAT team with Bourne and Booth.

  “He is,” she confirmed. “But I’m still going to go see him. I feel bad that he got hit by a car.” She paused. “I’m going tonight if you want to go.”

  “I have Asa,” I said. “And what I’ve heard from Booth, the dog doesn’t do well with kids.”

  Dillan sighed. “I don’t actually know that. But yeah, the guy that helps place the Military Working Dogs suggested he not be with kids or other animals.”

  Moses bumped my hand because he wanted attention, and I gave it to him, rolling my hands over his ears in affection.

“I heard that you were selling another one,” she said as she took a few more steps toward the door.

  I touched the Irish Setter’s head. “This one. He’ll be going to that little boy that I went to that wedding to talk to a few weeks ago. He’s coming to get him this weekend.”

  “That’ll be fun.” Dillan frowned. “Is someone here?”

  Thank God Bourne had parked at his sister’s place.

  Before I could answer, Booth called, and she lit up like a Christmas tree, ignoring me completely as she walked inside.

  I sure hoped that she didn’t wake Bourne, but he’d assured me that he was a heavy sleeper, and nothing short of waking him up by shouting in his ear would get him up.

  I went back to working with the dogs, putting them all through their paces. Even Moses.

  And wondered idly if Bourne would let me do this every day.

  Because I could certainly get used to it.

  Chapter 10

  Ambitchous-the desire to become a better bitch.

  -Text from Delanie to Bourne


  I squeezed Delanie’s hand as we walked together to the front door of her house.

  I glanced at my watch as I did, wondering if we’d have time to get this over with before Asa got off the bus.

  Probably not. But if the inevitable happened and he was here, I’d just text Priscilla to get him off and she would.

  “I don’t want to do this,” Delanie said, then opened the door.

  It was a surprise to see David standing there beyond the threshold. Not because I didn’t know he was coming, but because he looked like he was old. Very old. Way older than the last time I’d seen him—though, granted, that was five years ago now.

  “Father,” Delanie said, voice bland.

  David’s eyes immediately flicked to me, and I saw the anger there at having me standing in front of him.

  “Booth?” he asked.

  “Bourne,” I said. “The other twin.”

  David’s lips tightened and he looked at Delanie. “I thought this was a private meeting.”

  “This is,” she said. “With my man, Bourne.”

  “Fiancé,” I corrected her, knowing that she was going to look at me in surprise. “It’s a new thing.”

  Delanie’s eyes looked wide when she glanced at me, and I leaned forward and placed a light kiss on her nose. “Just go with it.”


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