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Cecilia; Or, Memoirs of an Heiress — Volume 2

Page 34

by Fanny Burney


  At----they stopt for dinner; Mrs Charlton being too much fatigued to goon without some rest, though the haste of Cecilia to meet Delvile timeenough for new arranging their affairs, made her regret every momentthat was spent upon the road.

  Their meal was not long, and they were returning to their chaise, whenthey were suddenly encountered by Mr Morrice, who was just alighted fromhis horse.

  He congratulated himself upon the happiness of meeting them with the airof a man who nothing doubted that happiness being mutual; then hasteningto speak of the Grove, "I could hardly," he cried, "get away; my friendMonckton won't know what to do without me, for Lady Margaret, poor oldsoul, is in a shocking bad way indeed; there's hardly any staying inthe room with her; her breathing is just like the grunting of a hog.She can't possibly last long, for she's quite upon her last legs, andtumbles about so when she walks alone, one would swear she was drunk."

  "If you take infirmity," said Mrs Charlton, who was now helped into thechaise, "for intoxication, you must suppose no old person sober."

  "Vastly well said, ma'am," cried he; "I really forgot your being an oldlady yourself, or I should not have made the observation. However, as topoor Lady Margaret, she may do as well as ever by and bye, for she hasan excellent constitution, and I suppose she has been hardly any betterthan she is now these forty years, for I remember when I was quite a boyhearing her called a limping old puddle."

  "Well, we'll discuss this matter, if you please," said Cecilia, "someother time." And ordered the postilion to drive on. But before they cameto their next stage, Morrice having changed his horse, joined them, androde on by their side, begging them to observe what haste he had made onpurpose to have the pleasure of escorting them.

  This forwardness was very offensive to Mrs Charlton, whose years andcharacter had long procured her more deference and respect; but Cecilia,anxious only to hasten her journey, was indifferent to every thing, savewhat retarded it.

  At the same Inn they both again changed horses, and he still continuedriding with them, and occasionally talking, till they were withintwenty miles of London, when a disturbance upon the road exciting hiscuriosity, he hastily rode away from them to enquire into its cause.

  Upon coming up to the place whence it proceeded, they saw a partyof gentlemen on horseback surrounding a chaise which had been justoverturned; and while the confusion in the road obliged the postilion tostop Cecilia heard a lady's voice exclaiming, "I declare I dare say I amkilled!" and instantly recollecting Miss Larolles, the fear of discoveryand delay made her desire the man to drive on with all speed. He waspreparing to obey her, but Morrice, gallopping after them, calledout, "Miss Beverley, one of the ladies that has been overturned, is anacquaintance of yours. I used to see her with you at Mrs Harrel's."

  "Did you?" said Cecilia, much disconcerted, "I hope she is not hurt?'

  "No, not at all; but the lady with her is bruised to death; won't youcome and see her?"

  "I am too much in haste at present,--and I can do them no good; but MrsCharlton I am sure will spare her servant, if he can be of any use."

  "O but the young lady wants to speak to you; she is coming up to thechaise as fast as ever she can."

  "And how should she know me?" cried Cecilia, with much surprise; "I amsure she could not see me."

  "O, I told her,", answered Morrice, with a nod of self-approbationfor what he had done, "I told her it was you, for I knew I could soonovertake you."

  Displeasure at this officiousness was unavailing, for looking out ofthe window, she perceived Miss Larolles, followed by half her party, notthree paces from the chaise.

  "O my dear creature," she called out, "what a terrible accident! Iassure you I am so monstrously frightened you've no idea. It's theluckiest thing in the world that you were going this way. Never anything happened so excessively provoking; you've no notion what a fallwe've had. It's horrid shocking, I assure you. How have you been allthis time? You can't conceive how glad I am to see you."

  "And to which will Miss Beverley answer first," cried a voice whichannounced Mr Gosport, "the joy or the sorrow? For so adroitly are theyblended, that a common auditor could with difficulty decide, whethercondolence, or congratulation should have the precedency."

  "How can you be so excessive horrid," cried Miss Larolles, "to talk ofcongratulation, when one's in such a shocking panic that one does notknow if one's dead or alive!"

  "Dead, then, for any wager," returned he, "if we may judge by yourstillness."

  "I desire, now, you won't begin joking," cried she, "for I assure youit's an excessive serious affair. I was never so rejoiced in my life aswhen I found I was not killed. I've been so squeezed you've no notion. Ithought for a full hour I had broke both my arms."

  "And my heart at the same time," said Mr Gosport; "I hope you did notimagine that the least fragile of the three?"

  "All our hearts, give me leave to add," said Captain Aresby--just thenadvancing, "all our hearts must have been abimes, by the indispositionof Miss Larolles, had not their doom been fortunately revoked by thesight of Miss Beverley."

  "Well, this is excessive odd,", cried Miss Larolles, "that every bodyshould run away so from poor Mrs Mears; she'll be so affronted you've noidea. I thought, Captain Aresby, you would have stayed to take care ofher."

  "I'll run and see how she is myself," cried Morrice, and away hegallopped.

  "Really, ma'am," said the Captain, "I am quite au desespoir to havefailed in any of my devoirs; but I make it a principle to be a merelooker on upon these occasions, lest I should be so unhappy as to commitany faux pas by too much empressement."

  "An admirable caution!" said Mr Gosport, "and, to so ardent a temper, anecessary check!"

  Cecilia, whom the surprise and vexation of so unseasonable a meeting,when she particularly wished to have escaped all notice, had hithertokept in painful silence, began now to recover some presence of mind; andmaking her compliments to Miss Larolles and Mr Gosport, with a slightbow to the Captain, she apologized for hurrying away, but told them shehad an engagement in London which could not be deferred, and was thengiving orders to the postilion to drive on, when Morrice returning fullspeed, called out "The poor lady's so bad she is not able to stir astep; she can't put a foot to the ground, and she says she's quite blackand blue; so I told her I was sure Miss Beverley would not refuse tomake room for her in her chaise, till the other can be put to rights;and she says she shall take it as a great favour. Here, postilion, alittle more to the right! come, ladies and gentlemen, get out of theway." This impertinence, however extraordinary, Cecilia could notoppose; for Mrs Charlton, ever compassionate and complying where therewas any appearance of distress, instantly seconded the proposal; thechaise, therefore, was turned back, and she was obliged to offer aplace in it to Mrs Mears, who, though more frightened than hurt, readilyaccepted it, notwithstanding, to make way for her without incommodingMrs Charlton, she was forced to get out herself.

  She failed not, however, to desire that all possible expedition mightbe used in refitting the other chaise for their reception; and all thegentlemen but one, dismounted their horses, in order to assist, or seemto assist in getting it ready.

  This only unconcerned spectator in the midst of the apparent generalbustle, was Mr Meadows; who viewed all that passed without troublinghimself to interfere, and with an air of the most evident carelessnesswhether matters went well or went ill.

  Miss Larolles, now returning to the scene of action, suddenly screamedout, "O dear, where's my little dog! I never thought of him, I declare!I love him better than any thing in the world. I would not have him hurtfor a hundred thousand pounds. Lord, where is he?"

  "Crushed or suffocated in the overturn, no doubt," said Mr Gosport; "butas you must have been his executioner, what softer death could he die?If you will yourself inflict the punishment, I will submit to the samefate."

  "Lord, how you love to plague one!" cried she and then enquired amongthe servants what was become
of her dog. The poor little animal,forgotten by its mistress, and disregarded by all others, was nowdiscovered by its yelping; and soon found to have been the most materialsufferer by the overturn, one of its fore legs being broken.

  Could screams or lamentations, reproaches to the servants, or complaintsagainst the Destinies, have abated his pain, or made a callus of thefracture, but short would have been the duration of his misery; forneither words were saved, nor lungs were spared, the very air was rentwith cries, and all present were upbraided as if accomplices in thedisaster.

  The postilion, at length, interrupted this vociferation with news thatthe chaise was again fit for use; and Cecilia, eager to be gone, findinghim little regarded, repeated what he said to Miss Larolles.

  "The chaise?" cried she, "why you don't suppose I'll ever get into thathorrid chaise any more? I do assure you I would not upon any account."

  "Not get into it?" said Cecilia, "for what purpose, then, have we allwaited till it was ready?"

  "O, I declare I would not go in it for forty thousand worlds. I wouldrather walk to an inn, if it's a hundred and fifty miles off."

  "But as it happens," said Mr Gosport, "to be only seven miles, I fancyyou will condescend to ride."

  "Seven miles! Lord, how shocking! you frighten me so you have no idea.Poor Mrs Mears! She'll have to go quite alone. I dare say the chaisewill be down fifty times by the way. Ten to one but she breaks her neck!only conceive how horrid! I assure you I am excessive glad I am out ofit."

  "Very friendly, indeed!" said Mr Gosport. "Mrs Mears, then, may breakher bones at her leisure!"

  Mrs Mears, however, when applied to, professed an equal aversion to thecarriage in which she had been so unfortunate, and declared she wouldrather walk than return to it, though one of her ancles was already soswelled that she could hardly stand.

  "Why then the best way, ladies," cried Morrice, with the look of a manhappy in vanquishing all difficulties, "will be for Mrs Charlton, andthat poor lady with the bruises, to go together in that sound chaise,and then for us gentlemen to escort this young lady and Miss Beverleyon foot, till we all come to the next inn. Miss Beverley, I know, is anexcellent walker, for I have heard Mr Monckton say so."

  Cecilia, though in the utmost consternation at a proposal, which must solong retard a journey she had so many reasons to wish hastened, knew nothow either in decency or humanity to oppose it; and the fear of raisingsuspicion, from a consciousness how much there was to suspect, forcedher to curb her impatience, and reduced her even to repeat the offerwhich Morrice had made, though she could scarce look at him for anger athis unseasonable forwardness.

  No voice dissenting, the troop began to be formed. The foot consisted ofthe two young ladies, and Mr Gosport, who alighted to walk with Cecilia;the cavalry, of Mr Meadows, the Captain, and Morrice, who walked theirhorses a foot pace, while the rest of the party rode on with the chaise,as attendants upon Mrs Mears.

  Just before they set off, Mr Meadows, riding negligently up to thecarriage, exerted himself so far as to say to Mrs Mears, "Are you hurt,ma'am?" and, at the same instant, seeming to recollect Cecilia, heturned about, and yawning while he touched his hat, said, "O, howd'ye do, ma'am?" and then, without waiting an answer to either of hisquestions, flapped it over his eyes, and joined the cavalcade, thoughwithout appearing to have any consciousness that he belonged to it.

  Cecilia would most gladly have used the rejected chaise herself, butcould not make such a proposal to Mrs Charlton, who was past the ageand the courage for even any appearance of enterprize. Upon enquiry,however, she had the satisfaction to hear that the distance to the nextstage was but two miles, though multiplied to seven by the malice of MrGosport.

  Miss Larolles carried her little dog in her arms, declaring she wouldnever more trust him a moment away from her. She acquainted Cecilia thatshe had been for some time upon a visit to Mrs Mears, who, with the restof the party, had taken her to see--house and gardens, where they hadmade an early dinner, from which they were just returning home when thechaise broke down.

  She then proceeded, with her usual volubility, to relate the littlenothings that had passed since the winter, flying from subject tosubject, with no meaning but to be heard, and no wish but to talk, everrapid in speech, though minute in detail. This loquacity met not withany interruption, save now and then a sarcastic remark, from Mr Gosport;for Cecilia was too much occupied by her own affairs, to answer orlisten to such uninteresting discourse.

  Her silence, however, was at length forcibly broken; Mr Gosport, takingadvantage of the first moment Miss Larolles stopt for breath, said,"Pray what carries you to town, Miss Beverley, at this time of theyear?"

  Cecilia, whose thoughts had been wholly employed upon what would passat her approaching meeting with Delvile, was so entirely unprepared forthis question, that she could make to it no manner of answer, till MrGosport, in a tone of some surprise, repeated it, and then, not withouthesitation, she said, "I have some business, Sir, in London,--pray howlong have you been in the country?"

  "Business, have you?" cried he, struck by her evasion; "and pray whatcan you and business have in common?"

  "More than you may imagine," answered she, with greater steadiness; "andperhaps before long I may even have enough to teach me the enjoyment ofleisure."

  "Why you don't pretend to play my Lady Notable, and become your ownsteward?"

  "And what can I do better?"

  "What? Why seek one ready made to take the trouble off your hands. Thereare such creatures to be found, I promise you; beasts of burthen, whowill freely undertake the management of your estate, for no other rewardthan the trifling one of possessing it. Can you no where meet with suchan animal?"

  "I don't know," answered she, laughing, "I have not been looking out."

  "And have none such made application to you?"

  "Why no,--I believe not."

  "Fie, fie! no register-office keeper has been pestered with moreclaimants. You know they assault you by dozens."

  "You must pardon me, indeed, I know not any such thing."

  "You know, then, why they do not, and that is much the same."

  "I may conjecture why, at least; the place, I suppose, is not worth theservice."

  "No, no; the place, they conclude, is already seized, and thefee--simple of the estate is the heart of the owner. Is it not so?"

  "The heart of the owner," answered she, a little confused, "may, indeed,be simple, but not, perhaps, so easily seized as you imagine."

  "Have you, then, wisely saved it from a storm, by a generous surrender?you have been, indeed, in an excellent school for the study both ofattack and defence; Delvile-Castle is a fortress which, even in ruins,proves its strength by its antiquity; and it teaches, also, an admirablelesson, by displaying the dangerous, the infallible power of time, whichdefies all might, and undermines all strength; which breaks down everybarrier, and shews nothing endurable but itself." Then looking at herwith an arch earnestness, "I think," he added, "you made a long visitthere; did this observation never occur to you? did you never perceive,never feel, rather, the insidious properties of time?"

  "Yes, certainly," answered she, alarmed at the very mention ofDelvile Castle, yet affecting to understand literally what was saidmetaphorically, "the havoc of time upon the place could not failstriking me."

  "And was its havoc," said he, yet more archly, "merely external? is allwithin safe? sound and firm? and did the length of your residence shewits power by no new mischief?"

  "Doubtless, not," answered she, with the same pretended ignorance, "theplace is not in so desperate a condition as to exhibit any visible marksof decay in the course of three or four months."

  "And, do you not know," cried he, "that the place to which I allude mayreceive a mischief in as many minutes which double the number of yearscannot rectify? The internal parts of a building are not less vulnerableto accident than its outside; and though the evil may more easily beconcealed, it will with greater difficulty be remedied. Many a fairs
tructure have I seen, which, like that now before me" (looking withmuch significance at Cecilia), "has to the eye seemed perfect in all itsparts, and unhurt either by time or casualty, while within, some lurkingevil, some latent injury, has secretly worked its way into the veryheart of the edifice, where it has consumed its strength, and laid wasteits powers, till, sinking deeper and deeper, it has sapped its veryfoundation, before the superstructure has exhibited any token of danger.Is such an accident among the things you hold to be possible?"

  "Your language," said she, colouring very high, "is so florid, that Imust own it renders your meaning rather obscure."

  "Shall I illustrate it by an example? Suppose, during your abode inDelvile Castle?"

  "No, no," interrupted she, with involuntary quickness, "why should Itrouble you to make illustrations?"

  "O pray, my dear creature," cried Miss Larolles, "how is Mrs Harrel? Iwas never so sorry for any body in my life. I quite forgot to ask afterher."

  "Ay, poor Harrel!" cried Morrice, "he was a great loss to his friends.I had just begun to have a regard for him; we were growing extremelyintimate. Poor fellow! he really gave most excellent dinners."

  "Harrel?" suddenly exclaimed Mr Meadows, who seemed just then to firsthear what was going forward, "who was he?"

  "O, as good-natured a fellow as ever I knew in my life," answeredMorrice; "he was never out of humour; he was drinking and singing anddancing to the very last moment. Don't you remember him, Sir, that nightat Vauxhall?"

  Mr Meadows made not any answer, but rode languidly on.

  Morrice, ever more flippant than sagacious, called out, "I reallybelieve the gentleman's deaf! he won't so much as say umph, and hay,now; but I'll give him such a hallow in his ears, as shall make him hearme, whether he will or no. Sir! I say!" bawling aloud, "have you forgotthat night at Vauxhall?"

  Mr Meadows, starting at being thus shouted at, looked towards Morricewith some surprise, and said, "Were you so obliging, Sir, as to speak tome?"

  "Lord, yes, Sir," said Morrice, amazed; "I thought you had askedsomething about Mr Harrel, so I just made an answer to it;--that's all."

  "Sir, you are very good," returned he, slightly bowing, and then lookinganother way, as if thoroughly satisfied with what had passed.

  "But I say, Sir," resumed Morrice, "don't you remember how Mr Harrel"--

  "Mr who, Sir?"

  "Mr Harrel, Sir; was not you just now asking me who he was?"

  "O, ay, true," cried Meadows, in a tone of extreme weariness, "I am muchobliged to you. Pray give my respects to him." And, touching his hat, hewas riding away; but the astonished Morrice called out, "Your respectsto him? why lord! Sir, don't you know he's dead?"

  "Dead?--who, Sir?"

  "Why Mr Harrel, Sir."

  "Harrel?--O, very true," cried Meadows, with a face of suddenrecollection; "he shot himself, I think, or was knocked down, orsomething of that sort. I remember it perfectly."

  "O pray," cried Miss Larolles, "don't let's talk about it, it's thecruellest thing I ever knew in my life. I assure you I was so shocked,I thought I should never have got the better of it. I remember the nextnight at Ranelagh I could talk of nothing else. I dare say I told itto 500 people. I assure you I was tired to death; only conceive howdistressing!"

  "An excellent method," cried Mr Gosport, "to drive it out of your ownhead, by driving it into the heads of your neighbours! But were you notafraid, by such an ebullition of pathos, to burst as many hearts as youhad auditors?"

  "O I assure you," cried she, "every body was so excessive shocked you'veno notion; one heard of nothing else; all the world was raving mad aboutit."

  "Really yes," cried the Captain; "the subject was obsede upon onepartout. There was scarce any breathing for it; it poured from alldirections; I must confess I was aneanti with it to a degree."

  "But the most shocking thing in nature," cried Miss Larolles, "was goingto the sale. I never missed a single day. One used to meet the wholeworld there, and every body was so sorry you can't conceive. It wasquite horrid. I assure you I never suffered so much before; it made meso unhappy you can't imagine."

  "That I am most ready to grant," said Mr Gosport, "be the powers ofimagination ever so eccentric."

  "Sir Robert Floyer and Mr Marriot," continued Miss Larolles, "havebehaved so ill you've no idea, for they have done nothing ever since butsay how monstrously Mr Harrel had cheated them, and how they lost suchimmense sums by him;--only conceive how ill-natured!"

  "And they complain," cried Morrice, "that old Mr Delvile used themworse; for that when they had been defrauded of all that money onpurpose to pay their addresses to Miss Beverley, he would never let themsee her, but all of a sudden took her off into the country, on purposeto marry her to his own son."

  The cheeks of Cecilia now glowed with the deepest blushes; but findingby a general silence that she was expected to make some answer, shesaid, with what unconcern she could assume, "They were very muchmistaken; Mr Delvile had no such view."

  "Indeed?" cried Mr Gosport, again perceiving her change of countenance;"and is it possible you have actually escaped a siege, while every bodyconcluded you taken by assault? Pray where is young Delvile at present?"

  "I don't--I can't tell, Sir."

  "Is it long since you have seen him?"

  "It is two months," answered she, with yet more hesitation, "since I wasat Delvile Castle."

  "O, but," cried Morrice, "did not you see him while he was in Suffolk?I believe, indeed, he is there now, for it was only yesterday I heard ofhis coming down, by a gentleman who called upon Lady Margaret, and toldus he had seen a stranger, a day or two ago, at Mrs Charlton's door, andwhen he asked who he was, they told him his name was Delvile, and saidhe was on a visit at Mr Biddulph's."

  Cecilia was quite confounded by this speech; to have it known thatDelvile had visited her, was in itself alarming, but to have her ownequivocation thus glaringly exposed, was infinitely more dangerous. Thejust suspicions to which it must give rise filled her with dread, andthe palpable evasion in which she had been discovered, overwhelmed, herwith confusion.

  "So you had forgotten," said Mr Gosport, looking at her with mucharchness, "that you had seen him within the two months? but no wonder;for where is the lady who having so many admirers, can be at the troubleto remember which of them she saw last? or who, being so accustomedto adulation, can hold it worth while to enquire whence it comes? Athousand Mr Delviles are to Miss Beverley but as one; used from themall to the same tale, she regards them not individually as lovers, butcollectively as men; and to gather, even from herself, which she ismost inclined to favour, she must probably desire, like Portia in theMerchant of Venice, that their names may be run over one by one, beforeshe can distinctly tell which is which."

  The gallant gaiety of this speech was some relief to Cecilia, who wasbeginning a laughing reply, when Morrice called out, "That man looks asif he was upon the scout." And, raising her eyes, she perceived a manon horseback, who, though much muffled up, his hat flapped, and ahandkerchief held to his mouth and chin, she instantly, by his air andfigure, recognized to be Delvile.

  In much consternation at this sight, she forgot what she meant to say,and dropping her eyes, walked silently on. Mr Gosport, attentive to hermotions, looked from her to the horseman, and after a short examination,said, "I think I have seen that man before; have you, Miss Beverley?"

  "Me?--no,"--answered she, "I believe not,--I hardly indeed, see himnow."

  "I have, I am pretty sure," said Morrice; "and if I could see his face,I dare say I should recollect him."

  "He seems very willing to know if he can recollect any of us," saidMr Gosport, "and, if I am not mistaken, he sees much better than he isseen."

  He was now come up to them, and though a glance sufficed to discoverthe object of his search, the sight of the party with which she wassurrounded made him not dare stop or speak to her, and therefore,clapping spurs to his horse, he galloped past them.

  "See," cried Morrice, looking
after him, "how he turns round to examineus! I wonder who he is."

  "Perhaps some highwayman!" cried Miss Larolles; "I assure you I am in aprodigious fright; I should hate to be robbed so you can't think."

  "I was going to make much the same conjecture," said Mr Gosport, "and,if I am not greatly deceived, that man is a robber of no common sort.What think you, Miss Beverley, can you discern a thief in disguise?"

  "No, indeed; I pretend to no such extraordinary knowledge."

  "That's true; for all that you pretend to is extraordinary ignorance."

  "I have a good mind," said Morrice, "to ride after him, and see what heis about."

  "What for?" exclaimed Cecilia, greatly alarmed "there can certainly beno occasion!"

  "No, pray don't," cried Miss Larolles, "for I assure you if he shouldcome back to rob us, I should die upon the spot. Nothing could be sodisagreeable I should scream so, you've no idea."

  Morrice then gave up the proposal, and they walked quietly on;but Cecilia was extremely disturbed by this accident; she readilyconjectured that, impatient for her arrival, Delvile had ridden thatway, to see what had retarded her, and she was sensible that nothingcould be so desirable as an immediate explanation of the motive of herjourney. Such a meeting, therefore, had she been alone, was just whatshe could have wished, though, thus unluckily encompassed, it only addedto her anxiety.

  Involuntarily, however, she quickened her pace, through her eagerness tobe relieved from so troublesome a party; but Miss Larolles, who was inno such haste, protested she could not keep up with her; saying, "Youdon't consider that I have got this sweet little dog to carry, and heis such a shocking plague to me you've no notion. Only conceive what aweight he is!"

  "Pray, ma'am," cried Morrice, "let me take him for you; I'll be verycareful of him, I promise you; and you need not be afraid to trust me,for I understand more about dogs than about any thing."

  Miss Larolles, after many fond caresses, being really weary, consented,and Morrice placed the little animal before him on horseback; but whilethis matter was adjusting, and Miss Larolles was giving directions howshe would have it held, Morrice exclaimed, "Look, look! that man iscoming back! He is certainly watching us. There! now he's going offagain!--I suppose he saw me remarking him."

  "I dare say he's laying in wait to rob us," said Miss Larolles; "sowhen we turn off the high road, to go to Mrs Mears, I suppose he'll comegalloping after us. It's excessive horrid, I assure you."

  "'Tis a petrifying thing," said the captain, "that one must always bedegoute by some wretched being or other of this sort; but pray be notderanged, I will ride after him, if you please, and do mon possible toget rid of him."

  "Indeed I wish you would," answered Miss Larolles, "for I assure you hehas put such shocking notions into my head, it's quite disagreeable."

  "I shall make it a principle," said the captain, "to have the honourof obeying you." And was riding off, when Cecilia, in great agitation,called out "Why should you go, Sir?--he is not in our way,--pray let himalone,--for what purpose should you pursue him?"

  "I hope," said Mr Gosport, "for the purpose of making him join ourcompany, to some part of which I fancy he would be no very intolerableaddition."

  This speech again silenced Cecilia, who perceived, with the utmostconfusion, that both Delvile and herself were undoubtedly suspected byMr Gosport, if not already actually betrayed to him. She was obliged,therefore, to let the matter take its course, though quite sick withapprehension lest a full discovery should follow the projected pursuit.

  The Captain, who wanted not courage, however deeply in vanity andaffectation he had buried common sense, stood suspended, upon therequest of Cecilia, that he would not go, and, with a shrug of distress,said, "Give me leave to own I am parfaitment in a state the mostaccablant in the world; nothing could give me greater pleasure than toprofit of the occasion to accommodate either of these ladies; but asthey proceed upon different principles, I am indecide to a degree whichway to turn myself!"

  "Put it to the vote, then," said Morrice; "the two ladies have bothspoke; now, then, for the gentlemen. Come, Sir," to Mr Gosport, "whatsay you?"

  "O, fetch the culprit back, by all means," answered he; "and then letus all insist upon his opening his cause, by telling us in what he hasoffended us; for there is no part of his business, I believe, with whichwe are less acquainted."

  "Well," said Morrice, "I'm for asking him a few questions too; so is theCaptain; so every body has spoke but you, Sir," addressing himself to MrMeadows, "So now, Sir, let's hear your opinion."

  Mr Meadows, appearing wholly inattentive, rode on.

  "Why, Sir, I say!" cried Morrice, louder, "we are all waiting for yourvote. Pray what is the gentleman's name? it's deuced hard to make himhear one."

  "His name is Meadows," said Miss Larolles, in a low voice, "and Iassure you sometimes he won't hear people by the hour together. He'sso excessive absent you've no notion. One day he made me so mad, that Icould not help crying; and Mr Sawyer was standing by the whole time! andI assure you I believe he laughed at me. Only conceive how distressing!"

  "May be," said Morrice, "it's out of bashfulness perhaps he thinks weshall cut him up."

  "Bashfulness," repeated Miss Larolles; "Lord, you don't conceive thething at all. Why he's at the very head of the ton. There's nothing inthe world so fashionable as taking no notice of things, and never seeingpeople, and saying nothing at all, and never hearing a word, and notknowing one's own acquaintance. All the ton people do so, and I assureyou as to Mr Meadows, he's so excessively courted by every body, that ifhe does but say a syllable, he thinks it such an immense favour, you'veno idea."

  This account, however little alluring in itself, of his celebrity,was yet sufficient to make Morrice covet his further acquaintance; forMorrice was ever attentive to turn his pleasure to his profit, andnever negligent of his interest, but when ignorant how to pursue it.He returned, therefore, to the charge, though by no means with the samefreedom he had begun it, and lowering his voice to a tone of respectand submission, he said, "Pray, Sir, may we take the liberty to ask youradvice, whether we shall go on, or take a turn back?"

  Mr Meadows made not any answer; but when Morrice was going to repeathis question, without appearing even to know that he was near him, heabruptly said to Miss Larolles, "Pray what is become of Mrs Mears? Idon't see her amongst us."

  "Lord, Mr Meadows," exclaimed she, "how can you be so odd? Don't youremember she went on in a chaise to the inn?"

  "O, ay, true," cried he; "I protest I had quite forgot it; I beg yourpardon, indeed. Yes, I recollect now,--she fell off her horse."

  "Her horse? Why you know she was in her chaise."

  "Her chaise, was it?--ay, true, so it was. Poor thing!--I am glad shewas not hurt."

  "Not hurt? Why she's so excessively bruised, she can't stir a step! Onlyconceive what a memory you've got!"

  "I am most extremely sorry for her indeed," cried he, again stretchinghimself and yawning; "poor soul!--I hope she won't die. Do you think shewill!"

  "Die!" repeated Miss Larolles, with a scream, "Lord, how shocking! Youare really enough to frighten one to hear you."

  "But, Sir," said Morrice, "I wish you would be so kind as to give usyour vote; the man will else be gone so far, we sha'n't be able toovertake him.--Though I do really believe that is the very fellow comingback to peep at us again!"

  "I am ennuye to a degree," cried the Captain; "he is certainly set uponus as a spy, and I must really beg leave to enquire of him upon whatprinciple he incommodes us."--And instantly he rode after him.

  "And so will I too," cried Morrice, following.

  Miss Larolles screamed after him to give her first her little dog; butwith a schoolboy's eagerness to be foremost, he galloped on withoutheeding her.

  The uneasiness of Cecilia now encreased every moment; the discoveryof Delvile seemed unavoidable, and his impatient and indiscreetwatchfulness must have rendered the motives of his disguise but tooglaring. All she had left to h
ope was arriving at the inn beforethe detection was announced, and at least saving herself the cruelmortification of hearing the raillery which would follow it.

  Even this, however, was not allowed her; Miss Larolles, whom she hadno means to quit, hardly stirred another step, from her anxiety forher dog, and the earnestness of her curiosity about the stranger. Sheloitered, stopt now to talk, and now to listen, and was scarce moved ayard from the spot where she had been left, when the Captain and Morricereturned.

  "We could not for our lives overtake the fellow," said Morrice; "he waswell mounted, I promise you, and I'll warrant he knows what he's about,for he turned off so short at a place where there were two narrow lanes,that we could not make out which way he went."

  Cecilia, relieved and delighted by this unexpected escape, now recoveredher composure, and was content to saunter on without repining.

  "But though we could not seize his person," said the Captain, "we havedebarrassed ourselves tout a fait from his pursuit; I hope, therefore,Miss Larolles will make a revoke of her apprehensions."

  The answer to this was nothing but a loud scream, with an exclamation,"Lord, where's my dog?"

  "Your dog!" cried Morrice, looking aghast, "good stars! I never thoughtof him!"

  "How excessive barbarous!" cried Miss Larolles, "you've killed him,I dare say. Only think how shocking! I had rather have seen any bodyserved so in the world. I shall never forgive it, I assure you."

  "Lord, ma'am," said Morrice, "how can you suppose I've killed him? Poor,pretty creature, I'm sure I liked him prodigiously. I can't think for mylife where he can be; but I have a notion he must have dropt down somewhere while I happened to be on the full gallop. I'll go look [for] him,however, for we went at such a rate that I never missed him."

  Away again rode Morrice.

  "I am abime to the greatest degree," said the Captain, "that the poorlittle sweet fellow should be lost if I had thought him in any danger,I would have made it a principle to have had a regard to his personmyself. Will you give me leave, ma'am, to have the honour of seeking himpartout?"

  "O, I wish you would with all my heart; for I assure you if I don't findhim, I shall think it so excessive distressing you can't conceive."

  The Captain touched his hat, and was gone.

  These repeated impediments almost robbed Cecilia of all patience; yether total inability of resistance obliged her to submit, and compelledher to go, stop, or turn, according to their own motions.

  "Now if Mr Meadows had the least good-nature in the world," said MissLarolles, "he would offer to help us; but he's so excessive odd, that Ibelieve if we were all of us to fall down and break our necks, he wouldbe so absent he would hardly take the trouble to ask us how we did."

  "Why in so desperate a case," said Mr Gosport, "the trouble would berather superfluous. However, don't repine that one of the cavaliersstays with us by way of guard, lest your friend the spy should take usby surprize while our troop is dispersed."

  "O Lord," cried Miss Larolles, "now you put it in my head, I dare saythat wretch has got my dog! only think how horrid!"

  "I saw plainly," said Mr Gosport, looking significantly at Cecilia,"that he was feloniously inclined, though I must confess I took him notfor a dog-stealer."

  Miss Larolles then, running up to Mr Meadows, called out, "I have aprodigious immense favour to ask of you, Mr Meadows."

  "Ma'am!" cried Mr Meadows, with his usual start.

  "It's only to know, whether if that horrid creature should come back,you could not just ride up to him and shoot him, before he gets to us?Now will you promise me to do it?"

  "You are vastly good," said he, with a vacant smile; "what a charmingevening! Do you love the country?"

  "Yes, vastly; only I'm so monstrously tired, I can hardly stir a step.Do you like it?"

  "The country? O no! I detest it! Dusty hedges, and chirping sparrows!'Tis amazing to me any body can exist upon such terms."

  "I assure you," cried Miss Larolles, "I'm quite of your opinion. I hatethe country so you've no notion. I wish with all my heart it was allunder ground. I declare, when I first go into it for the summer, I cryso you can't think. I like nothing but London.--Don't you?"

  "London!" repeated Mr Meadows, "O melancholy! the sink of all vice anddepravity. Streets without light! Houses without air! Neighbourhoodwithout society! Talkers without listeners!--'Tis astonishing anyrational being can endure to be so miserably immured."

  "Lord, Mr Meadows," cried she, angrily, "I believe you would have onelive no where!"

  "True, very true, ma'am," said he, yawning, "one really lives no where;one does but vegetate, and wish it all at an end. Don't you find it so,ma'am?"

  "Me? no indeed; I assure you I like living of all things. Whenever I'mill, I'm in such a fright you've no idea. I always think I'm going todie, and it puts me so out of spirits you can't think. Does not it you,too?"

  Here Mr Meadows, looking another way, began to whistle.

  "Lord," cried Miss Larolles, "how excessive distressing! to ask onequestions, and then never hear what one answers!"

  Here the Captain returned alone; and Miss Larolles, flying to meet him,demanded where was her dog?

  "I have the malbeur to assure you," answered he, "that I never was moreaneanti in my life! the pretty little fellow has broke another leg!"

  Miss Larolles, in a passion of grief, then declared she was certain thatMorrice had maimed him thus on purpose, and desired to know where thevile wretch was?

  "He was so much discomposed at the incident," replied the Captain, "thathe rode instantly another way. I took up the pretty fellow thereforemyself, and have done mon possible not to derange him."

  The unfortunate little animal was then delivered to Miss Larolles;and after much lamentation, they at length continued their walk; and,without further adventure, arrived at the inn.



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