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Wyoming Dynasty (American Dragons Book 10)

Page 9

by Aaron Crash

  Things had changed. If the dragons on other worlds started up their conquering ways, Sabina would know, and if Sabina knew, then Tessa would know, and Merlin’s daughter loved to slay dragons.

  “What do we have to celebrate?” Skylar asked. Then she smiled as she answered her own question. “Oh, yes, Quinnestri is visiting, and we all love that. Just as we all love her.”

  Quinn blushed and smiled at Skylar. There was some heat in their gazes.

  “And we are blessed to be here alone with Steven,” Michaela said. “He has been so busy lately! It really is nice having him here with us.”

  “With the Three Widows, neh?” Abby grinned but then she turned serious. Her voice broke from her emotion. “And we have to honor our fallen, Teegan and Pretty, but we have to celebrate them as well. For they are happy and at peace.”

  “In heaven,” Michaela affirmed.

  Abby wasn’t ashamed of her tears. “Yes, in heaven. But we have heaven here, now, with our friends, our man, our lovers. To us and to all those things!”

  They toasted and drank. Steven liked the wine. It was red and rich... then again, it wasn’t like Liam Strider was going to have a bad vintage.

  The Yellow Ronin was probably in the kitchen, cleaning up after cooking for them. The meats were cooked to perfection. The bird meat wasn’t dry at all. The steaks had juices leaking out of their pink centers and flavorful crispy edges, seared but not burned. Liam was a genius chef and a better hunter than he was a farmer. He was working on a garden, though, and he’d found some animals that seemed to be ripe for domesticating. Already, a few big herbivores were coming around to eat the grains he put out for them. It would only be a matter of time before he was able to cast magic on them to tame them further.

  Liam and Tessa were also working on using Enchantrix to create food, though their initial trials with Crazy Earl’s Magic Sauce hadn’t impressed the Wayne twins at all.

  Abby threw a mischievous grin at Steven. “So, Steven, you brought us all this way, across the universe, and maybe you wanted to seduce us, neh? Maybe you would like to bed us one at a time. It’s a shame, though, there’s not enough women to really let me play. You know how I like it, my Prime. You know me.”

  Steven did, and she could be insatiable. “That’s not the only reason I got you out here, Abby.”

  The sexual tension around the table thickened. Steven loved the feeling, and it fit in well with his plans.

  Chapter Ten

  ABBY RAISED HER EYEBROW at him. “Okay, Steven, why else are we here? Let me guess... you wanted a break from your baby, neh?”

  Skylar shot the widow a definite be-careful look.

  “No, it’s okay, Skylar,” Steven said. “Really, I wanted to check in with Quinnestri and to see if she was okay.”

  “And I am very fine indeed,” the queen said, back to being her very elevated self. “You have wasted your time.”

  “Steven now has time to waste,” Abby said. “He has conquered everything and everyone. And he has given the humans some toys and some medicine. Now? He can relax and enjoy us all. When he’s not changing diapers.”

  “I don’t mind changing diapers.” Steven tilted his head and gave Abby a long look. “I’m surprised you four have become such friends.”

  Skylar leaned back with her wine in her hand. “We have all lived and loved and are the wiser for it. It’s nice to have another older woman for me to talk to.”

  “We know what it is like to be outside of your core harem,” Michaela said. “We know that it can be a challenge to find one’s place in your life.”

  Steven really did try and include everyone, but all the women were a handful. Some needed more attention than others—Zoey, for example. She liked her cuddle time every day. “Each of you are important to me,” he said.

  “We know, Steven,” Michaela soothed. “And to be honest? I have liked being a part of your life, and yet, not a wife. It has given me some freedom I’ve never known before. We’ve never had a husband that let us be.”

  Skylar was the next to speak. “She’s not wrong, Steven. We’ve talked about marriage with you, to take your ring, but we are happy being the Three Widows. We know we’re an important part of your life, but we don’t need to be at the heart of it.”

  Abby laughed brazenly. She’d had the most wine out of anyone. “Steven, I love your cock, and I don’t need a ring to enjoy it. And I love your other wives, and I love what we all do together, the more, the better. If you want to bring in another seventy wives, I would love to love each of them, neh? Didn’t you get Roy Right’s sexy seventy?”

  Steven nodded. “Yes, and about half of them have petitioned to be wives. We’re still working through the process.”

  “I should try each of them out,” Abby said. “Tessa and me, we can test drive them all, neh? We’d only bring you the nastiest. Like Quinnestri here. She would make a good wife.”

  “Marrying Steven is impossible for me,” the elf queen sniffed.

  Michaela gave him a long look. There was something she wanted to say.

  He nodded at her.

  “I said none of our husbands let us be,” Michaela said. “But you are different. I would marry you, Steven, now that I know you.” She smiled at him, and Steven knew it was a done deal.

  Skylar nodded. “I would as well.” Her face was red.

  Abby laughed. “Well, damn, if you two tie the knot with our Steven, I would have to, neh?” She shrugged. “He is not half bad.” She grinned to show she was kidding and that she adored him.

  Looking at the Three Widows made him smile. “I would love for us to be married. Would you mind sharing the ceremony with Heridan and Nefri?”

  “Sharing you is what we are best at, neh?” Abby grinned.

  Steven had to stand and give each of the women a kiss. They, in turn, threw their arms around him and held him close.

  He wasn’t sure how it would all work, but the widows had been by his side for a long time. And they were an important part of life at the Infinity Ranch. He sat back down, feeling good.

  “I still think I should help you find other nasty wives on your petition list,” Abby said.

  Quinn harrumphed. “No, that should be my role, since I think I understand nasty. If I recall correctly, I was still ready for more love the other night, Abby Free, and you begged me to stop.”

  Abby laughed. “That’s not fair, neh? You aren’t human, and you aren’t Dragonsoul, and some of the things you want me to say and do? They shock even me!”

  Quinn drew a hand down her dress, undoing buttons. She took an edge of the cloth and pulled it to the side, revealing a pink-nippled breast, so firm, pointing upward. She drew a finger around her nipple. “I like to shock you, Abby,” the elf purred.

  She wasn’t distant any longer.

  Steven didn’t know which he liked to look at more, the Lyran queen’s eyes, burning with passion, or her tits, with her hardening nipples so ready to be sucked.

  They all watched, even Michaela, as the Lyran woman opened her dress further to reveal both breasts, her smooth stomach, and her adorable belly button. She kept the bottom of her dress closed so they couldn’t see her sex.

  Skylar undid her scarf. Her nipples were hard under her sweater. “We’ve been playing with Quinn,” she said to Steven. “I hope that was okay.”

  “What have you been doing?” Steven had to adjust his pants. They were becoming uncomfortably tight.

  “Michaela and Quinn have been masturbating together,” Abby said. “Not me, though, because I like getting my hands dirty, neh? Skylar likes to watch us, Quinn and me, when we get dirty. But now you’re here, so Skylar will have even more fun. You say you are worried about Quinn, so maybe you should show her some affection.”

  Michaela wordlessly got up. She went to Quinn and kissed her slowly, gently, their lips coming together. Then Quinn deepened the kiss, getting her tongue involved, until both were breathing hard.

  Michaela let go of a shaky breath. Sh
e faced them all. “I had a lovely dinner tonight. I’ll be in my room, thinking of you, my queen, and you, my Prime.” She then walked away.

  Abby pushed herself back from the table. “Good night, Michaela. We’ll try not to use up Steven, so he has some energy for you. Fair warning, though, neh? When he gets to you, he will smell like us.”

  Michaela turned and smiled. “I don’t mind that. Who knows? Things are changing among us. Maybe, someday, I might join one of your puppy piles, Abby.” Then the quiet woman slipped inside the great hall.

  Quinn backed up her chair. She’d pulled her dress down around her waist, and she was barefoot when she put her feet on the table. Her sex was spread for them to see in the candlelight. “Abby, I’d love to see you touch yourself. You too, Skylar. Let’s get ourselves ready for Steven.”

  The elf queen really was as imaginative as Sabina, or maybe it was more that she’d had more experience. This was a game the Latina Magician would play.

  Abby stood up and stripped her dress up and over her head. Her breasts were as freckled as the rest of her, and her tits were big, so they had a little droop to them. Her nipples were small, like Quinn’s. She had kicked off her shoes, so it was easy for her to pull off her underwear. She sat in her own chair, with her feet on the table. She had shaved, so her wet folds were easily visible.

  Skylar was the last woman dressed. She sat, gazing at Quinn, who had her hand between her legs, touching herself lightly, putting on more of a show than taking her own pleasure.

  Abby was on more of a mission, and her eyes went to Steven. “You should go last, Steven. Skylar is next. Come on, woman, strip and join us!?”

  Skylar’s mouth was open. She was breathing hard. “This is unexpected.”

  Abby laughed. “With Quinnie around, it’s hardly unexpected, neh? I can’t wait to share her with Steven.”

  The older auburn woman stood up. She had her sweater off, and she reached and took off her bra. She wiggled her slacks over her hips and let them drop. Then she too was naked, leaning back in her chair and touching herself.

  Quinn let out a gasp. “The first one to come gets Steven first. And it’ll be me. I’m almost there.”

  “No, it’ll be me,” Abby blurted out. She was working herself closer and closer.

  But it was Skylar who let out a yelp. Her eyes sparkled as she pulled on a nipple and rubbed her pearl. Watching the other two had gotten to her like nothing else. She shuddered as the orgasm took her. The energy washed out of her, and Steven felt it. Even now, she’d be powering the generator inside.

  Steven stood, stripped, and loved the feeling of the night air on his sex.

  He went to Skylar, picked her up, and kissed her. Skylar kissed him back. He carried her to a couch out in the open, next to a table of dancing flames. As for the elf queen and the horny freckled woman, both raced to see who came in second. That would be Abby, though Quinn wasn’t far behind her. Steven had to laugh. If he was anywhere near the IEG, he’d know what they were doing. The device would emit a high whining sound, and the lights on the display would brighten as the Animus was turned into electricity.

  Skylar kissed Steven and then licked his chin. “No, do Abby or Quinnie first. I love to watch, you know that.”

  He set Skylar on the couch and her legs fell open.

  Abby hurried over and sat down on the couch next to the older woman. Abby’s legs were also spread.

  Steven stood over them, trying to decide which one he should sink into first.

  Quinn came up behind him. She pressed her tits against his back and hissed into his ear. “Look at their bodies, Steven, look at their slits. One is hairy and one is bare. Which one do you want?”

  “Both,” he said in a husky voice.

  “Fuck them.” Quinn sucked on his earlobe. “They will have their turn, and then I will have mine.”

  Abby turned to face the older woman. “Kiss me, Skylar. I want to be kissing you when he puts it in me.”

  “Yes,” Quinn agreed. “You should do Abby first because Skylar does like to watch.”

  He went and pressed his shaft into Abby’s tight tunnel. Abby gasped her pleasure into Skylar’s open mouth. The older woman pulled back to watch.

  Steven thrust himself in and out of the redhead, her freckled face showing her pleasure.

  Quinn went around to lick Abby’s face, to kiss her, and to whisper filthy things in her ear.

  Skylar came again, watching him with Abby, and Steven nearly came as well, but the freckled woman stopped him. “No, Steven, now Quinnie. I want her to lick me while you take her from behind.”

  Quinn hurried around the couch. She got on all fours in front of the still spread Abby Free, who had both of her hands down to open herself up to the elf.

  Skylar was done watching. She knew Abby loved to be at the bottom of a pile of bodies.

  The older woman stood on the couch and straddled the freckled woman’s face.

  And so, Steven found himself slipping inside the blonde-lined sex of the elf as she sucked on Abby Free, who sucked on Skylar.

  They were all lost in the sex, and Quinn seemed truly happy. She could let go of her control and be with them, truly be with them, but Steven did have a mission.

  He had to know about the Night Lance.

  Quinn was working herself toward her second orgasm of the night; he’d felt the first when she’d been at the table with Abby.

  The minute she came, Steven did too.

  Even as his Animus filled to overflowing, he cast a Magica Divinatio spell, and his mind was taken far from the bodies.

  Steven had had many visions of his real father, Stefan Drokharis, who had reached across the very gates of death to talk to his son. This was the first time Steven had a vision of his foster father, Joe Whipp, and it defied all explanation.

  HOURS LATER, STEVEN couldn’t sleep. It was completely unfair. Here he was, on another world, and there wasn’t a human baby on the entire planet. And yet, he’d gotten so used to waking up to take care of Reggie, his sleep schedule was now completely messed up.

  After marathon sex with Quinn, Abby, and Skylar, he’d paid Michaela a visit, and she was grateful. She’d gone right back to sleep after they finished.

  Steven had tried sleeping there, and then he’d gone back to the big suite with Skylar and Abby, but his mind wouldn’t shut off. He’d thought about joining Quinnestri, but she’d wanted her own room, away from the others, so she could think.

  Steven wound up back on the deck, listening to the falls, and making up his own constellations for the completely different set of stars up above. He found one that was similar to Draco back on Earth, and that made him think of his very first adventures.

  His father had hidden clues in the Draco constellation—his real father, not his foster father.

  Skylar came out and sat with him. “The bed was empty. I came looking for you. Believe me, I understand. You miss Reggie, or at least your body does.”

  She was right. He wanted to hold Reggie close.

  He shook his head. “I love being a father, and sometimes I hate it, and then I love it again.”

  “And that is being a parent until your children are gone, and then you wonder how you could ever have been so weak and silly.” Skylar chuckled, but it was sad because she was thinking of her own lost children. She was back in her sweater, but she wore a robe over it, and fuzzy socks. It was cold, definitely, but after Wyoming August heat, Steven wanted to be a little cold.

  A bat the size of a rottweiler flew overhead and then dipped down, chased by owls as big as condors. Again, he was reminded of Aqualyra.

  Skylar slipped her hand into his.

  Steven needed to talk about his vision, but first, he had something else to bring up with Skylar. “Hey, if you want to start taking the tanaquil, I’m fine with that. The worst of the fighting should be behind us, and I promise you, your children will be safe as long as I’m alive.”

  Skylar squeezed his hand. “You are sweet, Stev
en. Even if you were gone, your wives wouldn’t leave any child of yours. Tessa, Aria, the twins, even the new Morta Clique, all would protect our baby forever.”

  Her next breath was shaky. “I’ve thought about it, I have, but I’m afraid. And that makes me think of Quinn and her fear. It’s a tragedy—we get afraid, we don’t do things, and then we regret what we did out of fear. But could we have really changed anything?”

  “The only thing to do is walk through the fear.” Steven shook his head and frowned. “Easy to say, not easy to do. I don’t want to just throw platitudes at you.”

  “Just because they are platitudes doesn’t mean there isn’t wisdom in them.” She leaned forward, her auburn hair covering her face. “It’s always the same... once one woman in an Escort has a child, the other wives begin trying, and the family grows. If you have one baby, you might as well have another. It’s like making sandwiches... it’s as easy to make two or more if you’ve already made one.”

  “Sandwiches, rarely, have thrown my life so upside down,” Steven said. “It makes me see things differently. Like with my foster parents. I was given to them to raise, out of the blue. No wonder my father left.”

  “Your vision,” Skylar said. “You mentioned something about that.”

  Steven craned his head to stare at the stars. “I wanted to delve more into the mystery of the Night Lance. Instead, I was given a memory. It was Thanksgiving, I was maybe eight, not sure, but I was still in elementary school. My grandparents, on my mother’s side, were still alive. They were there. And my foster father was as well, which was strange, since he was never around growing up.”

  Steven remembered how cramped their kitchen table had been, the smells of the turkey, his foster father tipping a flask into his coffee after the pumpkin pie. And then his father got out his personal deck and started throwing down cards. By that time, Steven knew how to play poker, or at least he knew what hand was likely to win.


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