Breaking Beauty (Twisted Tales, #1)

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Breaking Beauty (Twisted Tales, #1) Page 13

by Teresa Mummert

  The lust in his eyes nearly made my knees buckle. He pulled down gently on my hair, lowering me to my knees.

  I reached up with timid fingers and unclasped the button on his pants.

  “Look at me,” he rasped.

  I watched him, watching me as I slowly slid down his zipper, struggling to keep my fingers from shaking. His free hand slid beneath the waistband of his black boxer briefs, and he pulled his cock free. I inhaled sharply, my chest pushing out as I took in just how large he was, filling his own massive palm.

  He stroked his length, the tip of his cock shiny from his own excitement. I ran my tongue out over my lips to wet them, and he groaned, his fist tightening painfully.

  “Open your mouth.”

  I let my lips fall open as he guided himself closer. My tongue darted out, licking the drop of pre-cum, and he hissed. “Such a good little girl, Beauty.”

  His words caused my sex to clench, eager to feel what it would like to have him inside of me. Sucking the tip of his cock into my mouth, I pulled back and let my lips pop. I did it again, sinking lower down his shaft as his hand continued to stroke at the base of his length.

  He didn’t force me, his fingers fisted in my hair only gave to the illusion of his control. I set the pace, taking my time to enjoy every inch of him. His body tensed and relaxed as I swirled my tongue under the head of his cock. He groaned as I relaxed my throat and took him deep enough to fill my mouth completely.

  There was something thrilling about having him call the shots. I didn’t need to feel like I was doing something wrong and second-guessing myself. I could just get lost in the moment; my only focus was on bringing him pleasure.

  I pulled back until he was nearly out of my mouth, his cock glistening from my spit, and I scraped my teeth lightly along his head. He growled, his eyes narrowed as his hips bucked, but he didn’t do anything to hurt me.

  “Are you testing me, Beauty?” He asked, but there was no malice. He understood. I came from a place where trust didn’t exist, and I needed to know that Mason wasn’t like the others.

  I sank down on his length again, opening my throat, so the base of his cock pressed against my lips. He growled, his fingers flexing in my hair before slowly pulling back and rocking forward again. His eyes fell closed as his tongue rolled over his lower lip.

  I flexed my fingers, allowing my nails to dig into his jeans on the front of his thick thighs. I felt him swell, and his hips stilled before he came hard – filling my mouth with the salty taste of him. I swallowed every last drop, even licking my lips as he stared down at me under thick lashes.

  “Fuck, you are so beautiful on your knees for me like that,” he groaned. “Come here. You still owe me a dance.”

  I pushed to my feet, and he lifted me into his arms as if I belonged there. And I did. I belonged right here, wrapped in his secure hold.

  He carried me into the dining room before lowering me to my feet. Sinking down into one of the chairs, he smirked as I stood in front of him.


  “There’s no music,” I groaned.


  I narrowed my eyes. “You’re messing with me.”

  He laughed, reaching for my hand. I slid my fingers over his palm, and he grabbed my wrist, pulling me onto his lap. “I just wanted to see what you were willing to do. But I will collect on that dance later.” He stood, cradling me in his arms. “Let’s go to bed. It’s been a long day.”

  I couldn’t wait to get upstairs, but I was nervous. After everything we’ve been through, I didn’t want to disappoint him. He carried me into his room and laid me gently on his bed before unzipping his jeans and kicking off his boots. I watched him, my teeth digging into my lower lip. He shoved his pants down and stepped out of them before rolling his head from side to side. He climbed into bed next to me, pulling me onto my side to cuddle him. His lips pressed into my hair, and his body stilled, his breathing steady.

  I looked up at him, and he smiled with his eyes closed. “What, ‘Belle?”

  “That’s it? You’re going to sleep?”

  “I’m tired.”

  “Are you kidding me?” I pressed against his chest to half sit up and look at him. His eyes opened, and he reached up to tuck my hair behind my ear.

  “I’m not kidding. It’s been a long fucking day, and you and I still haven’t talked about your past.”

  “What does my past have to do with anything?”

  “Annabelle, I saw how you were tensing up during that movie. I don’t want to do something that may hurt you or scare you. I’ve already crossed the line more than I should have. We have to talk about it. You can take all the time you want, but until we do, I don’t want to risk it.”

  I wanted to argue with him, but his reasoning was actually sweet and considerate. I sighed, laying my head on his chest and listening to the steady thumping of his heart.

  I awoke to my skin burning hot from Mason’s chest pressed against my back, his thick length against my ass. I groaned stretching. As I did, he squeezed me tightly, a deep growl emanating from the back of his throat.

  “Good morning, Beauty.”

  I rolled over in his arms, and he pressed his lips against my forehead, his fingers gliding up and down my spine slowly. My palm was on his chest, the steady thudding of his pulse under my fingers.

  “What are you doing?” He asked, his eyes still closed, but a lazy smile played on his lips.

  “Feeling your heartbeat.”

  “Why?” he asked.

  “It’s so calm and steady. Mine feels like it is ready to drum out of my chest every time I’m close to you.”

  He opened his eyes, his chest vibrating from laughter before he brushed my hair back from my face. As his eyes locked on mine, I decided to see if I could make his heart race as well. I slid my fingertips down over his stomach. He didn’t stop me as he had before, and when I reached his length, I wrapped my fingers around the silky hardness of him. He was thick and heavy in my hand. I moved my hand up and down his length slowly, wondering if he was going to push me away, but instead, he rolled to his back and allowed me to continue to explore his body.

  I pressed my lips against his chest once, twice, and again against his stomach. He inhaled sharply before gathering my hair and holding it up to prevent it from obscuring his view. I continued my descent, relishing in the warmth of his flesh against my mouth.

  I glanced up at him, asking silently if it was okay for me to continue. He nodded once, his eyes smoldering as I ran the flat of my tongue over the head of his cock. He groaned, and I did it again, the salty taste of him coating my mouth. I wrapped my lips around the tip and gently sucked before sliding down his length, doing my best to take him all in. His fist twisted in my hair, tugging slightly, and I moaned against him.

  My eyes flicked up at him; his stomach muscles taut, hands tangled in my hair and eyes burning into mine.

  “You are so fucking beautiful, baby.”

  His words sent a thrill through me, and I was already soaking. I squeezed my thighs together, wishing he was touching me. I loved it when he called me baby, and it felt so intimate coming from him. I wanted more. I sank my mouth down again until the tip of his cock pressed against the back of my throat. I struggled to relax. I wanted to show him that I could handle him the way he wanted, but he didn’t seem to mind. I continued to work him with my hand and my mouth until his hips began to flex in time with my movements. I squeezed my thighs again, and he groaned.

  “What’s wrong, Beauty?” He asked, lust in his voice. “Come here. I want to taste your sweet little cunt again.”

  I felt my entire face go hot. No one had ever talked to me the way he did.

  “We’re done playing games. Don’t make me ask twice, Annabelle.” I released him and slowly sat up. His fingers went between my legs, and he rubbed against my damp slit. “So wet for me. Turn around, baby.”

  I turned, placing a knee on either side of his head. His hands gripped my ass,
and he pulled me down so his tongue could press against my clit. I moaned, my hand wrapping around his cock, squeezing as I moved it up and down his shaft.

  “Mason,” I panted, my hips beginning to rock with the rhythm of his tongue. I wrapped my lips around him again, eager to give him the same amount of pleasure he was giving me.

  “That feels so fucking good, baby,” He rasped as he pushed a thick finger inside of me. I rocked back against him, moaning as I slid him further down my throat. “I can’t wait to have you riding my cock like this.” He pressed a second finger inside of me before his mouth was back on my clit. I rolled my hips, my tongue running along the underside of his head before I deep throated him again. The idea of being on top of him like this made me embarrassed. I wasn’t as confident as the women he was used to.

  “Mason – ” I whimpered.

  “I know, baby,” his fingers pumped in and out of my slowly as his mouth continued its rough assault. He wanted to have control, and I was more than willing to give it to him, even if it terrified me. I was addicted. Every time I was with him, I wanted more; I wanted to slip inside of his world and be who he wanted.

  My body shook as I came undone, and I moaned as his hips thrust upward, and my mouth filled with his own release. His body tensed, and he groaned loudly before he was struggling to slow his breathing.

  I climbed off him, and he immediately crushed me to his chest. I pressed my ear over his heart, letting my eyes fall closed.

  “Your heart is always racing because I excite you. I’m something to you that you’ve never had, and I think that scares you. I scare you.”

  I angled my face to look up at him as he continued.

  “You’re something I’ve never had either, Beauty. You calm me. When I’m with you, it’s the only time my mind isn’t racing, or my heart isn’t going crazy.”

  It was an addiction – running my fingertips against her warm flesh, making her cry out in pleasure. Her little whimpers and moans seemed to have a direct line to my cock. But worse, and unexpected, she’d managed to somehow get ahold of my heart. Letting go of this girl would be far more painful than anything I’d endured in my life.

  I forced myself to stay awake, clutching her to my body as I tried to envision what the future would look like for her. I knew what my life had in store – I would be dead or in prison. But Belle had a chance to get things right.

  I knew tomorrow she would be off with her friend Cadence, preparing for her wedding. Every second they spent together felt like another second closer to everything unraveling and Beauty finding out I’m not the man she thinks I am.


  I SPENT THE AFTERNOON getting my dress fitted a final time while Cadence droned on about the big day. I wanted to feel happy for her, but Mason had gotten inside of my head, and I was beginning to doubt if she ever really cared for me.

  “Hello? Earth to Annabelle?” Cadence laughed as my eyes snapped to hers. I blushed, turning my attention to the mirror. “That color looks great on you.”

  I ran my hand over my stomach as I took in the canary satin dress that reminded me of the swimsuit Mason was so fond of.

  “So who is he?” she asked. I glanced in the mirror to her smirking face.


  She rolled her eyes, pushing to her feet and walking up beside me. Tugging at the fabric, she sighed loudly. “I don’t want this to sound weird...” her voice trailed off. “Do you still have a thing for Roland?”

  “What?” I spun around, nearly falling off the small pedestal. “Why would you even ask that?”

  “Well, the other day, when you called, you were really weird, and you wanted to stay at our place.” Her eyes met mine, and I clenched my fists at my sides. “And now you just keep smiling, and your mind is obviously elsewhere.”

  “I needed your help, Cady. Not everything is about you.” I stepped off the platform and stormed into the dressing room. I yanked back the curtain, wishing it was a door that I could slam in her face.

  “Annabelle,” she called out, amusement in her voice that only made me angrier. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize I was being so... selfish. You’re right.”

  I tugged the dress over my head and slid it onto the hanger before yanking on my tank top and shorts. I slid back the curtain to see Cady standing on the other side, her arms folded over her chest and a smile on her face.

  “I have an idea.”

  “What?” I asked, not entirely sure I wanted to hear what she had to say.

  “It’s a surprise. Just trust me.”

  I WAS SETTING OUT THE plates of food for dinner when Mason came home. He eyed me for a moment as I angrily arranged our meal.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” I replied with a shrug as I placed silverware next to our plates.

  “Really?” He ran his fingers through his messy hair.

  “Really,” I said as I sank down in my seat. He shook his head as he headed into the kitchen. When he reemerged, he had a bottle of jack in his hand and a shot glass. He poured a drink and gulped it down before repeating the process several times.

  “Bad day?” I asked, and he shook his head.

  “Does it matter?” He snapped, rubbing his palm against his beard.

  “Are you mad at me?”

  “Why would I be?” He shrugged, cutting off a bite of his steak and shoving it in his mouth.

  I sighed dramatically. “Cadence was a bitch to me today. That’s all. It just really bothered me.”

  He shook his head, taking another bite. “And you didn’t want to tell me because –”

  My eyes met his, and I swallowed before speaking. “She thinks I still have a thing for Roland. But I don’t,” I clarified.

  “You don’t need to convince me, ‘Belle. I know who you have feelings for.”

  My cheeks heated, and I ducked my head, noting he hadn’t called me Beauty.

  “But don’t ever lie to me. If something is wrong, I want to know. I can’t help you if you keep secrets from me.”

  I nodded as I watched him pour another drink. Something was off about his reaction. He seemed worried, almost guilty. My gut twisted as I watched him.

  “What did you think was bothering me?” I asked. “Did you think I was mad at you for something?”

  He stared at me, his jaw tensing as he looked me over. “What reason would you have to be mad at me?”

  “That’s not an answer,” I sighed, my shoulders falling.

  He pushed from his seat and walked the length of the table. When he reached me, he turned my chair to face him and sank down to eye level. “I just had a long day. I expected to come home to you,” he tugged at my shorts, “With a little less fabric between us. When I saw you were upset, I thought you’d changed your mind about our agreement.”

  I shook my head as I wrung my hands together on my lap. “I haven’t.”

  He nodded, his expression relaxing as he ran his tongue out over his lower lip. “You did break one of my rules,” he said with a sexy smirk. My stomach did a little flip. “But, since we haven’t had a chance to have our talk yet, I guess I will have to let this time slide,” he teased.

  He pressed his lips against mine, and I spread my legs so he could slide between them, wanting my body pressed against his, but he abruptly pulled back before brushing his lips against my forehead.

  “Thank you for dinner,” he whispered before walking back to his end of the table and sinking down in his seat.

  I cut into my steak and took a small bite. That’s when I noticed the scrapes and cuts on his knuckles.

  “What happened?”

  “I had to handle something today.”

  “You got in a fight,” I clarified for him, shaking my head.

  “Sometimes, violence is necessary, Beauty, enjoyable even.” He winked, and I looked down at my plate to keep from smiling like an idiot.

  “Isn’t that bad for business?”

  “I don’t own a fucking library, ‘Belle. My
club has rules, and if someone doesn’t follow them, they get punished.”

  “Why... why the club?” I asked.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Why a strip club? Why not a dance club or a bar or – ”

  He shrugged, shoveling another bite in his mouth. “Men have a primal urge to fuck beautiful women. I help satiate that desire. It pays well.”

  “You don’t seem like you’re struggling for money.”

  “Is there a question in there, or are you just showing me how observant you are?” He snapped.

  “Forget it.” I shoved my chair back and stood, my fingers gripping the edge of my plate.

  “Wait,” he yelled, the bass in his voice, causing me to jump and my silverware to clatter onto the tabletop. “Sit down,” His voice was lower, but residual anger still lingered in his tone.

  I sank down in my seat, tucking my hair behind my ear as I bit back the urge to curse at him.

  “If you have something to ask me, just do it.” His gaze dropped to his plate as he pushed his food around.

  “How do you afford all of this? I know you got the house from your family, but there are taxes and upkeep. And you offered me a lot of money to stay with you. Most people don’t have that kind of cash just lying around.”

  “I’m not most people.”

  “No, you’re not,” I agreed, earning me a smirk from him.

  “I told you I used to fight.”

  “Did you enjoy it... Do you enjoy hurting people?” I asked.

  He eyed me for a moment before nodding his head. “Very much.”


  I GRABBED MY PLATE and began to gather the dishes from the table. Mason stood, collecting his own and followed me into the kitchen. I began to scrub over the plates as he took them from me and dried them off.

  “Does that scare you?”

  “What?” I asked as I handed him a cleaned fork.

  “That I enjoyed it.”

  “Very much,” I replied honestly.

  “I know the way other people see me, ‘Belle. I spent my entire life building that reputation. But that’s not who I am anymore.”


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