Breaking Beauty (Twisted Tales, #1)

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Breaking Beauty (Twisted Tales, #1) Page 14

by Teresa Mummert

  I looked down at his bloodied knuckles. “Are you sure?” I asked, glancing up at him.

  He shook his head, and I could tell by the way his jaw was clenching that he was getting angry. “I grew up having to fight to defend myself. It was survival, but then it became an outlet for my anger. I became good at what I did... very good.”

  “I’m sorry,” I whispered.


  “You shouldn’t have had to grow up that way, being afraid.”

  “Don’t worry, Beauty. Not much scares me anymore.”

  “I can’t imagine that anything does,” I teased.

  “Just one thing,” he replied before pressing his lips against my forehead. He left the room, leaving me to wonder just how much of his past he’d escaped and how much of it still consumed him. I knew better than anyone that it didn’t matter how far you ran from your problems, they still had the ability to haunt you.

  That made me question whether or not Mason really had the ability to change who he was, a victim of his circumstances.

  “Beauty,” Mason’s voice called from another room. I shut off the water and dried my hands on the dishtowel before I went to find him.

  “Mason?” I called out, knocking on a door behind the formal living room.

  “Come in,” he called back.

  I took a deep breath before twisting the knob. The door whined on its hinges as it opened. Mason sat behind an oversized mahogany desk in a room with the walls lined by bookshelves. Papers were spread out before him; news clippings and police reports. My eyes danced over the items before I looked at him.

  “What is all of this?”

  “You want to know who I am? You already do, Beauty. This,” He pressed his finger against one of the papers and slid it across the desk. “This kid doesn’t exist anymore. He doesn’t want your pity or your apologies.”

  I picked it up, my eyes dancing over the words about a boy who was found beaten and chained to a radiator, his identity unknown. I dropped the article and picked up another, and another. His story had been everywhere. His parents were never found because he had been sold for drugs and was living in a crack house. He could barely speak and only weight as much as a three-year-old, his true age never known but estimated to be about eight.

  “I enjoy being a fighter because that’s what I’d always been. I had to be.”

  “Why are you showing me all of this?”

  “Because I want you to understand. I don’t want you to be afraid of me.”

  I shook my head, my heart breaking for this man who seemed like he was the strongest in the world.

  “I had to become this to be safe, and now I want to keep you safe too, Beauty. But you have to trust me.” He pushed from the chair and walked around the desk toward me; his steps were slow and deliberate as if he was afraid I would run from the truth. He raised his hand, his large fingers ghosting along my cheek. I leaned into his touch, his hot palm pressed against my face that had once been hit by another man who I’d trusted. I let my eyes fall closed, a tear slipping from under my lashes. Trusting a man was hard, but it would be harder to walk away from Mason.

  “I trust you,” I whispered, my eyes opening to look at him. His eyebrows were drawn together, and I knew he was having just as much trouble putting his faith in someone else.

  “I don’t want to hurt you,” Each word sounded like it pained him to say. “But I’ve done a lot of bad things. Very bad things.”

  I raised my shaking hand and pressed it against his face. He exhaled audibly as I pressed up to my toes, my lips hovering close to his. He didn’t pull away, and I took that as an invitation. My lips pushed against him, and his arms looped around my waist, lifting me from the ground. I wrapped my legs around his body as we deepened our kiss.

  “I’m not scared of you,” I whispered. His arms tightened around me, and I buried my face in his neck as he held me like I might evaporate.

  “Who does scare you, Beauty?”

  I sighed against his neck, and he tensed as he waited for me to respond. I didn’t pull back to look at him; I couldn’t.

  “My stepfather Paul,” I whispered, afraid that if I said his name too loudly, he would appear. “At first, he was so nice. He was perfect for my mom for the first few months, and then he just... changed.”

  I waited for Mason to say something, but he didn’t respond, just held me tightly, so I knew I was safe.

  “The first time he hit me, I don’t think he meant to do it.” I shook my head. “He said he didn’t. But then he did it again and again. I lived at home when I went to college. I couldn’t afford to go to a dorm. The night I left, he saw that I was going to leave, and he told me he wanted me to feel how much I’d disappointed him. I didn’t really understand what he meant, but next thing I knew, I woke up, covered in bruises.”

  “What did you do?”

  “I left.”

  “Good girl.”

  He carried me upstairs, never letting me go. He held me throughout the night, and I was relieved that I didn’t have any nightmares.


  MASON PRESSED HIS LIPS against my forehead, and I stretched against him. My entire body felt like it was on fire from being tangled against him all night.

  He groaned before pressing his lips to mine. I pushed against his large chest, giggling.

  “I have morning breath,” I muttered.

  He laughed, rubbing his beard as he rolled on his back.

  “You gave up kind of easily,” I teased. “I thought I’d put up a fight and play hard to get and then let you devour me.”

  “Devour?” He chuckled, his hand on his stomach. “Who talks like that?”

  I rolled onto my side, propping myself up on my elbow. “I read a lot of romance novels.” I shrugged, my eyes sliding down over his body. “You’re supposed to devour or ravage me, rip my bodice and throw me on the bales of hay in the barn.”

  “What kind of books are you reading?” he asked, his eyebrow raised.

  “Oh, my God. Forget I said anything.” I fell onto my back beside him, but he continued to look over at me.

  “I don’t have a barn, Beauty. It burnt down years ago.”

  “Please stop talking.” I put my hands over my face, shaking my head.

  “Would a garage work, or does it have to smell like animal shit?”

  “That’s it!” I tried to push from the bed, but as I was almost on my feet, he grabbed my wrist and yanked me back down beside him as he placed kisses across my jaw and on my eyelids. He slid over me, settling between my thighs. I groaned as his weight pressed against me, the playful mood taking a more serious tone.

  “My breath is still gross,” I mumbled.

  “I don’t care,” he replied before his mouth was on mine. I let my lips fall open and welcomed him to deepen our kiss as his hips rocked against me. “I want you, Beauty.”

  “Then take me, Mason. I’m yours.”

  His lips twisted up into a smile against mine, and his large fingers looped around the edge of my panties, twisting and yanking and causing them to bite into my skin. The fabric gave way, and I moaned as he lifted from me just enough to slid his boxer briefs down over his substantial erection.

  He gripped himself as he kissed me tenderly, pressing the tip of his length against my entrance. I’d thought about what this moment would be like since I’d first met him. I never imagined he would be so restrained and tender.

  “Are you sure?” He rasped, rocking his hips forward and letting his length slide against my slit, coating himself in my wetness. I nodded, my hands gripping his shoulders nervously. He kept his eyes locked on mine as he pressed forward. I winced as my body stretched around him, my nails digging into his flesh.

  “Annabelle,” he groaned, his eyebrows furrowed as his hips stilled. “Am I hurting you?” he asked. I struggled to loosen my grip on his shoulders even though I knew the pain wasn’t bothering him, but I didn’t want him to stop because of me.

  I swallowed h
ard, running my tongue over my lips. “Don’t stop, Mason. Please?”

  His lips found mine again, and he rocked his hips, moaning as he slipped deeper inside of me, until he was met with resistance. “You’re so beautiful, Annabelle.” He whispered as he peppered me with kisses.

  “It’s okay,” I replied, “I’m okay.” I slid my fingers into his hair and pulled his mouth back to mine, kissing him fiercely as he pushed himself in the rest of the way, filling me. He stilled, allowing my body to adjust. I was thankful. I’d never known a man to be as kind to me as Mason was in this moment, and I was grateful that he’d been my first in so many ways.

  “It won’t hurt long; I promise,” His hips rocked slowly, and I squeezed my eyes closed, forcing myself to relax. This wasn’t like the pain I’d experienced before; this was different. This was a good kind of hurt. After a few minutes, the pain subsided, and I had to urge to meet his movements.

  He smiled, his tongue running across my neck as he nipped and sucked at the delicate flesh. “Does it still hurt, baby?”

  I shook my head no, and he reached between us, rubbing his fingers against my clit. My back arched off the bed as he began thrusting harder and faster; his movements less controlled, matching the chaos I’d come to love about him.

  “I’m –”

  “I know, baby. I know,” he panted as I came undone. Seconds later, he followed, his body stiffening as he groaned, and I felt him release into me. He hung his head next to mine, struggling to slow his breathing.

  “Did I... Did I hurt you too badly?” He asked, pulling back to look me in the eye.

  I smiled, feeling more relaxed than I ever have. “I’m fine. I promise.”

  He smiled, pressing his mouth to mine.

  “I was scared you wouldn’t like me because I’d never –”

  He shook his head; his brows pulled together. “Nothing could have stopped that, Beauty.” He pulled his body from mine, and I winced. “What happened between us was inevitable.”

  “You’re so sweaty,” I groaned but didn’t pull back from him.

  He laughed, shaking his head. “I’ll have someone come out and check the air. These old houses have a lot of problems.” He pushed from the bed with a groan, rubbing his palm across his face. “I’m going to run through the shower.”

  “Me too,” I sighed as I stood, stretching. He grabbed my wrist, shaking his head as he began to smile.

  “Oh no, you don’t. Remember what happened last time you used all the hot water?”

  My cheeks darkened as he tugged me into his bathroom.

  “You can shower with me.”

  “All of my stuff is in my bathroom,” I groaned, but as Mason shoved off his boxer briefs, my words caught in my throat. I could never get tired of looking at his body.

  “Strip,” he replied, ignoring me. “If this all could end in four days, I’m going to make the best of it.”

  I chewed my lip as I tugged my top off. Mason’s eyes raked up and down my body before he turned to the tub and turned on the water. I wanted to tell him I didn’t want to go. This was the only place I wanted to be, but I couldn’t. I knew Mason wasn’t the type of guy to settle down and just because we could manage to play house for a while, didn’t mean I was going to get my happily ever after with him.

  I slipped under the spray of water, closing my eyes as I let it cascade over my skin.

  “Wet your hair,” Mason called from behind me as closed the glass door. I stepped further under the spray, holding my breath until I had to gasp. I stepped backward, my body colliding with his.

  He grabbed a bottle of all-in-one shampoo and conditioner, the same kind I used, and dumped some of the contents into his large palm.

  He rubbed it through my hair, massaging my scalp as he went.

  “Mmm...” I groaned, breathing in the scent of coconuts, and his hands stilled.

  “You keep moaning like that I’m going to have to make you dirty again, Beauty,” he whispered against my ear before continuing. “Rinse.” He grabbed my shoulders and turned me around.

  I opened my eyes momentarily, taking in the view of him before I rinsed the bubbles from my scalp.

  Once my hair was sufficiently clean, he grabbed a pink bath scrunchie ball and dumped some body wash onto it.

  “Pink?” I raised an eyebrow at him, fighting not to laugh.

  He rolled his eyes as he rubbed it against my shoulder. “I thought you might need some things for in here.”

  “What? You got this for me?” I asked, shocked that he’d gone out of his way.

  “Who else would be using my shower, Beauty?” He asked like he didn’t know he could bring home any woman he wanted.

  His hand slipped lower, rubbing the rough material across my left breast, then my right. He watched me as he continued lower, rubbing over my belly.

  “Arm,” He ordered, and I held it out to him like a child and watched as he scrubbed it clean. When he finished, I dropped it to my side and raised the other. “Turn around.” I spun to face the water, letting it run down my chest as he washed my back and bottom. Next, he dropped his knees, rubbing his way up my legs. “Face me.”

  I slowly turned back to face him, his green eyes looking at me as he slid the rough material between my legs. I gasped as he moved it back and forth. He pushed to his feet and ordered me to rinse. I did, in a daze, my heart pounding in my chest.

  “Your turn?” I asked as I stepped out of the way for him to be able to get under the water.

  A phone began ringing out in the bedroom, and I sighed. “I’ll grab it.”

  He nodded, pressing his lips to my forehead before I got out and wrapped one of his oversized towels around my body.

  I grabbed the phone beside the bed and answered a breathy hello into the receiver.

  “Annabelle? It’s Devin. I need to talk to Mason.”

  “He’s in the shower. You want me to give him a message?”

  “Tell him the cops are at the club, and he needs to get down here now.”

  “I’ll tell him.” I hung up the phone, my mind racing.

  “Mason?” I called out as the water shut off. “Devin called. He said there are police at the club.”

  “What? Did he say why?”

  I shook my head. “That’s it. I’ll go get dressed.”

  “You’re not going,” his voice boomed as he stepped out of the bathroom naked.

  “I want to go. I have friends there.”

  “Annabelle, I said no.”

  I flinched. “Why would the cops be there anyway? What if someone was hurt?”

  “Devin would have told you.” He pulled on a pair of underwear and slid on his jeans. “This doesn’t concern you.”

  Mason shrugged on a shirt as he grabbed his wallet and keys. I stood in his doorway, arms folded over my chest, glaring at him.

  “If it concerns you, it concerns me.”

  “This doesn’t involve you. It’s better that way.” He shook his head, clearly growing more irritated, but I stood my ground. “I’m only going to ask you nicely once. Move.”

  My eyes began to water, and my throat tighten. “Or what? You’re going to hit me?”

  His expression turned pained as he stepped closer, nearly against me. “Never.”

  “Is that club more important than this? More important than –”

  “Us?” he asked, finishing my thought. “Don’t make me answer that, ‘Belle. You don’t understand.”

  I gasped, stepping backward, my back colliding with the wall. “I understand perfectly.”

  He stormed past me and hurried down the stairs and out the front door. I sank to the floor, pulling my knees to my chest and let the tears I’d been struggling to contain flow freely.

  My mind was racing as I made my way to the club. There were two cop cars parked just out front. Devin was pacing the sidewalk but stopped abruptly as I pulled in next to one of the black and white cruisers.

  “What the fuck –”

  “Mason L
ocke?” an officer asked as he stepped out of the front door of my club. Devin’s shoulder’s sagged, and he shook his head. “The Beast from the East. Our very own little local celebrity.”

  “And you are?” I asked, earning me a cocky grin. I flexed my fingers at my side, forcing myself not to react to his attitude.

  “We are just following up on some leads about a murder across town. Did you hear about the woman found of Briar Road?” he asked. I stretched my neck to the side, forcing it to crack.

  “I’ve seen the news.”

  “Word is she was seen here prior to her death, and we are just trying to tie up any loose ends. Especially given your history.”

  “I don’t make a habit of killin’ women.”

  “No. Just opponents. Right?”

  “We have a lot of people come in and out of here, but you’re welcome to the camera footage. Devin can help you access whatever you need to see.”

  “I appreciate that, Mr. Locke.”

  “Not a problem,” I replied as I stepped forward and pulled open the door, but before I could slip inside, he called out behind me.

  “We’re also going to need to see your ID scanner.”

  “What?” I stopped, turning to glance at him over my shoulder.

  The officer shrugged. “She was found with identification on her that didn’t belong to her. We’re tracking down the owner, but she doesn’t appear to be from around here.”

  I tightened my grip on the door handle, causing the skin around my knuckles to turn bone white. “Devin, get them whatever they need,” I bit out, as my stomach sank. I already knew they’d find a match because that license had been scanned in by Belle on ladies night. I was careless, and now I was going to destroy everything.

  “We’d also like to take a look around if you don’t mind. We need the owner’s permission.”

  I ground my teeth before looking to Devin. “Go ahead.”

  “But you’re not the owner of this establishment anymore are you, Mr. Locke?” he asked, looking down over a paper he held in his hands, as his eyebrows knitted together.

  My eyes shot to Devin, anger consuming me. He mouthed sorry to me. I couldn’t be mad at him. This wasn’t his doing.


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