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Voices - A Special Abilities Novel Series

Page 13

by Brad Mann

  Chapter 12

  Thank you Victoria Secrets

  Marty and Stacy were off doing God knows what again, so Meea and I used the time to take a walk down the beach. The temperature was perfect this evening. The breeze from the ocean was kind of cool, with just enough humidity. Meea had her three new best friends along, which was fine with me. They didn’t interrupt our conversation, or mind our occasional display of affection. The three dolphins swam along the coast parallel to us as we walked along the beach. They seemed to enjoy being close to Meea. Every once in a while Meea would look over to the dolphins like they called to her. I never heard any sound coming from the dolphins, but the look on Meea’s face sometimes made me believe they were communicating in some way. Meea never said anything out loud to them that I could hear, but I still believe they were having some little conversation of their own.

  Meea caught me watching her and refocused all her attention back to me as she smiled and said, “Game three is going to be a little risky isn’t it?”

  I gave her a warm half smile and pulled her a little closer to my side as we walked on. “A little. This team is better than the last one we played. We can’t afford to do anything too obvious and risk being detected tomorrow night. That would definitely get us a failing grade.”

  Looking back out at the ocean Meea asked, “How about we all go out to club Coco tonight for the dinner special? Stacy said it’s really good.”

  “Yeah sure that would be good, I may be late though. I have to drop off a load of lumber to the obstacle course. There’s a crew of people working out there all weekend setting up a new course for us to use next week. The school has the whole place draped off with large curtains, like their building something top secret.”

  “I could send a bird over the top to look inside if you want.” Meea offered.

  “No, it's fine, we’ll see what’s in there soon enough.”

  “Ok, if you’re sure. Hey, watch this, look right over there at the dolphin. The girls are going to do a trick for us before they leave.”

  “A trick? Oh… Very nice!” Meea and I applauded as the three dolphins did a round of acrobatics, jumping fifteen ft above the water in synchronized patterns. Then for the finale they all jumped at the same time and did a bow in the air. “Did you tell them how to do that?”

  “No, they were just showing off for you. Let's head back so I can change for dinner,” Meea said spinning me around in the sand, and then sprinting off to make an impromptu race out of it.

  When we got back to the dorms I ran upstairs and grabbed Marty’s keys to deliver the lumber. As I was leaving Meea poked her head out of her room and asked, “Do you want to see what I’m going to wear tonight?”

  “Sure, you can wear anything though—” I was cut off in mid compliment.

  Meea held up something new with a small silk VS tag attached to it. I’m not sure what it was, or how she would put it on but… “You’re going to wear that outside?” I stumbled to get out.

  Meea blushed and looked down. “No way, but I might wear this if you come over after we go out.” Her cheeks turned even more red, if possible.

  She wasn't usually this flirtatious, so I was caught completely off guard and rendered speechless, more than speechless… paralyzed was a good word for what I was. I couldn’t open my mouth or move my legs. My eyes were transfixed on the tiny pieces of fabric in Meea’s hands. She seemed very pleased when she realized I was completely frozen and stunned with delight and anticipation.

  Meea stepped up to my side and purred in my ear. “Mmm … I guess I’ll be seeing you tonight then…” After the longest and most heated kiss goodbye of my life, I was headed into the parking lot, with my head in a thick fog of passion trying to remember where I parked the large truck full of lumber. Smack! I had walked backward right into the truck still gazing back towards Meea's room. The pain shooting up my back helped quickly clear the fog from my brain.

  Marty picked up Meea and Stacy in my car and took them to the club since I had his truck. I called Marty from the obstacle course and let him know I was running late and that they could eat without me, but Marty said they were going to try and stall a bit to see if I could catch up to them before ordering. He said he could shoot some pool and the girls would like the time to catch up on campus gossip, something about, well he didn't know because he quit listening when they said the word gossip. So now, I would try and rush so nobody would have to wait long.

  Marty and the girls were at a table laughing it up when I arrived. “Hi guys, so sorry I’m late. It took forever to unload all that lumber.” All three of them were still trying to get their laughter under control. “So what’s going on now?”

  “Let me tell him, this is priceless.” Marty said pushing his arms out wide like he needed extra room to tell the story. “Ok it starts with that guy way over there… see him?" Marty pointed at a tall, stocky guy, probably in his mid twenty’s dressed in blue jeans and Oshkosh shirt. "Right over there, see him, see him?” The pointing continued.

  “Yeah I see him, quit pointing at him.” I urged looking to see if the guy noticed Marty's antics.

  “Ok, so that moron comes up to the girls and this is how it goes down…”

  "The guy starts out with this line, ‘Hey there, pretty young thing’.”

  "He then slides into the seat beside Meea definitely on the prowl for company.

  ‘You two ladies are looking lovely tonight. Let me buy you a drink.’”

  “‘Thank you, but we don’t drink’. Stacy tells him.”

  “‘Well then, we'll have to find something you do do. I’m in a band that’s opening up in the next town tomorrow night.’ The guy blabs on.”

  “Stacy read him like the open book he was, and from her mischievous expression I knew she was about to have some fun with this guy. You should have seen her.

  So Stacy fires back at him.” “‘That’s a lie…Your not in a band.’ Direct hit!" Marty laughed at his own commentary.

  “‘Well… well I’m not in it… I just work with the band.’ The dope sputtered out."

  “‘That’s a lie too.’ Stacy stared at him a second and then say's. ‘You don’t work with or for the band.’”

  “‘Well …I uh…I guess not exactly… I uh, I work… I work for the fairgrounds the band plays at.’ The guy is pissing himself about now, its amazing how deep a hole this guy can dig in three minutes." Marty relished, shaking his head at the stupidity.

  "Stacy studied him again for another second and then pulls the trigger on the kill shot. ‘That’s more like it, but to be more accurate, you’re actually the janitor that cleans up the fair ground after the concert is over. Isn’t that about right?’”

  “‘Uhmmm…Yeah… well, I got to get going.’ He barely responded before giving Meea a quick glance and then took off to the back of the bar. Totally priceless.” Marty reached over and gave Stacy a high five still totally enjoying the moment.

  “Stacy’s first casualty of the night. Shot the guy down like the true ace she is." Meea said with admiration in her voice.

  “Nice job, Stacy, you sure are a lot tougher than you look,” I said proudly.

  “I can vouch for that!” Marty said as he squeezed the bicep of her tiny thin arm.

  “I might be tough but Marty’s rich. He won enough money tonight at the pool table he’s buying us all dinner. Right, Marty?” Stacy said.

  Before Marty could answer Meea interjected, “So, Marty, tell me something, did you cheat at pool tonight?”

  “No, that wouldn’t be any fun.” Marty said a bit stunned.

  Stacy's shot Meea a questioning.

  “What? I didn’t know, I thought it might be a guy thing to never ever lose or


  Marty looked at Stacy and hugged her. “It’s OK. Meea is still getting to know me. But for the record… I didn’t lose, even playing it straight. I just quit so I could come back and be with you two." Stacy blushe
d slightly pleased with Marty’s statement.

  “Sorry, Marty, I didn’t mean to imply you couldn’t win without cheating. It just kind of hit me, when I realized how many ways you could change the outcome of things with your talent. Do you kind of know what I mean or am I making it worse?”

  “It’s getting worse, Meea,” Stacy smirked.

  Trying to change the subject before Meea reached China I asked. “So, what were you going to do tonight if Stacy hadn’t scared that guy off for you?”

  “She saved that guy from a skunk bath, that’s all. He should be thanking you Stacy.”

  Stacy laughed. “Oh, yeah, give me details, Meea, how do the skunks come into play?”

  I was almost scared to hear the rest. These two girls could be quite a deadly combination once provoked.

  “I was going to have the two big skunks in the trash cans out back come in and give him a few smelly squirts to cool him off.” Meea giggled to herself probably envisioning it.

  “You can tell there are skunks out back?” I asked.

  Meea looked at me, her lips turned up slightly at the ends. “I can now almost sense every creature within about a mile of here, and most of them can sense me. I’ve been learning to extend my range much farther this semester.”

  “How about me, do you sense me?” I asked, not trying to be funny but still trying to get a handle on the extent of my team’s abilities. I still didn’t fully understand the extent of the talent in my group.

  Since I have such strong feelings for Meea, I wondered if she might be able to sense more from me, or feel how strong my passion was for her.

  “Not in the same way, but I know what you’re thinking… sometimes.” She tilted her head slightly and her eyes narrowed, as she stared deep into mine.

  That could be a girlfriend thing more than a psychic thing I hoped. Not wanting Meea to deep in my brain just yet. With Stacy and Meea both around a guy had no chance of having any personal secrets.

  Stacy leaned over and whisper to Marty, “We better order quickly because Meea and Wilson are in a hurry.”

  “A hurry for wha—. Oh, I get it,” he whispered back with a grinning.

  I was no longer concerned at all with satisfying the huge empty space in my gut brought on by hours of throwing lumber around when I realized we had two cars here. “You hungry, Meea?”

  “Nope.” She said reading my mind again.

  “Me either. Can we catch up to you guys later?” I asked not waiting on a reply.

  “That’s a rhetorical question isn’t it?” Stacy said turning to Marty, who had already dismissed us.

  The rest of the night was, perfect, simply perfect.


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