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The Fake Engagement Favor

Page 12

by Charlene Sands

  Gianna’s face flamed. She put her head down. Her relationship with the truth was being tested again and again. “We’re fine. Things went well in Nashville. The interview went better than I could’ve hoped, and that’s good because it’s the only one I’m ever doing.” She smiled, grateful to be here speaking to Rose. “You have no idea how worried we were when we got the news about your accident.”

  “I’m going to be fine, don’t you worry.” Rose squeezed her hand. “I’m tougher than I look.”

  Tears welled in her eyes and she was hopeless trying to hide them. “I know. Thank God for that.” She couldn’t bear to even think about losing Rose, too.

  “Gianna? Is there something else troubling you? Is it Gage?”

  “No. It’s not about Gage.” She’d been haunted by a question, a secret and now that her mother was gone, only Rose would know the answer. “It’s about my...father.”

  Rose blinked and stared out the window. “Your father?”

  “Yes, my father.” He was the man who had betrayed her and her mother. The man who kept her from going all in with Gage. “You see, I found these letters, years ago. They were correspondence between my mother and father. Secret letters. Do you know about this, Rose?”

  Rose sighed and turned back to face her. “Yes, I know about your mother and father. I’m the only one who knows the truth. And I swore to your mother I wouldn’t tell you.”

  “It’s okay, Rose. I already know. I was fifteen when I found and read the letters. My mother never knew. I never told her.”

  “Why? Why didn’t you confront her when you had the chance?”

  “Because I knew how much my mother wanted me to believe the fantasy. That they had a loving relationship and we had a perfect family. My mother didn’t want to disillusion me. She didn’t want me to blame myself for my father leaving us. Abandoning his family.”

  Rose nodded. “It was important to her that you’d never feel the same pain she’d felt when he ran off with another woman. It was easier to let you believe he had died tragically. As strange as it sounds. Tonette loved you so much, she couldn’t hurt you that way.”

  “I know. That’s why I never asked her about it. I never confronted her about the lies she told me. I mean, those letters explained the whole story. He didn’t want any part of her, or me.”

  “She wanted to tell you once you’d grown up, but she was proud of what you’d accomplished in your life and didn’t want to upset anything. I don’t know, maybe she was scared or worried about telling you.”

  “Is he still alive?”

  “No, he died several years ago. He’d moved to Europe and married a wealthy woman. He’d written to your mom for only one year, and then the letters stopped coming. She was glad of it. Those letters only upset her. Once your mom washed her hands of him, she was a new woman. A stronger woman, like you.” Rose gave her hand another gentle squeeze. “I’m sorry about all this.”

  “I’m fine with it. I made my peace with it years ago. But I do want to know one thing—what was my father like? Can you tell me about him?”

  “Uh, yes. I can tell you he was handsome as the devil. Joe Marino was extremely charming and funny when it suited him. He was a man any woman would find hard to resist. But he was also selfish, Gianna. He always wanted what he couldn’t have. And once he got it, he discarded it like yesterday’s trash. Tonette fell victim to him immediately. Oh, she loved him so, and he broke her heart. I’d say they had three good years of marriage, but then your father got restless. He was an attention seeker and wanted the focus back on himself.”

  “Wow. I guess I figured all that from the letters, but hearing it now from you makes it all real.”

  “Your mama always said you were the best thing to come out of the marriage.”

  Gianna’s heart lurched. “I’d have to agree. Thank you, Rose.”

  “You’re welcome, sweetie. And for what it’s worth, I think you did the right thing by going along with your mom. She wanted to protect you. It was important to her.”

  A few taps at the door brought her head around, and Gage appeared at the threshold. “Is all the girl talk done?”

  “Come in, Gage,” Rose said. “We’ve had a nice chat.”

  Rose met her eyes and she nodded. “Yes, we have.”

  “Anytime you want to talk again, just let me know,” Rose told her softly. She appreciated the talk and the truth.

  She rose from the bed just as Gage made his way into the room. Gage kissed his mother on the cheek. “Hi, Mom. How’s the patient doing?”

  “She’s busted up some, but anxious to get out of this bed.”

  Gage took a position right beside Gianna, his arm curling around her back. She moved slightly out of his reach and stood her ground. She couldn’t have him touching her. Not in front of Rose. She was too astute, too perceptive.

  “One more day and you can come home, Mom.”

  “I’d better come home. I’m going to dance at Cade’s wedding. Arm in a cast or not.”

  Gianna chuckled. Rose had spunk, and thank goodness she wasn’t as badly injured as they’d originally thought. Her bruises would heal—her rib would heal, too. She’d have to deal with a broken arm, but if anyone could manage, it would be Rose.

  “And I’ll be the first one to whisk you around on the dance floor,” Gage said.

  Rose smiled and darted curious glances between the two of them. Gianna was afraid she’d ask a question they couldn’t answer. That she’d find out they’d given in to desire. It would worry Rose, and that was the last thing she needed right now. “I’ll let you two talk. I’ll wait for you outside, Gage,” she said. She kissed Rose’s cheek. “Try to get some rest.”

  “I will, and you take care, too. Thanks for visiting, sweetheart.”

  “Of course. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “I’ll only be a few minutes,” Gage announced. She gave him a slight nod and turned away.

  She found the restroom and splashed cold water on her face. It didn’t help. It didn’t clear her mind. She was confused about a lot of things. And she hated being out of control like that. She hated not looking at Gage rationally and seeing the situation for what it was. She was usually more logical, more sensible about things. But after making love with Gage, she’d learned something about herself she hadn’t known. She was vulnerable to him, his charm. He’d done things to her body that no man ever had. He’d made her feel womanly and alluring, all things she hadn’t thought important. Or necessary. Yet those were wonderful feelings.

  But was Gage a man like her father? Gage hadn’t had long-lasting relationships with women. From what Lily had told her, he’d never been in love. Was he too self-centered to put someone above himself?

  Ten minutes later, Gage entered the waiting room, and their eyes met. “Hi. Mom’s resting now.”

  “That’s good,” she said, her shoulders stiffening up. Images of Gage naked and gorgeous, touching her, making her cry out, entered her head. When he was in the room, she could hardly think of anything else. “She needs her rest.”

  “Hopefully, she’ll come home tomorrow.”

  She nodded and stood. “Are you ready to head back? I have work to finish.”

  Gage laughed under his breath. He rubbed at his chin and then eyed her. “You’re dedicated, I’ll say that.”

  “You know I am.”

  “I also know a lot of things about you I didn’t know before.”

  Gianna wouldn’t take the bait. She put her purse strap over her shoulder and walked past him. “Are you coming?” she asked, walking out of the room.

  Gage caught up to her in three strides and grabbed her hand. “I go where you go,” he teased.

  “You’ve got that backward, don’t you?”

  “After this afternoon, Gianna, I’m not so sure.”

  More images flashed of being
naked with him. She pulled away from his grip, but he held tight. “The hospital is kinda crowded now. Lots of eyes on us,” he whispered in her ear, “and we’re a couple, remember?” He tightened his grip on her hand, and goose bumps popped up on her arms. They were back to faking it.

  She ground her teeth.

  He was impossible.

  He was sexy.

  He was charming.

  It was a combustible combination.

  * * *

  Gage exited the Aston Martin and came around to open the door for her, his Southern manners never taking a back seat to his charm. She’d have preferred to open her own car door, but it wasn’t worth the argument. Gage wouldn’t agree. They hadn’t said much on the way home from the hospital, Gage turning up the radio and singing along with the music. He was carefree and loose, as if his world was going according to plan. She often wished she could let go like that just once. But it wasn’t in her DNA. She planned things out, needed to know where she was going at all times. And Gage had disrupted that order in her life.

  She entered the house and tossed her purse on the sofa, Gage only steps behind her. She was about to turn his way, but two strong arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her close from behind. The subtle sent of his cologne wafted by, and his warm breath fanned over her throat. “I know you have work to do, but when you’re done, I’ll be in my room.”

  She turned in his arms to face him, his eyes deep, dark blue and dangerous. “Gage, we can’t—”

  He brushed his lips over hers, once, twice, and the familiar taste of him was too hard to resist. The promise of what he offered too hard to refuse. She circled her arms around his neck and kissed him back. His hands roamed over her body, gentle caresses that sent shivers up and down her spine.

  Gage stopped kissing her and pulled himself away. “Gianna, just go, do your work,” he rasped. “I meant what I said. I’ll be waiting. It’s your choice.”

  And then Gage walked out of the room, leaving her trembling, her lips swollen, her body on the brink.

  Her legs wobbly, she walked into her room and sat down at her computer. She had a dozen pages of notes to compile into some semblance of order for her workshop. For the first time in a long time, she wasn’t thrilled with doing her work. She went through the notes in a kind of trance, trying to focus on their importance, trying to make order out of it all. Usually, she had no trouble deciphering her scribbles. Usually, she found solace in her research, enjoyed putting cohesive and orderly bullet points to paper. “What is wrong with me?” she muttered.

  It wasn’t rocket science.

  Gage had awakened her. He’d shown her how making love should be between a man and woman. Her head was filled with images of him, of them together. Would she ever look at him in the same way?

  He wasn’t right for her. They were as different as night and day. But she’d learned something from him. Big shock. He’d actually taught her something. That making love and being in love were two different things. He’d taught her that lust wasn’t love. It was desire, wanton desire. And it dealt more with the pleasures of the flesh than any real emotion.

  Intellectually, she’d known that. Good God, she’d given lectures about human nature and relationships, but what she hadn’t known until this moment was that it could pertain to her. That knowing Gage was in his room, waiting for her and willing to give her another night of, well...orgasms, made her lose her focus on work, her concentration shot.

  She shut down the computer. No work was to be had today. She debated for half a second about her next move. Then she slid on her boots, tossed on a lightweight jacket and exited her room.

  She stopped up short, spotting Gage on his way to the kitchen. He wore faded jeans and an unbuttoned shirt. If there was a female heaven, he was it.

  He took one look at her and asked, “Going somewhere?”


  “Out where?”

  “Just out.” She’d planned on saddling a horse and riding out. It was a foolish idea. The sun had already set, and she wasn’t that experienced a rider. Besides, what did she know about saddling a horse? Nathan was probably off duty by now. It wasn’t like her to just...react and not make a solid plan. It was Gage’s fault. He made her dizzy. And one thing Gianna was not normally was dizzy.

  “Running, Gianna?”

  “In boots?” she quipped.

  His lips cocked up. “Not the kind of running I meant.”

  Her shoulders slumped, and a deep sigh pushed out of her mouth. “Gage, I’m not this convenient little toy you can play with.”

  “You’re right. Nothing about you is convenient, Gia,” he said softly. He wasn’t mocking her. Not this time. “Did you finish your work?”

  “No. I can’t concentrate.” Why did she admit that to him? Sometimes her relationship with the truth got her in trouble.

  He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. The strands fell back into place, except for a thick chunk that landed just over his right brow. She had an urge to push it back in place and run her fingers through the rest of his dark locks. Not a safe train of thought.

  “I was just getting some ice cream. Want some?” he asked.

  “No. Yes. Uh...” She stared at the opening of his shirt, the thin strip of muscle and bronzed skin peeking out. Taunting her. Tempting her.

  “It’s not a hard question, Gianna. Either you want some or you don’t.”

  She lifted her lids to him. “I want some.”

  Gage didn’t react. He simply took her hand and led her into the kitchen. She took a seat while he opened cabinets, took out two cartons of ice cream from the freezer and scooped up a big dish of chocolate and strawberry, topping the mound with nuts and caramel sauce. He set out one dish, two spoons. “Have at it.”

  His eyes were on her, so clear, so blue. He picked up his spoon and dug in. As he swallowed, a delicious groan rose up his throat, and suddenly she didn’t want ice cream anymore. She wanted to make him groan. She wanted to be that girl who could throw aside her misgivings for once. She wanted to give in to what she was feeling, her rigid rules and vows be damned.

  She’d been fighting it, her logical brain battling her vulnerable heart.

  She picked up the dish, grabbed his spoon, along with hers, and whispered, “Follow me.”

  Gage was smart enough not to be shocked—or not to let on if he was. Sometimes he knew her better than she knew herself.

  She walked into his room and turned to him. He grabbed the dish out of her hands and set it aside. His arms came around her, drawing her up so close they breathed the same air. Her heart beat crazy fast, and she smiled from the depths of her soul. He smothered her smile with kisses, demanding and potent. Welcome kisses she’d craved. “Gia, sweetheart, I didn’t think I could spend another night in this bed without you.”

  “Same,” she said. With that one word, she surrendered herself to him. She was through fighting him.

  And she was free at last. Liberated from what she perceived as the right thing. She only had to answer to herself, and she was all in.

  Completely in. With Gage Tremaine.

  Who would’ve ever thunk it?

  * * *

  Gage lay lazily beside Gianna now, his naked body close to hers. They’d napped after another burned-into-his-memory bout of sex earlier. They’d totally forgotten about the ice cream, which was now a creamy puddle in the bowl.

  Gianna had no idea how she demolished him. Her body, her mind, those funky glasses, all turned him on. But he was greedy. He wanted more. He wanted to take it slow with her. To show her another side of him, the easy side of sex.

  He ran his hand along Gianna’s leg, starting at the ankle and slowly moving up, past her knee, to the creaminess of her slender thigh. His fingers spreading wide, he needed to touch every inch of her body. Caressing her was instinctive; his hands and mouth knew what sh
e liked and how she liked it.

  His fingertips feathered over her apex, and she stirred. She was so damn responsive to him.

  “Gage,” she murmured, her eyes closed.

  “Shh, sweetheart. Just let me touch you.”

  He fanned over her flat belly and touched the tip of his finger to her navel, circling it once, twice. His palm flat, he moved up her torso and teased the underside of her breasts. Then he flattened one breast gently, enjoying the soft, rounded mound in his hand. Cupping her, he gave her breast one gentle squeeze. He took his time pleasuring her there, pebbling the very tips and tasting them with his tongue.

  Gianna stirred again, arching her hips, a little whimper rising from her throat.

  Oh, man. Her sexy sounds moved him more than he thought possible. He was solid rock below the waist but determined to see this through.

  He slid his hand behind her head and gave her a long, slow, delicious kiss. Then another one, and one more. Slowly, deliberately, lovingly.

  He whispered sweet words in her ear, telling her she was beautiful and sexy and how he was going to make love to her slowly.

  She moaned her responses.

  All the while, Gage held back and waited until the moment was right. Then he covered her body, teasing his manhood over her, and she bucked. It was torture for him, too.

  He gave her a little more of himself. And then more again. She moved with him, slowly, patiently. It was heaven and hell at the same time. Holding back, he moved in deep and continued to go slow, to let her absorb the sensations. To feel how good it was between them.

  She clutched his shoulders and they moved together, unhurried and deliberate, her pace matching his. But then the moment came and Gianna gritted her teeth, her body sharpening, her release ready. It killed him to keep the pace slow and easy when all he wanted to do was take the ride with her. She shuddered as he continued to stroke her slowly, her climax coming in one long, drawn-out, amazing wave. It was worth the effort. She was sated. Pleasured and awed. It was all expressed on her beautiful face, in her pale green eyes.


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