The Last Empress

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by Hannah Pakula


  417 “If the… eyelash”: Frank McNaughton, “Mme. Chiang in the U.S. Capitol,” Life, March 8, 1943.

  417 “Chinese boy’s… interesting-looking”: WCA: Mary Hornaday, “New York Gives Big Welcome to China’s Little Mme. Chiang,” The Christian Science Monitor, March 2, 1943.

  417 “too close”: Tuchman, p. 449.

  417 “What do… sophisticated”: Perkins, p. 74.

  418 “some of… her”: HA: Lauchlin Currie papers, Box 63, Folder 16, Joseph Chiang, notes, February 27, 1943.

  418 “If I… truth”: Zhang Ning-yi (translator) “Madame Chiang and Modern China,” from the Russian Archives, Taipei Zhongzheng Cultural and Educational Association, 2002.

  418 “a very… you”: Harry J. Thomas, “In the Nation’s Capital” in The First Lady of China: The Historic Visit of Mme. Chiang Kai-shek to the United States.

  419 “marked the… battle”: Roosevelt, My Day, p. 283, February 19, 1943.

  420 “aroused a… Atlantic”: Tuchman, p. 446.

  420 “A little… dramatic”: Roosevelt, My Day, p. 283, February 10, 1943.

  420 “She wore… praised”: John Gittings, “Madame Chiang Kai-shek,” available at,3604,1070646,00.html.

  420 “the chamber… applause”: “In the Nation’s Capital” in The First Lady of China: The Historic Visit of Mme. Chiang Kai-shek to the United States.

  420 “I have… America”: Preliminary Compilation of Primary Historical Materials of the Republic of China, ed. Qin Xiao-xian, p. 793, Madame Chiang Kai-shek, wire no. 17 to Chiang Kai-shek, February 16, 1943.

  420 “modern science… handclapping”: “In the Nation’s Capital” in The First Lady of China: The Historic Visit of Mme. Chiang Kai-shek to the United States.

  421 “Goddam it… tears”: “Madame,” Time, March 1, 1943, p. 23.

  421 “There is… dives”: Allene Talmey, “May Ling Soong Chiang,” Vogue, April 1943.

  421 “In just… graceful”: WCA: Malvina Stephenson, “A Lady ‘Worth 50 Divisions’ Captures the U.S. Capital,” unidentified newspaper clipping, February 28, 1943.

  421 “tight-fitting… person”: Shi Zhi-yu, “How the American Mass Media Reported Madame Chiang’s Visit to the U.S.A.”

  422 “Mrs. Chiang… Nordics”: WCA: “Mrs. Chiang Puzzles Newsmen with ‘Gobineau’ and ‘Obtunded,’ ” The New York Herald Tribune, February 8, 1943.

  422 “The extraordinary… us”: “In the Nation’s Capital” in The First Lady of China: The Historic Visit of Mme. Chiang Kai-shek to the United States.

  422 “We welcome… citizenship”: Leong, p. 150.

  422 “There can… table”: “China in War and Peace,” The New Republic, March 1, 1943, p. 270.

  422 “too proud… parable”: WCA: Ann Cottrell, “Mrs. Luce Has Praise for Talk by Mrs. Chiang,” unidentified newspaper clipping, February 18, 1943.

  423 “It was… themselves”: HA: T. V. Soong papers, Box 23, Folder 2, Raymond Clapper, “Clapper Recalls Visit to Mme. Chiang in Chungking,” February 25, 1943.

  424 “Joe Kennedy… delivery”: Leong, p. 136.

  424 “the wife… notices”: WCA: “The Famous Woman Who Exceeds Her Advance Notices,” unidentified newspaper clipping, August 22, 1942.

  424 “five years… millions”: WCA: Bob Considine, “Chiang, Trained in Jap Army, Knows Key to Victory over It,” The Atlanta Constitution, July 8, 1942.

  424 “Today unconquered… service”: WCA: “Chiang Kai-shek,” Bridgeport Post, September 6, 1942.

  424 “Madame Chiang… woman”: WCA: Clare Boothe Luce, “What One Woman Can Do,” The Atlanta Constitution, July 26, 1942.

  424 “one of… world”: WCA: Elsa Maxwell, “The Wisdom of Life,” St. Louis, Mo., Star-Times, December 12, 1942.

  424 “will go… China”: WCA: “Elsa Maxwell’s Particles,” Reading, Pa., Times, August 3, 1942.

  424 “I saw… character?”: Roosevelt, Autobiography, pp. 249–50.

  425 “the impression… shoulders”: Roosevelt, This I Remember, p. 285.

  425 “Kung brats… circles”: National Archives: RG 226, Entry 210, Box 401, File 11, June 14, 1943.

  425 “was kept… Presence”: Ibid., undated.

  425 “an imperative… direction”: Tully, pp. 331–32.

  426 “talk beautifully… democracy”: “Mrs. Chiang Chided by Mrs. Roosevelt,” The New York Times, December 5, 1945.

  426 “just crazy… country”: Tuchman, p. 450–51.

  426 “of all… alone?”: Doris Fleeson, “Mme. Chiang Gave Roosevelts a Record Number of Headaches,” Buffalo Evening News, December 14, 1945.

  426 “Well,” the… Washington”: HA: T. V. Soong papers, Box 30, Folder 8, “Confidential Resume of Interchange Between the President and Congressman Walter H. Judd Concerning Madame Chiang Kai-shek.”

  427 “I have… sex”: “In the Nation’s Capital” in The First Lady of China: The Historic Visit of Mme. Chiang Kai-shek to the United States.

  427 “Madame Chiang… U.S.”: WCA: “Trials and Errors,” Fortune, March 2, 1943, p. 62.


  429 “David Selznick… seen”: WCA: Hedda Hopper, “Looking at Hollywood,” The Atlanta Journal, April 8, 1943.

  429 “the need… state”: WCA: Telegram, Drs. Robert F. Loeb and Dana W. Atchley to Consul General Yu, February 16, 1943.

  429 “Few of… high-mindedness”: “In the City of Skyscrapers” in The First Lady of China: The Historic Visit of Mme. Chiang Kai-shek to the United States.

  430 “she was… had”: Leong, p. 140.

  430 “green”: “In the City of Skyscrapers” in The First Lady of China: The Historic Visit of Mme. Chiang Kai-shek to the United States.

  430 “more like… people”: WCA: “We Must Try to Forgive,” Time, March 14, 1943, p. 17.

  430 “In these… forgive”: “In the City of Skyscrapers” in The First Lady of China: The Historic Visit of Mme. Chiang Kai-shek to the United States.

  431 “incomparable. I… health”: HA: T. V. Soong papers, Box 63, Folder 16, Robert F. Loeb to Madame Chiang Kai-shek, March 4, 1943.

  431 “the most… Kai-shek”: WCA: Rev. George Harold Talbott, D.D., “Madame Chiang’s Big Meeting,” Passaic Herald News, March 13, 1943.

  432 “turned very sour”: HA: Lauchlin Currie papers, Box 5, “FDR Memorandum, Notes for the Files,” April 5, 1943.

  432 “a schedule… certain”: HA: T. V. Soong, Box 63, Folder 16, Dr. Robert F. Loeb to L. K. Kung, with enclosure, March 4, 1943.

  432 “In her… breeze”: WCA: Mary Hornaday, “Toughest Reporter Is Slave to Mme. Chiang’s Charms,” Buffalo, N.Y., News, March 29, 1943.

  433 “One morning… said”: Cowles, p. 90.

  434 “She had… Willkie”: Author’s interview with Eleanor Lambert, March 1998.

  434 “cultivate an… campus”: WCA: Letter to Madame Chiang Kai-shek (letter unsigned, but probably from Mildred McAfee, president of the college), April 20, 1942.

  435 “It was… did”: WCA: Letter from an unidentified classmate on the letterhead of the Pittsburgh Chapter, American Red Cross.

  435 “She seemed… fortyish”: WCA: Catherine Coyne, “Mme. Chiang Near Emotional Collapse,” clipping from unidentified newspaper.

  435 “Students, Faculty… hurts!’)”: Hull, p. 10.

  435 “Strong emotions… return”: “Alma Mater” in The First Lady of China: The Historic Visit of Mme. Chiang Kai-shek to the United States.

  435 “Mme. Chiang… Teacher”: “Mme. Chiang Stumps Even Her Teachers,” The Christian Science Monitor, March 9, 1943.

  436 “perfection at… using”: WCA: Carl Sandburg, “Mei-ling, China’s Great Gift to Us,” clipping from an unidentified Chicago newspaper, March 1943.

  437 “are so… people”: “By the Golden Gate” in The First Lady of China: The Historic Visit of Mme. Chiang Kai-shek to the United States.

  437 “Mme. Chiang… this
”: WCA: “Mme. Chiang Calls Country Realistic,” The New York Times, March 27, 1943.

  437 “The present… violence”: “By the Golden Gate” in The First Lady of China: The Historic Visit of Mme. Chiang Kai-shek to the United States.

  437 “Who is… eyes?”: WCA: Dorothy Walker, “Mme. Chiang’s Point of View Is American,” San Francisco, Calif., News, March 25, 1943.

  437 “Madame Chiang’s… unity”: Jespersen, “Madame Chiang Kai-shek and the Face of Sino-American Relations” in Samuel C. Chu, p. 137.

  437 “for chosen… me”: Lattimore, China Memoirs, pp. 168–69.

  438 “the elite… ultra”: Edwin Schallert, “Elite of Filmland Meet Mme. Chiang,” Los Angeles Times, April 2, 1943.

  438 “one of… tour”: “Land of Sun and Flowers” in The First Lady of China: The Historic Visit of Mme. Chiang Kai-shek to the United States.

  438 “overdetermined historical display”: Leong, p. 141.

  438 “reinforced by… bands”: “Land of Sun and Flowers” in The First Lady of China: The Historic Visit of Mme. Chiang Kai-shek to the United States.

  439 “China, a… guest”: “China, a Symphonic Narrative,” notes taken by the author from a film of the event.

  439 “We were… war”: Jespersen, p. 138. 439 “mischievous statements”: Li, p. 227.

  440 “a bigger… best?”: DeLong, pp. 173–74.

  440 “I tried… debts”: Li, p. 227.

  440 “My dear… lectures”: Indiana University, Lilly Library, Wendell Willkie papers, Wendell Willkie to Madame, August 14, 1943.

  440 “She strikes… ability”: Kennedy, pp. 560–61.

  441 “official shopper”: National Archives: RG 226, Entry 201, Box 410, File 11, June 24, 1943.

  441 “I hate… show”: Ibid., June 25, 1943.

  441 “a deep-seated… visit”: Ibid., June 23, 1943.


  443 “There is… friends”: Tuchman, p. 81.

  443 “The consensus… complete”: Ibid., pp. 452–54.

  443 “stupidity and… equanimity”: White and Jacoby, pp. 174–76.

  444 “dogs eating… darkness”: HA: Lauchlin Currie papers, Box 5, Theodore White, Loyang Cable no. 114 to David Halburd, March 13, 1943.

  444 “one of… frosting”: White and Jacoby, p. 176.

  444 “the matter… press”: White, pp. 154–55.

  445 “the greatest… powerful”: White, “Life Looks at China,” Life, May 1, 1944.

  445 “to help… return”: Payne, p. 251.

  445 “revision”: White, “Life Looks at China.”

  445 “chills and… statesman”: Fairbank, Chinabound, pp. 252–53.

  445 “with the… public”: HA: Lauchlin Currie papers, Box 3, Folder Chiang Kai-shek, “Comments on ‘China’s Destiny’ by Two American Observers in China,” June 17, 1943.

  446 “plan… campaigns”: Arnold, pp. 407–22.

  446 “Dear Joe… job”: Tuchman, p. 457.

  446 “brushed too… difference”: Arnold, p. 427.

  446 “poison pen style”: HA: Roger J. Sandilands papers, John K. Fairbank to RJS, February 22, 1988.

  446 “Alsop was… man”: HA: Kohlberg papers, Box 5, Walter T. Ridder, “The Brothers Cassandra, Joseph and Stewart,” Reporter, October 21, 1954.

  447 “a cousin… Roosevelt”: HA: T. V. Soong papers, Box 1, Schedule A.

  447 “apocalypse in Asia” Almquist, p. 37.

  447 “grandiose… air”: Tuchman, pp. 458–59.

  447 “the one… produced”: Jack Belden, “Chennault Fights to Hold the China Front,” Life, August 10, 1942.

  447 “Churchill is… now”: HA: T. V. Soong papers, Box 63, Folders 12 and 33, T. V. Soong to Madame Chiang Kai-shek, March 18, 1943.

  448 “as a… her”: Leong, pp. 146–47.

  448 “with some… things”: Davies, p. 267.

  448 “responsible for… China”: Tuchman, p. 475.

  448 “In conversation… world”: Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, FDR papers as President, Map Room File, Box 1, 1941–April 1945, Intelligence Report, May 21, 1943.

  448 “on record… strategy”: Wu and Kuo, p. 506, May 17, 1943.

  448 “for many… G-mo”: Tuchman, p. 474.

  449 “To call… mistake”: Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, FDR papers as President, Map Room File, Box 10, Folder Chiang Kai-shek, January 1943–Dec. 1943, Chief of Staff George Marshall to FDR, April 12, 1943.

  449 “We hope… him”: “Uncle Joe” The New York Times, April 30, 1943.

  449 “cogent and… Chiang Kai-shek”: Tuchman, pp. 470–72.

  449 “The Madame… skirt”: HA: Joseph Stilwell papers, Stilwell, “The Black Book,” p. 13.

  449 “He’s a… me”: Tuchman, p. 475. 450 “Sister [May-ling]… President”: HA: T. V. Soong papers, Box 59, Folder 4, T. V. Soong to Chiang Kai-shek, April 16, 1943.

  450 “against overwhelming… fight”: HA: T. V. Soong papers, Box 61, Folder 5, Joseph W. Alsop, “Memorandum for Dr. Soong,” undated.

  450 “when Stilwell… time”: HA: T. V. Soong papers, Box 60, Folder 6, T. V. Soong, wire to Chiang Kai-shek, June 1943.

  450 “the Chinese… soldier”: HA: Stanley Hornbeck papers, Box 103, NN, SH, “Memorandum of Conversation,” September 28, 1943.

  450 “bad or… China”: HA: T. V. Soong papers, Box 61, Folder 1, T. V. Soong, “Memorandum on General Stillwell,” August 20, 1943.

  450 “It is… immediately”: HA: T. V. Soong papers, Box 60, Folder 9, T. V. Soong, two wires to Chiang Kai-shek, September 1943 and undated.

  450 “to persuade… me”: Alsop with Platt, pp. 217–20.

  451 “get acquainted… Stilwell”: Tuchman, p. 477.

  451 “full of bugs”: Stilwell, p. 217.

  452 “Uncle Chump… Jack”: Swanberg, p. 2.

  452 “The planes… infection”: Author’s interview with Sidney Lumet, May 2000.

  452 “from medicine… 1944”: Tuchman, p. 482.

  452 “medieval cesspool”: White and Jacoby, p. 160.

  452 “Some of… price”: HA: Claire L. Chennault papers, Box 1, Folder AVG, Major Lin Wen Kuei to CLC, December 6, 1941.

  452 “had whorehouses… dirty”: White, p. 146.

  453 “Officers pimping… knew”: Tuchman, p. 482.

  453 “Chennault’s whore-house… GCM”: HA: Joseph Stilwell papers, Stilwell, “The Black Book,” pp. 18–19.

  453 “the longest… out”: Tuchman, pp. 481–92.


  454 “My Chinese… Li?”: Caldwell, p. 61.

  454 “a joyful… husband”: WCA: “Madame Chiang in Chungking, Ill from Trip,” unidentified newspaper clipping, July 4, 1943.

  454 “The President… done”: Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, Harry L. Hopkins papers, Box 135, Chiang Kai-shek, War Department, Correspondence, June 4–17, 1943.

  454 “We thought… Burma”: Hagley Museum and Library, Wilmington, Del.: Sonia Tomara, “Madame Chiang Nearly Fell into Japan’s Hands,” The New York Herald Tribune, July 11, 1943.

  454 “was feeling… landed”: WCA: “Madame Chiang in Chungking, Ill from Trip.”

  454 “The weather… trip”: Drew Pearson, “Washington Merry-Go-Round,” The Washington Post, September 6, 1943.

  454 “weary and airsick”: Hagley Museum and Library, Wilmington, Del.: Tomara, “Madame Chiang Nearly Fell into Japan’s Hands.”

  454 “The generalissimo… met”: Ibid.

  455 “Where the… everybody?”: Li, p. 236.

  455 “Peanut was… Chinese”: HA: Joseph Stilwell papers, Stilwell, “The Black Book,” p. 30.

  455 “When I… him”: HA, Joseph Stilwell Papers, Stilwell to his wife, p. 215.

  455 “Mme. present… crash”: HA: Joseph Stilwell papers, Stilwell, “The Black Book,” p. 30.

  455 “M.L. looks… America”: Epstein, pp. 418–19.

  456 “washing China’s… doghouse”: Service, pp. 108–9.

  456 “I’m alway
s… need”: Soong Ai-ling to Soong Ching-ling, “An Anthology of Soong Ching-ling’s Correspondence, collected by the Memorial Museum of Soong Ching-ling’s Former Residence in Shanghai,” no. 50, June 15, 1947.

  456 “I wonder… me”: Ibid., no. 58, November 5, 1947.

  457 “This [transfer]… planes”: Green, p. 21.

  457 “After a… through”: Stilwell, p. 212.

  457 “it would… rival”: Tuchman, p. 487.

  457 “in a… Excellency”: HA: T. V. Soong, wires to Chiang Kai-shek, August 23, 1943, and August 25, 1943.

  458 “bad leaks… information”: HA: Lauchlin Currie papers, Box 5, LC to Harry Hopkins, June 15, 1943.

  458 “The only… Japanese”: Caldwell, p. 56.

  458 “Only Donovan… up”: Dunlop, pp. 426–27.

  459 “manage”: Wakeman, Spymaster, p. 325.

  460 “the first… statement”: Tuchman, p. 493.

  460 “Too Much… enrichment”: Hanson W. Baldwin, “Too Much Wishful Thinking About China,” Reader’s Digest, August 1943.

  460 “The Great… China”: Fussell, pp. 161–62.

  460 “Our Distorted… chorus”: Nathaniel Peffer, “Our Distorted View of China,” The New York Times Magazine, November 7, 1943.

  461 “Summoned to… somewhere”: HA: Joseph Stilwell papers, Stilwell, “The Black Book,” p. 57.

  461 “lead China… place”: Tuchman, p. 498.

  461 “over the… government”: HA: Lauchlin Currie papers, Box 5, “George Sokolsky on T. V. Soong,” February 17, 1944.

  461 “the same… dynasties”: Tuchman, p. 499.

  461 “Lunch &… me”: HA: Joseph Stilwell papers, Stilwell, “The Black Book,” pp. 60–64.

  462 “haughty… up”: Stilwell, pp. 228–29.

  462 “Mme. Chiang… tour”: National Archives: RG 226, Entry 210, Box 401, File 11, October 6, 1943.

  463 “The G-mo… swat”: HA: Joseph Stilwell papers, Stilwell, “The Black Book,” pp. 69–75.

  464 “a tremendous… else”: Feis, pp. 78–79; “these ruthlessly self-centered women” comes from Alsop with Platt, p. 223.

  464 “dramatic eclipse”: Service, p. 78.

  464 “there was… home”: Stilwell, p. 235.

  464 “secured the… State”: HA: Memo Leo Soong to Dr. Elena Danielson, February 21, 2005.


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