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The Staff of Ira

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by Carl Sheffield

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  The Staff of Ira: The Journey of Dorn Part II

  Carl Sheffield

  Copyright © 2018 by Carl Sheffield. All rights reserved.

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  Published by Legaia Books USA & Carl Sheffield 8/29/2018

  ISBN: 78-1-948738-33-0 (sc)

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  Dorn had trusted me to take the ship. I had been given the title of commander, a captain. I feel I’ve let him down. I did as Kira ask; I placed Phillip in Spain, as Dorn also instructed me to do. Roberto was dead, killed in the shuttle crash. My sister was on the big ship with April. Somewhere in space waiting, I hope.

  I was making the last run to the crater of Carlsbad New Mexico. Something happened, Roberto and I slammed into the wall of the crater, rocks dirt, and debris covered the shuttle. Gathering my thought, I shook my head looking around. Roberto was dead; I could see his position: his neck was broken, never to utter another word.

  I quickly took the pouch from his pocket that held the stones. Kira had given them to him before we left. Two gold nuggets, one Emerald. I knew the value of the stones. I would need them here on Earth if I was to stay. I made my way from the shuttle to the crater as the slide continued to cover the craft.

  I sat on the ground, with many thoughts running through my mind. I had no way to contact the ship. No way to go anywhere. I was stranded on Earth. I moved my leg; I felt the pain, it was bloody. Pulling my pants up, I had a cut about three to four inches below the knee, I was losing blood. I took a sagebrush stripped the leaves from the bush packed the cut, it hurt like hell. I took my shirt tore strips, tied the strips around my leg.

  Looking around, my thoughts went to the ship. I hope everyone was safely on the ship. There’s no way Kikki would come for me. April was instructed by me and Kikki if I wasn’t back at a given time to leave; no questions. Marie wanted to come with me. I told her to stay with April.

  “Tyler, I feel something is not right,” Marie said. April said the same. I told them I’ll only be gone for a while. Kikki was on our ship as we were docked together.

  Marie shouted, “We will not leave you.” April looked at me then to Kikki.

  April said to me, “Tyler, take Roberto with you. We will wait for one Earth-sun. Then we will leave.” Everyone agreed.

  Roberto said, “Si, I would be glad to go with you.” Casting off from the big ship, Roberto said to me, “Damn man, I think I was born to do this.” Little did he know it would be his last ride. Last time he would see April. I felt feeling for her when she was younger. I never told her how I felt. Dorn was the only one that knew. I know this will hurt her.

  I pulled myself to a big rock at the bottom of the crater. Man, I thought it’s a long way up. My leg had stopped bleeding. I tried to stand; I needed to walk. Crawling, walking, and sliding on my stomach, the walls were steeper than I thought. From the early morning to the sunset, it took me to reach the top of the crater. I crest the top; it was almost dark.

  Lying on my back, I could hear something. I was not sure what it was until I looked over my shoulder. A motor vehicle came up behind me with two soldiers in it: military police. I thought, “shit! I’m going to jail.”

  One of them asked me, “What are you doing here? This was a restricted area, only the military is allowed here.”

  “I didn’t know, I was hiking fell,” I said to him.

  He asked, “Did you see anything unusual?”

  I replied, “No. Just the crater noise.” He took a pair of field glasses and looked all around the crater. He saw nothing; it was already dark.

  The soldier said, “Well, I can’t leave you here. I’ll take you to the local hospital.”

  “That will be fine with me,” I said.

  The hospital was nothing new to me. My mother was a nurse in England. I limped inside to ask to see a doctor. A nurse showed me to a room where I sat waiting. I watched the doctor take the sage from my leg. Man did that hurt.

  Looking at me he asks, “Where did you learn to do that?” I never answered. He told the nurse to put me in a bed. Since I had no one here, no place to go, I went along with him. He placed eight stitches in the wound. The nurse told me to stay off it for a while. I told her I would.

  She asked me, “You’re not from here?” I told her I was from England.

  She asked, “Why are you here, and why were you in that desert?” I smiled as I told her I was hiking across America. I was in the wrong place I guess.

  She said, “There’s more to you than it shows.” I looked at her for what seemed several minutes.

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  “I’m just saying, a young man from England, with no clothes except what’s on his back, was found in the desert by the military police.”

  I said, “I had a pack with clothes in it; must have lost it in the crater.”

  She replied, “Yes, I’m sure that’s what happened. What is your name?”

  “My name is Tyler,” I said.

  She asked, “Do you have family here?”

  I said, “Just me. Why do you ask?”

  She asked me, “Do you have a place to stay?”

  I replied, “No, but I’ll get by.”

  Looking out the window, she told me Carlsbad was a small town.

  I asked her, “Why’s the military here? There’s a lot of them.”

  She said, “UFOs, they have been sighted all over. The army thinks they shot one down. Strangely in the place, you were found.”

  I looked at her. “Tell me what is a UFO. Is it a kind of bird, or one of those planes I saw?”

  She said, “You’re silly. UFOs are from space.” I laughed so loud; nurses and doctors ran into the room. She turned red in the face, ran from the room.

  One doctor asked, “What are you laughing at, young man?” I told him what the nurse said.

  The doctor expressed with a stern voice, “Stranger things have happened.”

  The doctor said, “I saw one. In the west, the other night. A bright light appeared in the sky, I thought it was a star. Then it started to move; it came down behind a hill in the desert.”

  I asked, “Where was this?”

  The doctor said, “On the road to Artesia. I stopped the car, hiked to the top of the hill; there it was in the middle of the desert, just sitting there. I often wondered if we were the only living being in the universe; now I know.”

  “Doctor, did you see them?” I asked. I was still laughing, “Were they little green men?”

  He looked at me. “Son, they we
re humanoid being. Just like you and I.”

  “Yeah right,” I said.

  Standing by the window, the doctor said, “You know son, there’s something a little different about you.” My heart started beating faster. Did he know I wasn’t completely human? How? I’m not sure, he took no blood.

  I looked at him. “What do you mean?”

  “I’m not sure,” He said. Then walked out.

  Many thoughts ran through my mind. Then sleep overtook me. I dreamed of my sister, I dreamed throughout the night. I woke up in the early morning and walked to the window. I had a strange feeling Marie and the others had left me. Standing by the window peering into space, my nurse walked in. “Well, young man, how are you this morning?” I told her I was sore. She handed me a paper bag; I looked at her.

  “It’s your clothes,” she said. “I took them home with me. I washed them for you. Look, I don’t know who you are. I’m not sure why you were in the desert. The military police were here asking for your belongings. I told them there were only pants. I told them your shirt had been ripped up for bandages. I found a small bag in your pocket.” She handed it to me. Opening it, the gold nuggets and the emerald fell into my hands.

  “Where did a hiker from England get those?” She asked. I didn’t know what to say.

  I said, “I’m from space.” Now she laughed.

  I said, “I would like to sell them if you might know someone. I need to find a place to live. Maybe find a job; I’m quite smart you know. I’ve been trained by some powerful minds.”

  “Like who?” She asked. I told her like Mekon, Mea, Dorn, our Queen Kira, and our King Omega.

  “What in tarnation are you talking about?” She asked.

  I smiled. “You wouldn’t understand.”

  “Tyler,” she said. “Come sit. Let’s have a look at your leg.” Sitting on the bed, she took off the bandage.

  “Looks good,” she said. I told her on my planet it would already been healed.

  My nurse asked me, “Is there someone waiting for you?” I told her there was a girl, but she had to leave; she is a million miles away by now.

  She laughed again. “More space bull shit.”

  I said, “Well, you believe what you will,” as the doctor came in. “Well, young man, you’re ready to go home.” I told him that would be impossible.

  He asked, “What do you mean?” I told him it was a long way from here.

  “Well, son, we need to dismiss you.” He said.

  “Before you do,” I said, “Tell me more about the ship you saw the other night.” The doctor started talking. I sat, listening to him as he described what he saw.

  “Tyler, what I have seen was the ship had two stars on each side of the door. The being came from the ship; their bodies looked human, their facial features were a little different. They were dressed in black with a silver star in front, a Dimond on the back.” I took a big breath.

  The doctor asked, “Son, you ok?” Thoughts ran through my mind, looking back to what Ira and April did with the ship from Plano. Were they here on Earth? Were they following me? How could they know I was here? Did they see my ship in orbit?

  Doctor Jones touched my arm. “Son, you ok? What is Plano? Who is Ira and April? What are you talking about?”

  I smiled. “Just thinking out loud.” My nurse told me her name was Pam. She brought me a shirt. “Try this on, go get dressed.”

  Coming from the small room, I asked Dr. Jones, “Did the ship leave anyone? Did you say anything to the authorities?”

  Dr. Jones said, “I gave my report to the military. I suppose that’s why they’re here. It was said they shot one down in the big crater where you were found.” looking at me with a funny look. “However, they could not find it.”

  My thoughts went to the ship. So, that’s what happened. We had been hit by their big guns. Dorn was right, humans destroy what they don’t understand. I suppose that’s why Phillip was sent back. They were afraid he would start destroying things.

  Since death could not happen, they sent him back. Ira, our leader, could not die. That’s why Mekon took him back to Earth. I began to understand what a beautiful place we had. I wondered why I ever wanted to leave. If I live through this, when I return I never want to leave again.

  Pam came in. “Young man, you cleaned up nice.” She told me she had a friend in Roswell, New Mexico. “It’s about a two-hour drive from here. Maybe he can help with what you ask. He’s a professor at the university. I’m sure he can help. I’ll take you. I have already called him. You look safe enough, I’ll take you home with me. You promise not to escape and take me to space with you.” I told Pam that would be impossible.

  She looked at me. “Yeah, just bull shit.”

  I said, “No, Pam. My ship was shot down by the military. It’s buried in the crater.” She started laughing.

  “What’s funny?” I said.

  Chewing her gum smiling, “Your ship was buried in the crater. You got to be kidding. You know Tyler, if you talk to some people like this, they would lock your ass away.”

  “Yes, Pam.” I said. “I do know. I could tell you the truth. You wouldn’t believe me. Let me ask you this, if you had a chance to go out to the stars, would you go?” She looked at me, never replied.

  Pam started driving north through Artesia to Roswell. I had been in an automobile once in my life. I was like Dorn; I’d rather walk. Here on Earth, everything was so far apart; it was the best way to travel. The date was May 12, 1939. In my old country of England, it would be the rainy season: foggy, and misty. I prefer the weather on Boldlygo. In the car, Pam kept looking at me as she drove.

  I asked, “Why are you doing that?”

  “Doing what?” She asked.

  I said, “You keep looking at me.”

  She explained, “I’m not sure if you’re real, or really from space.”

  “Pam, twelve years ago, I met some people in England. They were from a planet, well let’s just say, a long way from here. Two hundred fifty light years from Earth.”

  “Bullshit,” she said. “Tyler, think about it, a light year. I’m not the smartest nurse in the hospital but I know it would take forever to get here.”

  I said, “It takes nine months to get here.” Of course, her response was bullshit again.

  “Well, you want me to finish?” I asked.

  Pam said, “Oh hell yes, this is getting interesting by the friggin minute.”

  “Well, my little sister started showing powers, like with her mind. When she was four, she could move things with her mind. When I was eight, I could do some things. I was not as powerful as her. My mom and dad met Wald and Wil. There were others too, everyone’s different. We knew we weren’t from Earth, yet we lived here. Wil told us one day the truth.

  He told us about Dorn, the great explorer of Boldlygo. Wil said he would come for us one day. Wil was right. Twelve years ago, he came in the forest of the Cambridge clearing; the people had gathered in the forest. There was about one hundred. The Queen’s guards found out and started shooting at us. Dorn said to me once, if humans can’t understand, they destroy it; we started running.

  “We,” Pam said. “You mean, your sister.”

  “I had Marie on my back. My father said, run son, don’t look back. Dorn and Leah pulled me and my sister on to the ship: the very one the military shot down in the crater. Someday, Dorn, Marie or someone will come for me. I promise you someday. It will take about two years, but they will come.”

  “I was taken to the planet of Boldlygo, a place you would not believe. It never rains yet it is always green. There is no snow, no heat. It is always perfect in weather. We have two suns, two moons.”

  Riding on the rough road, Pam said, “Don’t stop. Hell, I’m loving it.”

  “This place we live is old, built by the Busies and the magical power of the Unic
orn. The city and palace, it’s over five thousand years old. It was built for the natives and humans of the planet. The Busies don’t look like the natives. They’re humanoid; it’s hard to explain.”

  Pam asked, “You ever see a Busie or a Unicorn?” I told her no, Dorn and Leah has.

  Pam said, “The Royal Family.” I told her of Omega and Kira, the royal children; Aries and Tressa, the prince and princess.

  Dorn told me while I was in training of the Unicorn at the Marder-to-go’s, the Unicorn let Leah touch her. Of course, I have no way to know that for sure.

  Pam asked, “What is the Marder to what?” I told her it’s a waterfall where the water comes from the mountains. The water is the color of a rainbow; we call it the rainbow falls. The water changes color: the rivers are red and green; the lakes are blue. I tell you it’s a paradise.

  Pam asked, “Tyler, why are you here? I mean, it’s so wonderful there.” I told her the story of Roberto and Phillip.

  She replied, “Bullshit, where are they now, this Phillip and Roberto?”

  “Look, Pam,” I said. “Omega and Kira told Dorn to bring Phillip back to Earth. They were afraid he might destroy something. Dorn sent me here in my ship to bring Phillip back. Roberto came along with me. There were several others: Marie, April, Kikki, of course she had her own ship. Kikki is not from my planet. Kikki is Xonian.

  Well, Roberto was killed in the crash when your military shot us down. The crash broke his neck.”

  Pam said, “I’m sorry to hear that.”

  “Look, Pam, something Dorn taught me. Humans destroy or kill what they don’t understand, that’s a fact.”

  Pam said, “One thing I can say about you, you really can spread the bullshit.”

  Driving down the road in New Mexico was a rare thing for some. Most humans didn’t own a car. We crested a small hill; the lights of the town came into view. Roswell wasn’t a big town. Several hundred people lived here. The biggest thing here was the university. Pam drove into the town, passed what she called the living quarters of the staff. Pulling into a lot, Pam exited the car, as she called it.

  I watched her as she was approached by a man in his late thirties. Pam told the man I was the person she spoke of.


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