Firefighter Wolves Shifters (A Paranormal Romance Series Boxset)

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Firefighter Wolves Shifters (A Paranormal Romance Series Boxset) Page 35

by Brittany White

  Having been friends for five years, Alicia didn’t need to voice her concerns, and Grace sensed her friend’s unease, so she dropped the subject, instead saying, “You know what we should do once you’ve found Rebecca? Go on vacation. Remember when we graduated from the police academy and went to Florida for the week? Let’s do that again. I want to go to Disney World.”

  Alicia couldn’t help but laugh. Her friend was obsessed with Disney Princesses, and had loved meeting the characters when they’d visited the theme park all those years ago.

  “Okay, I promise, when this is all over I’ll take you to Disney World. Derek too if he wants to come.”

  “Want to come where?” Derek asked, wheeling himself into the living room.

  For a moment, Alicia wondered how he’d gotten in. He hadn’t phoned Grace for her to pick him up from the Shadowbrook estate, and usually he needed someone’s help getting around town in the wheelchair as he couldn’t drive.

  Then someone else entered the room behind Derek and all became clear.

  “Hey,” Jason greeted with a lazy smile, his shoulder length dark hair hanging around the collar of his leather jacket.

  Damn, he looks gorgeous, Alicia thought, focusing on her wine glass to stop herself from checking him out.

  “Hey,” Grace said, rising from the sofa to help Derek across the room, before asking, “Can I get either of you a drink?”

  Derek smiled up at her lovingly. “A beer would be good, thanks.”

  “Of course,” Grace said, bending down to press her lips to his, before raising her eyes to meet Jason’s gaze. “Are you staying?”

  “No, I’m going to head to the Maple Inn and leave you two love birds to it,” he said, then focused his attention on Alicia. “Can I give you a ride home, Officer Ripley?”

  Alicia felt herself blush, and from the corner of her eye she saw Grace and Derek smirking. Despite her best efforts, it seemed she couldn’t avoid Jason. She sighed as she stood up, her time in Lenox was going to be challenging if he kept looking at her like that.



  The weight of being alpha bore down on Jason as he made his way to the hall for yet another pack meeting. This time to discuss what should be done about Rebecca Carnegie. They’d been searching for her, of course, and so had the police force, but no leads had been uncovered yet. The longer the Carnegies remained out there, the more tense the pack became.

  Jason knew what he’d like to do about it, but he wasn’t sure the pack would agree. Hence, the reason for the meeting. Following Ben’s lead since they’d voted on who should be the next alpha, Jason had decided they should also vote on what to do about Rebecca Carnegie - specifically, if they should continue their search alone or join forces with the police department.

  When Jason entered the meeting room, he was surprised to see Lana, Harper and Grace there too, and took it as a good sign the pack’s attitude was changing. It needed to change. Isolating themselves from humans is what had caused this situation with the Carnegies in the first place.

  Unlike the meeting to elect a new alpha, Ben, Josh and Derek were gathered with the rest of the pack - and their respective human mates - so Jason had to face the entire group alone.

  He took a deep breath, thinking how his father or grandfather would have handled a situation like this, then began to speak in a loud, clear voice. “Thank you all for coming to this meeting. As Ben said when I was elected alpha, we need to end this war with the Carnegie family as swiftly as we can. We’ve already lost too much to Rebecca and the others. For the pack to survive, and start building a future, we need to secure our safety.”

  Murmurs of agreement rang out as all the pack called out their feelings about the Carnegies.

  “They murdered my sister,” Tyler called out and Jason nodded his head in the older man’s direction. He was surprised to see Tyler here. After Eloise’s death, he’d blamed Josh’s mate, Harper, and tried to run her car off the road. The incident had ruined Josh and Tyler’s friendship, and almost led to Tyler leaving the pack forever. Jason was cautiously pleased that Tyler had returned and could now see who was really responsible for his sister’s murder. He just hoped Tyler’s hostility towards Harper (and other humans) was a thing of the past.

  Jason glanced at Josh, trying to gauge any reaction from the former alpha towards the man who’d almost killed his mate, but Josh’s face remained stoic and impassive. It was weird to Jason not seeing Josh and Tyler together, joking around in the rec room, or going on a run through the estate’s grounds. Josh and Tyler had been as close as Jason and Derek were, and Tyler had been as much a brother to Josh as Ben was to Jason. Jason hoped that now Josh was back in Lenox, for however long that might be, the tension between him and Tyler wouldn’t erupt again.

  Focusing back on the task at hand, Jason continued speaking, “Yes, they murdered Eloise, and for that she deserves justice. The Carnegies must pay for what they’ve done, not only to our pack, but to the people of Lenox. Which is why I am all in favor of us continuing to search for them, and making the capture of the Carnegies our highest priority. But we can’t do it alone. As you’re all probably aware, the Boston police department has sent a team to town, charged with arresting Rebecca Carnegie, and any supporters that she might have left. I propose we combine our search with the police force’s. We’re stronger together.”

  “How will that work with us being shifters? Sure, the people of Lenox know what we are, but these officers from Boston don’t. We can’t risk exposing ourselves to them,” Gavin said. He was standing near the front of the gathered crowd, mere feet from Jason, and Jason could feel the tension radiating from him.

  “I think we should tell them,” Jason said in an even tone, and the whole pack fell silent. It had been their ancestors who’d revealed their true nature to the people of Lenox, and so it had always been accepted as their way of life. But never, in all the years since, had any member of the pack suggested telling humans outside of Lenox. The only reason Harper and Lana were allowed to know was because Josh and Ben had claimed them as mates, and that in and of itself had caused a fracture in the pack.

  “Bullshit!” Kevin shouted. “It’s because of humans that we’re in danger in the first place. Just because the people of Lenox tolerate us, what is to say these cops from Boston won’t turn out to be another bunch like the Carnegies.”

  “The leader of the force from Boston is best friends with my mate,” Derek said, trying to shut down Kevin’s argument. “I know Alicia, and she isn’t like Rebecca Carnegie. I trust her.”

  “Thank you, Derek,” Jason said, taking the lead from his friend. “And haven’t the people in Lenox proved they’re willing to risk their lives for us? Derek’s mate, Grace, was there when we stormed the boathouse, as were the rest of the police force. They’re already our allies, this would just be adding a few extra names to the list.”

  Gavin cleared his throat and everyone’s attention turned to him. “While I appreciate what you’re saying, Jason, I think Kevin does have a point. These police officers from Boston don’t know us. They have no reason to protect us. If they know what we are, they could turn their attention to capturing us, once the Carnegies are caught.”

  “Or they could become our friends,” Ben insisted. “Many of you were unhappy when I claimed Lana as a mate, but she’s here with us now as part of the pack, and she’s carrying my child. Since then, Josh and Derek have also claimed human mates.”

  “Yes, but that’s just three women. We can’t know all these Boston cops will react in the same way,” Gavin argued.

  “No, you’re right, we can’t. But Derek says he trusts Alicia Ripley, and she’s the one leading the police taskforce. If Derek trusts her, it should be safe to tell her the truth, and trust she will stop her fellow officers from acting against us,” Jason stated.

  “And if she can’t, we could be fighting a war against two sets of enemies. What happens if the police force joins with the Carnegies to take us ou
t?” Kevin demanded. “Or have you forgotten it’s humans who did this to us in the first place? Just because some of you are happy to lower your standards and-”

  “THAT’S ENOUGH!” Ben bellowed, coming to stand beside Jason. “There are humans here now, and none mean us harm. My child will be half-human, as is your alpha. It’s time we stop living in the past. You claim it’s because of humans that the Carnegies first took the Shadowbrook Estate from the pack, but what if it’s because we isolated ourselves?

  Jason smiled gratefully at Ben then continued speaking. “My father married a human, and they moved to Texas together. They have a ranch there now, where humans and shifters live side-by-side as one pack. Because a pack doesn’t just mean those with the ability to shift. It means those you can trust and rely on, and the humans of Lenox have proved they’re part of our pack. We need to give the officers from Boston the same chance, and so, as alpha I say we vote. All in favour of joining forces with the Boston police department and revealing to them what we are, raise your hands.”

  Unlike the vote to elect the new alpha, this time there was only one person difference between those who wanted to reveal themselves to the Boston police department and those who didn’t. Lana, Harper and Grace hadn’t been allowed to vote, as they weren’t officially part of the pack, and the deciding vote had come down to Tyler. Tyler, who’d tried to chase Josh’s human mate out of town and almost killed her in the process. Tyler, whose sister was murdered by humans, voted in favour of the Shadowbrook pack revealing themselves to the Boston police department.

  For a moment, Jason was stunned. He’d honestly thought the vote would go in the other direction, and he was shocked it had been Tyler’s vote in favor of aligning with humans that had made all the difference.

  “That settles it then. I will go to the police station tomorrow to speak with Officer Ripley, and let her know the Shadowbrook pack is offering their assistance. I will also reveal to her - and if she thinks necessary, the rest of her team - that we can shift into wolves and that our supernatural abilities will be useful in the search to find the Carnegies.”

  There were no cheers like on the night Jason was elected alpha. Instead, the pack fell silent. They all knew, especially the ones who’d voted in favor of being honest with the humans, that they were playing a high stakes game. They were all worried what the future might hold once the police officers from Boston knew the truth. Would they be joined by new allies? Or had they just voted to do something that would end up strengthening their mortal enemies?

  Only time would tell, and if there was one thing Jason hated, it was waiting…

  As the pack left the meeting hall, Jason walked over to Derek and Grace.

  “Did I do the right thing?” he asked, still wondering if he’d just doomed his pack.

  “You did. We can’t fight the Carnegies alone. We need allies, and we’ve separated ourselves from humans for too long,” Derek said, his tone sincere. Even if others questioned Jason, he knew he had Derek’s complete backing.

  “Derek is right, you can trust Alicia. She’s a good person; she won’t turn against the pack.”

  “I know. I trust her,” the words slipped out of Jason’s mouth before he’d realized what he’d said, and it caused Derek and Grace to smirk.

  “That’s because you want to get in her pants,” Derek teased and Grace giggled.

  “While that is true, that’s not why I trust her. I sense she doesn’t mean us any harm. My instincts tell me she’s a friend.”

  “What else do your instincts tell you?” Derek asked, raising an eyebrow.

  Grace’s eyes widened. “Is this like how Derek could sense he and I belonged together? Do you sense Alicia is your mate?”

  Jason felt himself flush. While it was true shifters could sense when someone was destined to be with them, this wasn’t the case with Alicia. He had no instinct that she was meant to be his mate, but what he was certain of was that she could be trusted and wouldn’t hurt the pack.

  “No, it’s nothing like that,” Jason said. Noticing Grace’s expression change, he chuckled. “You’re really liking the idea of me and Alicia double dating with you and Derek, aren’t you? Well, it’s not me you need to convince. You know I’m interested.

  “So nothing happened when you took her home the other night?”

  He’d run into Alicia at Derek and Grace’s place when he’d driven Derek back there after the pack meeting. He was already planning on getting a drink once he’d dropped Derek off, and when he saw Alicia there, he figured he’d kill two birds with one stone, and offer to give her a ride home, hoping she’d join him for a drink. She’d accepted the ride, but the awkward tension in the air on the drive to the Maple Inn told Jason asking her to join him for a drink would be a terrible idea. Instead, he’d watched from the bar, nursing a bottle of beer, as she hurried up the stairs to her room.

  Jason shook his head. “I’m sorry to admit, I don’t think she’s interested.”

  Grace chewed on her bottom lip. “I’m not convinced. I know my friend, and I know when she isn’t interested in a guy, she tells them that straight. The fact she hadn’t told you she isn’t interested, and gets flustered whenever you’re around, makes me think she’s very interested.”

  Jason couldn’t stop the grin that spread over his face. “You think? Well, if you’re so sure, I might ask her to join me for a drink after we’ve spoken about the Carnegie case.”

  “Good luck, bro,” Derek said, extending his hand for Jason to give him a fist bump. “I hope she accepts. I’m sold on the idea of double dating too, so you’ll get dragged along to Disney World with Grace and Alicia as well, once the Carnegies are caught.”

  Jason smirked. “No way, man. You’re on your own with that one.”



  Alicia had just finished explaining to her team how she wanted them to divide into two groups; one to search October Mountain State Forest, the other searching the reservoir east of Lenox. They would move out the following day, thoroughly searching the two locations. There had been no complaints, the officers under Alicia’s command saw the logic in her decision and fully supported it.

  She was just preparing to assign officers to the two different groups when a commotion at the front of the station drew her attention. A large group of people had gathered in the station reception area, and Alicia recognized Jason Sullivan, along with Ben and Josh Stokes.

  What is the fire department doing here?

  “I’ll be right back,” she told her team, leaving the meeting room and making her way to the reception.

  “Ah, here she is,” Jason called, approaching her.

  “Mr. Sullivan. How can I help you?” she said, her tone all business.

  “Me and the rest of the fire department want to join your search for the Carnegies.”

  Alicia bit her lip. She had wondered if this was going to happen. The fire department had plenty of reason to want to find the Carnegies, and had already conducted their own search. She’d figured it was only a matter of time before they wanted to join forces with the police department.

  “Thank you,” she said, keeping her tone even and polite. “I appreciate the offer, and I’m aware of the history between the fire department and the Carnegies, but I can’t allow you to be involved in a police investigation. I know you’re not civilians, and you all have plenty of experience dealing with high pressure situations, but I feel it’s best, and safer for everyone, if this search is limited to police officers only.”

  Jason huffed out a breath and raked his hand through his long dark hair. “I thought you’d say that, and I wanted to ask to speak with you privately.”

  Alicia cocked an eyebrow and considered his request. She assumed he was going to try and convince her to change her mind, possibly reminding her of how a handful of firefighters had already been involved in the case. She decided hearing Jason out couldn’t hurt. He might have some useful information, at the very least.

“Okay, please follow me to an empty office.”

  Alicia led the way from the reception area, through the main room where the other officers on duty were working, and to a private interview room. She took her usual seat on the left side of the table, leaving the right side available for Jason. He dropped down into the chair usually reserved for suspects.

  “Okay, let me hear it,” she said, getting straight to the point.

  Jason blinked. “What?”

  “You’re here to convince me why I should let the fire department help in the search. You obviously have an argument prepared to try and change my mind, so let’s hear it.”

  Jason laughed. “You’re straight to the point, aren’t you? Okay, I’ll be straight to the point too, although I’m certain what I’m about to tell you will take some time to sink in … The Lenox Fire Department are shape-shifters. We can all turn into wolves.”

  Alicia stared at him blankly, waiting for the punchline of a terrible joke. When one didn’t come, her mouth gaped open. “You’re serious?”

  “I’m serious. I can show you, if you’d like, though it would mean me undressing. But yes, myself and everyone else in the fire department can turn into wolves. That’s why the Carnegies have been hunting us. They hate shape-shifters and want to wipe us out.”

  Alicia stared at Jason across the table, considering his words. He didn’t seem insane. She’d met crazy people and Jason didn’t fit the profile. Everything she’d learned about Jason so far convinced her he was a good guy, and not the type to tell bizzare stories about shape-shifters. But it wasn’t just Jason’s words that made her certain he was telling the truth. In light of his revelation a lot of other things started making sense … the secret Grace and Derek shared. The fact the whole fire department lived at the Shadowbrook Estate. The reason why the Carnegie family would have a hundred-year-old vendetta against a group of firefighters. If she considered all these things accepting the idea that shape-shifters were real, and the Lenox Fire Department could transform into wolves, everything started making a hell of a lot more sense.


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