Firefighter Wolves Shifters (A Paranormal Romance Series Boxset)

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Firefighter Wolves Shifters (A Paranormal Romance Series Boxset) Page 36

by Brittany White

  “I believe you,” she said finally.

  “Thank God. Because I really hope the first time you see me naked isn’t in a police interrogation room.”

  Oh my God! He’s actually smirking!

  Alicia couldn’t help it, a laugh rippled from her lips. It was a welcome distraction from Jason’s confession though. Even though she believed him, it was still mind-boggling to discover people could turn themselves into wolves. Not just any people, either. The man sitting opposite her and the man dating her best friend both had this ability. It was insane!

  Shaking her head, Alicia said, “This is serious. My main priority is ensuring Rebecca Carnegie and her allies are brought to justice. How does your ability to transform into a wolf help me do this?”

  “We’re expert trackers. We’re like police sniffer dogs, only better. Our senses are heightened, and we can transform back into humans to relay our findings to you. Plus, we have enhanced strength in our wolf forms. If it comes to a fight against the Carnegies, having a pack of wolves fighting alongside you might make the difference.”

  Alicia thought about the prospect of having a pack of wolves help track down the Carnegies and surround them so Rebecca and her allies couldn’t escape again. The mental image certainly was appealing. Plus, Alicia realized, they deserved a chance to bring the Carnegies to justice.

  The Lenox Fire Department had been hunted, members of their pack killed, simply because of who they were - something they were born into and had no control over. As a woman of color, she could appreciate being hunted purely based on your race, and she didn’t feel right denying the Lenox Fire Department a chance for justice.

  “Okay, I accept your help, with my thanks,” Alicia said, lifting her eyes to meet Jason’s gaze. He smiled back at her, his dark eyes glimmering. “Now I just have to tell my team…”

  “I understand that won’t be easy, and anything we can do to help them understand the truth, we will. I just have one request. You and the rest of your team must be sworn to secrecy. The truth of what we are can’t leave Lenox. The people in town know, they’ve always known, but we don’t want this spreading. There might be others like the Carnegies out there, and we can’t risk anyone who’d do us harm finding out.”

  “You have my word,” Alicia said, her tone earnest. “No one on my team will reveal what you and your people are. If anyone does, they will have me to answer to.”

  “Thank you,” Jason said, his tone just as serious as hers.

  Alicia huffed out a breath. “I guess I best go out there and tell them.”

  “Before you do, I have one more request,” Jason said, his tone lightening, and his eyes glinting mischievously. “Have a drink with me tonight?”

  Alicia laughed, but didn’t answer for a moment, as she contemplated what her reply would be. She couldn’t deny he was very attractive, that had never been in doubt. What she’d worried about was his integrity when it came to women and dating. She’d feared that he only saw her as a quick fling, someone to be forgotten about once she went home to Boston. That wasn’t what she was after. But he’d trusted her with this huge secret. Not to impress her or to try and get into her pants, but because he genuinely wanted to help with the investigation and knew being honest was the best way to do that. If he could be so forthcoming about himself and the rest of the fire department being wolf-shifters, maybe he was serious about getting to know her, too.

  “Okay. I’ll have a drink with you later,” she said finally.

  Jason grinned and Alicia felt her stomach flip.

  Trying to avoid direct eye contact with him, so she wouldn’t get flustered like a silly teenager, Alicia led the way out of the interview room, preparing to tell her team the unbelievable.

  As they reached the main room, Jason said, “I’ll go tell the others while you talk to your team. Let us know when you’re ready for us to join you, so we can discuss what happens next.”

  Alicia nodded affirmatively. “Will do.”

  Trying to remain focused on work, and only work, Alicia turned and headed in the direction of the meeting room.

  “Sorry about the hold up,” she said once she’d rejoined her team. “The fire department has offered their assistance in the search for the Carnegies, and I have accepted their help. However, there’s something important we must discuss first.”

  The room fell silent, waiting for their commanding officer to continue, so Alicia went on. “What I’m about to tell you must remain top secret. Once this investigation is over and we leave Lenox, we must never speak about it again, and we cannot tell anyone outside this room what I’m about to reveal to you. If any of you reveal what I’m about to tell you, I will personally ensure you’re dismissed from the police force. Some of you might find this difficult to accept - hell, I did at first too - but the members of the Lenox Fire Department have the ability to transform into wolves.”

  Uncertain laughter broke out, but when Alicia didn’t laugh too, her team fell silent again.

  “I know it’s a lot to take in. I’m still struggling to wrap my head around the revelation. But our priority has to be apprehending Rebecca Carnegie, and having the assistance of a pack of wolves, who can report their findings back to us in person, gives us a huge advantage.”

  “This is insane,” Jeremy Collins said. He was her second in command and usually they got on well, so she could understand why he was finding things difficult now. How did you come to terms with learning that paranormal beings were real?

  “It is,” Alicia agreed. “If the circumstances were any different, I’d have told Jason Sullivan he was crazy. But what he said makes a lot of sense. It explains why they all live in that estate together and why the Carnegies are hunting them. Plus, the whole town knows, too. If this was some elaborate trick, it would be a hell of a feat convincing close to five-thousand people.”

  Alicia lapsed into silence as she let her team absorb the revelation. Finally Julia Sloan, a young officer who’d only joined the force eighteen months ago, said, “You know, ever since we came to Lenox I sensed there was something different about the town. Especially the Shadowbrook Estate. I’m with Officer Ripley, learning shifters are real is a hell of a lot to take in, but having wolves searching with us could really make the difference.”

  Julia’s acceptance of the situation opened the floodgates and soon the rest of Alicia’s team started to accept the revelation too. Alicia took a small amount of pride in knowing it was because her team trusted her and her judgement that they were willing to believe something so outlandish.

  “So, what happens now?” Collins asked eventually.

  “Now I bring the fire department in here and assign you all to groups. I want an even number of officers and shifters in each group, and I think we should operate in pairs. One officer with one shifter.”

  Once Alicia had her team’s agreement, she made her way back through the station, to where Jason and the rest of the … Alica didn’t know what to call them. Should she refer to them as the fire department still or something else, like a pack or something?

  She shook the thought from her head, it wasn’t important right now, and turned her attention to Jason. “I’ve told my team. They’re still coming to terms with the news, but they’re willing to work with you. I’d like you to join us now to be debriefed and assigned into groups. I thought we could work in pairs of one officer with one shifter.”

  Completely ignoring how serious the situation was, Jason smirked and said, “Well, since I'm the alpha of the pack and you’re in charge of the taskforce, it’s only right for you and I to be paired together.”

  Alicia laughed and shook her head. “I already agreed to go for a drink with you later. If we spend too much time together, people will start to talk.”

  “That’s what I’m hoping for,” Jason replied, wiggling his eyebrows.

  All Alicia could do was laugh and shake her head again as she led Jason and the others to the room where her team were gathered.



  Jason followed behind Alicia as she led him and the pack to the meeting room where her search team was gathered. While he was still cautious about how the other Boston officers would receive the pack, he was proud he’d managed to convince Alicia he was telling the truth and that she should accept the pack’s help. He felt like he was actually doing good as alpha and creating a legacy his parents would be proud of.

  As the Shadowbrook pack entered the meeting room, every pair of eyes focused on them and Jason noticed a few officers tense. However, a young woman with long auburn hair was staring at him with open curiosity. He smiled at her in what he hoped was a reassuring gesture and was pleased when she grinned back.

  Alicia faced her team and Jason came to stand beside her, the rest of the pack keeping to the side of the room for the time being.

  “Everybody, this is Jason Sullivan, the alpha of the Shadowbrook pack.”

  Jason loved the way the word alpha sounded on Alicia’s lips, and for a moment he lost his focus. He closed his eyes briefly and focused his attention on the here and now.

  “Thank you for accepting our offer of help. I understand this must be difficult for you, but we just want to help. The Carnegies need to be brought to justice. Both myself and Alicia believe the best way to achieve this is by my pack working with your team,” Jason said, making an effort to make eye contact with every officer in the room. He wanted them to see he meant what he said, and he wasn’t a threat to them. “I also want to thank you, on behalf of myself and my pack, for agreeing to keep our abilities secret. While we’ve come to learn integrating with humans is vital for our existence, it still pays to be cautious to hopefully prevent another situation like the one we have with the Carnegies from happening.”

  “So, does anyone have any questions?” Alicia asked, watching her team. “Or can I start assigning the groups and pairing everyone up?”

  The young auburn haired woman raised her hand.

  “Yes, Officer Sloan?” Alicia promoted.

  “Can you turn into a wolf now?” Officer Sloan asked, her eyes wide.

  Jason laughed and shook his head. “I could, but I have to remove all my clothes before I shift. Which is something we should probably discuss. How will that be handled?”

  Jason glanced at Alicia and was amused to see her blushing. He suppressed a grin.

  Ben stepped forward. “When we assisted the Lenox police department previously, as we rescued the children they abducted, it was handled very professionally. Many officers have seen naked bodies, and worse, before. It was agreed every officer would carry a pair of shorts, and in the case of females a T-shirt too, so that we could re-dress whenever we needed to shift back into our human form. I think something like that could work now?”

  Jason smiled at his former alpha and Alicia nodded, before addressing her team. “Is everyone in agreement? Can we be professional at all times?”

  The group of assembled officers vowed they would remain professional at all times, and that Ben’s suggestion of each officer carrying clothing for the shifters was a good idea. Once that was resolved, Alicia divided her task force into two groups, one for each area they had to search. Then she consulted with Jason on who in his pack he thought would work best with each of her officers. Jason was glad to be involved and felt that’d easily fallen into a routine of mutual respect. Grace had also joined the task force, as she had experience with the Carnegies. Jason suggested that since Derek was unable to currently shift, she should be partnered with Ben. He suggested Julia Sloan be partnered with Josh, and the young officer surprised Jason by being entirely level-headed around his good-looking packmate.

  Next, Jason nodded towards Kevin. “That’s Kevin. He has some reservations about working with humans and has been quite outspoken about his concerns regarding integrating with you. Do you have any suggestions for someone to partner him with? Someone who will keep him in line, but also show him not all humans are the enemy?”

  Alicia smiled. “I have the perfect candidate. Jeremy Collins. He’s my partner back in Boston, and one of the best cops I know. He’ll keep Kevin in line while winning him over.”

  “Thank you,” Jason said, lightly touching Alicia’s forearm. They shared a glance, but nothing more was said between them.

  Finally, the groups and pairings were arranged. He and Alicia would lead the team searching the October Mountain State Forest and would be joined by Grace and Ben. Collins and Kevin were leading the group assigned to the reservoir, which also included Josh and Sloan, as well as Gavin and an officer Alicia had told him was named Wilkinson.

  Based on what Jason had learned of Alicia’s officers, and what he knew of his own pack, he felt the groups were fairly even and both had strong leaders. He felt confident there would be no problems when the search began early the following morning. His only concern was what the Carnegies would do once cornered by a team of police officers and wolf-shifters. Rebecca was unpredictable enough as it was, let alone if she faced arrest. Every previous time the pack had gone up against the Carnegies, the fighting had been vicious and no one walked away uninjured.

  Jason had to believe they could beat the Carnegies. He couldn’t imagine a future always looking over his shoulder. Or worse still, a future where he never saw his parents again, and Ben’s child grew up without a father. They had to win this.

  He followed Ben, Josh, and the others out of the police station, as the pack discussed what they planned to do with the time before they would go to war and end the Carnegies once and for all.

  “We should have a meal together, the whole pack and our mates too,” Jason suggested as they crossed the parking lot to their respective cars.

  Josh grinned. “Great idea. I’ll call Harper and make sure she and Lana are coming.”

  “Great! I’ll call Derek and ask him to start preparing a feast,” Jason said. “Do you think I should invite Grace and Officer Ripley?”

  Josh smirked. “Grace? Yes, she’ll want to spend time with Derek before she joins us on the search tomorrow. But the other one? Are you just suggesting Officer Ripley because you want to try your luck with her?”

  Jason grinned and shook his head. “No need, man, she already agreed to have a drink with me later.”

  Josh raised an eyebrow. “Well, I’ll be damned. If she’s having a drink with you, it can’t hurt to ask her to join us for dinner too.”

  “I’ll do that and see you back at the estate,” Jason replied, turning and jogging back the way he’d just come.

  On his way he passed Officer Sloan, who gave him a wide grin. “If some of the others seem hesitant, don’t let that bother you. We really do appreciate your help.”

  “Thanks. We appreciate you all agreeing to keep our abilities secret.”

  “Oh, of course,” Officer Sloan said earnestly. “I’ve read the reports and have seen what the Carnegies can do. I’d never do anything that would expose you or your pack to people like that.”

  Jason offered her another smile. “Thanks.”

  He turned to leave, but sensed Officer Sloan wanted to ask him something else, so he paused while she gathered her courage.

  “I … erm … I was just wondering … if you’re not busy later, maybe you’d like to have a drink with me?”

  Jason felt heat blaze through his body. She was definitely cute, and under other circumstances he might have considered it. “Sorry, but I already have plans with Officer Ripley.”

  Officer Sloan’s eyes dimmed for a moment, but then she recovered herself and grinned. “My boss is a lucky woman,” she said, before hurrying off to the parking lot.

  All Jason could do was laugh to himself, flattered the young officer was interested in him.

  When Jason re-entered the station and made his way through the main room, where officers were finishing their work day, he found Alicia and Grace alone in the meeting room. He cleared his throat to announce his presence and the two ladies startled.

  “Sorry to interrup
t, but we’re having a feast of sorts up at the estate, and I wanted to invite both of you,” he said.

  He noticed Alicia blush and Grace grinned.

  “We’d love to, but I already promised Alicia we’d get takeout at my place before you two go out for a drink,” Grace answered, but Jason’s focus was on Alicia who shifted in her seat uncomfortably next to her friend.

  Is she considering having a drink with me? he wondered. Or does she just need some time to wrap her head around everything she’s learned today?

  “Okay, you two have a great time and I’ll let Derek know you won’t be joining us.”

  “Could you tell him I’ll be over later, please?”

  Jason nodded. “Will do. And Alicia, I’ll see you at seven, right?”

  Alicia smiled, and Jason felt his body warm up. “I’ll be there.”

  Figuring the two ladies just needed some time alone to discuss everything, he left them to it and headed back to the parking lot. If he was honest, he wouldn’t mind a little quiet time with Derek before he met Alicia.

  But before then, he wanted to spend the evening with his pack. They trusted him so far, and their cooperation with the police force proved his methods of integrating with humans were working. But he still wanted to show them he could be the leader the pack deserved.

  While he knew they had to beat the Carnegies, he was also acutely aware of what would come next. The pack was evolving and changing, soon Lana’s baby would be born. Further, he had to consider that maybe Josh and Harper - not to mention Derek and Grace - would think about starting families of their own in the years to come. He wanted to lead his pack into a new era of peace and harmony that included living side-by-side with their human neighbours as one whole community, not two separate ones like they had been until now.


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