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Firefighter Wolves Shifters (A Paranormal Romance Series Boxset)

Page 40

by Brittany White

  Jaws snapping, Jason lunged at Rebecca but she sidestepped at the last moment and smacked him on the snout with the butt of her gun. Jason growled and changed direction, chasing the deranged woman as she hurried away from him, firing shots haphazardly.

  Around him, Jason was vaguely aware that the police officers had joined the fight, and he caught a brief flash of Alicia pointing a gun at a Carnegie man. But he had no time to watch her apprehend her enemy, as Rebecca was making a run for it, leaving a path of chaos and destruction in her wake.

  He raced past Ben and Josh, the two brothers chasing down a trio of Carnegie men trying to flee. Not far from them was Grace, fighting side-by-side with Gavin, as the wolf pinned down a guy and Grace slapped cuffs on him.

  Jason chased after Rebecca as she abandoned her people and made for the perimeter, where the other half of Alicia’s task force was waiting for her. As Rebecca reached the boundary line, Officer Collins stepped forwards with his weapon raised.

  “Stop, or I’ll have no choice but to use lethal force,” he called out.

  “Go ahead,” Rebecca shouted back, firing at the officer at the same time he fired his own weapon.

  As the bullets flew along their path another shape blurred past and Jason heard a wolf yelp. He looked around for the source of the sound, only to see Kevin’s wolf form diving in the way of Collins, taking the bullet for the officer and saving him from death. Jason wanted to go to his wounded packmate, but there was no time, Rebecca was getting further and further away from him and he couldn’t let her escape.

  Using a final burst of energy, Jason sprinted after Rebecca, managing to pounce on her and knock the woman to the ground. He pinned her to the floor, his body hovering over hers, his jaws inches from her neck.

  Jason was about to lower his muzzle and bite when a familiar voice commanded him to stop.



  Alicia watched as the shifter-pack took off towards the campsite, and then a moment later heard screams, shouts and gunshots, as the Carnegies realized they were under attack.

  Offering up a silent prayer to whoever was listening that they’d all make it through this, she unholdstered her gun, deactivated the safety, and aimed her weapon.

  “Move out,” she called and started approaching the battle raging at the campsite, as wolves chased down the Carnegies. Around her, her officers followed as instructed.

  Keeping her eyes fixed on the Carnegies, Alicia joined the fray, shooting with the aim to incapacitate not kill. Around her, wolves growled and leaped in every direction, pinning people to the floor as her officers slapped cuffs on the fallen Carnegies.

  For a moment, she caught a blurry glimpse of Jason, chasing after Rebecca, but the next instant he was gone and she was face-to-face with an armed assailant.

  “Drop your weapon,” she commanded, but the Carnegie man only sneered and took aim. Thankfully, Alicia was quicker and had fired her pistol before he even knew what was happening, blowing out his kneecap and driving the man to the ground. As he crumpled, Alicia holstered her gun and got out a pair of cuffs. Slapping the cuff on his wrists, she said, “I’m arresting you in the name of the Boston Police department, on charges of child abduction and endangerment, as well as plotting to kill members of the Lenox Fire Department.”

  “Fucking dirty wolves,” the Carnegie man spat at her.

  Alicia shoved him down in the dirt for good measure, then turned to survey the chaos. Jason was still chasing Rebecca. She’d now broken free of the campsite and was running towards the perimeter. Alicia wasn’t worried though, she knew her task force surrounding the area would stop Rebecca - that was if she was lucky enough to outrun Jason.

  Alicia didn’t have a chance to watch what happened next as a woman in ragged clothing barreled into her. The woman wrestled Alicia to the ground as she scrambled to reach her gun, but it was no use, the Carnegie had Alicia pinned down with one arm, and with the other she reached for the knife on her belt. As the woman brought her weapon down on Alicia’s throat a shot rang out, and the woman toppled over, spraying blood over Alicia as a bullet penetrated the woman’s skull. Alicia looked up in relief to see Grace holstering her gun.

  “Thank fuck you’re here,” Alicia said, pushing the dead woman’s body off her and then accepting Grace’s extended hand to help her to her feet.

  Alicia was about to pull a cloth from her utility belt to wipe her face, when she heard a wolf howl, and she spun around, panic gripping her chest.

  “Jason,” she cried, turning and running through the chaos, just in time to see Kevin take a bullet for Jeremy Collins as Jason lunged at Rebecca.

  Her heart pounding, Alicia pushed past the wolves and officers still apprehending Carnegies to the perimeter, where a bloodied and human Kevin was half laying on top of Collins.

  “How badly are you hurt?”

  “It’s just a scratch,” Kevin grunted, his hand covering the wound though blood seeped through his fingers.

  “The fuck it is!” Collins hissed from underneath him and Alicia had to stifle a smile, Collins never cursed. “He’s practically bleeding out.”

  Alicia hurried forward, pulling out the cloth she’d intended to wipe her face with before and yanked Kevin’s hand away so that she could press the material to the gaping hole in his abdomen. She pulled Collins free and helped him to his feet, then said, “Call for an ambulance, and keep applying pressure to the wound. I have to find Jason.”

  Collins did as Alicia said, so she turned to locate Jason, who had Rebecca Carnegie pinned to the ground, his mouth, and rows of razor sharp teeth, inches from the criminal’s throat.

  “STOP!” she commanded.

  Coming to his senses, Jason pulled back, though he didn’t release his weight from Rebecca’s chest. Alicia produced a second set of cuffs and sprinted over. Jason only moved off Rebecca once Alicia was there. Alicia yanked the Carnegie woman to her feet, securing her arms behind her back and cuffing them together.

  “I’m going to take special pleasure making sure they throw everything at you,” Alicia said, her eyes narrowed as she watched Rebecca like a hawk. “You’re never going to see the light of day again.”

  “This isn’t over,” Rebecca cackled maniacally, though Alicia thought this was very much over. The woman was in cuffs. The fight had been won.

  Together, human police officers and wolf-shifters had ended the Carnegie’s reign of terror. Hell, a shifter who’d previously mistrusted humans had taken a bullet for one. If the two different groups could work together despite their differences, perhaps she and Jason had a chance to work things out too.



  While Jason was exhausted and the call of his bed was a very tempting one, he could not refuse the demands of his pack when they insisted on a huge party at the Shadowbrook Estate.

  After making sure all the wounded were taken to the hospital, including Kevin who’d taken a bullet to save Officer Collins, and young Officer Sloan who’d had her face slashed by a deranged Carnegie, the pack had returned home victorious.

  Jason stood in the main room of Shadowbrook, reclining against the wall, as friends and lovers reunited. Ben was first, checking that Lana and the baby were okay. They were, of course, nothing scary had happened at the estate while the war raged in the October Mountain State Forest. His attention was pulled from the happy couple as Josh hurried to Harper, pulling her into his arms and kissing her fiercely, insisting they were never to be apart again. The real surprise came when Grace entered and Derek pulled himself out of his wheelchair. Using a walking stick, he crossed the room to meet her and fell to one knee - not in pain but to propose.

  Jason felt tears in his eyes as he watched his best friend present Grace with a stunning diamond solitaire ring. Grace happily accepted Derek’s proposal.

  “Beautiful, isn’t it?” Alicia said, coming to stand beside him. She was still in her uniform and covered in blood, but he thought no woman had ever looked so amazing.r />
  Jason grinned. “It is. I’m so happy for them both.”

  “I am too. They’re good together,” Alicia said with a smile. “I’d be happier to be out of these clothes though.”

  Jason suppressed the urge to make an innuendo. Instead, he called for everyone’s attention.

  “It seems like a celebration is in order, but first, I think many of us need to shower and change. I’d love for the police force to join us for dinner, so you’re more than welcome to shower here. If anyone in the pack has clothes these brave officers can borrow, please let me know.”

  A number of arms shot in the air as various pack members said they had something they thought would fit one officer or another. Brenda, Lana, and Harper took care of collecting spare clothing and finding clean towels so that everyone could freshen up, while Derek and the two police officers who had remained at Shadowbrook began preparing a feast for them all.

  A couple of hours later, all the rec room tables were pushed together and the gathered group of officers and shifters sat down to a feast including steaks and chicken, a variety of potatoes prepared in different ways, and a plethora of vegetable side dishes. Beer and wine were readily available, along with other alcoholic drinks, and Derek had even prepared virgin cocktails for Lana and any others who couldn’t, or wouldn’t, drink alcohol.

  For a time there was no chatter, only the sounds of eating and drinking, as those who’d fought the Carnegies and won sated themselves.

  Finally, with a full stomach and his senses pleasantly dulled from drinking, Jason rose with his glass in hand. “I propose a toast. To those who fought side-by-side to ensure the Carnegies were brought to justice.”

  “Cheers,” the group replied, clinking their glasses with their neighbours.

  “To those who can’t be here with us right now,” Ben added and everyone toasted again. Jason knew the former alpha wasn’t just talking about those in hospital, like Kevin and Officer Sloan, but the ones they’d lost during the long war with the Carnegies, like Eloise.

  “To Derek and Grace. Congratulations on your engagement and may you have a lifetime of happiness together,” Josh called, and for a third time the group toasted. From the corner of his eye, Jason saw Josh looking longingly at Harper, and he knew it wouldn’t be long before another former alpha and their human mate walked up the aisle.

  When the clapping died down, Gavin got to his feet, surprising Jason by calling for another toast. “To the future and living in harmony alongside our human neighbours instead of isolating ourselves like we’ve done in the past.”

  “To unity and harmony,” the pack agreed, raising their glasses and toasting the humans who’d fought alongside them and risked their lives to ensure the shifters’ continued safety, and, in turn, had earned the pack’s loyalty.

  “To Kevin, who graciously saved my partner,” Alicia added. “His sacrifice won’t be overlooked. Humans will remember this and know our shifter-neighbours can be relied on.”

  “To the future,” Jason said finally, and everyone raised their glasses one final time.

  With the toasts over, and the dinner plates cleared away, the tables were broken down into smaller arrangements, and someone turned on the music system, as smaller groups of officers and shifters congregated to celebrate and enjoy the evening.

  Jason sat at a table with Derek, Grace, and Alicia, who were now discussing if Derek and Grace should marry when they went to Disney World. At the table beside them, Ben, Lana, Josh and Harper were discussing baby names, with the suggestion of naming the baby after Ben and Josh’s father if it were a boy.

  Jason smiled, thinking of his own planned visit to see his parents in Texas. When he’d returned to the estate, he had a number of missed calls, texts, and voicemails from his mom and dad, insisting he contact them straight away to let them know he was okay. Jason had done so, having a brief conversation with them to fill them in on what had happened with the Carnegies and promising he’d visit them in Texas as soon as he could.

  There was something important he needed to do before he could leave Lenox though, even if it was only for a vacation.

  Catching Alicia’s eyes he asked, “Take a walk with me?”

  “I’d love to,” Alicia replied, offering Jason her hand so he could pull her to her feet.

  Thankfully, everyone was so wrapped up in each other and their own conversations that no one noticed Jason and Alicia sneak away.

  They walked through the deserted hallways of the Shadowbrook Estate with no particular destination in mind.

  “This building is amazing, you’ll have to tell me the history of it sometime,” Alicia said as they strolled hand-in-hand.

  “You’re sticking around then?” Jason asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “I could be persuaded,” Alicia replied with a playful wink. “But I think we need to sit and have an actual conversation first.”

  “Consider it done,” Jason said, leading Alicia from the room they were in and along a corridor to where the wine was kept. He picked up a bottle of vintage Pinot Noir and two glasses. “Don’t tell Ben, this is his family’s personal stash.”

  Alicia laughed, looking very alluring in the dim light. Oh, how Jason longed to kiss her. They’d sat together during dinner and afterwards, and were holding hands now, but that was the extent of their physical contact since their pre-fight kiss and he needed more. They’d both made it out alive, and he didn’t want to waste another moment. But he was also aware that before the fight, Alicia had been distant. If she was ready to talk, he was more than willing to listen.

  “I thought we could go up to my room,” Jason said, wanting to make his intentions clear so Alicia knew he wasn’t trying to get her into bed. At least not yet, anyway. “I figure we’d have the privacy to talk there.”

  Alicia smirked. “I bet that’s not all you figured, huh?”

  Jason couldn’t help but laugh. “I’m not going to lie, if it leads to that, I won’t be complaining. But I sense you’re not ready to take that leap yet, so I’m willing to wait as long as you need.”

  Alicia squeezed his hand and closed the distance between them to press her lips against his. “I appreciate it,” she murmured in the dark.

  Without another word, Jason led Alicia up to his room. The area was large and decorated in an old-fashioned style, but it had been upgraded with modern appliances and furniture, and had its own ensuite bathroom. Jason did what he could with art and other touches to make the place his own, and, on the whole, he was very happy at the estate.

  “Please, come in,” he said, holding the door open for Alicia and letting her step into the room. The king-sized bed was towards the far end of the room, and closer to the door was a small couch, coffee table and entertainment system. Jason settled on the couch, turned on the stereo, and invited Alicia to join him.

  “Doesn’t it ever get weird living together here with everyone else?” she asked, joining him on the couch as he poured them both a glass of wine.

  Jason shrugged. “It’s all I’ve ever known, so to me it’s normal. But I suppose to someone not born into the pack, it’s a difficult adjustment. Derek certainly struggled with it at first. He didn’t grow up with so many people around.”

  Alicia nodded thoughtfully and took a sip of her wine. “He came through it though, and now he and Grace are engaged. I can’t believe it.”

  Jason couldn’t help but grin. “I know, it's kind of crazy, but at the same time it makes perfect sense.” Before he realized what he was saying, he blurted out, “I hope I’m as happy as they are one day.”

  “I was … once,” Alicia murmured in reply.

  Jason gazed at her softly. “Is that what you wanted to talk to me about?”

  Alicia bowed her head to avoid meeting his gaze, so Jason placed his glass on the table then scooted closer to her. He cupped her chin and tilted her face up to meet his. “Talk to me. Please?”

  “I was engaged when I was in the police academy. Todd was my everything. We me
t in college and then attended the police academy together. Todd proposed during our first year of training, and I was so certain of our future together. We shared many interests and had the same goals, hopes, and dreams. Everyone commented about what a great couple we made.

  “Everything was perfect until a job opportunity came up in Boston. We were nearing the end of our time at the police academy and had both been looking for a place on the force, preferably in our home city. When the opening at Boston Police Department came up, I insisted we both apply for it, because one of us getting the job was better than neither.

  “Todd apparently thought differently.”

  At this point Alicia tensed and Jason allowed her a moment to compose herself. She had only just started her story, and already he wanted to hunt down this Todd guy and make him pay for ever hurting Alicia.

  Finally, she composed herself enough to continue and went on with the story. “He must have been unable to cope with the prospect of me getting a place on the police force before he did or something crazy like that. Whatever the reason, he went out of his way to sabotage my interview.

  “I didn’t know at the time, of course, and when I’d told Todd how badly things had gone, he’d been sympathetic, saying hopefully he’d get the job and we’d still be okay.

  “It was only after he’d been offered the position that the terrible truth came out. Not only had Todd messed with my interview notes and turned off my alarm clock on the morning of my interview, so that I was almost late, but he’d also bad-mouthed me to the interviewing captain. All because he was too insecure to even contemplate me getting the job instead of him.

  “I couldn’t believe the man I was engaged to, the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, could betray me so fully. I ended the relationship instantly, grateful we hadn’t moved in together yet.”

  “When Captain Rogers learned of Todd’s actions, he took back his offer of a position in the Boston Police Department, stating someone who could do that to their own fiance wasn’t cut out to be a police officer. I was offered the position instead, and Todd left the police academy and Boston in shame. The last I heard of him he was working as a bouncer in Springfield. Since then, I’ve dated guys, but I’ve never gotten serious with any of them. Any guy I spend time with, I keep at a distance, holding a little of myself back,” she said, finishing the story.


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