Professor Maxwell's Duplicitous Demon
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Eco, Umberto 1
Eddington, Arthur 1
Edinburgh, family homes in 1, 2
Edinburgh Academy 1
Edinburgh, University of, JCM at 1
Einstein, Albert and ether 1
and gravity 1
on JCM 1, 2, 3
on light 1
move to Princeton 1
Nobel Prize 1
om molecules 1
as physicist 1
and quantum physics 1, 2
and students 1
see also relativity
elasticity 1, 2, 3, 4
electric permittivity 1
electrical charge see charge
electrical discharges 1
electrical energy 1
electrical field, strength 1
electrical repulsion 1
electrical shocks 1
electricity 1 natural 1
electro-biology 1
electro-magnetic chronoscope 1
electromagnetic spheres 1
electromagnetic waves applying pressure to matter 1
experimental verification 1
speed 1
electromagnetism birth 1
as JCM claim to fame 1
mathematical model 1
Maxwell’s equations 1
mechanical model 1
electrons 1
electrostatic attraction 1
elements 1
Elliott Brothers 1
Empedocles 1
English Men of Science 1
entropy 1, 2, 3, 4
epicycles 1
erasure of memory 1, 2
erysipelas 1
ether 1, 2, 3 JCM on 1, 2
pressure in 1
waves in 1
eugenics 1
evolution 1, 2
exercise, JCM enthusiasm for 1
experiment, JCM on importance of 1
farad 1
Faraday, Michael and birth of electromagnetism 1
correspondence with JCM 1, 2, 3
early life 1
and induction 1, 2, 3
and JCM 1, 2
on light 1
as professional scientist 1, 2
and Royal Institution 1, 2, 3, 4
on table-turning 1
and transatlantic cable 1
Fawcett, Philippa 1
Fawcett, William 1
feedback mechanisms 1
fellowships 1
Feynman, Richard 1, 2, 3
fields 1, 2, 3
first law of thermodynamics see conservation of energy
Fizeau, Armand 1, 2
flux density 1
foot 1
Forbes, James and JCM move to Aberdeen 1
on light 1
and probability theory 1
successor appointment 1
support of young JCM 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
testimonial for JCM 1
Forfar, David 1
Foucault, Léon 1
Foucault’s pendulum 1
Fourier, Joseph 1
Fourier analysis 1
Fox Talbot, W.H. 1
Franklin, Benjamin 1, 2
free energy 1
Fresnel, Augustin 1
Friday Night Discourses 1
Friend, Richard 1
Fulcher, Robert 1
functions 1
Gaelic Astronomy 1
Galileo Galilei 1, 2, 3
Galton, Francis 1
Garnett, William 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
gases, behaviour 1
Gassiot, John 1
Gathorne-Hardy, Gathorne 1
Gauss’s law 1
genetics 1
Gilbert, William 1
Gill, David 1, 2
Girton College, Cambridge 1
Gladstone, William 1
Glenlair 1, 2 JCM breaks at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
JCM as estate head 1, 2, 3
JCM return home to 1
laboratory at 1, 2
life at 1
transformation 1
governors 1
gradient (grad) 1
Graunt, John 1
gravitation 1, 2, 3
gravitational constant 1, 2
gravity, as attractive force 1, 2
Great Exhibition 1
Great London Exposition 1
Greyfriars church (Aberdeen) 1
gun cotton 1
Hamilton, William (mathematician) 1
Hamilton, William (philosopher) 1
Hawking, Stephen 1, 2, 3
Hay, David Ramsey 1, 2
heat, nature of 1, 2, 3
heat engines 1
Heaviside, Oliver 1, 2
Heaviside layer 1
Helmholtz, Hermann von 1, 2, 3, 4
Hemmo, Meir 1
Hertz, Heinrich 1
Higgs boson 1
Hitchin 1
Hockin, Charles 1
Hopkins, William 1
Hunter, John 1
Huxley, Thomas 1, 2
Huygens, Christiaan 1
hydraulic ram 1
hydrogen 1, 2
idle wheels 1
imaginary numbers 1
Imperial units 1
individuality 1
induction 1, 2, 3, 4
information theory 1, 2, 3
Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) 1
insulators 1, 2, 3
integrals 1
International Exposition 1
inverse square laws 1, 2
inverted delta operator see del
ions 1
The Ironmonger 1
Italy, Maxwells in 1
Jamin, Jules 1
Jeans, James 1, 2
Jeans, Susi 1
Jenkin, Henry Fleeming 1, 2, 3, 4
Jolly, Phillip von 1
Joule, James 1
Jupiter 1
Kant, Immanuel 1, 2
Kelland, Philip 1, 2, 3
Kelvin, Lord see Thomson, William
Kelvin scale 1
Kepler, Johannes 1
Kew Observatory 1
kinetic energy 1, 2
kinetic theory of gases 1, 2, 3, 4
King’s College (Aberdeen) 1, 2, 3
King’s College London fees 1
JCM appointment 1
JCM departure 1
JCM inaugural lecture 1
JCM work at 1, 2
Kirchhoff, Gustav 1
kites 1, 2
knot theory 1
Lagrange, Jean-Louis 1
Lagrangian 1
Landauer, Rolf 1
Laplace, Pierre-Simon 1
laws of nature 1
leader 1
Lebedev, Pyotr 1
Leiden jar 1
light Faraday on 1
interaction with matter 1
nature of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
as photons 1
polarisation 1 2
pressure from 1, 2
speed of 1, 2
see also colours
light boxes 1, 2
lightning 1
lightning rod 1
LIGO gravitational wave observatories 1
lines of force 1, 2, 3, 4
Litchfield, Richard 1
lithography 1
lodestones 1, 2
London Mathematical Society 1
Lovelace, Ada, Countess of 1
Lucasian Professors of Mathematics 1, 2, 3
magenta 1
magic discs 1
magnetic energy 1, 2
magnetic field, zero divergence 1
magnetic flux 1
magnetic matter 1
magnetic monopoles 1
magnetic permeability 1
magnetic poles 1
magnetising field 1
Mahon, Basil 1
Marischal College 1 JCM appointment 1
CM departure 1
JCM work at 1
merger with King’s College 1
principal 1
Mathematical Tripos 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
matrix mathematics 1
Maxwell, Frances (née Cay) 1
Maxwell, James Clerk accolades 1, 2
Adams Prize winner 1
birth 1
books see books by JCM
Cambridge days 1, 2
cancer 1
Cavendish Professor of Experimental Physics 1, 2, 3
correspondence with Faraday 1, 2, 3
death 1
‘demon’ thought experiment described 1
early life 1
Edinburgh University 1
as experimenter 1
family life 1, 2
Fellow of Royal Society 1
as first scientist 1
humour 1, 2, 3
as lecturer 1
legacy 1
magistrate 1
marriage 1
nickname 1
as outsider 1
papers see papers by JCM
personality 1
professorship 1
public awareness of 1
questionnaire on himself 1
religious faith 1
salary 1
St Andrews application 1
and students 1, 2
teamwork 1
and women students 1
and working men’s organisations 1, 2
writing see books by JCM; papers by JCM
Maxwell, John Clerk 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Maxwell, Katherine (née Dewar) 1, 2 at Glenlair 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
in Italy 1
in London 1, 2
nature 1
Maxwell distribution 1, 2
Maxwell gap 1
mean free path 1, 2
measurement, effect of act of 1
memory erasure 1, 2
Mendel, Gregor 1
metre 1, 2
metric system 1
mica 1
Michelson, Edward 1
mile 1
moderators 1
molecules 1 evidence for existence 1
JCM discourse on 1
sizes 1, 2
speeds of 1
structure 1
Monro, Cecil 1, 2
Morley, Albert 1
Morrison, Mrs 1
Motte, Andrew 1
multi-lensed instruments 1
Music Hall Company 1
nabla see del
Napier, James 1
Natural History Museum 1
natural numbers 1
Natural Sciences Tripos, physics in 1, 2, 3
Nature 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
nature versus nurture 1
Neptune, discovery 1
New Cavendish Laboratory 1
Newton, Isaac background 1
books 1
gravitational theory 1, 2, 3
light experiments 1
Lucasian Professor 1, 2
as physicist 1, 2
Principia 1, 2
religious beliefs 1
and Royal Mint 1
and students 1
Nicol, William 1, 2
noumena 1, 2
nuclear chain reaction 1
nurture, nature versus 1
observer, and experiment 1
Oersted, Hans Christian 1
offset lithography 1
Ohm, Georg 1
ohm 1
operator notation 1
operators 1
ophthalmoscopes 1
optical instruments 1
Oxford, University of 1, 2
Palace Gardens Terrace 1, 2
papers by JCM A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field 1
On Faraday’s Lines of Force 1
On Governors 1
On Physical Lines of Force 1, 2
partitioned box 1
Parton 1, 2
Peierls, Rudolf 1
Penicuik 1
Peregrinus, Peter 1
perpetual motion 1
Peterhouse College 1
phenomena 1, 2
Philosophical Magazine 1
photoelastic technique 1
photoelectric cell 1
photography 1, 2
photolithography 1
photons 1
physics at Cambridge 1, 2, 3
JCM vision for 1
teaching laboratories 1
transformation 1, 2
pigments 1, 2, 3
pixels 1
Planck, Max 1, 2
planetary systems, formation 1
Pliny the Elder 1
Poincaré, Henri 1, 2, 3
polarisation 1, 2
potential energy 1
power electrical 1
mechanical 1
pressure, temperature and 1
Princeton 1
prisms 1
Pritchard, Chris 1
probability theory 1, 2
Prussian Academy of Sciences 1
public schools 1
Pupin, Michael 1
quantum states 1
quantum theory 1, 2, 3
quantum tomography 1
quaternions 1
questionnaires 1
quintessence 1
radiation pressure 1, 2
radio waves 1
rainbow 1
Ramage, John 1, 2
Ramsay, Dean 1
Rayleigh, Lord see Strutt, John
real numbers 1
reflection 1
refraction 1
refrigerators 1
relativity 1, 2, 3, 4
relaxation time 1
repulsion electrical 1
modelling 1
resistance standard for 1
unit of 1
resistors, standard 1
reversibility 1
riding accident 1
Riebau, George 1
Romer, Ole 1
Routh, Edward 1, 2
Royal Commission on Scientific Education 1
Royal Institution (RI) Christmas Lectures 1
debate on first scientist 1
establishment 1, 2
Friday Night Discourses 1, 2, 3
JCM lectures at 1
public demonstrations 1
Royal Society Faraday election 1
Maxwell presentations to 1, 2
Royal Society of Edinburgh 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Rumford Medal 1, 2
Rutherford, Ernest 1
‘The Sand Reckoner’ 1
Saturn, rings of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
scalars 1, 2
Schuster, Arthur 1, 2
Science Museum 1
scientific method 1
Scroope Terrace, Cambridge 1
second law of thermodynamics as about probabilities 1, 2 breaking without energy input 1
demon summoned 1, 2
development 1
and entropy 1, 2
loopholes 1
restricted to closed systems 1, 2
tyranny of 1
Serra, Roberto 1
Shannon, Claude 1
Shelley, Mary (née Godwin) 1
Shenker, Orly 1
sky, blueness 1
Sleath, John 1
Smalley, George Roberts 1, 2, 3
smell, promulgation 1
Smith, William Robertson 1
Smith’s Prize 1, 2
solar wind 1
‘The Song of the Atlantic Telegraph Company’ 1
spaceships, powering by light 1
spin 1
spiritualism 1
square waves 1, 2
St Andrews, University of 1
St Johns College, Cambridge 1
stadion 1
stars 1
static theory of gases 1
statistics 1
am engines 1, 2, 3, 4
stereoscopes 1
Stewart, Allan 1, 2
Stewart, Balfour 1
Stokes, George 1, 2, 3, 4
stress 1
Strutt, John (Lord Rayleigh) 1, 2, 3, 4
Sullivan, Roy 1
Sun 1
superconducting cavity 1
supervisions 1
Sutton, Thomas 1
Szilard, Leo 1, 2
table-turning 1
Tait, Peter on atoms 1
and Crookes radiometer 1
Edinburgh appointment 1
as friend of JCM 1, 2, 3
on JCM 1, 2
JCM catechism on demons for 1
JCM letters to 1, 2
obituary of JCM 1, 2
professorship 1, 2
and symbol names 1
teetotum 1
telegraphy 1, 2, 3
temperature 1, 2 and pressure 1
scales 1
and viscosity 1, 2
terrella 1
theoreticians, role 1
thermodynamic theory of gases 1, 2
thermostat 1
Thomson, David 1
Thomson, J.J. 1, 2
Thomson, William (Lord Kelvin) 1, 2 on atoms 1
and Cavendish Laboratory 1
and Cavendish Professorship 1, 2
on ‘demons’ 1
on heat flow 1
and JCM’s theory 1
as leading physicist 1
physics teaching laboratory 1
professorship 1, 2
testimonial for JCM 1
and thermodynamics 1, 2, 3, 4
and transatlantic cable 1, 2, 3
on vortices 1
thunder 1
thunderstones 1
topology 1
transatlantic cable 1, 2, 3
triboelectric effect 1
Trinity College, Cambridge JCM funeral at 1
JCM transfer to 1
Newton at 1
Tripos 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Tron church (Glasgow) 1
Trotter, Coutts 1, 2
Tyndall, John 1
units standardisation 1, 2
systems 1
universe, model of structure 1