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The Dark Elf

Page 2

by C C Morgen

  "If so why do you have to protect the princess,” she said out of spite, hating that I worked under the royal family with my regimen. "Am I the one who matters to you more than her? You could serve and protect my family. Where I can make sure you are safe by my side always."

  "I sense a tad of jealousy coming from you," I laid my forehead on her shoulder in exhaustion. "Do you think I don't cherish what we have more than Armenia? You mean more to me than anyone… More than you can ever imagine."

  "You vowed your life to her. Death is what you chose by pledging to protect her. Many warriors have died fighting for that forsaken family." Tears fell from Angelica’s face, which was the first time I'd ever seen her cry. "I teach you magic hoping that you do not get killed in this world. I wanted you to have more of an advantage to live amongst the creatures that want to rip you apart."

  I didn't understand why she was so upset. However, I embraced her in my arms and held her tight. "Enough," I whispered faintly to calm the tears running down her face. She wrapped her arms around my neck, trying to regain her composure. She ended up laying her head on my shoulder where she could hear my heart, beating against my chest.

  "I don't know what I’ll do if this ever stopped beating," she said unexpectedly. "If anything happened to you, I don't know what I'll do."

  "My heart won't stop unless I let it," I answered her concerns with my ego. I didn't fear death, but I knew I would not let myself die anytime soon. Not while that Werewolf is still alive, wandering the worlds to avoid being found. I will find him one day. Then, after that, my life can end by any means.

  "You can't stop death, silly girl," she laughed, and her spirits lifted.

  "I can try." I gave her smirk to reassure her I would be fine.

  "I am going to always remember those words," she responded with less sadness. "You know how to make me truly smile. Don't make me cry over you again."

  "You have my word." I had my fist over my heart. "I'll try not to be distracted by my past any longer. I promise."

  "Silly girl." Angelica pushed me away playfully. "You lack room for promises to such a lady. Now, escort me back to the castle, warrior. You should never let a beautiful woman walk by herself."

  "As you wish, milady." I bowed with my fist over my heart and she intertwined her arm with mine as we walked back to the castle.



  ALI ESCORTED ME back to the stone castle along the cobblestone pathway. Her young, slender body felt firm next to mine. She gripped me with care as if she perceived my heels would slide on the rock’s sleek surface. I never planned to meet up with her at the garden, but I sensed something was wrong last night that didn't allow me to sleep peacefully. Now, I realize she has been restless lately. It's extraordinary, we are so close with our bond and all, even though she has become further distant from me than usual.

  She has been tensing around me since the last full moon. Even her smell is becoming more tarnished by the dark magic she practices when I'm not watching her closely, making certain she doesn't overuse her energy. Something has been preoccupying her from the inside that hasn't shed light yet. Ali never seems to be open with me as often I preferred her to share whatever burden troubling her. However, this morning was peculiar, she smelled more aroused by me when we touched. Maybe she feels the same way I do with the sensual tension growing between us.

  I miss the sensation of her lips and the embrace we had so long ago that caught us both off-guard. Me being born into one of the high four families, left me at a disadvantage to ever fall in love with someone who lacks status in the Demon world. Although, now, I do not care about hierarchy and determining status over my heart. She has earned her place in my thoughts ever since we met and over time, I've fallen in-love. It had its difficulty early on, dealing with these emotions for someone whose focus was everywhere except on romance. That's when I learned patience would be a unique challenge in my life. Being around her, watching her eyes catch glimpses of me, but never acting on those long gazes, constantly teased me.

  She works hard to ward off the desire between us at all costs, but she knows I've wanted her for three years since the day she arrived with those barbarous warriors here in the kingdom. She and Eric were the honorable ones with secrecy to them. Ali the shy reserved one that charged in to battle to save a life. Eric her best friend was the charmer. Brilliant with the ladies, even winning the love of my sister, Claudia, and the Princess Armenia. Ali differed from the others. She was the romantic soul of the select bunch, and I could understand it in her golden hazel eyes, she wished to convey love and now I can perceive it in her spirit; she wants to.

  She struggles hard to avoid what she wants. Produces excuses not to settle for too long and storms off into the battleground or on assignment for the king to the extent of being emotionally removed from our bond. Maybe it's about her mother, maybe that’s why she was just so much out of reach. Her mother has left behind a filthy taste in the mouths of the sex Demons, massacring many for sport and not out of hunger. She never discussed why her mother kills with no dignity. All she usually answered was; the rage runs in the tribe as if it's some joke, my queries. Nevertheless, I could identify after a while she was bothered about becoming her mother, even though there's no dominant strand to be a full Succubus. Afterward, I realized not that it troubled her about the transition, but more about the urge to succumb to the darkness that fueled her family's turmoil.

  The temptation of choosing to develop into a Harpy weighed heavy on her mind. Ali believed her mother wouldn't stay away for a long even though she was offered the opportunity to leave. Something shifted and forced her think otherwise. I never understood what transpired so long ago for her to be on edge. I stole peeks at her hazy eyes as she kept me close.

  My body felt exhausted as we kept drifting back towards the castle and my perception became fixated on her neck. The starvation was setting in, letting me know I required to feed soon. Ali never has to worry about being hungry. Not like me where I need to feed on energy every day to survive.

  I love the smell of her. She intoxicates me more than others produce. Her taste is as sweet as chocolate. Divine and delicious she is ... makes me lust for her more. As considerable as I'm patient with her, I hope I don't lose her anytime soon while she's on this grand crusade with Eric, preserving the stability in the Empire. I absolutely hated Princess Armenia and her allegiances to Ali. I may be jealous, but I long yearned to have my feelings returned. Then, my insecurities might vanish and then maybe I’ll have her all to myself. However, it might not arise even if I wish that dream to come true.

  She and I stood at the iron gate of the garden, near the courtyard, leading to the front gate. While looking up at the castle walls at an arched window, my sister Claudia glanced at us with her stern dark gaze as if the sight of us walking so familiar together annoyed her. I at once let go of Ali's arm and stepped aside. Before I could separate further under my sisters' observant eye, she snatched my hand and kissed the palm. Ali’s lips felt pleasant on my delicate skin, firing a tingling sensation up my arm. My mind became shameful, considering it would have been much better if she kissed my lips instead, but I could tell my sister huffed at the sight of it and tramped off into the corridors of the noble hall.

  Once the moment passed between us, we had to go back to whom we were. The champion and the Dark lord. Every minute we spent together made it further challenging to let her go. However, I had my position as the second daughter of the high council representative and my sister's aid. Ali would have to return as the soldier who serves the king and princess.

  My time would constitute of lectures with my tutors and accompanying my sister everywhere. She will have me attend her all day until nightfall. That's when she meets up with her fiancé, Eric, to settle in for the night. Eric was Ali's best friend. He has treated our family well since we accepted him and Claudia's engagement. The news disturbed the empire at first with the attitudes of the other lords, being malicious
about the mingling and tainting the pure bloodline. However, words died down, and it turned into a blessing, because he was one of the Seven Warriors of Blackhaven. Named after we saved the kingdom from the Demon Lord Castilian. When he eventually marries Claudia, it will be a reprieve on me. The day she receives our mother's place on the council seat, is the day I'll certainly be free of her and will no longer have to do what she wants anymore.

  Claudia was the eldest, and the most worshipped by our parents. She will have her devoted spouse and have her own family one day. Later on, I will choose my suitor and live my life the way I see fit. I don't have to anguish about receiving the council seat because the reign extends to the first heir and thus their kin. Doesn't matter if you were a man or woman. Whoever is born first gets the seat. Although, our household will never get the throne. We are fourth in line if the other families don't have an heir to assume the throne.

  Princess Armenia of the Sataneo family was later to be Queen of the Demon Empire. If she didn't accept the throne, then next would be Tobias under the Erebus Family. Then, the Mortem Family, which would be Derex. The Nigrum family, would be Claudia. Tobias on the other hand hasn't conceived an heir based on my knowledge, so Derex would take over the throne in the event of Armenia and Balthazar’s death.

  As I went passed the gate to the central staircase, Claudia waited for me, leaning against the rail. Her long, black silk dress shimmered in the light that glared through the stained-glass windows above the stairwell. The arched window shone in a rainbow of colors onto the white marble floors and the white-washed walls.

  "Good morning, sister," she approached with a wide smirk. "I missed you this early in the morning."

  "Morning sister," I responded back and bowed. "I apologize if I worried you. I simply needed fresh air in the gardens."

  "Fresh air—right." Claudia approached me with devious eyes that discomforted me. "I saw you with that Dark Elf again. Does your fresh air need to have her at your side? Or are you enjoying the company of our fair creature that has captivated the kingdom?”

  "You should only worry about your wedding," I retorted. "Not about me who ran in to Ali in the gardens."

  "Touché," Claudia laughed. "I take it she's not sleeping well again. Eric mentioned she has nightmares."

  "I wouldn't know—we are not that intimate in discussions." I glanced around. "Where's your soon to be husband?"

  "Your guess is as good as mine," she shrugged her shoulders. "I wake up this morning and he was gone. I looked for my sister, but she was gone as well." She leaned into me for a hug. "You both have a habit of leaving me all alone. Such cruelty."

  "Oh Claudia," I held her as she wanted. "You haven't changed since we were children."

  "Can I enjoy the affection of my dear sister as often as I please?"

  "You may," I let out a dry laugh. "Sometimes, you can be adorable. But only sometimes."

  "Just try not to be so obvious with Ali. I don't want you to be the victim of vicious gossip like the one I endured with Eric. Besides, I don't think she's good enough for you even though she's Eric's comrade and friend. Although, that doesn't change the fact that I don't care for her much. I merely have to tolerate her from now on out of the respect for Eric."

  "That's not for something to concern you with—sister. Demons will spread gossip regardless of the matter." I understood why she was concerned. "I can tolerate snobby. What I do in my life is for myself ... I will be careful though if you're worried. I remember the hardship you endured. Mother cried for weeks when she found out you accepted the proposal of a mere warrior. But now you have everyone's full support, including mine."

  "Oh, I love you dear sister." Claudia hugged me tighter than before. "Your positive attitude makes my day." She intertwined her arm with mine. "Shall we?” We strolled down the hall, looking at the red and azure glass of the stained-glass windows that depicted images of the Demon Empire, falling under the rule of one king. The image had depictions of the Erebus family as the supreme bloodline to the throne. The hooded Demon that resembled the grim reaper, holding a tight bound book and the Wraiths as the guardians of the gate of souls were the first ruling class that haunted the Underworld. It branded its history upon this castle as the first citadel of the Demon faction. Each window, we passed told the story of our kingdom and the oil paintings on the walls were portraits of the new lords that ruled Greyholt. "I miss the old paintings that used to hang in these halls."

  "You mean the old portraits of the exiled Demon lords."

  "They were beautiful to look at sometimes. Remembering the old days before King Balthazar."

  "I prefer not to remember the past," I answered. "Isn't it better to keep looking ahead at the future? I much prefer something different."

  We had been like this since we were children, walking these corridors and admiring the art, and gothic architecture. The arched hallways extended far with tall ceilings and white marble floors. I was the youngest and freer minded. Claudia more reserved and pleased our mother more by being strict on our status. I always had to follow my sister's example in becoming a prominent lady. I studied magic young and practiced the dark arts the moment my powers awakened inside me as an energy vampire. I didn't drink blood as much as a true vampire; however, I did drain energy through my bite. Claudia is a Vampire and a Succubus. She could either feed by draining the blood of a victim or take their life force through engaging in sex. She loved sex as much as she loved Eric. That poor man had probably needed to visit the healers after too many nights in bed with her.

  I on the other hand, I haven't had sex in nearly three years. For some reason, I wanted no one else except Ali. It took only one time with her to realize sex with someone I genuinely love was more satisfying and more intimate. Claudia doesn't know the truth that Ali and I shared a night together in a brief romance, and she will never know as long as it remains a secret what happened three years ago.



  AFTER SEEING ANGELICA BACK to the castle safely, I entered the highest floor where all the council members stayed when they were not in the assembly area, debating matters of the empire. The soldiers patrolled the corridors, armed with protection spells written along the walls and floor of the chambers, to establish an impenetrable barrier. They saluted me as I wandered by, arriving at a remote hallway that headed into Princess Armenia's personal rooms. I discovered faint voices of a conversation in the environment, coming from her chamber. The double doors slightly cracked open as I approached and peeped inside. Through the opening I saw Eric, standing with the princess. I identified him as my brother with his buzzed black crew cut and slim look, being the sixth warrior of Blackhaven. At first, their voices were too low to learn anything, so I listened in closely to what they were saying.

  "Eric—please be vigilant around Claudia." The princess took his hand in concern. Her long, blonde, curly locks caught my attention. However, not before I noticed her eyes moistening as if she were about to cry.

  "I will, my princess." He bowed down on one knee and then departed the room. He bounced in shock at the sight of me, relaxing my back against the wall. "Alucard ..."

  "Eric…” I smirked coolly, letting him realize I heard the whole matter.

  "When did you appear?" He cleared his throat.

  "Not very long ago," I replied with a loose grin.

  Suddenly, a voice echoed loud in the silence. "Eric!" A black-haired woman called out to him from the distant side of the hallway. As she approached us, her dark seductive eyes were fixated on him like a predator in excitement. Her hair coiled and properly maintained, she dressed like nobility with the finest black dress and heels, displaying a massive diamond necklace and an enormous cobalt diamond pendent rare as her beauty laid nestled between her full firm breasts. The torso of the trim was low cut, reminding me of my grandmother's style in dresses; anything but modest; exotic and courageous as she strolled towards Eric with Angelica close by her side.

  "Claudia—my love," Eric s
tumbled on his words as if he didn't plan to see her. "I was just on my way to meet you." He pecked her filled red lips. Such a con artist, I nodded, assuming he rather bed the princess now than Claudia.

  Angelica glanced at me with a twisted grin as if she wished to kiss me the same. Then she looked away before her sister could detect the stare. Claudia side-glanced me, which revealed that this morning we weren’t discreet enough as she kissed Eric once again, but with more passion, which somehow made it unsettling. "The bed was cold without you this morning."

  "I'm sorry, milady," he showed his usual mock sadness with puppy-dog eyes to con forgiveness out of her. "I had business this morning."

  "Did you tell her?" Claudia demanded.

  "Yes, I did," He cradled her hand. "It's done. I requested to step down as the sixth warrior after our wedding." She smiled at his answer. I had forgotten that Eric had decided to put in his resignation and looking at them both happy was a blessing regardless of losing a comrade on the field. "Alucard!" The princess called out for me when she noticed I was outside her chamber.

  I entered at her invitation and sealed the double doors behind me. Princess Armenia stood on the terrace in a white fitted dress that glittered in the sunlight. Her eyes gazed into the horizon as if she was in deep thought while the sun ascended higher in the clear blue sky.

  "You summoned me, your highness?" I bowed with my fist over my heart.

  "No need for formalities," she responded. “We are both friends here."

  I stood straight with my hands behind my rear. "Thank you for acknowledging me as your friend."

  The princess exhaled in stress. "I need a friend right now."

  "What disturbs you, miss?” I recognized something was awry from the hopelessness in her expression.

  "Do you think it’s appropriate for Eric to be engaged to Claudia?" She sought in a worried tone, evading her head in dishonor from asking such an intimate question.


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