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The Dark Elf

Page 6

by C C Morgen

  “Not the best way to joke about our savior, Claudia,” I sighed, while sitting in the chair next to Ali. “That was amazing what she did. She had no fear in her eyes.”

  “That sword is quite powerful,” Claudia stated.

  “A sword is only good as its wielder,” I retorted. “She must have understood the consequences of activating the power of a magical weapon.”

  “The situation was dire.” Claudia leaned against the wall. “Why not use the sword?”

  “Her body doesn’t look like it's strong enough to handle large strains of magic,” I concluded. “Only being half Dark Elf, she can’t regenerate her life force quick as a full-blooded Elf. Agnes said she’s part Demon, but what is she really?”

  “Oh, sister you bore me with your questions.” Claudia rolled her eyes. “We just survived an attack and you're this curious.”

  “I know you’re angry about what happened today. It has all of us on edge.”

  “What does it matter about this girl if she’s part Demon and Elven? Once she’s well, I’m sure her and her band of mercenaries will leave as fast as they arrived. Until then, I have to support our mother in this matter. The king will answer for this.” My sister became agitated and left the atrium. Everyone had left, and I was finally alone with Ali.

  She doesn’t look dangerous. Her face relaxed and at peace while asleep. The scar on her face didn’t seem revolting. It actually made her appear more mysterious since it was from a Werewolf. What has this young girl seen in her lifetime? She’s definitely not an immortal, so her aura looked like someone that’s still fresh in the world.

  When she awakes, I’ll make sure she's safe. Ali…



  IN THE DARKNESS I FALL, in the dark I shall stay. The words chanted in whispers in the night's silence. The sea reflected the full moon above in the starlit sky. I was back on the shore of Sanctuary, squatting in the sand of my family’s home. The waves plunge against the rocks of the stone arch that showed the way to my grandmother’s cliff-side castle. Even the air smelled like the salt from the sea just as I recalled before taking off on my crusade.

  How am I here? Wasn’t I in battle not too long ago? I inhaled in deeply. It’s so calm here like a dream I’ve missed for so long.

  In the darkness I fall,

  In the dark I shall stay,

  My heart knows nothing more than the silence that awaits.

  I wonder if this is how it was after death. No further suffering. My grief had faded. Can I just be here longer before fleeing back to the existence of the Underworld?

  The dream soon concluded with my eyes opening to a faint candlelight. The moon gleamed through the glass of the window ceiling that appeared to be a spiral-shaped dome. It stank of soil and wilted flowers with jars and plants around the den.

  Next to me was the youthful lady I aided in the garrisons. I noticed her black coiled hair. Her eyes dark as the midnight, and mysterious as I recall her mourning over me before entering the blackness. Her face presented an expression of relief when my eyesight became focused once again. Is she glad to see me awake? She flicked back her hair before picking up my hand into hers, which was like silk against my dry skin. Come to think of it, she doesn’t look like a lower-class Demon. Her clean image and smooth skin appeared to be someone of royalty. The sense of her touch soothed the shock, overwhelming my body like a wave that smacked me into the rocks. This time, using Valora had collected too much of an offering for her services. However, the battle was now over, I nevertheless had the charge of the fight in my veins, pulsing with impatience.

  Valora was near my arm where it glimmered to my desires. My heart raced to the sensation of the sword, vibrating next to me. She was just as restless to be in use once again.

  “How do you feel?” the woman pleaded with concern on her face. “You’ve been asleep for most of the evening.”

  “Where am I?” I asked faintly in confusion.

  “This is the castle atrium,” she explained. “Our healer treated your wounds. A Ghoul poisoned you.”

  “Poisoned,” I sought, not figuring out what she meant.

  “You’re apparently not familiar with the touch of a Ghoul. The burn on your arm is from when it grabbed you… It discharged a toxin into your skin,” she clarified. “Not treated quickly enough it spreads fast, infecting the body, until death. It causes your skin to turn black. That’s how you identify that the poison has seeped in.”

  “It was painful,” I exclaimed, reliving the pain. “Are you and the other girl ok?”

  “Yes… my sister Claudia is well,” she said, which gave me peace of mind.

  “I’m glad,” I exhaled in content. “I didn’t think I could keep them back.”

  “I’m sorry you fought them on your own,” she apologized with sorrowful eyes. “Claudia and I…”

  “I’m sure it was hard to keep the barrier up,” I interrupted, acknowledging her guilt. “You and your sister must have felt exhausted. When I sensed the energy fade in the barrier I knew I had to do anything possible to help you. To be honest, I remember little about what happened. I get into a blood haze sometimes during battle and forget things.”

  The young woman giggled and her face as radiant as the sun while grinning. She was more lovely than any of the women I’ve seen in my lifetime; other than that lady, she called her sister.

  “You were incredible,” she added. “I think no one has defended me and my sister with such diligence before. We are both so intimidating to the others—so, we rarely receive much help to begin with.”

  “Everybody needs help once in a while,” I replied.

  “I think you kind of impressed my sister. She didn’t hesitate to help extract the poison from your arm. I assume she was just as stunned as I was when you gave out after everything. I’ve never seen her act like that before, willing to aid someone. You must have made a sincere impact on her, shielding us.”

  “So, you two saved my life,” I said. “Thank you.”

  “I’m the one who should be thanking you, silly.” She leaned over and kissed my forehead. “You were brave. I’m sorry you used up a lot of your life-force in activating the magical sword.” I spotted her referring to Valora. “You must not use it often because of the cost.”

  “You caught that, didn’t you?” I answered. “You’re perceptive.”

  “I study the dark arts,” she revealed. “All magical items require payment. Whether it’s life-force or blood. Otherwise, it will not serve without a sacrifice.”

  “I know—I can’t use it often,” I confessed. “I just use it when it’s needed most. I have to admit the power of the sword is a blessing and a curse. I don’t think I’ll ever be strong enough to wield her. But I’m glad I could protect you and your sister as long as I did.”

  “You’re stronger than you think.” The woman had a straight face, looking at me with an intense stare that made me quiver to the bone. Why was she looking at me like I’m some gem? My heart pumped harder as the blood rushed to my head until the tip of my ears felt like they were burning. Was this the feeling men succumb to when they’re mesmerized by a beautiful creature? She grazed her hand over the scar on my face and traced her finger down my neck. I held my breath as my heartbeat uncontrollably fast.

  Then Eric and the rest of my brothers stomped in loudly, making a ruckus like they usually do. “Ali!” Eric rushed over to me and gave me a bear hug, crushing my back. The rest hurried over, standing around me, pushing the woman back from the table and blocked her from seeing me.

  “Well done Alucard,” Achilles had his fist over his heart. His dirty blonde hair had chunks of ash that made it look gray. The thick leather chest gear he wore had large gashes from the claws of the Ghouls he fought off. “You fought like a true warrior today and not like a mercenary. We are all heroes now because of you.”

  “Eric told us you raced off to save the council members daughters,” Gabriel stated. His fair skin covered in dirt, making
his blue eyes glow unnaturally.

  “What daughters?” I asked in confusion. My memory was still hazy from Valora absorbing too much of my energy.

  “Oh, the Demon council is honoring us for our help,” Ethos announced.

  “That councilwoman you helped mentioned your bravery, and that you fought off an entire horde of Ghoul to save her precious daughters,” Romulus recited from what gossip he heard in the corridors.

  “Valora really shined today in battle.” Eric gripped the handle of the sword tightly in my hand. “The soul of a Dark Elf has led us into victory today, Ali. Your father would be proud.” At his kind words, my eyes watered, thinking of my father and the way he made an impact to his people with his valor and strength. Even the best warriors couldn’t live up to his name. How can I live up to his name? A name that is only half of the warrior he was.

  “Ali—the king wants to hold a ceremony tomorrow in our honor,” Leonidas mentioned changing the subject, realizing the sadness that swept over me. “He wants to see the Dark Elf that has returned to this land.”

  “Yes... the council members were talking about it all day. Your race hasn’t set foot here in centuries,” Eric answered.

  I noticed through the open space of the men, the dark-haired woman who kindly helped me with such care, exited the room, not saying a word. At the sight of her leaving, sadness fell in my heart when she disappeared from my sight. I didn’t know her name, only that she was the daughter of a council member and that she was considerate enough to stay by my side, and never left me alone.

  “Eric, did you catch the name of the daughters?” I suddenly asked over the other men talking.

  “I remember them calling each other Claudia and Angelica,” Eric answered having to think about it for a moment. “The one that stayed with you all this time was Angelica. She actually insisted on bringing you to the healer. Seemed like she’s a nice caring girl, but I wouldn’t trust a Demon lord either way. They are beautiful though. Especially Claudia, the older sister. Gorgeous body.”

  I nodded my head. “Ugh, I need rest from you all.” All the men laughed.

  “That’s our Alucard,” said Gabriel. “The same as always.”

  “That’s why we are your brothers.” Eric touched my shoulder. “We are now and forever family in this world.” All the men placed their hand on my shoulders, being serious about his words. “You are one of us. We are the seven. None shall harm you sister. We will be there to give them hell.”

  My family of brothers were the craziest of them all, but I believed their words. No matter what, they will follow me to the end. I never knew such loyalty existed in this world until I found them.

  Rumors spread about us throughout the kingdom within a single night. We became known as the Seven Warriors and not the mercenaries they once judged us. The men stayed with me drinking ale and wine, given to us by the servants.

  It made me happy to see myself a part of a family that wanted nothing from me, but my skills in war. With them, I didn’t have a destiny to hold me back from my true desires. I wanted to become strong enough to face anything, willing to oppose me.

  Through the night, I thought about Angelica. She didn’t stop by to see me for the entire time. I wonder if she was uncomfortable seeing me with my men. They are a barbaric bunch, but they mean well. They sang old songs from when they were alive in the third realm that echoed in the space.

  After a while, Ethos and Romulus passed out in the corner, holding their shields over their chest like a blanket from the draft that came in through the windows. Eric sat with Leonidas and Achilles, talking about what happened today in soft tones, so the rest of us could sleep. Their voices were clear about, treading carefully while being around so many Demons. They didn’t trust them too much, which it was understandable since their past is bloody and full of disaster. However, I didn’t see that in the women who took care of me.

  When I thought about Claudia, I realized I hadn’t seen her either. I wanted to thank her for removing the poison from my arm. Although, it doesn’t seem like either of the sisters would visit me tonight.

  It was strange what happened in the barracks when Claudia met my gaze. Something about her dark eyes drew in my soul to connect with hers, but it didn’t stay connected. It was like a burning flame that pushed me back. Amphis mentioned a similar feeling when she talked about what happened between her and my mother. Their souls aligned without a drawback, because they were both emotionally connected with one heart. They loved each other before they fell in love, which was complicated to understand. However, when I ponder on it, Claudia might actually be my twin. When it became clear, I knew I had the worst luck possible since I didn’t want to dive into the same mess that ruined my mother. Having a full connection with a twin, meant sharing feelings and the same physical sensations, sometimes thoughts when fully embraced. It scared me more than death. Death was easier to handle than love. The battlefield was my place of solace and escape from my past.

  Then the image of my father entered my thoughts. His face saddened, looking straight at me with Valora as if he didn’t like my decisions. The sword is a blessing and a curse. The curse is every time I use Valora; my father’s energy locked in the blade would seep into my mind. Rekindling the memories of him, reminding me that what I love the most—is gone. Tears ran down my face and the sadness filled my heart.

  I cannot sleep tonight. The nightmares alone will haunt me if my eyes stayed shut. I sneaked out of the atrium where the men passed out on the floor, snoring loudly. The dark corridors reminded me of home with the tall ceilings and long hallways. I found Guards positioned all throughout the castle, so it was difficult to leave without their eyes following me. I ran near a window left open, down the hall, and I jumped out, landing in the grass.

  The guards had switched locations every minute as I watched in the shadows. I noticed a gate that led into the huge garden I saw from the top of the cliff earlier. The grass glowed, and the trees filled with Fairies, twinkling like fireflies. Colors of the rainbow lit the garden as I made my way down a cobblestone path. It reminded me of the forest in Sanctuary when I visited the Pixies and Fairies. The night graced with song and colors that gave me joy. I wanted to be free from pain when I was in the presence of Fae. The soothing happiness when the nymphs sang to the river shined a heavenly light on the dark world of blood and angels.

  My mother, the darkest angel of them all, left behind no hope to have the love I desired from her after losing my father. Only Amphis showed me what kindness was and what it meant to love with the heart. The only nice thing my mother ever did for me was to give me the choice her mother never gave. The free will to become a Harpy. She gave me the option, and I fled without looking back. My friends and family I had to leave them behind, because of how much I despised what my mother had become. I will never truly become her daughter, the heir to the dark throne.



  TODAY’S CONFLICT WEIGHED HEAVILY ON MY MIND as the blood moon rose high in the dark sky. There was no way I could sleep with my thoughts racing to every vivid detail of the attack. Next to me in bed, Claudia slept peacefully, not wanting to be alone for the evening. She was scared just as I was about nearly losing our lives to the Ghouls. We came too close to being ripped apart this time by the mistakes of this empire. The king was losing his control over the other Demons who desperately want to break free from the laws that prevented them from causing disasters again. We most likely need a new ruler, but Armenia will take the throne after Balthazar. Bringing more chaos into the Underworld just like her father who refused to understand that more changes needed to happen by a stronger ruler.

  My sister believed in the old world, because it didn’t oppress the Demon lords nor prevent them from using their full power over humanity. I believe in a new world above all this. A world where we didn’t have to enslave or destroy to become a higher race. I just want our kind to receive respect by all the realms and not judged as these loathly cr
eatures that roam the night, bringing harm to all. Our ways needed to change once again to find peace among the other races and the nine realms. However, we could all perish before that ever happens if these attacks keep happening unannounced. The Ghouls are such terrible creatures made by the old world; even I wished someone erased them from existence, since the Sataneo family lost control over them.

  During my worries, Ali still lingered on my mind even in the dead of night. I didn’t know how to approach her again, after experiencing the late trauma, overwhelming my sanity. My hands trembled from the thought of death. I realized she was so gallant today that just imagining her knocking down the door gave me butterflies. It was like a dark knight rescued the damsels in distress as in fairytales. The look in her eyes made me wonder if she’s the type to be insecure about her abilities. When she mentioned strength and not being strong enough, it made me think she’s suffers from a lot of inner turmoil. Such emotions are delicious to a creature like me. She even smelled tasty, when I sat so close to her in the atrium.

  I should have visited her again, but now it’s too late. She might be asleep with the rest of her comrades who were drinking throughout the evening. The servants said they were loud like a bunch of oafs, singing without regard or respect of the dead today. They must have a different perspective on honoring the dead, being mercenaries. She needs to recover from her injuries. I hope they don’t disturb her all night with their celebrations.

  Since I couldn’t sleep, I figured I might as well take a walk in the gardens. The peaceful colors of the Fairies always relaxes me after a long, stressful day. My muscles were too awake to lay next to my sister who moaned from her dreams. I kissed her cheek and covered her with the thick blanket. Claudia is so precious when she’s asleep, just not when she’s awake and being arrogant with the other lords.


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