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The Dark Elf

Page 12

by C C Morgen

  “That’s terrible,” I sensed sadness from Ali. “First love is the most painful I heard. Your mother must have been in agony. Did you know the one that matures a Succubus and an Incubus becomes precious to them? Of course, most hosts die so it becomes a memory, but to have an immortal turn you and break your heart—it is torment. Most Incubi and Succubi I know love their partners deeply, especially those that are strong enough to survive them. A maturing is a meaningful experience, Ali. An underling chooses who they want to connect with during such an important change. It’s nothing where you just find someone with no emotional connection just for the sake of maturing. What happened to your mother I am truly sorry. Your mother gave up her love to change because of her broken heart.”

  “That was my mother’s fate as the Queen’s daughter,” Ali sighed in depression.

  “Do you have a close bond with Phyla?” I asked, still feeling anxious about their relationship.

  “Kinda,” she answered. “Phyla saved my life. I would guess that’s a close enough bond. I trusted her; still do, even though she’s my mother’s strongest hound.”

  “She’s a Hellhound?” I asked in shock. “The Hellhounds that serve your mother?”


  “Wow, that’s bold!” I blurted out. “One bite is lethal.”

  “True,” she answered. “But only in hound form. When normal like you and me she cannot harm anyone. So, I was safe regardless if she bit me, but that stays between you and me.”

  “Interesting that you would share a weakness with me,” I said with a devious grin.

  “I don’t think you’re wicked Angelica,” she replied. “I feel like I can trust you since you haven’t shared my secret with the Demon faction. For that I do thank you.”

  “You shouldn’t thank me,” I said. “I wouldn’t respect myself if I threw my savior into the dungeons to die. You are not even a Harpy, yet I judged you harshly. For that, I am truly sorry. I was quick to speak instead of think about how much I like being around you. Even like this, I feel comfortable as if I can open my world to you. I really want to be your friend. Can you forgive me?”

  Ali’s face split into a smile that warmed my heart. “So that makes us friends then.” We heard loud noises from the top floor of the Inn that distracted our meaningful conversation. “It has begun.”

  I laughed. “Oh, the ninth heavens! It will be a long evening.”

  “You can sleep out here tonight if you wish,” she offered. “It will be noisier in there than out here.”

  “I think I will stay out here for the night,” I answered. “The night air will do me good.” I looked up at the blanket of stars. In the vast sky, a falling star streaked across the heaven. “I haven’t seen the stars this clear in a long time.”

  “My home had a similar clarity in the cove,” she mentioned. “The Fairies would come out in the night and glow the colors of the rainbow on the beach. Here it’s different. The night is still and in silence. I feel alone here.”

  “But you are not alone,” I said. “You have me to entertain you.”

  “That is so—for now,” she answered. “Whatever lies ahead Angelica, stay close.” She became serious. “I don’t want to see anything happen to you.”

  “I don’t want anything to happen to you either,” I said out of concern. “It’s sad to see you throw away your life so easily. We have only known each other for a short time, but I would like to have more time with you if possible.”

  “This is unfortunate then,” Ali, sighed. “We only have our travels. Once we reach the mountain, our fate is unknown. I’m glad we can be friends now.”

  I pulled out a glass bottle from my bag. “We should enjoy our travels.” I removed the cork that sealed it. The smell of sweet peach rose in my nose. “Hmm… It fermented well.”

  “What’s that?” Ali asked.

  I handed her the bottle. “Try it!”

  She took a sip and gulped it down fast, her face twisted from the taste. “That’s hard stuff!” She coughed. “It tastes like peaches. Sweet and bitter at the same time.”

  “I like to ferment alcohol with certain fruits I like,” I confessed. “It’s more intoxicating than what you normally drink. It heats up the blood.” Her cheeks and ears flushed red. She takes another sip from the bottle and hands it back to me.

  I filled my mouth while gulping from the bottle. The alcohol went down smooth, heating my throat and chest. “My—this is better than the wine.”

  Ali leaned back with her eyes glazed over until she laid on the ground. “My head and chest feel hot.”

  “Oops—I mixed an aphrodisiac inside to have a more soothing effect,” I giggled at her innocent face. “It will help you relax and sleep, since you need the rest.”

  She shut her eyes as her body settled and was still. Her breathing slowed until she fell into a deep sleep. The drink hadn’t affected me yet, so I laid on my side close to her. My hand made its way across her chest, feeling her heartbeat against my fingers. I nestled my nose on her skin, which smelled more intoxicating than the peach alcohol. I kissed her neck and forced myself away before I could do anything else.

  You taste so good it’s getting harder to resist.



  MY DREAMS ARE LIKE CLOUDS, drifting into peace at the sight of Angelica, standing on the beach of Sanctuary. The wind brushed through her long curly locks, catching glances of me with a smile that gave me a warm feeling, which reminded me of what it felt like to experience true happiness. She had on a short pure white dress that caught my attention. Why was she here of all places? This beach is different somehow. Mist at both sides, the sun and moon sharing the same sky, both day and night. Clear blue sky and dark starry night, revealing the universe as a whole.

  Angelica stood between the line of day and night, strolling towards me. She seemed happy to see me, as she kept a wide smile, combing hair away from her face. Her hand reached for mine, gently grabbing me to pull me close and into her arms.

  The heat of her body seemed so real. Everything around me was vivid like being awake. The smell, the touch, the sounds of the water crashing up the sand. Is this a dream or is it a reality? Even my body had no aches or stress. Angelica’s scent was the same as always, smelling like sweet berries and honey. If this was truly a dream I don’t wish to wake up.

  “I’ve missed you so much,” she whispered in my ear, feeling her warm breath on my skin.

  “Miss me…” I wondered why she’d greet me as if I’ve been absent for a long time. She held me close not letting go. “We were together not too long ago by the fire, remember?”

  Angelica giggled. “I remember,” She replied. “It was so long ago that beautiful night under the stars.”

  “What…” I still didn’t understand where we were. “Where is this place? It looks like home, but it’s not.”

  “There’s so much you don’t know yet, my love,” she answered, finally meeting my gaze. “I’m so happy to see you here—I didn’t know when you’d come.”

  “I still don’t understand…” I blurted out before she laid her finger on my lips to hush me before I spoke more.

  Then for a moment, her lips caressed mine in a gentle kiss that sent butterflies into my stomach, fluttering around chaotically. “I have to go now.” She pushed away. “You need to wake up soon.” She began to walk away.

  “Where are you going?” I sighed in sadness at the sight of her disappearing into the mist, forming around us. “Don’t leave!” My heart ached being alone in the fog that was growing thicker until there was nothing but gray in the air.

  Suddenly, a voice echoed faintly. Ali, the voice carried through the mist, forcing me to awaken from my sleep. My eyes opened to the fire barely burning, and it was chilly from the night breeze sweeping across the land. “Ali!” The soft tone caught my attention by the river. A figure stood next to the water as the moonlight broke through the clouds and shone down above, reflecting on the silky surface of the ri
ver. The light revealed a woman in a blue dress, long wavy chestnut hair, and the clearest blue eyes that were so familiar to me.

  Angelica was fast asleep, huddled next to me in warmth. Then I noticed her arm draped over my waist as if she wanted to keep me warm through the cold night. It was pleasant to watch her peaceful face so close to mine. Her lips slightly open, her breath still had the scent of the peach alcohol we drank. What a strange dream! I wonder if her lips feel the same if I sneak a kiss. I shook my head, catching myself before acting out.

  I gently moved away, sliding her arm off to the side. She didn’t move or wake up as I stood to my feet. Suddenly, she shivered right away without the warmth of my body next to her. I found a blanket in my sack and covered her body, leaving only her face exposed. After tucking the heavy wool over her, I placed another log on the fire to burn. The fire blazed brighter, warming the air where Angelica quivered less under the heat of the blanket and the crackling flames.

  The woman waited for me as I walked to the edge of the river to meet her. “Amphis,” I called out her name. “What brings you all the way here?”

  She rushed to me and enveloped me in her arms. “You, silly girl,” she answered, holding me tight. “I traveled here to see you. You’ve had me worried, sweet child.”

  “I’m sorry about leaving so abruptly without telling you,” I said. “I didn’t want to tell anyone where I was going.”

  “What have you involved yourself in? — Here in the Underworld!” Amphis scolded me as she met my face. “The Demon Empire of all places—why? Have they figured out who you are yet?”

  “No one knows anything,” I answered. “I have told no one that my grandfather is a Demon Lord. They don’t even know who my mother is.”

  “That’s a relief,” Amphis sighed, releasing stress. “Your mother is livid that you’re here. Her anger radiates inside me still as we speak. Only your grandmother is preventing her from coming here to drag you back home.” Her frown soon turned into a smile and she caressed my face. “Why have you come here?”

  “I wanted to see what it was like to be in the Underworld,” I answered. “To see the Demon Empire. They seem to have more problems than my family.”

  “Does your grandfather know you’re here?”

  “Of course, he does,” I answered. “He has always known since I arrived.”

  Amphis leaned her forehead on mine. “I’m glad you’re ok.” She took my arm in her hand and removed the leather band that covered the burn mark from the Ghoul. “You came here carelessly—always getting another mark just like your mother when she was young. I don’t know how many times I had to heal you as a child.” She laid her palm on my mark and it healed back into it original health. “I’m sorry. This should have never come to be.”

  “You have nothing to feel sorry about.” I responded knowing what she meant. “You don’t have control over the fates. Things had to happen the way they did. Both you and I have to learn to accept things as they are.”

  “You should have been my child.”

  I held her close and tight. “You were more of a mother to me than my own. You loved me as my father did. There’s nothing to be sorry about. Besides, you have a family of your own as well. I’ve accepted that… Anyway, how are the children?”

  “They are well as they can be. All are of age now,” she answered. “Poseidon adores his kin greatly. More than I have control over with all the spoils a God can give.”

  “Has he been faithful at least to his bond,” I asked. “Or is he still seeing the others?”

  Amphis sneered without care. “I don’t concern myself with his affairs. He doesn’t with me when I disappear most of the time. It’s a fair trade since my feelings for him haven’t changed.”

  “You still love my mother.” I said.

  She nodded her head.

  “She will hate you for eternity; I’d hope you’ve realized that by now,” I reminded her of the sin she enacted.

  “I’ll not love anyone else the same—not as much as I love her,” she answered. “You will understand one day when you connect deeply with someone. It will no longer just be about you anymore. The decisions you make will not be easy for the sake of the one you want to protect,” Amphis tried to justify her actions again, even though, her face displayed otherwise with despair and deadness in her eyes. “It might be painful, or it will enchant your relationship. Your mother’s alive at least. I wanted her to be safe. That’s all I need. Because of that, you’re here. Hopefully, alive and well long enough to have children of your own one day, or maybe experience your first love.” She grazed her fingers on my scar. “You have your mother’s beauty and the same silent charm that made me fall in love with her.”

  I grabbed her hand and kissed the palm as she caressed my cheek. “I’m sorry—I’m so sorry for what my mother has done out of spite. You don’t deserve this — to be hated by her. The bond you have, after everything. It scares me to fall for someone the same way.”

  “Therefore, I should have been there more often for you,” Amphis replied. “I wanted to be with you both fully for all eternity. Maybe then, I wouldn’t worry about the path you’ve chosen to walk in this thirst for battles. My heart has broken enough over all the lives Alphard has taken. It’s my fault that your mother is a monster.”

  “What my mother is—it’s not your fault. It really isn’t. Me being here is not your fault either. I have my own grievances to fight. This place, my grandfather’s home is the one chance I have to find my own path away from the clan.”

  “This shouldn’t be the path to take. You are being reckless,” she replied. “I know you are heading in the south to face that lord. Are you really that eager to die so young?”

  “I gave my word to help them,” I said. “There’s no turning back now. I promised Angelica I would protect her.”

  Amphis leaned to the side to look at Angelica sleeping by the fire. “She’s quite beautiful. You two have become close then.”

  “She’s chosen to be my friend.”

  “A friend I see,” she grinned. “Sure, she is. That still doesn’t change how I feel about you going through this. This breaks my heart deeply. I truly fear for you, since the journey you’re making is not something anyone can easily succeed. The flames of the mountain is someplace not even I can enter to aid you.”

  “That bad, huh?” I said. “It will be ok. Whatever happens this is what I chose.”

  “Let me see your sword,” she demanded, changing the subject. “Bring me Valora.”

  I walked over to the camp, picked up my father’s sword, and brought it to her. “Why do you want to see her?” I laid the blade in her hand. She grazed the metal with her fingertips, to the hilt, back up to the tip of the blade. The metal of the steel sang to her touch.

  “She has been beautifully maintained. Even sings with grace. However—you have been resistant to the true power,” Amphis revealed to me the swords secret, listening to the blade sing to her ear. “Valora has pledged her allegiance to you as the wielder of her power. Why have you not resonated with her?”

  “I can’t,” I said averting my eyes in shame. “I’m not strong enough to use her.”

  “That’s not it!” She retorted. “You haven’t activated the skills of your ancestors. It senses your fear, when you do use her. You haven’t been able to wield her properly, because you chose not to connect.”

  “I can’t…”

  “Oh, I see,” she figured it out. “Part of your father’s spirit is in the sword.”

  “Every time I use her—I can feel his presence nearby.” Tears fell from my eyes. “It makes all the memories of what happened rush in faster and out of my control. I lose myself.”

  “Oh Ali,” Amphis’ face became sadden. “Wouldn’t it be a wonderful thing to resonate with your father’s spirit? Don’t be afraid of your memories. They are a part of who you are. Valora knows how strong you are. If you were not worthy of her the sword wouldn’t have been passed down to you. She ch
ose you as her master.” She invoked her magic into the blade until it glowed white for a brief second before dying down and went back to normal.

  “What did you do?”

  “Just a gift for you and Valora,” Amphis grinned and placed the sword back in my hand. “Use her well Ali. She will be at her best the moment you stop resisting.” She glanced at Angelica once again. “How interesting? You should listen to that girl. She seems like a kind soul. I can tell she cares about you the way she held you as you slept.”

  “How long have you been here?”

  “Long enough to see the connection you have with each other,” she answered and sniffed the air. “Peach—what an interesting flavor for a drink. I like her. Protect her well. My intuition tells me she’s someone worth keeping around.” Amphis kissed my cheek. “I have to leave now. I’m glad I could see you before the journey gets hard. I’m sure it will be quite heated the more south you travel. With all that fire, I’d rather take solace on a beach in the third realm. It’s beautiful this time of year you know.”

  “Maybe I’ll join you,” I finally smiled but Amphis’ eyes became sad.

  “Hopefully soon my silly child,” she answered, wiping her eye where a tear dripped along her cheek. “No goodbyes.”

  “No farewells,” I said. “I’ll see you soon.”

  She opened a portal in the water's reflection. A silver white light rose until she stepped inside, not looking back. Then the portal disappeared after her. She was gone, and the night was nearing its end. Soon our journey will begin again at dawn. What awaits us, we will find out soon enough.



  THE SCENT OF THE MORNING MIST filled the air as an orange glow from the sun peeked over the horizon, waking me up. My head throbbed in pain from drinking too much peach alcohol before falling asleep. I squinted to see Ali, laying on her side next to me lost in thought. Her eyes then focused on mine with a strange grin as if she was in a good mood.


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