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The Dark Elf

Page 21

by C C Morgen

“Why does that bother you Claudia? What have I done to you to have you hate me so much? I wanted nothing from you two. I just care about you and her. Why do you have to act like this towards me? One moment you want me to be with you… then in the next, you hurt me. It makes no sense. You are even holding me back right now, because you think I’m no good or you’re jealous because your sister has my attention. Well… I’m only loyal to you and Angelica. I love you both to be even more upfront. I’ve always been protecting you and your sister. Never once, I wanted to harm either of you. Tonight, I don’t fight for the princess. I fight for you and Angelica like I’ve always had. If I die today, it’s only because of that. That is my secret. That’s what I hide from everyone. Hate me all you want. But let me do that.” Her eyes widened in shock until she released me. “Farewell—Claudia.”

  I made my way passed her and ran down the corridors to the stables, where Leonidas, Achilles and Eric were ready in armor next to their Shadow Striders. Gabriel, Ethos, and Romulus were already mounted on their saddles with their gear, waiting for the orders to ride out. The Striders were restless, huffing and swaying left to right.

  Eric caught my frustration as I grabbed the reins of my Strider. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” I exhaled heavily. “Just your fiancé.”

  “What did she do now?”

  “She asked me to keep an eye on you.”

  He burst out into a hysterical laughter. “That woman worries too much I tell you.”

  “Eric.” I looked sternly at him. “Treat her well.”

  “Ali…” It took him back by my response.

  “I mean it. Never hurt her.”

  “You are just saying that because you are in-love with her sister.”

  I kept my stern look after he answered. Then his smile turned to serious. “I’ll make her happy.”

  I walked over to him and tugged him close until my lips were near his ear. “On this mission, listen to me every step of the way. You follow my orders not Leonidas tonight. I will make sure you get home to your fiancé. But after this—you lay down your axe as you promised and serve Claudia’s family. We are not serving the king after this.”

  “You’re planning to leave too?”

  “I don’t want to fight anymore brother,” I leaned my head on his. “After all of this. I just want to slow down. I’m tired... You have no idea how tired I am.”


  “MEN,” Leonidas yelled out fiercely for our attention. “ARE WE READY TO BRING HELL TONIGHT?” The men pounded their chests with their fist. “WE RIDE TO FACE A FIERCE ENEMY WHO HAS THREATENED OUR BELOVED PRINCESS. WE WILL ANNIHILATE THEM ALL.”

  “KILL.” The men yelled with spirit.


  We all raised our weapons to the end of his speech. It was finally time to leave as I glanced one last time Eric mounting his Strider before I leaped on mine. He looked back at me before he and the men raced off into the darkness. I looked up in the tower where I last saw Angelica. She stood on the balcony staring at me before my Strider galloped down the dirt road. The men entered the dark forest ahead at full speed with me close behind.

  The night has only nearly begun, and it will be a long one indeed.

  Wait for me, Angelica.



  ALI RODE OFF ON THE STRIDER to catch up with the men who raced off into the Dark Forest. I just stood in the Seven Warriors Hall, gazing out, as the stars appeared clear in the night sky. The full moon that followed was blood red as the wine I downed before the news reached my sister about the rise in the Troll Mines. The aching feeling in my chest left me no comfort since something was off the way Ali was acting. She seemed more stressed than normal and she nearly had a panic attack in my arms. That girl never seems to open up much about her feelings, so she becomes controlled by her emotions.

  The letter Ali gave me never left my hand the moment she left. I broke the wax seal and read the contents of the letter, written with clean penmanship. I carefully read the words written:

  My Angel of Light

  From darkest skies to starry nights,

  I’ve crossed the heavens in search of a light,

  My heart’s desire lingers in the night,

  I’ve known no bounds for obtaining the most beautiful Angel in the sky,

  You burn so beautifully and bright,

  My heart weeps having you in my sight,

  Tears of happiness fill the sky,

  My love for you is beyond distant skies,

  When you disappear in the night,

  My heart dwells in despair without your light,

  You give me joy,

  Never leave my sight,

  Please always remain by my side,

  You are My Angel of Light.

  My dearest Angelica,

  I’ve written this poem to express how you truly make me feel. You mean so much to me. There are a few words to explain what my heart wants to say to you every day. For three years now, it has wanted to open up to the love you have given me. I know I’ve never expressed this around you. I hide my true feelings well. Without you, I’m just a Warrior running away from home and is always hunting the wolf that killed my father. Since I met you, I have changed. You were there for me from the beginning, and you opened your arms to me…

  Remember the night when you found me in the Enchanted Gardens? The horrible nightmares I had, I was in agony. You could have left me there to suffer, yet you didn’t. You eased my pain and held me as I cried. We became friends that day. We survived that Obsidian castle. And that special night we had… I still think about. Since then, I couldn’t see myself without you. I’m so much happier when you’re around, even if we were discreet about our friendship. I know it has been hard with your sister and her being the favorite in your family. However, to me… you are my world. The realms can never replace the feeling I get when I see you in my sight. There is no one better fit to gaze upon. You are the universe that draws me in until I lose myself in you. I now have a reason to feel love. I love you, Angelica. I love you with every fiber of my being. I had wished to gain the courage to say it personally. I should have told you this entirely in person where you can see how serious I am. If you still feel the same for me when I get back, I wish to embrace your heart by kissing your soft sweet lips that I’ve longed to touch for eternity.


  My love.

  My heart.

  You are truly the Angel I’ve been searching for.

  Now, I’ve finally found you.

  With all my love and always yours,


  Tears dripped down my face as the sadness and happiness set in all at once. I longed to hear the words in person; however, Ali wrote it in this heartfelt letter. Every word etched itself into my soul and every teardrop reminded me she might not come back.

  “Why are you crying, dear sister?” Claudia’s voice startled me from behind.

  My body automatically turned to see her flushed face. However, her eyes read anger and confusion. I could tell she wanted to find someone to let out her grief. “Nothing—nothing at all.” I wiped away my tears, trying to stop crying.

  While clearing my eyes, I was unaware of her swift hand that snatched Ali’s letter from me. I shoved into her and tried to reach for it back. “Claudia.” My voice became enraged, yelling at her. “GIVE IT BACK.”

  Her grin grew wide to the sight of it. “What is this?” She pushed me away and started to read the letter. Her eyes widened to the words written on the page. “My Angel of Light.” She became playful saying it aloud.

  “No Claudia—please stop.”

  “Oh, my—a love letter.” As she read more her eyes suddenly b
ecame serious and her grin turned into a frown. “This hand looks familiar,” she mumbled.” She looked up at me and then glanced back at the paper. “Who has graced you with these sweet words?” She glared at me again. “Was it Eric?”

  “What are you talking about—no?” I struggled to take back the letter. She was just too fast and so much stronger than me. “Give it back, Claudia.” She read the rest of the contents down to the end and saw the signature. As she recognized the name, her face was stern with a rage that I haven’t seen her express since our friend’s death.

  “Alucard,” she read. “Ali wrote this?” She was then in shock with a blank stare, not moving. I took back the letter in her silence.

  “Yes, sister—she was the one who wrote this...For me. Ali is better at writing than speaking.”

  “How is this possible?” She uttered to herself.

  “How’s what possible?”

  “This is the same hand as Eric’s. Penmanship and all. Even the flow of the words are alike.”

  “Claudia…” I stopped myself from saying more.

  “Tell me the truth, sister. Did Eric really write that letter to me?”

  “Claudia—what does it matter now? You love Eric and you are engaged.”

  “Why are you accepting this love letter in the first place?” She stood near my face in pure anger. “I thought you didn’t have that kind of relationship”

  “Claudia… I…”

  “My dear Angelica can you give a single straight answer? You’ve not been very honest with me. Are we not a trusting family?” She grasped me by the arm and gazed deep into my eyes as she invaded my mind, knocking down all barriers to prevent her from seeing my memories. “Ugh—you’ve had that type of relationship all this time.”

  “You shouldn’t have invaded my mind.”

  “Oh—I needed to. Enough secrets.” She gripped my chin firmly. “I saw everything. Every last detail. Ali helped Eric seduce me—ha.” She finally let go and rubbed her fingers through her silk black hair as if she was still in shock about what she found out. “Why was I so blind?” She hysterically laughed. “That Dark Elf has a way of turning our lives upside down Angelica. She has you lying to me. All the secrets—it’s not being respectful dear sister. I will have to punish you for that. Eric—I do love him.” Claudia grasped her chest. “Those words were not from him.” Then she looked at me. “You have been teaching her the dark arts. Are you insane? Don’t you have any loyalty to our family? That will mean the end of us—if the others find out.”

  “She has great potential. Stop treating her as if she’s not a Demon. She is a Succubus just like you. You two are more alike than you think if you had just opened up to her. I’m sorry that I asked horrible things from you; and because of that, you pushed away Ali. She actually cares a great deal about you. She never once talked bad about you even though you have been cruel.” I caught my breath. “I’m sorry for keeping things from you. Ali was being a good friend, but she is wise. She would have never helped him if she didn’t believe he was a suitable person for you. I’ve even thought so as well.”

  “Cares about me, huh!” She laughed hysterically. “Oh, my—I don’t think any of us are being honest with each other. I saw something else in your memories that has disturbed me. But I’ll ask you this so we can finally have some truth in this matter. Who is Ali really?”


  “Sister—who is she?”

  “She—she’s the granddaughter of the Dark Queen.”

  “She’s a Harpy. My cold-hearted sister is in-love with a half-breed who slaughtered our kind by the thousands.”

  “She’s not a member of the clan. They exiled her.”

  “How long do you think she will be as she is? The darkness has touched their kind in a way that is inescapable. What you see in her will turn to blackness before your eyes. Their kind are dangerous, and you have known of her race since day one.”

  “She doesn’t want to turn, Claudia. She’s happy here. She doesn’t want to be like them.”

  “You have risked this Empire, Angelica. Turned or not, she’s still the heir to the dark clan. It’s in her blood. The blackened eyes, the illusions. They are all symptoms of being swayed by the darkness. She will lose control eventually as it festers. Not to mention, if anything would have happened to her here, the Dark Princess would be at our doorstep. Maybe bring a war that would annihilate our race, because we were careless. You didn’t think this through sister. I’m the next council member and already there is no loyalty. My own flesh and blood has deceived me.”

  “Claudia she saved your life. I know how stubborn and prideful you are. But that look you gave her. You were more than impressed. You kissed her. You don’t just play like that randomly. You like something about her more than you let on. She rejected you and it was the first time I’ve seen you disappointed about someone not wanting to just use you for something. The old you would have appreciated that and actually persuade her the right way. The woman you have become has let no one get close. I’m sorry that you push everyone away because you still hurt from everything that happened. Stop blaming yourself for losing control after her death. You loved her; anyone would have acted the same. They shouldn’t have ever punished you for that mistake. Our family should have understood. But I understand. You have never fooled me. One day you will take things too far and you might just lose everything, even me. I’ve tolerated this dark side of you for too long.”

  “Do you love her?” She interrupted.

  “Yes—I do. Let me have her.” I caressed her swollen face from all the tears she shed. “Do me this one favor—and I’ll do whatever you want to make up for everything.”


  “Whatever you need—I will do it. No questions asked.”

  “Make your oath sister.” She held me in her arms.

  “My word is my bond. I—Angelica—bound myself to this oath. I will do whatever you ask of me.”

  Claudia leaned her forehead on mine. “Very good. I’m happy for you. I never thought you would find someone that you want this much. I wish you and Ali well. You have my blessing, sister. And I’ll convince our family to accept your chosen companion even though she’s a Dark Elf. I’ll hold back from mentioning she’s a Harpy half-breed.” She grinned. “It will please Eric that his best friend might become a member of the family.”

  “I don’t know about that.” I suddenly blushed, thinking about being together as a couple.

  “Angelica. The look in her eyes when I last saw her. She looked like she wants to be a part of this family. I’m sure she’ll ask your hand.”

  “Thank you.” I had a sense of relief that she gave her blessing. “For being supportive of this.”

  “I rather have my enemy close where I can watch them.” She grinned playfully. “That way it will be difficult to hide anything from me.”

  “No more secrets.” I reacted apologetically. “Again—I’m sorry.”

  “It’s fine sister. It’s a pleasure. Ali will be an interesting addition to the family. But that doesn’t mean I will go easy on her. She helped deceive me. Only a slight bit of punishment will suffice for the both of them. Eric will get the cold shoulder until our wedding day. Ali—I’ll come up with something.”

  “Oh, Claudia…”

  “No say about it,” she hushed me. “I have to avenge my pride as a lady. I’ll forgive them when they squirm.” She laughed deviously. “And you will help me.”

  “As you wish my sister.” I bowed my head in loyalty. “I will be your accomplice in their punishment.”

  Claudia walked out of the room in better spirits and I exhaled in relief. There was no better feeling than having my sister on my side for once. We were both in-love with warriors and breaking out of the norm of Demon lords only devoting ourselves to another lord. She and I were among the highest in the ranks to finally agree that our hearts matter more than our title.



AWARM SENSATION FILLED MY CHEST with a happiness that I’ve never felt before. It was Angelica and our bond. I grasped my chest, as the feeling grew stronger. She must have read my letter.

  Eric noticed my expression when we waited behind a thick oak tree. Its base hid us from the Demon soldiers roaming about ahead of us. “Are you alright?” he whispered close to me.

  It was pitch-black out, yet my eyes could see his face like it was day. He showed true concern, laying his hand on my shoulder as a single tear fell down my face. “I’m fine,” I wiped it away with my thumb and pulled out an arrow. The black arrowhead, sharpened at the tip where I grazed my finger along the blade, mumbling a spell to enchant the head. “Power of light, bring to an end who’s within my sight.”

  The arrowhead glowed red for a moment and became black again before the soldiers noticed it. We were near the entrance to a mine which didn’t seem that well-guarded being the stronghold. There was one night watchman at the top of the rock flat above the entrance. He wore black leathers and carried a longbow to shoot at any intruders. Two others stood near the trees before the mine, wearing hooded cloaks. Their eyes illuminated red, which differed from what we had faced before.

  The night was silent, and the air was still. I drew back my bowstring and aimed at the night watch above the mine hole. Achilles and Leonidas hid in the trees behind the other soldiers on ground, waiting for the right moment to strike. I took a deep breath and held it. The Demon warrior was clear in my sight. My arrowhead lined up to his chest. Then I released the string, and the arrow glided quickly through the air, piercing my target through the heart. The magic in the arrowhead burst in his chest, sending glowing red veins throughout his body until it fully consumed him and exploded into dust.


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