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The Dark Elf

Page 24

by C C Morgen

  I hauled her into my chambers with gray-painted walls with black trim and molding. I laid her in the lavish king size bed with black silk covers that glistened in the sunlight, coming from the balcony window. Ali glanced above at the black, gilded chandelier dangling over the bed with candles already lit. She lied back without hesitation and then glanced at me as I lied next to her.

  “Do you like?” I asked.

  “Yes—you live well, milady. The bed is heavenly as well.”

  I touched her pale face. “It feels like you belong here.” She was silent, closing her eyes to the warmth of my hand. Her skin felt cold as my fingertips made its way down her neck and found the wound on her shoulder. Her vest was loose, so I untied and unbuttoned it more until I could remove it completely, exposing her beautiful fair body to my sinful eyes. She didn’t even shy away or blush at the touch of my fingertips, grazing across her chest where I could feel her heartbeat. “You kept your promise by never letting your heart stop beating. When I couldn’t feel our connection anymore… I thought I lost you. It was the worst feeling I’ve ever had to experience in this realm.”

  “I’m sorry.” She laid her hand over mine. “The dark energy blocked our link. I didn’t know that would happen. Maybe it was for the best since a lot was happening and it was awful. I didn’t want you to feel what I was going through.”

  “You survived—that’s what matters to me right now. I’m so happy despite the sadness that has fall upon losing the others. I’m the lucky one right now having you.” I kissed her lips.

  Ali moved her face away. “I feel sad over Claudia’s loss. Eric was my best friend and her fiancé. This is not how it’s supposed to be… Yet it is. I thought he would be safe.”

  “What do you mean?” I became concerned with the look of guilt she expressed. “What really happened out there?”

  “Angelica, I put Eric’s safety first over mine. Although, it didn’t matter.”

  “Are you blaming yourself for his death?” I forced her to look at me. “It’s not your fault. Eric was a warrior. He died a worthy death. Don’t dishonor him by blaming yourself.” She looked away again. “I feel you have a lot of guilt in your heart. I don’t know what weighs you down like this, but whatever it is—I will still be here. We Demon lords have done worse than what we say within these walls. Anything you hide we have our secrets as well. I would like to share those secrets with you. All of them. When you are ready—I would only hope to know what you hide. No more secrets the day we are bound officially, and we will share our immortality.”

  “As you wish,” Ali finally looked at me with love in her eyes like I said the right things to ease her heart. She reached up and met my lips in a kiss I haven’t had from her in a long time. My body moved on its own with my leg going over her, until her thin waist was between my legs.

  I lifted away and began to untie my corset. She stayed pinned on the bed, watching me undress before her eyes. I flung my corset on the floor and removed my dress. Ali tried to sit up to meet my face, but I pushed her back down. She glared at me. “Do you want to kiss me?” She nodded her head. I leaned down and licked her lips. “Anything else you wish from me?” I kissed her briefly. The heat that radiated off her body was warm on my thighs. “Are you enjoying this?” I whispered in her ear, teasing her. She nodded her head not speaking. My lips caressed her neck and within a split second, she grabbed onto me and flipped me over on my back. The wounds didn’t stop her from lifting me in her arms, holding me close until I gasped from the passion forming between us as we kissed. Her lips tracing down my neck, down my chest where she bit my navel for teasing her.

  I gripped the back of her hair and yanked it back, digging my nails into her skin. The aggression excited her even more where her face met mine again as she slowly grazed her fingertips across my thigh and in between my legs. The bliss of her touch sent a warm sensation throughout my body until I could no longer hold in the feeling of ecstasy throbbing deep inside me like the heartbeat we shared. Her lips embraced me as the sensation became more extreme. My legs wrapped around her, squeezing her tight while she continued to press into me, penetrating me deep until I let out symphony of moans.

  The pores in her skin began to open wider, revealing fine scales that glistened in the sunlight. Her eyes not looking away from mine, as we had become more deeply connected until I could feel how pleasured she was by making love to me. She absorbed my bliss into her the moment I climaxed, making my body feel light, and I no longer felt weighed down in the bed. My legs weakened and couldn’t hold on to her any longer.

  Her face had color again and the gold flakes in her eyes were brighter. She was being healed by feeding off my energy that circulated more rapidly as her lips caressed my inner thigh until I could feel her tongue making its way inside me. She kept feeding like a Succubus. Her skin remaining scale-like, making love to me until near the hour of dusk when she finally drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

  Oh, the ninth heavens… I need to feed as well!

  Sleep well my love; I’ll be back before you notice I’m gone.



  THE NIGHTMARES LOCKED IN MY MIND were there to remind me of every vivid detail of that horrible moment. Even being in the bed and within the warmth of my beloved, there was no comfort in the darkness of my dream, slipping into the abyss. Eric…

  The field was cold as the black flames lifted from the ground, disappearing into the starlit sky. A dark mist floated off the surface of my skin and the black veins that streaked underneath, faded away. The heat of my breath created a white fog as I panted in exhaustion. I have no energy left to fight anymore.

  The full moon in the sky was no longer blood red like before. It had returned to normal, making it appear peaceful with the silence of the forest. I destroyed all the horde and Demon soldiers in the Flames of Oblivion. Something that surprised me was that I could survive. However, my life force feels off as if I would wither away right here. Even the will to fight was not there.

  Valora was still in my grasp, but she was asleep, and no power coursed through her. This was all there is. The night and me.

  Suddenly, I heard a rustling in the woods. Out appeared Demon soldiers in black hooded cloaks and ahead of them was Derex, rushing to me. His eyes wider than ever at the sight of me dropping to my knees.

  “Ali!” he called out. I struggled to get back on my feet, using Valora to keep my balance. He rushed beside me and aided me to stand straight. His eyes found the wound. “Does it hurt?”

  “I can’t feel anything right now,” I answered. “I feel numb.”

  “You are severely injured.” His eyes glowed red, looking around my body. “Your Aura is fractured. I’ll have my men heal you.”

  I gripped his shoulder with what little strength left to stop him. “No—it needs to be like this to fool the king.”

  “King Balthazar doesn’t need to see you this badly injured,” he stated. “You will not make it back to the castle in this condition.”

  “I’ll make it,” I assured him. “I’m more than determined.”

  “I see,” Derex whistles for a Shadow Strider that leaped out of the night. “Angelica awaits your return.”

  “Now that the men are dead. It will not be hard to gain what you longed for all this time. The princess dead and the throne.”

  “I knew you would abide by your word ever since that night we talked about the well-being of Angelica and Claudia. A fair trade for such good work. You have done well. It will please the others that we are so close. As a part of the deal, we agreed upon. Angelica and Claudia will maintain their status as lords in my reign. No harm will ever come to them.”

  “Thank you, Lord Derex.”

  “I need no gratification. We are friends, aren’t we? I do hope you can keep that friend of yours under control. The one you ordered to leave. My men spotted him down the trail.”

  “I’ll make sure he knows nothing about this.”

  “If he
does… You know what needs to be done. My only happiness is to gain the key to oblivion. No one shall stand in my way.”

  “Ali.” Eric’s voice was from within the shadows. My eyes widened to the sight of him and his confused expression.

  “Eric what are you doing here?” my voice carried fear. “I ordered you to stay down the mountain. Away from here.”

  “I saw the flames…” He glanced at Derex. “What’s going on here?”

  Derex had a wide grin. “Oh, dear…” He looked at me and whispered. “Kill him.” I gasped gripping Valora. “Him or Angelica.”

  My hands trembled at his threat. The breath I exhaled was my final decision, looking at Eric’s innocent face. “I’m sorry old friend.” I charged at him with all the strength in my legs and swung my sword at him poorly. The blade of his axe blocking it away. I tackled into him, pushing him back until he ran the other direction to flee the area. I sprinted after him, matching his speed. We leaped over thick roots that stuck out from the ground. My legs barely could get all the way over without tripping. He was fast, but not fast enough.

  We exited the forest, running on lumps of hills until I tackled him down. Our bodies rolled and tumbled to the bottom and landed on a soft patch of grass. Eric took his defensive stance at the sight of me raising my sword, ready for another attack. I charged him again and fought him blade on blade. With every strike, he shoved me back. I wanted him to kill me. If he killed me, I wouldn’t have to kill him with my own hands. Derex would have to do the deed for me. As long as they knew I tried, Angelica and Claudia would be safe.

  “Why are you doing this?” His eyes were sadder than mine. “Our brothers are dead. Why is Lord Derex here?”

  “I ORDERED YOU TO STAY AWAY,” I yelled at him. “YOU COULD HAVE SURVIVED THIS MADNESS.” I swung my sword again, trying to provoke him.

  “Stop—you are too weak to fight me, just stop.”

  “I can’t Eric.” I shoved into him. “I have no other choice.”

  “What do you mean?” He pushed me hard until I fell backwards onto my back. “What in the ninth heavens is going on? Why are you trying to kill me?”

  “We both are dead Eric. We cannot stop them. Lord Derex wants someone dead Eric! Remember when I said he reminds me of someone. He reminds me of someone that will do anything to get what he wants, doesn’t matter who else dies. There are too many falling to his side. The assassination attempts on the other Demon lords—it would not stop. I made a choice to side with the one that will leave the ones we love out of harm’s way. Angelica and Claudia are at risk now if I don’t kill you. But I rather not.” I panted, trying to catch my breath. I rolled back onto my feet and used Valora as a cane. “Kill me, Eric.”


  “Kill me. I killed our brothers. I arranged this trap, and I sent them to their deaths after serving with me loyally. I betrayed all of you. We both need to die here tonight.”

  “That coward,” Eric sighed in sadness. “Claudia.” He looks up at the night sky. “Raise your sword, Ali.”


  “I won’t strike you down unless you fight till your last breath.”

  Laughter left my mouth. “Alright. I’ll fight with what’s left of me.” I raised my sword as he lifted his axe.

  He rushed at me fast. I tensed up with no intention of swinging my sword or moving aside. I just wanted his blade to meet my skull with grace as he drew closer.

  Suddenly, he dropped his Axe and kept running towards me. It only took a second for my fighting instincts to activate at the sight of him coming at full force. I automatically held my sword firmly; the tip pointed at him as he rammed me hard and plunged into the blade. It pierced through his armor and sank into his flesh.

  We stood there in silence, my hands no longer shook as he grabbed onto my arm and thrust the blade deeper into his stomach. His breath exhaled into my ear but stood strong as if the pain didn’t bother him. My arm wrapped around his shoulder, holding him close as I twisted the blade.

  “What were you thinking?” I said. “I told you to kill me. Don’t you ever listen?”

  “You were just going to stand there until I take your head.”

  “You know me too well, brother.” Tears ran down my face.

  “This is for Claudia. Make sure you continue to protect her.” He let out a slight laugh. “You were protecting them all this time. You’re better at this than I am. Only you could endure all this. I don’t think I would have had the heart to kill our brothers for the two we love. But Ali… I love you too much to kill you. You need to be the one to survive and continue on. Don’t let this be in vain.” He dropped to his knees, weak, and I helped him unto his back. I pulled out Valora dripping in blood, and her mirrored blade stained with my best friend. “Do it, Ali.”

  I held back my grief and took a deep breath when Valora awakened in my hand, glowing red on the engravings. “Are you ready, brother?” He nodded his head, closing his eyes. “Travel well to the far end of the sea. There you will find peace. I’ll see you there one day, brother.” I swiftly swung down and cut off his head at the neck. It sliced so clean, blood didn’t splatter.

  I kneeled on one knee and bowed my head.

  He was dead.

  All my brothers are now gone.


  What is this feeling in my mind?

  Thunder roared in the sky. The sky awakened in anger as lightning bolts hit the ground. Someone else is in my dream. Who is it I sense in the shadows? Her power is strong enough to pierce my darkest memories. I cannot protect myself from her.

  Claudia faded in and out in my vision as I looked up to see her eyes enraged at the sight of Eric and the blood on my blade. The ground rumbled to the power of her hatred toward me and then everything turned to black.

  My eyes opened out of focus to see Claudia sitting beside me on the side of the bed. Her face was the first thing I saw. That devious smile that frightened my soul. My lips tried to speak her name and tried to move. However, she placed her hand on my chest and pushed me back. “You shouldn’t move yet.” She whispered as I tried to catch my breath. Sweat dripped down my forehead and the deathly look in her eyes disturbed me more than the nightmares. “No need to speak… I saw everything.” Her hand waved over my eyelids and a spell whispered from her lips.




  THE CORRIDORS DIDN’T SEEM AS DREARY this evening while heading back to my chambers. Images of Ali and the feelings of her touch lingered on my body, creating that sensation of happiness tingling on my skin. Her scent was still all over me as I walked back from visiting Agnes in the atrium. The elixir she made was stronger this time, so my hunger’s quenched and I could feel more aware instead of fatigued from being drained by Ali.

  While entering the halls, the door was slightly cracked open into my chambers even though I shut it when I left not too long ago. The room dimmed from the sun disappearing over the horizon, and the candles in the chandelier had ignited on their own. I pushed the door wider to see Claudia, sitting at the edge of the bed next to Ali. Why was she here? Her face was unusually blank with no life in her eyes. Something’s off when I saw the darkness form around her Aura.


  She didn’t even look at me. “Good evening dear sister.”

  “What are you doing here?” I walked into the room and stood at my side of the bed where I could see that Ali was still asleep and unharmed. Claudia kept staring at her and the dark haze grew stronger in my mind’s eye that overshadowed her presence with something foul”.

  “Just came to check up on everything.” She grazed Ali’s chest. “She seems more rejuvenated than before. I assume she fed quite a bit.”

  “She did.” I sat back in the bed. “The cracks are filling in the more she feeds.”

  “I would go through at least five hosts before healing myself completely after overusing my powers. Then again, her body is frailer than you and I. Just keep a
close eye on her—for now.”

  “It’s unlike you to be this concerned.” I noticed my sister being too caring, yet her energy was darker than normal. My eyes glanced at Ali. “She appears to be in a deep sleep.”

  “She is,” Claudia answered with a crooked grin. “You can wake her when I leave.” She sat up from the bed and walked towards the door. “I’ll see you later tonight sister. I have some matters to take care of. If mother comes looking for me, tell her I’m elsewhere for the time being.”

  “Are you alright, Claudia?”

  “I will be.” She glanced at me one last time. “Don’t worry. Take care sweet sister.” Then she closed the door from behind.

  I laid next to Ali and gazed at her peaceful expression. When I caressed her cheek, I noticed her eyes appeared to be enchanted with a sleep spell. The energy was like a shroud covering her eyelids. Did Claudia force her to sleep?

  I waved my hand over her face. “Awake,” I whispered, and Ali’s eyes flew open. She panted heavily in distress, rising into a sitting position. “What’s wrong?” I grabbed her arm to prevent her from leaving the bed.

  “I don’t know.” She looked frightened yet confused. “I don’t know why I feel like this.” Ali grasped her chest.

  I sat up with her and held her for comfort. “Was it a bad dream?”

  “I don’t remember.” She fell back into the pillow, sighing with relief. “My memory is hazy.”

  “It’s ok.” I nestled next to her and laid my head on her chest.

  “You’re probably still in shock from everything that happened. I can’t even imagine what you went through.”

  “Where did you go?” Her hand brushed the hair away from my face. “I felt you weren’t here.”

  “I went to drink Agnes’s disgusting elixirs.”

  “Did I feed too much?”

  “It’s fine,” I closed my eyes to listen to her strong heartbeat. “You’re much better because of it.”


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