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Broken - Anniversary Edition (Broken Trilogy Book 4)

Page 22

by J. L. Drake

  Savannah’s smile makes him want to run to her. “What do you think?” she calls out.

  “It’s amazing.” He winks, watching her grin widen.

  Mark walks by holding a bag of trash and stops next to him. “What’s going on?” he asks quietly.

  Cole shakes his head as Savannah climbs back down the ladder. Derek is, of course, ready for her in case she falls.

  “Don’t fuck with me. Your face is telling me something big is up.”

  “Later.” He glances at Mark, and his eyes narrow in on his chin. “Nice glitter.”

  “Oh, come on!” Mark hisses, rubbing his chin. “This shit doesn’t come off.” Cole tries to hide his smirk. “Oh, fuck off!” He storms off toward the bathroom.

  After everything is put away, everyone comes together for drinks and sweets. Mark hovers by the table. Every once in a while, Cole looks at him funny just to screw with him. He loves messing with him. He looks for Savannah, but she’s disappeared, so he finds himself drifting back to his conversation with Frank, and his stomach twists as his thoughts go dark.

  “You care to tell me what’s going on now? Or do I need to call Dad?” Mark asks from beside him.

  “Downstairs.” He motions with his head.

  He starts to tell his story but hears Savannah whispering with someone around the corner. He holds up his hand to Mark.

  “That’s the thing I don’t know,” her voice trails off.

  “Well, that’s the deal,” Derek says.

  What the hell? Cole steps into view, and Savannah jumps.

  “Cole…” she starts, but he cuts her off.

  “What the hell is going on?” He shakes his head, making eye contact with Derek. “Go upstairs, Rent,” he orders.

  Derek looks at Savi. “Will you be okay?” Really?

  She nods, running her hand through her hair.

  “Why are you here with him?” Cole nearly shouts at her. “Do you know how this looks?”

  “What are—?”

  “First you run off at Zack’s, leaving Paul to hunt you down, leaving Abigail unprotected because, what, you wanted a fucking pastry? Then I find you down here with Derek whispering in the dark. What the fuck is going on?”

  “No! It’s not—”

  “You know what, never mind. I don’t want to fucking hear it, Savi. Start using your fucking head, and think about someone else for a change.”

  She flinches and her gaze drops to the floor. “Can I speak now?”

  “No.” His jaw twitches as he tries to hold back his anger. “You should probably go upstairs now.” He watches her turn on her heel and stomp up the stairs.

  Mark comes around the corner. “Wow,” he whispers.

  “Shut up.”

  “That was harsh, Cole. She’s one of the most selfless people I know.”

  “Fuck!” Cole rubs his face. Today’s events have his emotions all over the place.


  I head up through the dining room and out to the patio. I need some fresh air badly. As I pace the snowy deck, trying to catch my breath and soothe my hurt feelings, the last ten minutes loop over and over in my head until I’m breathing harder and start to see spots. My hands clutch at my stomach as I try to calm myself—shit, shit, shit!

  “Savi?” Derek calls, slipping out the door. “You okay? What’s happening?”

  “I just need a minute.” I hold my hand up. Between Cole’s words and possibly seeing Jose today, I am about to toss my dinner. I squat down into a ball, covering my head with my arms as a vivid memory hits me.

  “Eat, perra!” the fat man shouts at me, jamming a roll at my mouth. “Eat, or you’ll get my fist again.”

  I shudder. Was that really him in town, or am I losing my mind?

  Derek’s footsteps echo as he comes closer. He doesn’t speak but simply puts a hand on my shoulder, a friendly gesture to let me know I’m not alone.

  I take the comfort and let my stomach settle. After a few moments, he goes back inside, and I stand, breathing through my nerves, and head for the door.

  I find Keith talking to John.

  “Keith,” I say, “can I speak with you?”

  “Sure thing,” he replies, and we walk off to the side.

  “Since Cole is too busy yelling at me to listen, will you let him know the reason I walked off today is because I thought I saw Jose Jorge?”

  Keith’s face falls. “Yeah, okay,” he replies. As he shoots off toward his office, I make my way up to my room.

  My eyes pop open at five. It takes me a moment to realize I’m not back in my prison. I shower and get dressed and head downstairs, where I light the fireplace and lie on the floor near Scoot. He curls into my stomach as I lie on my side, my head resting on my arm. He must have been up late, because I’m not getting hounded to scratch his tummy. Closing my eyes and listening to his soft purr relaxes me.

  “What do we know so far?” I hear someone say as I drag myself from my sleepy state.

  “Just that he was standing outside of Zack’s.” Cole is speaking from the kitchen.

  “Okay, where is she now?”

  “Her bedroom.”

  I awkwardly move to my feet, feeling a little sore from sleeping on the floor.

  “Did she get a good look at his face?” I recognize Daniel’s voice as I round the corner.

  “Somewhat,” I answer, making them both jump.

  “Where were you?” Cole eyes my fur-covered shirt. I don’t answer him; I’m still pissed. Instead, I reach for a mug and pour myself some coffee.

  “You should have told someone,” Daniel says, giving me a small smile.

  I stop at the island and turn toward him, still ignoring Cole.

  “I was going to,” I mutter. “I need to change.”

  “When you’re done, please find us in Cole’s office.”

  “Sure.” I nod and head upstairs.

  As Daniel holds Cole’s office door open for me and I take in the room, I note that Keith is sitting across from Cole and both look as tired as I feel.

  “Come and sit down, Savannah.” Daniel points to the open seat. Keith gives me a smile as I sink down next to him and everyone stares at me. I’m not sure if I’m supposed to talk.

  Daniel is the first to speak. “So, tell us about yesterday.”

  I sigh, trying to hold back the emotion that is twisting inside me again.

  “I went to use the restroom,” I begin, “when I saw a newspaper on the bar and stopped to look at it. Then I glanced outside and saw a man looking my way. He looked so much like Jose Jorge, I was really shaken up. I couldn’t believe it, so I started to follow him. I needed to be sure. Jose—” I stop myself.

  “Jose what?” Cole asks, leaning forward in his seat.

  Oh, God, I feel sick. “Jose was the one who used to whip me.” I wipe a pesky tear away. I can almost hear the tension thicken. “If it was him, I needed to know. I couldn’t lose sight of him. I wasn’t thinking—”

  “Yeah, you sure weren’t,” Cole hisses, and I turn to him.

  “You don’t need to remind me again, Cole! You got through to me last night,” I toss at him, making him flinch.

  “Then what?” he asks tersely.

  “So, now you want the details?” I blurt. I can’t help myself; he hurt me.

  “Yes.” His jaw flexes.

  I look away. “I followed him to the cafe. I went inside, but he wasn’t there. I lost him.” I leave out the part where I harassed a poor employee and a customer.

  “What was the man who you thought was Jose wearing?” Daniel asks.

  “Blue jacket with a red hat and jeans.”

  “Why didn’t you tell someone right away?” Cole asks.

  “Because I felt stupid! I thought I saw a man I hate more than anything in the world, and I went off chasing him to…what? Confront him? He overpowered me for seven months, so I don’t know what I was thinking. I was going to tell you, Cole. I just hadn’t seen you all day other than when we were d
ecorating, but you disappeared again.” I gulp and continue my tirade. “When I went downstairs to grab some ice for Abigail, I ran into Derek. He saw I was upset and asked what was wrong, but I told him I wanted to talk to you about it first. That’s when you came down and saw us. I wanted to tell you then, but you never gave me a chance. You just tore a strip off me and accused me of frigging around with Derek. I’d never do that to—” I stop myself, remembering we aren’t alone.

  I feel the need to apologize to Daniel. “I’m sorry for running off. I realize how dangerous it was, not just for me, but for Abigail too.” I glance back to Cole. “It was selfish of me, and it won’t happen again.”

  Cole shakes his head and stares down at his desk. Everyone is silent.

  “Are we done here?” I ask.

  “Yeah, Savi, you can go. Thanks,” Daniel says, rising to his feet.


  Cole leans back in his chair and watches her leave as his father takes her seat, rubbing his head.

  “Am I missing something, or is Savi in a bad mood today?” John asks, coming into the room and making himself a cup of coffee. Realizing the tension in the room, he turns. “Ahh, did I just walk in on something?”

  “Savannah thinks she saw Jose Jorge,” Cole says.

  “Do you think it was him?” John asks then glances around the room.

  “I don’t know, but she thought it was him enough to risk her safety. She followed him two blocks before Paul found her.”

  “Holy shit.”

  “Keith, I need you on this. Get the security tapes and find out what you can.”

  “Sure thing.” Keith pulls out his phone.

  Cole’s e-mail alerts him to an incoming message, and he sees it’s from Frank. “Shit!” He quickly opens the attachment and hits print.

  “Trouble, son?” Daniel asks, seeing Cole’s face.

  Cole hands the paper to John, who takes one glance at it and lets his head drop. Keith snatches it out of his hand and reads it with Daniel over his shoulder.

  “Shit, boys…this is huge.” His father’s words are haunting.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I need to burn off some serious tension. Prepping dinner just isn’t cutting it. I head downstairs in my workout gear. My neon yellow-soled sneakers squeak as I hit the polished hallway leading to the gym. Abigail had done well buying the newest gym clothes. My black spandex capris have a matching yellow stripe up the side and pairs nicely with the black top that hits right about my belly button. I open the door and find Paul and Derek working with weights.

  “Hey, Savi,” Paul calls out between reps. “Come to sweat?”

  “That’s the plan.” While I try to decide what I want to start on, my eyes catch a door on the back wall. Remembering that Keith mentioned there was a boxing ring here somewhere, I go over and peek in the window. An instructor is showing John some moves. I slip inside, curious to learn more.

  I watch as John lays a series of punches into the man’s glove.

  He turns and does a kick in the air.

  “Okay, good, but take five and try to get your mind clear. You seem off today.” The instructor tosses him a towel.

  John glances up and sees me. “Oh, hey, Savi.”

  “Hey. You don’t sound happy to see me.”

  “Sorry. Interesting day. Has Cole found you?”

  “Not since this morning. Why?”

  “Just wondering,” John says as he downs some water. “What are you doing here?”

  “Just thought I’d check out the ring.”

  John’s phone rings, and he steps out to answer it.

  “I’m Mario,” the instructor says, leaning on the ropes.


  His eyes narrow. “You’ve never boxed before?”


  “You want to be able to say you have?”

  “Sure.” I smile and take his hand, and he pulls me up and holds the ropes apart for me.

  “Put these on.” He hands me a pair of red gloves. “First, you need to know the proper stance.” He tells me to put my right heel and left toe on the centerline because I’m right-handed. My weight should be even on both feet and my knees slightly bent. I’m told to keep my feet diagonal, more than a shoulder width apart, and raise my back heel slightly. Hands up, elbows down, eyes just above the tops of my gloves, keeping my chin tucked in.

  “And breathe.” He grins. “Okay, I won’t go over the basic step drag right now because John will be back soon, but for now, let’s see how you toss a punch. Have a little fun.”

  I smile at that. I shove my fist forward, meeting his glove.

  “Good, but this time breathe out as you punch, and don’t flex your fist and arm until you hit your target.”

  “Okay.” I nod, trying to remember everything. I go back to my stance and try again, this time remembering to breathe.

  “Nice!” He grins. “Again.” After a few rounds of this, he starts doing it back, showing me a few blocking moves.

  “What?” Derek says when he enters the room. “Mario got Savi in the ring?”

  “Yup.” I toss a punch at Mario’s shoulder, but he blocks it at the last moment. “Better watch your back, Derek. I’m learning some mad skills over here.” I laugh, trying to avoid a punch, but get hit in the arm instead.

  “Really?” he jokes. “Thanks for the warning.”

  “Oh, no!” Paul whines loudly, moving Derek from the doorway. “Savi, really?”

  “What?” I ask, seeing John coming back from his phone call.

  Derek laughs on his way back out.

  “You know what.” Paul gives me a look.

  “Savi, you’re asking for trouble,” John mutters, taking a seat as he pulls out a protein bar. He downs it in two bites.

  “I’m a twenty-eight-year-old woman.” I throw another punch harder than I thought I could. “If I want to learn how to box, then it’s my right to do so.” I send two quick punches at Mario. “So, if you all don’t mind…”

  John holds up his hands in surrender.

  “Okay, so,” Mario eyes everyone, “what am I not getting here?”

  “Nothing,” I mutter and throw another punch.

  “You’re sparring with the boss’s girlfriend,” Paul says.

  “Paul!” I shout. “What the hell?”

  “Seriously?” Mario’s face drops.

  “Seriously!” Cole says, standing inside the door. We all turn to face him.


  “Oh, sorry, Savi.” Mario shakes his head and starts removing his gloves.

  “Savi, out of the ring.” Cole waves his hand at me.

  “Why would I do that, exactly?” I ask, feeling my temper rise yet again.

  “Savi,” he warns.

  “It’s not against house rules for clients to use the gym,” I look around, “and I’m in the gym.”

  “Oh, boy,” John mutters, grabbing his bag and moving toward Paul, who quickly follows him out. Mario steps out of the ring and runs to catch up. Great, now I’m alone with Cole.

  Cole runs a frustrated hand through his hair as he walks toward me. “You’re right, Savannah, clients are welcome to use the gym.” He jumps up and ducks under the ropes. In two strides, he’s in front of me. “But as my girlfriend, I don’t want you sparring with anyone else in this house.”

  “Cole,” I huff, removing my gloves and tossing them aside.

  He hooks an arm around my waist and tugs me to him. I struggle with the fact that I long to be in his arms but am still hurt. “After last night—”

  “I’m sorry, Savannah.” He cuts me off. “I didn’t give you a chance to explain yourself. I jumped to conclusions, and I’m sorry.”

  “Yeah, you did, but you also said some really hurtful things.” I retreat from his hold. “Honestly, I think we need to step back and take a breather. My head—”

  “I’m not letting you go, no matter how hard you push me away. We had a fight, but couples do that—

  “Couples also trust one another,” I point out. “You obviously don’t trust me.”

  He moves in front of me again. “I do. It’s just that yesterday was pretty awful, along with you running off. Then I find you downstairs with Derek. I took my whole day out on you. It was wrong, and I’m sorry, baby.” He leans forward to kiss my forehead. “Please say you forgive me.”

  I sigh, wrapping my arms around his waist as he rests his cheek on my head. “I do.” We stay like that for a few minutes, both needing one other. “Can I still play in the ring?”



  “Because I don’t like seeing someone hit you, even if it is just for fun.”

  “Fine.” I mean, how can I argue with that response? It’s sweet how much he cares for me.

  “What are we doing about the Jose situation?”

  “I’ll be discussing that over dinner tonight.”

  Oh, no.

  “Can you do it after dinner?”

  He pulls back to look at me. “Why?”

  “Because you’ll dampen the mood. I need it to be light and fun tonight.”

  “Why?” He pulls me back to his chest.

  “I’m giving Abby and Dr. Roberts a push toward each other.”

  I feel him shaking his head, and a slight chuckle follows. “Okay, but I have to talk about it afterward.”

  “Deal.” He helps me climb out of the ring and through the gym. His eyes lower to my mid-section.

  “I hate your top.”

  “No, you don’t,” I laugh.

  June hands Abigail a large glass of white wine.

  Abigail frowns. “You know I like red.”

  “Not tonight, Abby.” June scowls. “You never drink red on the first date. Do you want your teeth turning dark?”

  “No, you’re right.”

  I hide my smile as I put the lid on the feta cheese salad and place it in the fridge, thinking about the list of things I need to do. Okay, salad is done, chickens are prepped, veggies are chopped and ready to go. Now, for dessert.

  “You look pretty, Abby, in your pink wrap-around dress,” I say to help her with her nerves.


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