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by Yvonne Nicolas


  Book 2

  The Cross Knight Chronicles


  Yvonne Nicolas

  Also by Yvonne Nicolas

  Interracial Romance, Erotic Romance

  Designing Love

  Scorpion Tail

  Rock Star Lover ~ The Carnal Diaries

  Masked Desires ~ The Carnal Diaries

  Seducing an Assassin ~ The Carnal Diaries

  Hot Tub Desires ~ The Crush Files (FREE READ)

  Simone ~ The Crush Files

  Raven’s Seduction

  Paranormal Romance, Vampire Romance, Interracial Romance, Urban Fantasy

  Silent Screams (Book 1) ~ The Dragon Queen Series

  Shadows & Dust (Novella) ~ The Dragon Queen Series

  Scarlet Moon (Book 2) ~ The Dragon Queen Series

  Shifting Darkness (Novella) ~ The Dragon Queen Series

  Scattered Flames (Book 3) ~ The Dragon Queen Series

  Steampunk, Dystopian, Paranormal Romance

  Crimson Memories

  Alexis Moonlight (Book1) ~ The Cross Knight Chronicles

  Copyright © 2020 by Yvonne Nicolas.

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, scanned or distributed in any printed or digital form, (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), or sold in any form or by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission from Yvonne Nicolas.

  Cover Artist: Bookin‘ It Designs

  Editor: Ice Dragon Press

  Published by: Ice Dragon Press

  Printed in the United States of America

  This book is a work of fiction. Any reference made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidently.

  Thank you for purchasing Antares Book 2 by Yvonne Nicolas!!


  This book is dedicated to cyberpunk fans and all you readers who encourage me to keep writing.


  I want to give a huge thank you to my partners in crime, Renee Michaels and Areana Senoj.

  I’d also like to thank my dear friend and crime fiction novelist, KR Bankston. Her continued support and encouragement help to keep me writing.

  I’d also like to thank LaShawn Vasser for putting up with my crazy, late-night emails.

  My biggest thank you goes to the readers!


  Thank you for the fabulous comments, reviews, and encouraging emails. Words cannot express how much I appreciate your overwhelming support. You make my heart smile.


  This book contains sexually explicit scenes, graphic descriptions and strong language that may be considered offensive to some readers.

  Chapter Thirteen from Alexis Moonlight (Book 1) ~ The Cross Knight Chronicles

  Forgotten Memories

  Present Day

  Alexis snapped her head up. A strangled gasp got caught in her throat. The second she found her breath, she screamed, “Get off of me!” Crouched on the bed, with her blade lodged deep in the mattress, she slapped her hand over her neck. “What was that?” She scrambled off the bed, still palming her neck. The agonizing sting that accosted her when her eyes were closed continued to spiral through her body.

  “What the fuck?” Panting, she paced around the bed. She looked down at her palm, expecting to see blood, but none was there. “That shit felt real.” Too real to comprehend. Had that really happened? Was that a missing piece of her memory? If so, why did it feel like it just occurred?

  Ever so slowly, the sting abated. In its place was a dull throb.

  She dashed across the suite and found a bathroom that was just as obnoxiously huge as the room it was attached to. Standing before the mirror, she became stuck on pause. “What in the holy hell…?” Her dark skin shimmered with a bronzy gleam. Her irises and the whites of her eyes were pools of dark silver. She hardly recognized herself. She blinked several times. She even stepped away from the mirror, hoping that was enough to erase the freakish image of herself. No such luck. “Damn you, Tristan. What did you do to me?”

  She repeatedly ran her palm over her neck, still shaken by the recent memory of that vamp-prick sinking his fangs into her. There was no mark to show for the attack, that was if it even happened to begin with. Hard to say what was real anymore.

  As she stared at her bizarre reflection, her assailant’s face arose in her mind. Resolve washed her panic away. “Well, at least I know the face of the muthafucka I have to kill. But first thing’s first.” I gotta kick diamond boy’s ass. Determination in her steps, she returned to the suite and snatched her blade from the mattress.

  She marched to the door and paused. The look on Tristan’s face before he left stained her thoughts.

  “It’s important that you stay in this room.”

  Laughter bubbled up out of her. “He knew damn well that was wasted breath.” She walked out of the room and met a swelling darkness.

  The scent of blood was strong in the air. Stealthily, she moved forward, listening and waiting for the faintest sound. A wall lantern came into view. She swept her hand over the sensor, but she received no illumination for her efforts. She reached behind the glass case protecting the starter and twisted the small dial. A flame flared to life. The other lanterns along the wall followed suit, and then…

  Oh Jesus! Alexis covered her mouth in horror.

  From wall to wall, the long, wide corridor revealed the aftermath of a massacre. A river of bodies was laid out before her, all purple coat soldiers. They were mangled and bloodied, some missing heads and limbs. Crimson pools rippled over the floor, marring the marble.

  For a long moment, she gaped at the grisly scene, unsure of how to proceed or what to do.

  Did you do this, Tristan? Did you kill all of these people?

  In her heart, she knew the answer. Of course, he did. In many ways, their deaths were on her hands. She was, after all, the one who had enabled a monster.

  She sheathed her dagger then collected a katana from one of the fallen. Stepping over the bodies in her path, she advanced. She left bloody boot prints in her wake.

  A clash resounded to her left, behind the wall.

  She squeezed the sword’s grip, stopped and listened.

  Another clang rang out. Then another. It was followed by a girlish giggle.

  Wait, a giggle?

  Up ahead, a door bulged then blew right off its hinges. It crashed into the adjacent wall. Attached to the door were two figures, both clad in the purple coat uniforms. One soldier, the smaller of the two, had the larger one pinned to the door with her blade planted hilt-deep in his chest.

  The female soldier leaped back, extracting her sword with the motion. The sound of the blade leaving flesh echoed throughout the hallway.

  The other soldier croaked out one last breath then collapsed to the floor, his eyes wide and mouth agape.

  Bright golden eyes turned Alexis’s way. A frown replaced the grin of blood-thirsty satisfaction. “Uh-oh.” The woman took off down the hall, running with a speed that was anything but normal. Vampire.

  Alexis ran after her, hurtling over dead bodies as she went. The blood made the floor slippery. She had to steady her footfalls with each
step, which slowed her down. Despite that, she was able to move faster than she ever could. Whatever Tristan did to her would be used to her advantage. Even with her new-found speed, she found it difficult to match the imposter’s pace.

  The purple cape billowed with the vampire’s shifting movement as she stretched the distance between them.

  In mid run, Alexis lifted the sword, reared back and sent it flying like a spear.

  Without looking back, the vampire skipped to the right, leaped onto the wall with all fours then pushed off, flipping herself into the air. She did a backwards somersault over the katana as it shot by.

  Look at this nimble bitch!

  Her little acrobatic display slowed her pace just a little, but not enough for Alexis to catch up.

  Still, Alexis pursued. Pushing her legs forward, she scooped up two more blades. She threw them both. The second her hands were free, she grabbed another one and hurled that one at her too.

  Instead of displaying another aerobatic trick, the woman slid to a halt and spun around. Chings rang out. Streaks of silver whipped before her as she struck the swords aside with her own blade.

  That gave Alexis the time she needed to close the distance between them. And she did just that.

  Golden eyes wide, the vampire skipped backwards. Her footwork blurred, as she parried the stroke of Alexis’s sword. She continued to evade her, ducking and dodging, always on the move.

  “You murderous bitch!” Frustrated, Alexis stopped. “You’re doing a lot of running for someone who came here looking for a fight.”

  Surprisingly, the woman stopped and just looked at her. Framed in turquoise lashes, a pair of large eyes that were oddly familiar narrowed into a glare. Shaded in a bluish-green color, her hair was fixed in a short, punk style. She was short in stature, maybe five-four at the most. A fair, sun-kissed complexion accompanied her middle eastern features.

  Breathing heavily, Alexis paced from one wall to the other, her seething glower fixed on the evasive nymph. “How ‘bout you stomp the brakes on all this running so we can finish this, vampire.”

  “You are mistaken, sister.” A foreign accent colored her minxy tone. “I am no vampire.” Her impish grin displayed two pairs of lethal canines, on the top and bottom.

  “Doesn’t really matter what you are,” Alexis gritted out, anxiousness flooding her veins. She leveled the katana at her opponent. “You’re not human and that’s enough of a reason for you to die.”

  Mouth fixed in a perfect O, the creature pressed a hand to her chest, as if appalled. “What an awful thing to say.”

  Alexis took a threatening step toward her. “Stop trying my patience, vampire.”

  In response, she took a scrambling step backwards. She moved like she was afraid to face off with her, but her snide tone was a complete contradiction. “Like I’ve already said, I’m not a vampire.”

  “And like I said, it doesn’t fuckin’ matter!” Alexis advanced in a full out sprint, blade positioned for the attack.

  The steel sang as it swept back and forth through the air. Felt like she was sparring with a ghost, because not once did her blade taste flesh.

  This chick was agile and quick as hell. She sidestepped each strike effortlessly.

  No matter how hard she tried, Alexis couldn’t touch her. But that wasn’t the bizarre part. This acrobatic freak refused to go on the offense. She wouldn’t fight back! Avoidance seemed to be her tactic.

  Maybe she’s trying to wear me out, so she could move in for the kill. Hell, that’s a move from my own playbook.

  Growing highly annoyed, Alexis overextended with a shrieking growl. A static sensation spiraled through her arm. With it, the katana left her grip and struck the wall. Upon impact, a section of the wall swelled then imploded.

  Startled, Alexis jumped back. What in the hell was that? She stared wide-eyed at the huge hole in the wall. Did that blast come from me?

  Seeming unmoved, her adversary wore a knowing grin. “Continue to suppress it and the outpouring will only get worse.”

  “Shut up!” Still a little stunned, Alexis retrieved another sword. “Stop dodging and face me in battle, goddammit.”

  “That’s not going to happen. I’m not even supposed to be talking to you.” She started to sheathe her sword, but she clutched it at her side instead. “You’re going to get me in trouble with General.”

  “General?” Alexis gave her a side-eyed sneer. “You’re talking about Tristan, aren’t you?”

  “I had one job,” she continued. “Clear the castle of all the servants. I did that. I was even able to get some of the soldiers out too. But the rest of them…” She glanced down the hall where more slain soldiers lay, “We didn’t want to kill them, but they’re on those neuro drugs. Can’t compel a mind that’s already being controlled.”

  Neuro drugs? The Prolibrium injections! That had to be what she was referring to. Still, can’t trust a vampire, or whatever the hell she is. “Sounds like you’re trying to manipulate me with your bullshit.”

  “If I were able to mentally charm you, you would’ve never left the room.” She planted her hand on her hips and shook her head. “I told you, if you didn’t have the heart to admit what you see then don’t look. You just had to look, didn’t you?”

  Alexis gawked at her. No fuckin’ way! This chick was the cat with the aqua colored hair! No wonder she moved the way she did. “So what, you’re a cat.”

  Her irises changed to feline slits. With an airy giggle, she made a pawing gesture then let out a kittenish, “Meeeoooow.”

  Alexis clucked her tongue. “How many of you infiltrated this city?” She didn’t really expect an answer, but she couldn’t stop herself from asking.

  She quirked a blue brow. “Come now, you already know the answer to that.”

  “Trojan horse,” Alexis whispered inwardly. There were four of them. She knew that for sure now. She delivered nineteen bodies to the CRF, but Bishop only received fifteen. They used the pods as trojan horses to slip past the UV barriers, something Tristan didn’t have to do. He was a master vampire, so all he needed was speed and perfect timing. His cohorts didn’t possess his same strength and abilities, which suggested they were either class one or two. How they boarded the pods without she or Cole noticing them probably required a little mind play.

  “Ahh, you are as bright as he claims you are,” the cat woman mused, her voice sailing across Alexis’s mind. “However, you’re still under the impression that you’ll only be facing vampires. So much you don’t know, so much they haven’t told you…”

  “Get the hell outta my head,” Alexis growled.

  “I see you’re thoroughly brainwashed into thinking you wield your sword for the good guys. Just because you wear a uniform with a winged crucifix stitched to it doesn’t mean you do God’s work. I bet you believe vampires started the Blood War.”

  “‘Cause they did.” Why the hell am I exchanging words with this cat woman? She should’ve already swept her blade through her narrow neck, but there was something…something deep within urging her to take a breather, and listen.

  Wagging a finger, the woman made a tsking sound. “You’re smarter than that. You’re the woman who organized countless protests against the very organization you now serve. You blindly swore your allegiance to them. Why?”

  “Because vampires left me no choice! They didn’t leave a choice for any of us! So what, we’re not supposed to fight back? We’re supposed to be cool with being cattle for your devil race? Fuck that shit!”

  “You’re looking through a scope filled with lies. Ask yourself this; how did you come to be a Cross Knight? We’re you attacked by a band of hungry newborns one night, even while you were in a safe zone? Let me guess. Everyone around you was killed, but you were spared because a knight in shining armor showed up in the nick of time.”

  How? How is she recalling that day as if she were there? The moment Sanjay burst into her life played on her thoughts. Clenching her teeth, Alexis began to
pace again. There was only one way she knew such intimate details about her past. “One last time,” she growled. “Get out of my head and stop probing me, bitch.”

  “I needn’t read your thoughts to know this,” she exclaimed, seeming just as frustrated as Alexis was. “It’s pure strategy. That same knight who saved you has been watching over you from day one. I know you’ve thought about it, I know you’ve seen it in his actions. He’s a puppet for them! All he had to do was caress your heart, make you feel safe and promise you a chance to exact retribution, and you willingly handed your soul over to the Federation! You willingly became a prisoner.”

  “You don’t know shit about me!”

  “Well, allow me to tell you what I do know, sister. Alexis Moonlight was born at the age of thirteen when she decided she would no longer be a victim in this hate-filled world. Before that, she was…”

  Fury carried Alexis’s steps as she blitzed across the hall and arced the sword in a smooth sweep. The blade’s sharp edge came in swift contact with the feline’s throat then froze.

  Cat girl didn’t even try to evade it. She stood her ground, preternatural eyes set hard. “Naijan Alordiah.”

  Alexis’s heart stop. Hearing that name brought tears to her eyes. Biting down on her lower lip, she shook her head. No one knew her by that name. No one but the woman who gave it to her. “Bet you had to dig way down deep for that one.”

  “As I’ve stated, I don’t need to read your mind. I knew your true name the day you were born. What if I told you your mother didn’t commit suicide?”

  Alexis added pressure on the steel, slicing a perfect line on her neck. A small trickle of bright red blood dribbled from it. “Don’t lose your head while speaking on shit you know nothing about.”

  “But I know everything there is to know about her, because she is my mother too.”


  “If you truly believe that then complete the stroke of your sword. I won’t move this time.”


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