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Page 15

by Yvonne Nicolas

  A gust of phantom wind rushed into him. In that instant, the girl stood right before him.

  Baffled, Tristan stumbled backwards.

  She caught his hand within her small grip.

  An image flashed within his mind. Her eyes, her face, her body… “My God, Lexi,” he whimpered. This little girl was peering around in his mental domain, luring out his deepest thoughts. He tried to snatch his hand back, but the child had a freakishly firm grip.

  “It’s okay,” she assured him in the sweetest voice. “Don’t be afraid. Let’s have tea.”

  “Not a good idea to refuse her.” The winged gent lowered onto the couch. His feathered extension flattened out against the backrest and spilled down the edge of the seat as he crossed his legs. “Nai’s a stickler for teatime.” He lifted his teacup and took a sip. “I’ve learned to just go with it.”

  Tristan allowed himself to be led over to the sitting area.

  The guy motioned toward the chair with the nod of his head as if to say, have a seat.

  Tristan stood rigged, his eyes shifting back and forth between the gent and the girl. Goodness, this child… What was it about her? Why does being close to her feel so familiar?

  “Sit.” She placed her little hand on his belly.

  He was shoved right into the chair. He fell back with an oomph. Even with the strength of a vampire, he couldn’t stand his ground against her force. “What sick vamp cursed this child with the soul of a demon?”

  “You are mistaken. She wasn’t turned. She’s acquired the force of a vampire.”

  Tristan quirked a brow. “Acquired?”

  “Nai’s mother, who is a priestess, was bitten by a Noble right before she gave birth. Nai came into this world with vampirism and magic in her blood. A vampire priestess.” The guy smiled at her with admiration in his eyes.

  She grinned timidly.

  “Nai has the strength of a master nightwalker, yet, she suffers none of their disadvantages. Sunlight, blood hunger…”

  “Lucky her,” Tristan grumbled.

  “She didn’t drop fang until her father was turned a few years ago.”

  “Soul link transfer.”

  “Ah, so you’ve heard of it?”

  “Just whispers among the Swans.”

  Nai handed Tristan a teacup on a saucer, then filled it with a steamy scarlet brew.

  Tristan’s nose flared as a familiar scent wafted into his senses. Blood. It was mixed in the brew. Before he could take in the other ingredients, he brought the cup to his mouth and quaffed it.

  Smiling, she poured him a second cup, which he consumed without hesitation.

  Unclear images flashed across his mind. Distant lands came into view, places he’d never been. He saw them from an aerial vantage point as if he were flying. “The blood in this tea…” He stared down into the empty mug. “Was it yours?”

  The creature nodded. “I hope it suits you. A Fey’s blood works best to crave a master vampire’s hunger. Plus, it offers many medicinal properties.”

  “Ahh—okay, a Fey,” he muttered with a breathy chuckle. “Alrighty then. So apparently, I have tripped into a fairytale.”

  “I promise you this is no fairytale, Mr. Marino. We exist. We are His first creations. We resided on this plain before Adam and Eve, before mankind overpopulated the very earth they seek to destroy.”

  “Interesting. That little detail was left out of the bible.”

  He released a disparaging scoff. “The bible was written by men to control other men. It’s full of lies and deceitful information.”

  Not like he could argue with that fact. It had been proven that the words of the good book had changed over time. “Bet it was difficult to hide those wings and horns in the world of men.”

  “Actually, it wasn’t. Most humans aren’t able to perceive magical attributes. Therefore, looking through their eyes, they don’t see my crown or my wings. I look like a normal human being to them.”

  Lips pulled tight, Tristan nodded. “Gotta admit. That’s pretty damn fascinating.”

  He scooted to the edge of the couch and extended his hand over the table. “I don’t believe I’ve introduced myself. I’m Kenneth Maruyama.”

  Tristan stared at his hand, hesitant to take it. Not sure why, but he didn’t trust this guy. There’s no way he sent his soldiers to rescue him without an ulterior motive. He wanted something for sure. “The Führer, I presume?”

  “You presume right. Someone’s been talking about me.” He pulled his hand back, extracting his offer. “All good things, I hope.”

  “I was told that I should consider this place my new home, that you won’t let me leave if I chose to.”

  A megawatt smile curved his lips. “Oh, really? Someone made me sound like a tyrant.”

  “Says the man who wears the title of a tyrannical leader.”

  “Well you got me there. But as the saying goes, you have to be somewhat of a tyrant to lead the world’s mightiest army.”

  “If you say so.”

  “I’m going to skip the verbal dance and carve right into the meat of the matter, Mr. Marino.”

  “Please do.”

  “I’d like you to join the White Dragon Legion?”

  Tristan hummed out a chuckle, but not so much in humor. “Right.”

  “We could use a creature of your talents.”

  Tristan cut a side glance at him. “And what talents do you think I have?”

  “Oh, you have many. I seek to bring that out of you.”

  “Of course you do.”

  “Mr. Marino, you carry the power of a master vampire. Your talents are endless. I only need to show you how to wield your power, and your other skills will naturally come forth. When we’re done with you, you will be an unstoppable force. So, what say you? Will you join the cause to fight the good fight?”

  “Fight the good fight, ey?” Again, he huffed out an airy snicker. “With all due respect, Führer, I don’t desire to become one of your sword-wielding slaves. I just wish to end this life as soon as possible.”

  Maruyama briefly closed his eyes. His smiled faded. “Slave. I really don’t like that word.”

  “So I’ve heard.”

  “Is there anyone you wish to live for? Helena, perhaps?”

  “She’s a sweet woman, and I do adore her, but she’s not my soul mate. I won’t suffer another night in this undead body for anyone.”

  “Anyone, you say?”

  “Look, stop fucking with me. I didn’t ask to become this thing! He did this to me to torture me when I wanted nothing but death! I’ll be damned if I…” His voice trailed off into a groan. “What am I talking about? I’m already damned.”

  Maruyama eyed him in silence, an austere expression on his face.

  “Are we done here?”

  “Mr. Marino, I’m going to tell you a story. If you still carry the burning need to end your life by the end of the story, then I will help you achieve your desire.”

  “You’re not gonna change my mind, but since you seem to enjoy the sound of your own voice…” Tilting his hips in the seat, Tristan crossed his legs and flicked his hand at him. “Have at it.”

  His smile returned as he settled back on his wings. “As I’ve stated before, supernatural beings are a natural phenomenon created by God. For a while, humans and magical creatures coexisted in peace. Then the hearts of men changed. The fact we were born with magical powers became a problem. Jealousy planted a seed of hatred throughout mankind. Prophets deemed those who weren’t human creations of Satan, all in the name of faith. An act of genocide took place. Those who survived hid in the shadows. Humans became the supreme species, and those born in magic became myths. While in the shadows, my kind multiplied. The beings who could take on mortal forms and pass as human mingled with mankind, blended in to live a somewhat normal life. Many of them mated with humans, which was frowned upon within the supernatural society. Amid all of that breeding, a new species was created. Priestesses, or as I like to call
them, magic wielders.”

  “Witches? You’re telling me a story about witches?”

  The little girl whipped a glare his way and sneered at him. “Rude.”

  Maruyama chuckled. “Witches are simply humans who have the ability to manipulate earthly mana by uttering spells that influence cause and effect. Priestesses have the power to imagine it and bring it forth by will, by means of magic, without uttering a word. That’s power. And that kind of power brings fear to those who seek to claim it.”

  “So, they’re basically Gods. Noted.”

  “They’re warriors, fixers and messiahs—the almighty’s balance to an uneven plain. They were the only ones looking out for mankind, even when mankind weren’t looking out for themselves. Nobles started to form leagues with the creatures and myths who were driven into the shadows. They had one goal in mind.” He lifted his index finger and wagged it at him. “To knock humans off the top of the food chain. In their eyes, humans were the lesser, primitive species, and they didn’t deserve to be the greater breed.”

  “Well, they’re not wrong.”

  “Careful. You’re starting to sound like a Noble.”

  “Whateva,” Tristan huffed under his breath.

  “When the priestesses got wind of this plan, they formed a resistance called the White Dragon Order. Within this resistance were a group of sorcerers, fey and elves who’d discovered a way to draw the immortal force from a Noble.”

  Tristan perked up and slid to the edge of the seat, fully drawn into the story.

  “And it’s not just Nobles. They are catalysts in the supernatural world, able to consume any force and make it their own. They are called Antares.”

  “Where are these so-called catalysts? Did they all stick their heads in the sand during the Blood War.”

  “They were captured and imprisoned. By the force that is the Cross Knight Federation.”

  The word “how” rested on his lips.

  “With the help of Nobles.”

  “Ah, of course.” Tristan pushed to his feet. “Well, this was an interesting meeting, and I somewhat enjoyed the tale. Thank you. I’ll take my leave now.”

  “Wait. The story’s not done.”

  “For me, it is,” he shot back. “I can’t help you. No one can. Humans are one of the greediest species on this planet. And you tell me they’re in league with Nobles? Are you serious? Royal vampires’ greed surpasses humans’ greed, even when they have all of the power at their fingertips? My Noble was able to evade you and your mighty army for years due to that power! If they have Antares—or whateva it’s called—then this war was over before it even began.”

  “Mr. Marino, listen—”

  “No, you listen! I want no part of this. I just want it all to be over. The only thing you can do for me is to supply me with a lawn chair and a bottle of your finest whiskey so I can sit my ass out there in that lovely garden of yours and watch the sunrise.”

  Maruyama slowly rose to his feet and rolled his shoulders back. His wings flexed and splayed with a little flutter.

  Nai also stood. There was a pleading gaze in her big, pretty eyes. Her small quivering lips parted and compressed repeatedly. She wanted to speak, but resisted. It wasn’t what he saw. He could feel her need as if it were his own.

  “You are a master vampire, Mr. Marino. Sitting out in the sun wouldn’t be a swift ending for you, especially now since you’ve consumed my blood. There will be no bright light and then poof, it’s all over. It would take hours. Your flesh will fester and heal over and over again. There would be no reprieve and the agony would be too great…”

  “I’ve endured worse.”

  “…then before you know it, it’s nightfall and you realize you’ve put yourself through all that pain for nothing.”

  “Well if that doesn’t work, I’ll try something else. Don’t you worry about me, Führer, I’ll get it done one way or another.” He bowed his head in respect and made his way to the door. “Thanks for the tea.” He got to the door and wrapped his hand around the doorknob.

  “Wait…” Behind him, a timid voice uttered a set of words that damn near brought him to his knees. “Please don’t go, diamond boy.”

  Lexi’s beautiful face emerged in his thoughts. Her scent filled his senses. The silky sensation of her naked skin ran across his palms, sending an electric pulse scattering throughout his body. He smelled and felt her as if she stood right before him. The vision of her was so clear. He reached up to caress her face, and his fingers swept through air.

  Crimson melted over his vision. The finely polished metal bent and folded beneath his crushing grip. “Does your cruelty know no bounds?” he gritted out through clenched fangs.

  “Since I’ve still got your attention, I’d like to finish that story. There is one catalyst left. She was seized by the Federation no longer than two days ago. Her force was concealed by her mother upon birth for the very reason they took her.”

  Tristan reared back with a scream, snatching the door from its hinges. “Don’t you fucking dare use her to manipulate me!” He launched it across the room.

  The oak barrier shot over Nai’s head, and crashed through the bay window. The vastness beyond swallowed it whole.

  Jonavas stood in the doorway with his fist up, like he was about to knock. “Uhh, guess we’re not using doors anymore.”

  Helena leaped through the shattered window, her face fixed in a state of shock. “What happened?”

  Maruyama sauntered over to Nai’s side. “She’s fallen off our radar, Mr. Marino. Her power controls her soul link. Had she tapped into her force, Nai would’ve been able to locate her, like she located you.”

  “Why would they take her if she hasn’t come into her power?’ Tristan asked. “What’s the point?”

  “Let’s say they have the coven sedated somehow, under an eternal sleep, which is very likely. One spark from her, the last catalyst…” He snapped his fingers. “Like that, they will awaken. And that, my friend…” His voice boomed, and eyes blazed as he leveled a finger at him. “That’s when this war will be over!”

  Tears emerged. Tristan shook his head and dropped to his knees. “Why won’t you just let me go in peace?”

  “You know she’s alive. You feel it in your heart, yet you want to turn away? You may not need this world anymore, but she needs you. If you find some way to step through death’s door, can you do it without any regret? Can you do it knowing that you will never see her again?”

  No, he couldn’t. Not now. Not ever. “Maybe…” A sob cracked his voice as he slumped to the floor. “Maybe she’s better off without…”

  Nai took his hand. “I see now. You’re afraid of her seeing you like this. You don’t believe she will love you as the damaged monster that you think you are. Have faith in her heart. She loved you then, and she loves you still.”

  As she held onto him, he stared deeply into her doll-like eyes. A realization sparked in his mind. The connection with this child wasn’t just spiritual! “Oh my God.”

  “Do you see it now?” the Führer asked. “Do you see your reason to live, Mr. Marino?”

  He couldn’t look away from her eyes, nor stop the visions from flooding through his mind—visions she shared with him.

  “Let’s find her together,” she whispered, cupping the sides of his face. “Okay, diamond boy?”

  His body trembled as his dead heart quaked.

  “Now that you’re enlightened, I will repeat my inquiry from earlier.” The Führer extended his hand to him once again. “Will you join the White Dragon Legion and help me free Antares?”

  Tristan swallowed the lump in his throat and took his hand. “I don’t think I have much of a choice now.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Ready To Die

  Present Day

  Hands shoved in his pockets, Bishop walked across the seventeenth level of the sanatorium in the Central Command building.

  He did his best to keep his stride casual and ignore the pins
and needles raking across his skin. This wasn’t his favorite route to his lab, but it was the easiest way to get there without getting screened by the security droids.

  Per usual, the place was teeming with physicians, nurses, and assist bots. Felt like they all were moving in super speed around him.

  After the lengthy trek, he made it to the domed bridge that set a path to sector one ninety-one. The Cross Knight Research Facility. My lab.

  The glass doors slid open, granting him entrance.

  An uneasiness stirred in his gut as he stepped onto the bridge. His pace slowed. Those kids, those adorable little monsters… He could only hope and pray they hadn’t hurt his scientists, or worse, killed them.

  Halfway across the bridge, he gazed up through the glass dome. It was snowing again.

  The icy flutters drifted past the UV barriers, leaving sheets of white on the buildings. There was a flock of birds in the distance, moving in an odd formation. They separated and gathered, then separated again. Hovering over the area, they repeatedly disappeared and reappeared through the spots of shadows.

  Wait, hold on.

  He paused and focused on the winged creatures. Are those bats?

  “Ay… Bishop!”

  Bishop spun around with a start, then instantly regretted it. Shit, I should’ve ignored him.

  Alexis’s beefy, high-strung boyfriend, Sanjay, marched his way. He was armored up, toting his field gear. Weapons hung from his holster, and the hilt of his sword protruded from over his shoulder. Looked like he’d just returned from a mission.

  Bishop didn’t like the guy much. Arrogant alpha types always turned him off, but he couldn’t deny how good looking he was. The man was a fuckin’ stunner, even if he was an asshole.

  “Ohh hey…Sanjay.” Bishop tried to sound cheery, but annoyance pitched his tone.

  “It’s Vice-Commander Rahim,” he corrected him, his expression stern.

  “Vice-Commander whateva. Make it fast. Gotta get to the lab.”

  “Fine. I’ll walk with you.”

  “Nope! Not necessary!” Bishop said a lot louder than he should have, making his voice echo across the bridge. “We can talk here.”


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