The hands of Leo

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The hands of Leo Page 3

by Quelli di ZEd

  «We see if you have the tattoo» it said in a low voice, almost in confidential tone.

  "No, No tattoo. I wanted a piercing but Steve has forbidden me him! Before idiot, do you want to make me that accursed puncture? My friend is waiting me" I thought between me and me doing the hard one in the attempt to exorcize the fear for my imminent end.

  He opened the metallic locker systematized in an angle of the room and it threw out some tools. It carefully visited me.

  «You are perfect. no, The cannots kill you I know!» it said after a piece.

  I looked at him/it incredulous, it seemed that it had really intention to pardon me. If had not been tied up would be jumped him I set for licking him the whole face two or three times! You went to the desk, taken the telephone and it composed a number.

  «I am me. Yes, do I know him/it that you/he/she is spent some time. by chance you always treat them the dogs? No, it is not of race. It is a half-caste, but it is a beautiful beast however.»

  "To who have said beast? Have considered us, if I were free rather than three lick I would give you two lick and a bite!"

  «Trentacinque kilos, healthy and muscular. Tall and slender. I shave white and black striped of brown, intelligent look. It was a dog police officer but it is strange, no tattoo. you/they have brought me him to suppress him/it. mah, would say as always, it is all right ten to the kilo. okay, puts to sleep him/it. I wait you tonight.»

  To this point it was clear that at least momentarily my life it was safe, that same evening someone would have come to take me and I would have disappeared without leaving traces. I didn't know who would be busy of me, neither where you/they would have brought me or what my future employment would have been. Even I would have become a ciechi dog, a banal companion or a keeper of flocks or hen-pens. But didn't interest me as, what counted was that after having seen the death in does would have been alive! And even if I knew that I would not have been able to bring in life Steve, even one day I would have succeeded in avenging him/it. Even if I had not succeeded in seeing the face of the assassin, now I was able to recognize him/it from the voice and I knew whether to find him/it. But at that time I didn't want to think of us. This way, while it was injecting me a beautiful dose of valium and my eyelids they were done heavy, I looked with full eyes of thankfulness my benefactor.

  Chapter 11. To the laboratory

  . benefactor to horn, if had had him/it among the legs would have tried to strangle him/it! When I opened the eyes I was me in a so short cage, low, and hold, that before to me had to be belongs to a chihuahua! It was late night, few pale reflexes almanacs penetrated to work through the stained with glass a skylight. I looked around me and in the faint light of the stanzone I realized the presence of a whole series of cages prepared in beautiful order. They entertained to their inside outlines that had to belong to various types of animals, some so strange ones that I didn't succeed in imagining to what kinds belonged. My first impression was that to have crossed the typical passage from the frying pan to the fire! I spent the rest of the night to look at the moon through the skylight asking me where devil ditches ended, but not as soon as he made day I didn't delay to understand him/it. In the cages animals of every type were imprisoned, and the worrisome thing was that not us n'era one as Mother Nature had done him! Some had some strange helmets in head connected to of the cars, someone it had some kinds of glasses, others the hair tidied up in particular way. Us n'erano also some suits, and someone seemed completely different from what would have had to be. There were even a rabbit of phosphorescent green color and a turtle without hull, so I told me that without shade of doubt I had to be ends in one of that notorious laboratories where they were made secret experiments. While I was keeping on looking around me, afflicted and rolled, I felt a noise to my shoulders. I turned me to see who pits mine" neighbor" and for a little I didn't burst into laughter; a chimpanzee completely depilated it was seized to the bars, in underpantses, and it looked me fixed. I kept on laughing for a piece, while he looked me bored holding the hands on the sides. When I calmed down me, I gave him a barked that it meant:

  "Excuse, but you/he/she has been stronger than me."

  "It allows to lose" he/she answered downward me with a movement of the hand from the tall one and tightening then himself/herself/itself in the shoulders" happens to everybody, when they see me for the first time."

  It lengthened the hand toward of me, I handed him the leg.

  "To like" we said miming us a bow with the head.

  Immediately later him him stiracchiò and it started to dress him, pantaloni and shirt of jeans.

  "It is so much time that you are here?" I asked with another barked.

  He rotated the hand around the wrist a lot of times. Then it beat her/it on the bars scotendo the head to make to understand me that to run away was impossible, and me disappointed I crouched me with a sigh. I wondered me what you/he/she would have made Steve to my place, but for him it was different. He had been a man, an intelligent man and above all you/he/she had had the hands. What could I do, me, with my miserable legs? I immediately resigned me. Some weeks of hell during which I saw to suffer went by, and unfortunately I suffered, every type of sopruso. In name of the science, they told them.

  Chapter 12. The plan

  In the clandestine laboratory where kept prisoner I was products they were experimented for improving the life of the animals, but above all treatments of beauty destined to improve its external aspect. This way, as the other forced guests, as guinea-pig I had been used for making a will toothpastes to the grasses, cosmetic, enamels for fingernails, suits and God only he/she knows what other. Had reduced worse once even me some rabbit; had made me everything blond with some beautiful striations blue night, besides I constantly had the rimmel to the eyes! The chimpanzee, victim of a definitive depilatory treatment, was pink as a child been just born. To the turtle you/they had grafted a beautiful hull in fiber of carbon ultraleggero - in fact it spun as a rocket - and electroplated gold, and now he could not calculate his/her age anymore because there were not the rhombuses anymore above. Besides, with a beautiful lifting, all those ugly wrinkles had removed from her neck and the eyes had magnified her, so much to make an owl seem her/it. If you fixed her/it a moment of too much you risked to stay hypnotized. Despite everything among us there was someone who seemed to appreciate all those cares; a" male" of pitbull from the ambiguous name it showed with boldness his/her new hair style and a kind of permanent lipstick that had applied him, you would have had to see how it wagged the tail while it was walking on the heels to avoid to wear out himself/herself/themselves the fingernails. The manager of the laboratory was a pazzoide that had given some examination to the Faculty of Veterinarian and you/he/she was convinced that the new and uncontested frontier of the profit would have been that of the beautiful and taut animal to shiny in every occasion, so you/he/she had taken in lease a crumbling building, a pair of bunglers entrusted of to retrieve the subject before, and you/he/she was given to the experimentation. Of there to few you/he/she would have ended to develop the tests that you/he/she was preset, therefore you/he/she would have launched soon on the market a complete line of innovative products for animals of every type. To that point, you/they would probably have eliminated us everybody. In fact you/they could not afford to leave around the tests of their absurdities experiments, above all of those not succeeded, as for instance that hamster to which you/they had grafted the feathers to the place of the hair and that now it spent the days trying to learn to fly. Every animal was always kept isolated by the others but the chimpanzee and I, that you/he/she called Giotto because in the leisure time you/he/she painted indeed some beautiful pictures, with the time we had tightened friendship. Somehow, hocking us day after day, we had learned to communicate. For the truth to the beginning you/he/she had not been easy, in fact for different time Giotto had been convinced that I was a" cleaning of silverware" and not" a police officer." Sees the situation, there were s
aid that there was no time to lose and we had studied a plan for the escape, but to effect we obviously owed him/it to resolve a whole series of problems. The first one, in order of time and importance, it consisted of succeeding in opening the cages. He had the hands, you/he/she would have been able to make her/it. Then, since the door of the place that the cages entertained didn't have inside handle, we had to succeed in making the skylight reach him. You/he/she was not set very aloft, Giotto would be gone out really from there for then to reenter and to open me the door, would be run away finally to raised legs.

  Chapter 13. The preparation of the escape

  For obvious motives for secretiveness the personnel of ours" beauty farm" it was, forgive me the poetic license, reduced to the bone. The Sunday, there was particularly an only person that acted from keeper, it turned with a cartellina to annotate the results of the tests, it gave us to eat, and it finally had the assignment to allow us to acquit our physiological needs. The time tightened, of there to few you/they would have finished indeed all the experiments and so we finally decided to try the escape, logically really of Sunday. From a few days a new keeper had arrived, you/he/she had to replace that of role gone to vacations. It was almost the dawn and him it had to be very tired because that night we had used thousand expedient to exhaust him/it, making to go on it and back from his/her posting in the jail. After different time that I barked and I yelped hopelessly it finally came to see what you/he/she was happening, Giotto and I noticed that as of habit held the keys in pocket with the keyring that went out dangling, to have her to brought of hand.

  «Then, that devil you have tonight? Possible that not you don't succeed in being good for ten minutes following?» he/she asked bored yawning while the face rubbed him with the hands.

  I lifted of side the leg back right to mime the gesture of the need keeping on howling.

  «Again? And it is all right, it is all right, I have understood. Have some patience» it said, and it got further.

  After few minutes it returned and it inserted in the cage the tense arm with the collar in hand; obedient as few times in my life I stuck out the neck in before and I left him/it to me to insert. He unthread the latch. Giotto made me the occhiolino, sign that was the good moment, so hardly in the cage I rotated on myself and I jumped I set to the keeper in a forgery festive impetus, wagging the tail as a crazy person. My legs got depressed on its breast pushing the back to beat him/it against the bars of the cage of Giotto. I started to give him some beautiful licks in face, not without trying deep disgust because it was full of brufoli.

  «Hey, but that he/she takes you? Ah ah ah. enough, you make me the tickle, enough.»

  Giotto meanwhile you/he/she had lengthened the hand and you/he/she had unthread him the keys. Its cage was the only one endowed with padlock because you/he/she would have been able to unthread the latch. It immediately individualized that with the rubberizes orange, that the padlock opened, it inserted her/it in the lock and it did her/it go off for then to throw the bunch to its feet. The keeper pushed away me and picked up her, then you/he/she turned him to suspiciously look at Giotto, that pretended now to paint. To be more believable these chased a pair of cries with his/her strident voice, did it show us the teeth as solo the monkeys then they know how to do, as to say": That you have to look? Possible that in this place he can never work in peace"?. Closed in beauty casting me against the brush that my new mecheses of mint that, I have to admit him/it, they started to like me. I responded him with a barked appalling and the keeper, struck by our strange behavior, it hissed me with a cry and a lash. Then it did for drawing near to the cage of Giotto the chin scratching himself/herself/itself, more and more perplexed. If you/he/she had decided to look better you/he/she would have noticed the open padlock, then I launched me toward the table and I started to sniff a leg of it, as in procinto to make my needs launching a desperate yelp.

  «And is all right, is all right! We go, otherwise it goes to end that you do here me her.»

  It picked up the leash and me I let me drive out. For the whole time that we stayed to the open one I exhausted him/it among games, sharp tugs to the leash and physiological tappe. To the reentry in the laboratory it kept on yawning, it had a closed eye and that open it was veined of red for the tiredness. I dragged him/it of strength toward my cage so that he/she closed and it went to sleep to the quick one, Giotto meanwhile it pretended to heavily snore.

  Chapter 14. Giotto's escape

  Not as soon as the door of the laboratory was closed, Giotto went off standing. But instead of throwing out himself/herself/themselves to open me the cage, it unthread him without hurry the jacket of the lines pajamas vertical, similar to that of a prisoner, and it started to wash him the teeth. It was to naked back in front of the mirror and it made his/her things with endless calm, and when you/he/she had ended, I don't satisfy, taken to smear himself/herself/themselves handfuls on handfuls of moisturizing cream on the face.

  «Grrrr (the moment seems Yourself to make himself/herself/themselves the toilet?)» I snarled him.

  Did he look me and it made to flow the hands turned verse itself same on and down a couple of times (they are months that I don't go out, won't you want at all that I/you/he/she come so?).

  «Bau (soon it will make day, don't you see? There is no one minute to lose)» I answered looking at the skylight.

  «All and two the hands turned verse of me, from the tall one downward, then finger index upward with the closed fist. Finally, braccia widened with the palms toward the outside (not to break, me it takes one minute. And that devil.).»

  «Mhhh (Accidentaccio).»

  «Bau bau (I don't see a big difference in comparison to first!)» I barked plain scotendo slowly the head when you/he/she had ended.

  Giotto replied showing me the closed palm of the right hand (you Go to make you a turn!).

  «Bahau ahahahu (it was only a wisecrack.).»

  «Twice right hand from the lower part upward, with the turned palm toward the ceiling (I am ready, it lifts the tail that he goes!).»

  Finally my accomplice went out of his/her cage and came to unthread the latch of mine. We dragged to work, trying not to make noise, the table under to the skylight. The other animals, wakened up by the confusion, they looked us perplexed. Giotto made the turn of the cages to ask that they made silence, promising them in change that out we would have done once in way of freeing them. It returned from me and it brought on the table a scatolone that you/he/she had taken from a shelf, it was one of those that contained our alimentary rations. It systematized him/it so that I/you could earn upward still some about ten centimeters. I climbed there above and in a flash it returned me to mind when I had climbed along the wall of the store. Doubts and remorses and an insane fear attacked together me to fall down, Giotto it hastened and it gave me a pacca on the back to give me courage. To that point it jumped in turn on the table and it climbed me in rump, and it puffed angry because it didn't reach the handle for a hair. It made me sign to extend more than I was able upward the face, then it climbed me on the head seizing himself/herself/itself to my face with the back hands not to fall.

  «Caì. mhhh (you have inserted Me to finger in an eye).»

  «Finger tense index in front of the nose with the closed fist, then closed fist, finally horizontal open hand that rotated some toward right and some toward left (not to put to now make you noise! You hold hard, I am almost there!).»

  «. bau? (How you think about doing?)» I said opening wide the eyes in a question.

  «Hand that points out the number one, two, three, then right thumb upward (Hold you ready, to three we jump).»

  Thanks to a contemporary hit of my backs and Giotto, these it detached a leap and he/she succeeded in grabbing the handle with a hand, seizing himself/herself/itself to the fixture with the other three. Moving himself/herself/itself as a true acrobat opened him and he/she succeeded in slipping out, and I put me in patient attended. I don't know how much time
went by, I know only that seemed me an eternity and that I came even to doubt that you/they had captured him/it, or worse that you/he/she had surrendered me to decay there.

  Chapter 15. The liberation

  When by now I was starting to despair, the door opened and Giotto entered smiling with triumphant expression.

  «Bau» I did looking at the clock to wall.

  «Ronf. fiii. ronf. fiii (But how much have you put there? I was putting to sleep me!)» I added with the closed eyes

  «Picked fingers around the thumb, hand that stirs before and back toward of him, then wide apart braccia that gets up and they lowers (But thing you are saying? Practically I have flown!).»

  I stuck out the face toward the door (we Go, it is late!).

  He looked him at the feet, it seemed bored.

  «Baaauuuhh.? (What there is now?).»

  «Hand that points out the feet (I/you/they have not gotten used to walk barefoot anymore!).»

  Taken the shoes, it tied among them the laces and if it passed behind her neck so that to make him dangle her to the sides of the head. We finally went out, passing under on all four to the guardiola of the custodian that anchors put to sleep sonorously snored. You/he/she had been easy indeed, and the other animals had been good; you/they had made the typhus for us in silence, hoping that we would have been of word and we would have returned to free them. Out it started to dawn, the lamp-posts he was extinguishing one to one. The square and the lawns that surrounded the laboratory were fenced by a tall metallic net, over which there was only green country cut from an only old asphalted road. Lifting the head was still seen some star, but the dawning sun was sprouting from behind a hill dyeing of orange the sky. We were looking around us understand what pits the best direction for the escape, separating would surely have given us less in the eye but the union ago the strength, so with a look we decided to stay together. Up to that moment it was spun everything smooth, unfortunately, however, also with the whole appointment and the good possible wish, a rooster will be always a rooster. And so Bocelli, after a long internal struggle, he/she didn't succeed in holding back the instinct anymore. Besides there is also to say that it was some megalomaniac, because after the operation to the vocal chords it was anxious to exhibit his/her way voice. It started to sing" Figaro", drawn by the Barber of Seville, with the breast all swollen. Suddenly all the lights of the laboratory ignited while the other prisoners started to cackle, each in the respective language, making a country house of hell! To moments the keeper would have noticed our absence and you/he/she would be gone out to look for us. We checked again the whole enclosure in the hope that there pits a hole, a passage or something that it allowed me to go out, because me contrarily of my accomplice I would never have succeeded in climbing over the tall net. I lowered the disappointed look because there was not away apparently of exit. I made sign to Giotto to escape in hurry, to be saved himself/herself/themselves at least him. even you/he/she would have been able to go looking for reinforcements. But he made me understand that it didn't absolutely have intention to leave me there, then he/she sat to earth and he/she quickly wore the shoes.


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