The hands of Leo

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The hands of Leo Page 4

by Quelli di ZEd

  «Bau? (And now that we do?).»

  My companion was scratched the head sticking out the underlip, then you/he/she tightened in the shoulders (I don't have indeed the palest idea of it!).

  Chapter 16. The van

  In the courtyard of the building, to some about ten meters of distance, the auto of the custodian was parked there. There was beside an old van, rusted and anonymous, that served for going to abduct the victims. I raced to take a big stone in the garden, then I let him/it fall to the ground beside the counter of the van. I looked at Giotto, then the stone and immediately after the car window.

  «Bau! (Strength, lance the stone against the glass!).»

  «Finger index that beats on the temple, arched eyebrows (But have you become crazy? Then who drives him/it that cosos?)» it replied Giotto.

  «Bau bau bau bau (not to worry you, has only to do what I tell you!).»

  «Finger index in vertical that ripples to the right and left, with the closed fist (Forget you him!).»

  At that time the door of the laboratory opened abruptly and the keeper went out precipitately racing, you/he/she tightened among the hands a rifle loaded with bullets narcotizzanti.

  «Stopped you, have you understood? Is firm there, ugly bestiacce, or I shoot you!» it shouted skipping about angry as a crazy person, still visibly drowsy.

  «Bau? Bau? Grrrr! (Then that we do, we make us to take this way? I believed you I was braver!).»

  Giotto looked at the custodian that had started out to take the aim with the language of. Shaken the head resigned, then it picked up the stone and it cast him/it against the glass, that went to splinters, later it used immediately my back as a staircase to climb fast inside the van and the counter opened me. I jumped on, and while Giotto closed again him/it a dart full of narcotic shattered him against the counter.

  «Open right hand passed on the forehead, then shake in diagonal, with the mouth assumed as to whistle (Fiuuu, for a hair!).»

  Another syringe entered through the broken car window and hammered him in the stuffing of the dashboard, as soon as above the head of Giotto. These it started to race before and back in the cabin, jumping and shouting gone crazy.

  «Iiiiii iii (Soon you do something!)» it howled scotendomi for the shoulders.

  The keeper, with trembling hands for the anger, you/he/she was trying to reload the rifle. I inserted under the face to the steering gear, I grabbed the electric threads with the mouth and I tore them, then I pointed out them to my companion with a musata. Fortunately also him, before ending there inside, all the telefilms circulating polizieschi was seen, from" Starsky and Hutch" to" On the roads in San Francisco!" It understood to the flight my intentions and it twisted the threads among them, making to squirt sparks. After a pair of complaints and some hit of cough the motor ignited. Giotto looked me perplexed. The keeper had just succeeded in reloading the rifle and him you/he/she was quickly approaching caring under draught.

  «Finger index first toward of me, then toward of him, then to point out his/her legs and finally point of question (And now who devil drives him/it this coso? If I am to the steering wheel I don't reach the pedals!).»

  I pushed down it from the seat, then I jumped on and I leaned the anterior legs on the rays of the steering gear. Another dart shattered him against the windscreen, him/it with its greenish liquid.

  «Uab! Uab! (You put the reverse and parts!)» I told Giotto, these it showed me the teeth that beat (I Have a crazy funk!).

  «Uab! Uab! Grrrr! (You put that damned reverse and parts, curse!).»

  Giotto obeyed instantly, you/he/she geared the march and he left the friction. The van said a pair of jolts, was about to go off himself/herself/themselves. My companion crushed again the friction, as soon as in time, then resumptions to release very more softly her. The van started to slowly stir while I was steering toward right to go out of the parking place. The keeper interrupted his/her run, you/he/she allowed to fall the rifle and you/he/she was rubbed the eyes incredulous, then you/he/she started to shout.

  «It is not possible. Stop you, accursed, and go down! I have said to go down.»

  Chapter 17. Finally free

  From the small mirror retrovisore I saw the wall and the auto of the custodian come I meet us.

  «Caì caiiì! (It brakes frenaaa!).»

  Unfortunately, but even as, Giotto didn't succeed in finding in time the correct pedal, so the van banged against the auto of the custodian reducing her/it to a kind of accordion.

  «Aaah» it shouted more and more strong and desperate these «you are of the assassins. My auto nuovaaa. you have destroyed my autooo.»

  Did I look at Giotto in a little friendly way, snarling (But are you deaf?). He tightened him in the shoulders, then it made me a mischievous smile. I pushed the face in before.

  «B b to u u. (you Put the first one and you depart plain!).»

  The van stirred again. Addirizzai to the best the steering gear to aim at the gate, the keeper bent him to pick up the rifle but in the hurry you/he/she was stung with the needle narcotizzante of the bullet. Started over racing us behind, this time staggering, more and more to rilento. You stopped, it launched us behind the rifle and it fell dormant in the middle of the square.

  «Baubau (you Put the second!).»

  The half takings speed, but it was not enough.

  «Baubaubau uuu (Third, and it accelerates!).»

  We arrived I set to the gate, that tore him from the hinges, and we dragged along behind it for a piece. We quietly crossed a beautiful po' street, then Giotto suddenly braked almost making me beat a beautiful musata against the windscreen. I looked at him/it in interrogative way, he put the insane one and it threw by hand the brake, then the road pointed out me in front of us that it was long and right-hand, and in descent.

  «Bau? (There is some problem?)» I asked him.

  «Lifted hand open with the palm turned verse of me, then closed fist and astute index upward (it Waits for an instant!).»

  I looked at him/it perplexed. Him svicolò from his/her posting and it went to open the sportellino of the vain portaoggetti of the dashboard. After having rummaged for some it threw out a hat and a pair of sunglasses and he/she wore them, then it came on the seat of guide and it pushed away me, and I made unwillingly him place because I was already imagined me with the elbow supported out of the car window and the fluttering ears to the wind. But after all if we had succeeded in running away you/he/she had been to a large extent thanks to his/her four hands and he, therefore I thought that it also deserved him the correct satisfaction. Giotto turned on the radio and with a big smile you/he/she removed by hand the brake, and the van restarted to stir. Meanwhile you/he/she had made day.

  The city was seen in distance, overhung by the dawning sun, the road to be crossed was still long and the a little steep descent. I thought that with that walk we would have employed some days to arrive in center. During the journey a pair of motorists, that coming in sense contrary to ours was detained too much to look us bewildered for some instant of, you/they were ended astute in the fields. Other three or four had taken back the control to the flight and you/they were saved, it is the case to say him/it for a hair. Of sure someone of them had given the alarm, of there to few we would surely have been sought and intercepted. Been sorry, with a look of agreement we decided to abandon the mean. We started there through the fields and after few we felt a big coming and going of sirens, in distance the flashing blue were seen to cut the green of the country to all speed. Surely to that point the agents would have investigated, from the van you/they would be gone up again to the laboratory and you/they would have found and freed the other animals. Better so, we had a worry and a weight on the conscience in less.

  Chapter 18. To the farm

  We reached the thresholds of the city in the late afternoon, the squeaks of the gulls that flew low and the odors typical of the rain in the air told that it was about to let loose himself/hersel
f/themselves a beautiful storm. We had to find a shelter and above all something to be eaten, then to full belly we would have decided our future. The possibilities were not a lot of; to stay together and to make game of team - but up to when, and which would you/he/she have been able to be ours tomorrow? - or to go each for his/her own road. In the second case each of us would probably be systematized before and better, but there was an idea that kept on humming me in the head since the first moment in which, that morning, I had put the legs out of the laboratory. Now that I had Giotto to my side, of hands I had available even four of it, and everything you/he/she had also shown to know how to use well enough her. Him however, as all the artists, were a calm and sensitive type, very reserved and at all adventurous. For the truth it was also some fifone and moreover he didn't like to interfere himself/herself/themselves in the facts of the others. But if I/you had succeeded in convincing him/it, with his/her help I would have been able to surely recover the object that that accursed evening had slipped away from the pocket of Steve. I knew that they were departed only few weeks because the season was not changed, and probably it was still found in that hole in the floor because nobody knew the existence of it. When they started to fall the first heavy gocciolonis, that immediately made to perfume the country and to hiss the birds, found us near a farm to the borders of the inhabited center. I finally noticed with pleasure that my mecheses him you/they were loosening for leaving with the water. Of sudden a strange odor arrived to me, it almost certainly belonged to a rabbit. I lifted the leg anterior right while the tail was straightened in automatic, and I started to sniff the air. Giotto beat me a hand on the shoulder to tell me that you/he/she was not the moment to start playing, and you/he/she was right. We decided to insert us in the haystack of the farm, to hide us and to mend us from the rain in attends him that the storm ended and did dark. Going in the daytime around to center we would have attracted too much the attention, of certain someone would be taken he/she intrigues her/it to try to capture us. My stomach did" growl" a couple of times, simultaneously with that of Giotto. I looked at him/it.

  «Mhhh (he/she knows Me that it is your turn)» I told him.

  «Head that rotates toward right and then toward left, alternatively, then hand that the form of a gun imitates (I don't even think it, for today I have made to shoot I set enough!).»

  I knew that it was useless to insist. I, then without saying more nothing I piled up with the leg some straw, I crouched me above a beautiful sheaf and I taken to stare at him/it with the face leaned on the spread out anterior legs in before. Sometimes he turned him to check if I was still looking at him/it for then to dissuade the embarrassed look. To the sixteenth one simultaneous" growl" of our stomacis, Giotto got up puffing and beating himself/herself/itself the palms of the hands on the thighs, as to say": Possible that touch always to do everything to me"!.

  It went out with heavy footstep, dragging the feet, shortly after it was back with a string of sausages and a bottle of wine. I don't know how you/he/she had done, but the bottle was also uncorked already.

  Did I look at him/it rotating some the head and lifting the canopy ears (you have done soon. but is thing that, is it wine? Do you drink him/it to you indeed? This I didn't wait me for him!).

  Did he make an expression strange type": That there is of badly"?, then it gave a pair of gulps. When you/he/she had drunk, he passed the forearm on the mouth to dry her/it and the bottle handed me from the tall one, so that I/you could also drink me.

  Chapter 19. The melancholy ciucca

  When Giotto had me I bring the bottle I had instinctively turned on the other side because I was mistrustful, in fact when I was still a police officer I had seen so so many you intoxicate to the plant that I knew very well what the effects of the alcoholic ones are. And then I found unpleasant that odor spiritato and penetrating because it entered me the nose with overbearance, therefore I was abstemious for a long time and I didn't have any intention to drink of it. Giotto looked at the few drops that were fallen to earth, you waste, and an occhiataccia launched me, however a pair they were me fallen on the nose and me I had licked her to clean me an automatic gesture. Contrarily to how much me would be expected, I found the pleasant taste, and immediately after I suffered an encouraging sense of lightness. "Even it will help who knows me to relax me," I thought.

  I launched a yelp to Giotto, that handed again me after having brought the hands on the sides in sign of reproach the bottle. Already to the second gulp that red liquid from the sour and dense taste started to like me, despite a vague sense of burning to the stomach. And it was not only worth of the taste, I have to admit him/it, but above all of the feeling that started to give me. After a pair of good sausages and some other sip of wine I started to feel really well me. In truth turned me some the head and I felt me the strange language, as if was not entirely my, not do speak then of the tail that stirred as seemed to her! But, everything, I became me account that I had never been so relaxed and optimist. To that point I told me that that was the optimal situation to crush the very craved nap that I proposed me since that tragic evening, and that for acts of God I had not succeeded in granting me anymore. I found the most comfortable position and I let me cradle from the sound of the rain, that beat now on the roof of plate of the barn with a lot of more violence. Which best it lulls nanna, extended to the calduccio and done cover by the hay, while from the outside the fresh and comforting odor of the damp earth arrived? I had closed the eyes and started to heavily breathe more and more. I wanted to think about some beautiful female sample of boxer, the most affectionate race that is known, but suddenly I heard a voice shout:

  «Growl, comes. it eats up her/it it is ready!»

  Then my mind, against my same wish, in a lightning it raced to Steve, because name apart that was the same sentence that used him to call me when it was to eat now. I became me account than it missed me, and my despite I now felt me as hypnotized by that thought. I started to ripercorrere to bashful my life remembering all the moments beautiful mistakes with him, holding the fixed eyes to the wall of water that it kept on going down with strength shaking the plants of geranium in the vases and drawing looks for in the puddles. I remembered the first time that had picked up me from a big wicker basket, when I had as soon as few days, choosing me among the cucciolata. With the tense braccias had lifted aloft me and had turned more times on itself same, and for me had been as to climb on a merry-go-round!

  «You are very beautiful» you/he/she had simply said, then you/he/she had rubbed his/her cheek against my soft fur «and you will become the greatest dog police officer that has ever existed.»

  Then a lot of other memoirs were followed. The intense work of the training, even if for me was some everything as a game, the first bone - that emotion when I buried him/it! - the first pupazzetto of plush. The first arrest and a medaglietta all glimmering suspended to the collar. Be in each of those images there was always him to my side, my friend Steve! I shook off me because I had realized that I was becoming too much melancholy, so I forced me to return to think about the boxerina.

  Chapter 20. Giotto philosopher

  The image of a companion that rubs the sweet his/her musetto on mine was made more and more intense, real, sign that I was entirely almost dormant. Did I tell me that it was really that of which I had need, before plunging me in a magnificent dream it stayed only me to decide the color of the mantle: white, brown, or striped? I started to think skimming through us the catalog that I had in mind, but really when I was about to decide Giotto it brought me in abrupt and sudden way to the reality with one of his typical and hateful screams. Had not even had the time to introduce me to Chantal - the boxerina, had decided to call her/it so - that this had blocked the eyes for the fear and was dissolved in an instant! I thought that Giotto brought upon really a beautiful lesson to have made to escape me the canine one; I tried to open the eyes to look him/it in with hostility and I discovered that my eyelids were heavy. With an inex
pressible effort I succeeded in opening the eyes and I realized me that all stirred around me as if I/you was found me on a boat. I rotated the head toward Giotto and with immense surprise I saw that now the chimpanzees were two rather than one. I thought that Giotto had found a new friend and you/he/she had called me to introduce me him, and on the moment I tried a strong impulse of jealousy. In an instant I felt only again me.


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