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The hands of Leo

Page 13

by Quelli di ZEd

  «I am not courting your girl, do you want to understand him/it or no? I have tried only not to disappoint her/it. Otherwise when will have recovered your body will have to look for you of it another, of fiancée! It is already enough disdained...»

  «It is stuff from crazy persons. it is really stuff from crazy persons.» it confirmed to couple of times still, then it was hissed of hit and it didn't open mouth anymore until we didn't arrive in front of the Plant of Police.

  «Before Mr." The know all self", that he now does?» he/she asked me.

  «And do you ask him/it to me? You are you the investigator!»

  «But you were not a dog police officer?»

  «And then? I was not at all her Mrs. in Yellow! They told me it sniffs here, it looks there, he/she catches that and you that other, and I did what you/they ordered me.»

  Italo was absorbed for some instant. He didn't like at all the idea to make to be seen crouched to sniff the wheels of the automobiles, but it didn't have other to propose.

  «I am to short of ideas, let's do as have said you! Are you at least able to recognize his/her auto?»

  «I think of yes.»

  «Then put well you to the job.»

  You does soon to say put you to the job. I looked at the great parking place, where about ten auto were parked in a mosaic of colors, and I felt me lost. I hoped that the fortune, at least for once it lent me a hand. I didn't know the model and I didn't remember the color, for a dog they are things that don't have a lot of importance. Watching out that nobody saw me I crouched me and I started to revolve me among the autos, trying to gather the odor that I looked for. With mine great surprise I discovered to be still able to recognize to what races belonged the dogs that had marked with their pee the various wheels. Naturally more than a person it caught me to sniff the wheels and to speak alone apparently so, behind the ready suggestions of Italo, I had to pit a series of unbelievable excuses. When by now I was despairing, I heard a voice and I recognized instantly her.

  «You don't come tonight then? There will be to have a good time him! I saw how the masters of the places whimper when you peck at them on the fact. Provided that you leave them alone, they come to offer you the most unbelievable things» you/he/she was telling the Bogy man a colleague while they were going down the stairway that gave on the parking lot.

  «I regret but tonight really I am not able, it is the birthday of my child» he/she answered him the other.

  «It is all right, it will be for another time.»

  The Bogy man wore the usual black coat, and as always you/he/she held the hands sunk in the pockets.

  «What there is? Because you have stayed?» he/she asked Italo.

  «It is there that. The assassin is that with the black coat.»

  «You are sure?»

  «To the one hundred percent.»

  «Soon, then. Let's have to move us to see qual is his/her auto. done! We can go» it said Italo after having mentally recorded the model and the plate.

  Chapter 59. To the plant

  «Now that we do?» I asked to Italo while, sat on a bench of the public park, I crunched the croccantinis that I had brought with me. He launched me occhiatacce and it shook the head disgusted, but you/he/she had understood that you/he/she could not do anything to prevent me him.

  «It is simple, we give him an appointment on the place of the crime saying that we want to sell him our silence. If it is indeed him, it will come of run.»

  «And then? Knowing the type, that as soon as he/she sees me it shoots me. It surprises me that with the whole love that you have for your body you want to make to make me such a risky thing.»

  «It won't have the time to do nothing because they immediately will arrest him/it.»

  «Ah yes? And who will the police call her/it?»

  «You come with me and you do what I tell you» he responded sure of itself starting again himself/herself/itself toward the plant.

  Finally, after a lot of and a lot of spent words we succeeded to it stuffed to receive from the Captain in person.

  «I know her/it» it exclaimed when he/she saw me enter.

  «Already. You/he/she has come to question me to the hospital.»

  «Ah yes, it is true. Even if did it have all those bandages then, do I now recognize her/it. by chance it has something against me?» he/she asked then seeing that I was looking him/it in with hostility; I had not forgiven him to have straight straight me expeditious in front of the executioner yet.

  «No, you excuse me. The wases absorbed.»

  «To thing I owe this visit?»

  «I believe to know who the assassin is.»

  «Indeed? Immediately tells me him!»

  «I am not able, I am certain that he/she would not believe me!»

  «How you/he/she can say him/it?»

  «It is one of his/her men.»

  «It is right, I don't believe her» he responded looking me serious.

  «Now, if he/she wants to excuse me, I am busy a lot» it added then in detached tone.

  «It is the same man that has shot to Steve.»

  The Captain jolted on his/her armchair as if an electric chair had become suddenly.

  «What he/she knows her about Steve? Now that comes me to mind, the dog that is dead in the accident it was really that of Steve. How has you/he/she been him?»

  «Steve and I were a lot of friends, I was to the funeral and I followed his/her men from the veterinarian; I told him that I lived in another city and I convinced him/it to submit me him. And as it regards the assassin of Steve, I have motive to believe that I/you/he/she am the same that you/he/she has made an attempt to my person.»

  «Thing does him him to think?»

  «I have told him him, Steve and I we spoke a lot.»

  «It is so sure, because he/she doesn't formally report him/it?» the Captain asked me launching me a look of challenge.

  «I don't have the tests.» The answereds, and The didn'ts understand because but the Captain seemed me lifted by my answer.

  «If it doesn't have tests that it intends to do? I concern to the assassin, I intend» the captain still asked me.

  «I will give him an appointment for tomorrow evening at nine o'clock to that same shed. And her, with his/her men, it will have to be there. And it will have to be ready, because otherwise that kills also me!»

  The Captain seemed to reflect for some instant.

  «Both! But if it will make me waste time, if it is a whole lie, I swear that it will pay her/it dear!»

  «You look that doing so I risk my life, does he/she believe that I/you/he/she feel like joking? But without the tests, the only way to unmask is him/it to tear live him a confession.»

  Chapter 60. The preparation to the supper

  «I have to recognize that you have been good» it admitted his despite Italo to half voice giving me a pacca on the shoulders; that admission was cost him quite a lot.

  «You/he/she has been your worth, without your help I would not have known whether to talk to the Captain» I answered.

  «Now as we do to track the assassin down?» I asked then.

  «It will be enough to make a phone call. One friend of mine that works in a certain office will give us all the data of our enemy, understood his/her telephone number, so we will prepare him a beautiful scherzetto» you/he/she said him smiling.

  We were crossing the principal street of the city, rich of showcases and of people to I walk.

  «They serve me some that colored leaflets that exchange you among you men.»

  «. thing is that it serves you?» he/she asked looking me strange.

  «Some that leaflets. money, seems that I/you/he/she call.»

  «You have him in the wallet, I had left each other many money» he/she answered, later it looked immediately me worried fearing my answer. I kept on looking before doing the indifferent one.

  «You have spent all of my money, it is not true? And that you h
ave done of it? They were so many!»

  «I have had to make me the funeral.»

  Italo restarted to get excited of ugly and to inveigh against me"; This is the drop that makes to overflow the vase", and so street.

  «Before, you cannot be so selfish!» did I interrupt him/it «thing I had to do of it of my body? To leave him/it in front of the cans of the garbage? Do you think that I am liked? It is not beautiful to owe him to bury alone at all, I assure him/it to you!» I told tall voice, almost shouting, and incredibly to those words it calmed down. Meanwhile the passer-bys looked me doubtful for then to go himself/herself/themselves the finger index to the temple.

  «And it is all right, you are right. after all if everything this has happened you/he/she has also been my guilt» it admitted been sorry.

  «But now because you want other money? What do you have to do of it?» he/she asked then in mistrustful tone.

  «I have to prepare me for the supper of tonight. for ounces trusted of me, in to couple of days it will be everything ended. Everything will return as before, it will be better rather perhaps also.»

  It seemed to reflect for some instant, then it resigned and even though unwillingly it accompanied me in front of an automatic teller machine, where he/she explained whether to withdraw the money.

  «I hope that you spend well them, because these are really the last.»

  «Not to worry you, will see that you will thank me!»

  "Or at least I hope for him/it" I added among me!

  Remembering as he prepared Steve every time that it had to go to a romantic dinner I entered a shop of flowers. Adocchiai immediately a beautiful the happiness's tronchetto, a plant that it is rarely found for road and that you/he/she had always been mine" wc" preferred. It was stately, very beautiful, and it had a good odor. Faking indifference I sniffed for a long time it in memory of the beautiful gone times, and for a puff I didn't do me the pee I set. I had to race in bath and when I went out I bought some red roses a beautiful great and perfumed bunch.

  «You didn't have to take her redheads, I had told you not to take her redheads» it repeated me meanwhile Italo to the ear up to the nausea «it is too much compromising. You had to take her yellow, that you/they mean friendship, then he/she will be seen.»

  Then it was the time of the chocolates and here it didn't protest as, it limited him to make three times it counts her/it with the fingers to understand how many colored leaflets stayed us and later it assumed immediately a depressed expression. Unfortunately for him, however, I had not ended to make money spend him yet. I slipped me in a bookstore and I purchased a magazine of fashion and a book from the title" to Tame a ghost in few minutes." I had not learned to light granché well, but I was certain that you/he/she would have served me. Italo started to look me in suspicious way and resumptions at to complain about himself/herself/themselves, and when I entered a shop of attire his/her whinings they were done heavier. I passed from the optician and I purchased a beautiful pair of lenses to contact, and there Italo started to become angry seriously.

  «So much is worth that takes her blue, I like more» I told the order.

  My companion went to give two or three headings in the wall, naturally without getting results; I simply saw his/her head disappear and more times to reappear perfectly staying intact. When at the end I went out of the saloon of beauty I had been completely put again to new. I showed off proud a new hair style, an earring and a tattoo to form of" S" on the bicepses. Italo, impotent, it continued to alternate desperate weepings to invectives of every kind.

  Chapter 61. The trap

  When we arrived home I watched out a lot of for not to make to see me from Stefania because I had intention to catch her/it, Italo had not calmed yet but now you/he/she limited him to hold me the face in silence. Despite I/you had tried to make to understand him that I was doing all for him, these it didn't turn me word. And it was not only for what I had done, but above all it was tremendously worried for what feared that that evening I would have combined. and it was fully unfortunately right. Would have become angry a lot of, but I was certain that one day would have thanked me!

  «They are the eight less ten. What do you say about making to phone me that your friend? Do we owe soon» I used of intention the plural «to go to dinner, won't want to let your fiancée to wait?»

  Italo launched me another beautiful dose of insults, then you/he/she puffed and you/he/she still got excited some to the end you/he/she was decided to make that friend of his call me. We finally had the telephone number of the assassin. I went to take a box of croccantini and I brought me her on the couch, together with the cordless and to the remote control of the television.

  «Who speaks?» he/she answered hates him voice after different rings. I inserted the vivavoce.

  «I am the investigator Italo Ristretti.»

  «Ah yes. it seems me to have already felt your name by burdens part. Seem me some exaggerated on your behalf to define you investigator. What do you want?» he/she asked with carelessness.

  "Carcass, has me almost killed and do the indifferent one. know very well it who Italo is! As is sorry me not to have that beautiful sharpened teeth of mine anymore!" I thought.

  «I am looking for a buyer for some very reserved information» I told in a low voice him.

  «I have neither time nor desire for these cazzates» it said bored «it is about to start my preferred program» and I wondered me if by chance also he looked at the Looney Tunes.

  «Ditches in you I would not attach.»

  «And because?»

  «Because they are information that concern ago a certain agent of the special killed a few months in a store in the industrial zone.»

  «And me that enter it?» he/she coldly answered.

  «A witness has told that you enter it eccome!»

  «The. the dog?» he allowed to escape perplexed.

  «Yes, certain, the dog spoke! And you had to feel as it sang, if you had not killed him/it to this time you/he/she would have made a record. Do you stop saying stupidities and do answer me seriously; they interest you, these information, or do I have to look for another buyer?»

  «We cannot speak on the phone of it, it is dangerous. Let's see tonight us.»

  «Tonight I am busy. We see us evening at nine o'clock to that store tomorrow.»

  «There will be, even if I have not anything to do with really at all it. I don't know who has put you in head those strange ideas, in every case you are careful to that that you do or you will pass a trouble!»

  «If I were to your place I would worry me for myself.»

  I attached and immediately after I turned on the TV. Cat Silvestre he was climbing above for an eaves that he was slowly detaching from the wall. Italo meanwhile it shook the head and he/she spoke alone.

  Ettore had just ended to massacre Silvestre, that adorable oldie intervened and got further him/it with kind ways. Then it returned from Silvestre holding in hand a beautiful broom, of those that were used once, with a strong wood handle and the sorghum brush. When you/he/she had ended Silvestre you/he/she was definitely reduced to a shapeless mash. His/her little nephew, violet for the shame, it put on in head the usual envelope not to make himself/herself/themselves recognize. Then it arrived it initials her/it.

  Chapter 62. The book on the ghosts

  I extinguished the TV and I started to skim through the book on the ghosts. Italo was suspended to mezz'aria, sat with the cross legs and the head among the hands as a Genius of the lamp on his/her cloudlet.

  «Hey, that intentions you have?» he/she asked me anxious, seeing that I was quickly flowing the pages of the book.

  «Not to make jokes or this time I swear that doesn't forgive her/it to you!» it added thoughtful, also knowing that the knife from the part of the handle I had him me.

  «Nothing, was looking only if there is here the way to return you your body» I lied.

  I finally reached the page that I looked f
or": instant magic Formulas for a ghost to make harmless." It was a series of ritual sentences that you/they used time in time to send away him/it, to hiss him/it, to make him/it visible, invisible, and so street. For each of these matters were present more than a formula, according to the duration that was wanted to get for the desired effect.

  "I mind also doing him this, but it is the only mean to prevent to combine him country houses during the supper. We see if these formulas work."

  I turned me toward Italo and I looked at him/it fixed, intensely, for some instant.

  «But what do you do? You won't want at all.» it did him frightened.

  By now you/he/she had understood my intentions and rather angry meeting was coming me. At first I turned him/it into a caterpillar, then I did him/it fatten up tremendously. I did him/it return human and I put him the chains, to get away later immediately her. Then I imprisoned him/it in a jar, later in a mirror. At the end sipped him/it.

  «Biribì umtalfà the mute ghost will be!» I said.

  Although Italo kept on tossing himself/herself/themselves and to move the mouth as him same shouting, was as if you/he/she did him/it from in a bell of glass. Finally in my head there was a sudden, pleasant, silence!

  «Okay» I said «it works. Now you are silent, that so much I cannot feel you, and listen well to me: soon we will go to dinner from Your girl. Not that I am happy, I do him/it for you because otherwise she would stop entirely to address the word. I will do better than mine, I will try to be polite, agreeable, and kind. Nothing more. I will bring you with me because it is Your fiancée and not the mine. I will return you the voice and can give me some suggestions, but see not to break or a formula that will confine you in a can for three hundred years will recite! No jealousies, nothing cries, no mattanes. Have I made sense of?»

  He responded of yes but its voice didn't arrive to me.

  «I have not felt your answer» I told him in threatening tone, Italo nodded terrorized.

  «Leave only now me for a few minutes, please.»

  To say him/it misses I, Italo was offended. Mogio went to another room dragging the feet, if you/he/she had still had the chains you/he/she would have been perfect for a Scottish castle.


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