(un) Broken

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(un) Broken Page 20

by Charlotte Daniels

  Where the fuck was Ryan?

  Walking through the front door of Tommy’s, I’m greeted with dark ambiance, wooden tables, and the yeasty smell of beer. Tommy’s isn’t the place for high-end dining, but the food is good and the drinks are cold.

  Gabe’s familiar build stands out in the crowd as I walk toward him, narrowly dodging a hustling waitress. Slapping him lightly on the back, I sit down next to him at the bar and order a pint of whatever’s on tap.

  “Hey man, how’s it going? How’s work?”

  Gabe takes a long pull of his drink before shrugging. “Lots of clients, which is both a good and bad thing.”

  “Yeah, I get it. We just launched our new segment a month ago, and I’m hoping to have some new avenues in the works come Monday. You’ve got to do what you’ve got to do.” Taking a long sip of beer, I shudder and pull it away from my face with a grimace. Geez, they’ve let the standards drop here.

  “And Ellie?”

  “She’s good,” I put my beer down. “Her manuscript was meant to be in today but there must have been some emergency because she canceled lunch last minute.”

  Gabe nods. “She did mention that during Georgie’s last appointment. The little fucker is doing surprisingly well. He’s more resilient and strong-willed than I would have expected for such a small dog.”

  “That’s Ellie’s doing. I don’t think they’ve been apart since he came into her life. He’s practically treated like a human.” I laugh, taking another sip of my beer and shuddering again—not at the alcohol, but rather at the memory of cooking Georgie’s dinner into our scrambled eggs.

  Gabe takes a long pull of his beer, staring at the bottles of alcohol lining the wall behind the bar. “What are your intentions with Ellie?”.

  “What do you mean?”

  He turns to me, his eyes hard. “Are you planning on asking her out? Do you want more with her?”

  “Man, how is this any of your business?”

  “Because if you’re too chicken shit to ask her out, then I will.” He sits up in his seat, glaring down at me. “I like her,” he finally says.

  I freeze with my beer to my lips. “What the fuck, Gabe? That’s my girlfriend you’re talking about!” I let the glass hit the bar too hard, and foam sloshes out over my hand.

  “Is she though?” he cocks his head. “Because from where I’m sitting, it looks like she’s just another in your long line of conquests.”

  I scoff. “You’re one to talk. You’ve screwed around plenty.”

  “Yeah, I have. But at least I know that Ellie is worth something a hell of a lot more than a few fucks.”

  “You don’t know shit—”

  “Yeah, Garrett, I think I do,” he interrupts. I’m going to retort, but the look behind his eyes changes. The fire still burns, but its intention is different. He speaks quietly: “You’re scared of letting someone into your life. You’re scared you’re going to turn out like your dad. But here’s the thing: you’re already like him. You’re giving up an incredible woman, and for what? Fear? Your own piss poor excuses?” Scoffing, Gabe slowly shakes his head. “Get your head out of your ass and smell the fucking roses. She’s not going to hang around forever, waiting for you to man up.”

  “You’re seriously lecturing me on letting my fears control me? You won’t even let anyone touch you or your scars—”

  “Ellie did.”

  I stop. “She what?”

  “That night at the strip club, she touched my scars. And she showed me hers.”

  I jerk back. “What the hell, man? Why would you say some shit like that?”

  Gabe just smirks, taking another sip of his drink. “Because it’s true. And if you aren’t going to love that woman like she deserves, then someone else will.”

  Seeing red, I spring from my chair, ripping Gabe out of his as I shove him against the bar. Glasses clatter behind us, and the bartender grumbles angrily. I ignore him. “What right do you have touching my girlfriend?” I hiss.

  Gabe shoves me off, draining the last of his beer without qualms. “She wasn’t your girlfriend then, and she’s not now. Decide what you want Garrett, before it’s too late.” Throwing a pile of bills on the counter, he pats my shoulder before walking away.

  What in the actual fuck just happened? Sitting back down on the stool, I throw back the rest of the beer, my eyes tracking Gabe as he leaves. Is he right? Am I just like my dad?

  “Need another?” Tommy’s gruff voice startles me from my thoughts.

  “Yeah… thanks.” Guilt and regret swirl in my stomach, the pit growing larger by the second. Fuck.

  Sliding the beer across to me, he wipes his meaty hands on a towel at his waist. “Now it’s none of my business, but you boys have been coming in here since ya had only half a beard between yas. And from what I’m hearing, you’re still acting like that same boy.”

  I frown, taking a sip of my drink as the grizzly man leans against the bar, his salt and pepper hair just as wild as the man himself.

  “If ya have a good woman, don’t let her go. Or else someone like Gabe will swoop in and be the man she wanted ya to be.”

  I twirl the beer around on the bar, staring at the amber liquid spilling over the rim. I didn’t realize how much I wanted her—no, needed her—until Gabe shoved his intentions down my throat.

  “So what’re ya going to do, kid?”

  Draining the pint, I slide it back across to Tommy, his toothy grin hidden behind a mountain of hair.

  “I’m going to go get my girl.”

  “Good lad. Bring her here sometime. I want to meet the woman that finally won you over.”

  Laughing, I throw some cash on the bar, stepping out of my stool. “You got it.”

  “And don’t give Gabe a hard time, ya hear? I think he does like your girl, but he was just saying that shit to get ya to buckle down. I’d say it worked—don’t ya think?”

  I cock my eyebrow at the old man before me. “When did you get into giving love advice?”

  “When you’ve been working a bar as long as I have, you learn a few things. Go get your girl.” He says and moves down to pour a pint for a waiting customer.

  Rushing out of the bar, I spot Gabe’s bike still parked next to my car. Leaning against the back of it, Gabe stands, smoking a cigarette.

  “Thought you quit?”

  “I have. I only have one now and again. The dogs hate the smell.” Throwing the remainder of the cigarette on the ground, he stubs it with his foot, before picking it back up and throwing it in the bin. Ever the environmentalist.

  “Look, do you want to come back to mine? Maybe have a drink?”

  Gabe checks the time on his phone, pauses for a moment, then nods stiffly. “I’ll meet you there.”

  Walking past me, he hops on his bike, buckles his helmet and speeds off, the roar of his engine echoing into the night sky. Getting into my car felt lame by comparison.

  The drive home was quiet and the traffic terrible, but not as bad as it could have been. Pulling into the building, I park, getting out of my car just as Gabe pulls in beside me.

  “When are you going to buy a car?”

  “When are you going to buy a bike?”

  Getting off his bike, Gabe stores his helmet in the compartment underneath his seat before pulling out his phone. He plays with it as we walk. I look sidelong at him,

  “You have a hot date or something?”

  “Or something, man.” Walking to the elevator, he presses the button, stepping inside as it opens. Following behind him, the air is tense; thick with unwanted feelings, accusations, and harsh truths.

  “Listen, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to get so angry back at the bar. It’s just with work and the chaos there, and then you saying that you wanted Ellie… I just kind of snapped.”

  “It’s okay man. I get it.” Gabe shrugs with a sheepish smile.

  “I’m glad you decided to come back for a drink. But I have to ask…” I sigh, turning to him. “Were you serious b
efore? About the stuff you said about Ellie and wanting to ask her out.”

  Scratching his neck, Gabe looks away. That fucker was telling the truth? The elevator doors open.

  “Man, what the hell are you doing here? We told you to give us until eight!” Ryan growls quietly, his eyes flicking between Gabe and me. What the hell?

  “It’s eight-twenty,” Gabe says through gritted teeth. “I thought you said you’d be gone by now!”

  “We said you need to text us, or we’d text you!”

  “How was I supposed to know? You didn’t reply to mine, so I thought that was a green light!”

  “How is me not replying a green light?”


  “Guys, what the fuck is going on?” I frown, my eyes moving back and forth between my friends. “And why the hell do you have a packing box? Because if you’re moving into the building, I’m moving out.” I laugh, but it dies off quickly at the panicked look in their eyes.

  “Oh, God, please don’t tell me I’m right? You can’t seriously be moving into the building without letting me know? Is that why you missed today’s meeting?”

  I throw my hand out to catch the closing elevator doors as Ellie’s door opens, and another box appears. “Yo, Ryan, help me with this box, would ya? It’s fucking heavy. Why does a dog have so many toys?”

  “Oh, fuck,” Ryan mutters.

  “This isn’t going to end well,” Gabe whispers back, his eyes on Ellie’s door.

  Ryan and Gabe whisper harsh words to each other, but I can barely understand them. My eyes zero in on the packing box in Ellie’s doorway. Why is Nic taking Georgie’s toys?

  “Nic! What are you doing?”

  The muttering from my friends drops off. Gabe and Ryan both turn to me, eyes panicked. They mouth and gesture for me to go as Nic’s stare locks onto me. Where am I meant to go? I live here.

  “Seriously guys, what’s going on? And why do I need to go?” I push past Ryan and step into the hall.

  Nic moves from the doorway dropping the box to the ground, toys rustle inside. He turns to me, speaking slowly. “You need to go.

  “Er, why?”

  “Because,” Nic takes a step closer, “you are a conniving, traitorous asshole, and I am done with you.”

  I squint at him down the hall. “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  But somehow my question seems to make him boil over. He launches at me, crossing the meters between us in seconds. The rage on his face alone makes me stumble backwards into the now closed doors of the elevator. My eyes widen as he aims a punch for my head. I duck and weave, and the shuddering impact of a fist on metal rings down the corridor.

  “What the fuck, Nic!?” I shout, now standing in the middle of the hall.

  Nic spins to face me. “You think you can break her heart and come in here acting like you’re on top of the world?” He lunges again, aiming a punch for my stomach, but I jump back so he only catches the flying fabric of my tie.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about!”

  “Like hell you don’t!” He lunges again, this time catching hold of my tie. He yanks on it, pulling me into him. Grabbing me by the neck, he shoves me hard into the wall. I wince. “You fucking broke her! I trusted you with her, and you used her,” he screams in my face. “You fucking used her, and now I have to pick up the pieces.” His voice breaks as he raises his fist one more time. I struggle to shift out of his grip, but he’s still holding me tightly. His jaw is set, and his face burning with rage. I close my eyes.

  “Nic!” Gabe shouts. “Don’t do it, Nic.”

  I open my eyes and see Gabe standing a meter away, staring Nic down. He shakes his head softly when Nic turns to look at him. In the moment of distraction, I rip Nic’s hand away from my neck and slip out to the side, rubbing my chin and watching him warily. He turns to me quickly and I raise my hands, ready to defend myself this time.

  But he doesn’t move. Pain is etched onto his face. He clenches his fists but remains still, disgust and betrayal warring in his expression.

  “Now that you’ve finished beating the shit out of me,” I pant. “Wanna tell me what the fuck that was for?”

  I stare at my so-called friends, Gabe and Ryan standing stock-still behind Nic. Gabe is the first to step forward. He places a hand on Nic’s shoulder. “I don’t think he knows,” he whispers.

  Nic whirls around, practically snarling. “How can he not fucking know? He was the one that recorded it, Gabe!”

  Gabe raises his hands, stepping back. “I know, man, but does that look like someone who knows what the hell you’re talking about? Come on. We’ve known each other for years. The least you can do is hear him out.”

  “The least I can do…?” he growls. “After everything that you know?”

  “Yes. You’ve been friends long enough to listen to him.”

  “Why did you do it then, Garrett? Did you want to punish her? Did you want to let her down easy? What was it, huh?” Nic stalks toward me with clenched fists, his eyes blazing.

  I stand my ground. “I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about! Ellie and I missed one damn lunch, and I get a fucking beating because of it?”

  “Because you put her on your stupid fucking website, you prick!” Nic lunges for me again, but Ryan and Gabe hold him back.

  Ryan’s eyes dart along the corridor. “Let’s take this inside before someone calls the cops.”

  Nic shoves Gabe and Ryan off him before stalking down the corridor and opening Ellie’s door. We follow behind him, but I’m rooted to the spot in the doorway. The door starts to slide closed, hitting me in the shoulder, but I still don’t move. Georgie’s bed and playpen are gone, so are the photos hanging on the walls, the weird, colorful cushions—everything that made Ellie, Ellie. Fuck this. I’ve had enough.

  “Where the hell is Ellie?”

  “She’s staying somewhere else until things settle down,” Gabe informs me as he sits at the dining table.

  “You knew she wouldn’t be here?” Did he know when…? “Is that why you messaged earlier asking if I wanted drinks? So that these two could pack her shit before I came back?”

  Gabe hangs his head, nodding.

  “What the fuck is happening right now?” Confusion wells up inside of me. Hurt and fear pooling alongside it.

  “Do you remember when you recorded Ellie reviewing our line of products?”

  I nod to Ryan, my eyebrows pulling together. “Yeah. She said it was okay. Did she have a change of heart or something? Is that why she’s moving?” Why didn’t she just talk to me?

  “Garrett, man, you fucked up. You didn’t pause the recording when she finished reviewing the—ah—the deep throat spray.” Ryan scratches his neck, his skin flushing red. “When you uploaded the voice note submission, you uploaded everything.”

  “What do you mean I uploaded… everything?” But my voice trails off, hitching at the back of my throat.

  Pulling out his phone, Nic hooks it up to the speakers on the walls. “Listen to this, and you tell me what the fuck you think you did wrong.”

  Ellie’s voice plays over the speakers, reviewing the products and testing them. The men shift in their seats, looking away as she mentions the mint and watermelon spray. Seriously? They’re squirming over this? Shaking my head, I lean back. “See? It wasn’t that—”

  The sound of Ellie sucking my cock plays through the speakers. Every suck, every groan, and every murmur of pleasure bounces off the walls of the very living room where it was recorded.

  A wave of panic washes over me. “Fuck! How? I swear to fucking God I turned it off.”

  “Well, apparently you fucking didn’t, and you uploaded the entire thing to your website. Ellie walked past a group of men today talking about her. How she must have been a good cocksucker… how she sounded like she could take a good fucking.” Nic spoke quietly, but his voice held a violent edge to it, his eyes wild with anger. “I had Mia calling me in hysterics after Elli
e told her what happened.”

  “Over one million people have heard this, Garrett,” Ryan mutters, burying his head in his hands.

  Nic stalks toward me. “One-fucking-million people have heard my goddamn sister pleasuring you, while you’ve made hundreds of thousands of dollars from it. You’ve hurt and humiliated one of the best people in this world.” Nic pauses in front of me, his eyebrows parting as his eyes search mine. “And I introduced you to her.”

  With a pained grimace, Nic treads away from me. I listen to his footsteps pound against the floor. “Stay out of our lives.” The door slams behind him.

  Dropping my head into my hands, I scrub my face, trying to wipe away the horror of hearing Ellie’s voice, the trauma of such an intimate moment being listened to by millions of people. How could this have happened?

  “Please tell me this isn’t as bad as I think it is?” Lifting my head, I look at my friends.

  “Garrett, man. I’ve done some fucked up shit to get rid of a girl in the past,” Ryan shakes his head, his eyes widening in disbelief. “But this…?”


  “No, this is bad Garrett. You fucked up big time. Especially if you didn’t do this on purpose.”

  “Of course I didn’t do this on purpose!”

  “Are you sure about that?” Gabe’s words are like ice, freezing my anger. I turn to him, my mouth dropping open.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  Gabe sighs, leaning back in his chair. “Garrett, you’ve never wanted to settle down before. You’ve always gotten rid of your flings around the two or three-month mark. Are you one hundred percent sure, you didn’t do this on purpose? Or even by instinct?”

  “No! Why would I do that to Ellie? She’s—”

  “She was getting too close. On some level, you knew that. And maybe you were scared and acted without thinking.”

  “But I wouldn’t…” Fear claws up my spine, wrapping its fingers around my throat. “I wouldn’t do that to Ellie… would I?” I’d seen the voice clip and just uploaded it. I didn’t listen to it… I had thought it looked a little long, but dismissed it as being lost in the moment. Fuck. What if I did do it on purpose?


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