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Gun Meister Online: Adult and Uncensored

Page 11

by Noah Barnett

  Charlie stepped forward and opened the door to the Thai restaurant. They ordered food and sat. Jennifer set her purse next to her on the table. They chatted rather awkwardly for a few minutes, because Charlie didn't know much about Jen. She kept to herself which made getting to know her a challenge.

  Eventually, Jen pulled a mini-bottle of water from her purse along with an electrolyte packet for sports drinks. "Sorry, I have a habit of keeping one of these on me at all times," Jen said dumping the mix into the bottle. It turned a blood red color.

  "I know what you mean. Twice I came out of dive with a severe case of cottonmouth, so I keep a bottle next to my chair." He admitted with a laugh. Maybe he too should get some electrolyte packets for long gaming sessions. Jennifer froze as her eyes searched his face.

  "You… you dive?" She asked tentatively. He hadn't expected the beautiful woman before him to be addicted to virtual games. She seemed like the fit and active type.

  "Am I a dive junkie?" He asked and shrugged.

  Jen winced and said,"I hate that word."

  "It's fitting. I only recently got into virtual diving, and I fell pretty hard." Charlie admitted. The food arrived and he picked up his fork to start eating. Jen, however, was still looking at him.

  "What do you play?" She asked.

  "It's a little combat sim you probably haven't heard of it," he answered taking a bite of food. "It's called Gun Meister," he added and Jen shook her head.


  "Blood and Pride," she said picking up her own utensil. It was Charlie's turn to shake his head. He'd expected her to say Nigmus Online or one of the big MMO's. Still this was a chance. He had a real connection with Jen, especially if she gamed.

  "What's it about?" He asked with interest.

  "It has vampires, werewolves, mages, and its… I mean there's a lot of clan politics and faction warfare."


  "You can download it for free, but there's a subscription," she admitted. That was pretty standard with online games now. They wanted people to try it out and get hooked.

  "Maybe I'll give it a try tonight. You can show me the ropes." Charlie suggested and smiled winningly.

  "I'd like that," Jen said smiling. There must have been something in his face or a hopeful look in his eyes because she added, "I can introduce you to my boyfriend."

  Charlie kept his smile but he felt like someone had kicked his chair out from under him. He covered himself by taking another bite of food.

  “Shit… I’ll look like an asshole if I backed out now.”

  Jennifer was better at reading people than he'd expected. "If you're not interested…"

  "I would like to try it out," he responded quickly. Charlie gathered himself forcing his way out of the emotional rut he'd fallen into. "I mean it’s nice to meet someone else who is into online games. It's become kind of a dark hobby lately." He replied finishing his food. Well, romance was out the window. Jen smiled again more naturally.

  "How do I find you once I'm in game?" he asked.

  "This is the night club number, just ask for Camile. I'm Second in Command of the San Francisco Toreador." She said pushing a piece of paper towards Charlie. There was a seven digit number written in an elegant hand.

  "I'll give it a shot," he promised.


  Blood and Pride

  Blood and Pride loading…

  Entering Darkness…

  New Player Detected…

  Creating Monster…

  In the darkness blood dripped down the walls filling a dark crimson pool. Three figures rose from the liquid on iron pedestals. The first was a vampire, who’s fanged grin was wintry and unmerciful. The second was a tall werewolf in it’s full form who barred its predatory teeth. The final figure was a human wrapped in a magical aura.

  Charlie focused on the vampire and it slid forward through the bloody pool. The other figures disappeared and six more replaced them. One was a hideous creature half covered in shadow. Another wore a straight jacket and face paint. He skipped over these and selected a vampire straddling a motorcycle.

  "The Brujah are a clan of idealistic rebels and roughnecks with little to no organization. Even the young are quick to anger and fierce in combat." A low rumbling voice said from the darkness. He ignored the other options and selected the new figure.

  The blood drained from the pool, and the Brujah slid from the chopper seat and approached. A body and facial editor appeared next. Charlie adjusted the man’s features until he looked vaguely like himself, but he came out with hair more brown than blond. A complicated attribute and skill screen appeared next, and he was overwhelmed by the amount of choices, so Charlie just accepted the recommended options.

  Darkness crowded in on his vision, and almost immediately, he heard the sound of someone digging. It quickly grew louder until something metal struck him in the chest. The dirt fell away from him as a group of people stood over his shallow grave.

  "Told you new meat was coming in, and it's a guy! You owe me twenty bucks." A dark haired man said holding out a hand. Several bills flew into the air which were quickly snatched and tucked away. Charlie started to sit up, and brushed dirt from his ragged t-shirt. One girl took pity on him and held out a helping hand. He took it, and was brutally hauled from the shallow grave.

  "You're new to the game or it would have spawned you in somewhere else. Welcome to Blood and Pride." She said with a fanged smile.


  A tall man with thick brown hair stepped toward him. The vampire wore a simple wife-beater under a patched black leather jacket. He removed a pair of dark sunglasses and his eyes flashed red and orange like a bonfire. "I'm Jake, the current Prince of the Brujah."

  "Charlie," he replied.

  The man poked him in the chest with a thick finger. "The important thing to keep in mind is your thirst level. Don't feed and you'll enter frenzy." Jake said reaching behind him. He pulled a five-foot tall girl into view. The little Latina wore leather pants and an abused t-shirt. "Drink up. This is the only freebie you'll get from the Brujah. We aren't the Ventrue or those Toreador emo’s. In this clan, you find your own work and hunt your own food." He said pushing the girl towards him. She hesitantly came forward pulling her shirt down over a bare shoulder, and exposed a neck bitten countless times.

  His vision slowly turned red, and a spiderweb of lines began to glow under the girl's skin. The woman’s heart began beating faster in anticipation. As he opened his mouth, fangs grew from his upper canines, and Charlie leaned forward sinking them into the highway of blood. The girl gave a soft, pained moan and sweet candy liqueur filled his mouth. He swallowed the hot essence, but was halfway full when a voice stopped him.

  "You'll kill her if you keep drinking. I'd rather not waste my time tonight burying a mortal."

  Charlie withdrew his fangs. Her cheeks were sunken and she had dark rings around her eyes, but she straightened her shirt and returned to the clan leader like an obedient pet.

  "I'm supposed to meet a friend on here. Is there a phone I can use?" Charlie asked.

  "Who’s that?"

  "Camile of the Toreador," Charlie said glancing around. The other vampires lost interest in him and wondered off to entertain themselves.

  "How do you know each other?"

  "We work together," he admitted.

  "There's a pay phone in the bar," Jake said leading the way inside. The dirt lot abutted a small biker joint, and he followed them inside. "You'll need a ride to get into the city as well. Take one of the loaners." Jake said slapping a set of keys and a couple of quarters on the counter.

  "Thanks," Charlie said turning to the pay-phone. He slotted a quarter and dialed the number Camile had given him earlier that day.

  "Club Envy,” a sultry female voice said.

  "I'd like to speak to Camile."

  "She's unavailable."

  "Well, she's expecting my call, so go get her." He said and was placed on hold for a long wait. Char
lie turned to watch the group of vampires nearby. They were playing pool on a beer stained table. The prize was a half naked woman partially tied up and gagged nearby. Her heavy breasts bounced as she struggled against the rope.

  "Camile," a sultry, seductive voice said.

  "It's Charlie," he replied.

  "Sorry about the wait. I was in a clan meeting. Come over anytime or do you need a pickup?"

  "No, I borrowed transportation." He said and Camile gave him directions to the club.

  "See you soon," she said. The phone clicked as she hung up and he put the receiver back.

  Charlie left the bar and walked to the line of bikes parked out front. A small rope marked off a few loaners, and he straddled the first motorcycle. It started with a meaty roar before the engine settled into a low growl. He backed out then roared down the street. The club was impossible to miss once he got nearby. From a block away he could hear the music which was loud, dark, gothic techno. A ten-meter tall sign read, ‘Envy' in black-light letters. Under this were the words, "Lust Welcome."

  A line waited to get inside, and people in slutty club clothes wrapped around the block, but Charlie had no intention of waiting. He strode toward the entrance where two bouncers were keeping the club exclusive. The first man was a seven foot tall gorilla, but he quickly unhooked the rope letting Charlie in. Just inside the entrance, a trio of girls were staking out new arrivals. Each of the females had black hair, black makeup, and black dresses on. Frankly, they looked like a gothic backup band waiting to get on stage. They hissed at him exposing their fangs.

  "What was that for?"

  "Why, oh why did you have to be a Brujah?" A woman asked in a smooth and sultry voice. From out of the gyrating crowd, a vampire in red strolled toward him. It was Jen, but only after her sex appeal had been cranked up to max. Her natural wheat blonde hair was now platinum colored. The former innocence in her nose and chin had hardened into something predatory. The look was magnified by the black eyeliner and deep red lipstick. This matched her silk dress which hugged the curves of her shapely body. Black batwing stockings ran down her legs showing off tantalizing snatches of pure white flesh. As she stopped before him, Charlie whistled.

  "Stop that," she said smacking his arm.

  "Hot is hot," he said defensively. Camile hit him again but smiled a little. He glanced at the trio who were still eyeing him like week old leftovers. "Jen, are you the only vampire around here that isn't wearing all black?"

  "Remember to call me Camile here," she said giving him a glare. Then in a more normal tone she added, "I'm glad I came down here to find you. If you'd made it any further into the club you would’ve been attacked."


  "Camile, who's your friend?" A male asked in a voice that was smooth and commanding. A figure strolled through the crowd like a shark through a school of fish. The humans parted for him though many stared in abject awe. He was movie star handsome, and an aura of authority hung about him like a palpable cloak. Charlie instantly disliked the man, though mostly because he seemed to be Jen's boyfriend.

  "Stephan, let me introduce you to my co-worker." Camile pronounced the name 'Stefawn' like it was foreign.

  "This is Charlie," she said glancing at him for confirmation. He nodded and extended a hand.

  "Charmed," Stephan said with eyes that suggested he was anything but.

  "Likewise," Charlie said giving the other man’s hand a firm squeeze. Their introductions were interrupted by a white haired male vampire running up. He tapped ‘Stefawn’ on the shoulder and whispered into his ear.

  "Now? Of course they are, I should have guessed." The dark haired Prince said.

  "What's going on?" Camile asked.

  "Your friend is a spy."

  "What, no—" She said quickly.

  "I don't have time right now, Camile. Take him below."

  Several vampires materialized from the crowd and grabbed his arms. Charlie tried to struggle but fledglings were little stronger than human, and after an initial attempt, he just let them drag him downstairs. Camile followed after trying to protest his innocence. Charlie found himself dragged into a concrete prison far below the club. The two vampires threw him into the room, and slid the iron bars into place, locking him inside. He stood dusting his pants off as Camile entered the cell block. Two human guards followed her in, and took up positions next to his cell.

  Charlie gave the bars to his cell a pathetic yank and said, "Your boyfriend is an asshole."

  "He's just stressed," Camile said defensively.

  "Why the hell did he think I'm a spy?"

  "Tensions between the Brujah and the Toreador has been increasing for months," Camile said turning and pacing back and forth. She chewed the fingernail of her thumb in agitation.

  "Ok, that might’ve been good to mention before I started, but why is that?"

  Camile continued to pace for a few seconds in thought. Then she turned and said, "There are some unique artifacts in the game. One for each clan. In two years only the Brujah one has been found. It's a two-handed sword of incredible power. Especially in the hands of a Brujah vampire. We have it; they want it."

  "Ok… So just sell it to them. I'm sure they'll bend over backward for it."

  Camile swatted at the idea with her hand like an annoying fly. Her tone was acidic as she said, "It would destroy the balance of power if they got it. The Brujah would bully the other factions and take over the city. We told them if they want the sword to look for our item. For months the players have been scouring the server searching for the other Uniques."

  Charlie turned toward the distinctive sound of gunfire. He recognized the staccato of an automatic weapon. The bass from the club above popped and crackled into an ominous silence.

  "Just great," Camile said turning to a guard. She pointed down the corridor and said, "Go to the vault."

  "I'm sorry ma'am we were ordered to guard the prisoner by the Prince," The guard said in a militaristic voice.

  Jen growled, "Stupid NPC's. Well, you can guard him as we move. I'm taking the prisoner to the vault."

  Camile approached his cell. "Let's get you out of here," she said and gripped the inch thick iron bars with her feminine fingers. With a little effort, she started to bend them like they were taffy. Soon there was space enough for Charlie to snake his way out.

  "What's going on?" Charlie asked with interest. At least his first night in the game was proving exciting.

  "The attack on the Toreador Compound was just a diversion. Somehow they found out we’re keeping the artifact here." She said stepping back.

  "Was that wise?"

  "The Brujah have made so many attempts on the Head Quarters, we decided to build a vault under the club. When we aren't sleeping most of us hang out here anyway. We employed only a handful of NPC's for the construction and killed them when we were done." She said making Charlie wince. That was a little drastic but apparently vampires played by different rules. Camile went over to a locker and withdrew a bulky fifty-caliber Desert Eagle. She handed it to him along with two full magazines.

  "Ma'am the prisoner is not allowed to have guns," One guard said.

  "The Prince never said he couldn't be armed. He only ordered you to guard him. I'm telling you it's fine this prisoner has a weapon. You will not fire on him unless he shoots one of you." She said poking the man in the chest.

  "Yes ma'am," the human said with a salute. Charlie was amazed that these NPC's were so strictly literal. They sounded like artificial dolls which made Elva's complex personality all the more impressive. Camile didn't bother taking one herself. Instead, she turned and trotted from the prison.

  Charlie and his guards had trouble keeping up with Camile. She moved down the corridor like a cheetah in full sprint. He was halfway down the hall when a leather-clad vampire came out of a side passage between them. The brujah’s mouth and neck was covered in fresh blood and his eyes blazed with inner light. Charlie skidded to a stop, raised the magnum with both hands, and fir
ed. The head of the grinning vampire disappeared in a red and pink mist as the silver nitrate bullet split his skull like a ripe melon.

  "What the hell?" Charlie asked looking down at the pistol. He hated to admit it, but he had missed. The second he'd pulled the trigger the biker had shifted right slightly, so the bullet should have missed by an inch. His one point in pistol skill had compensated for his shit aim. Charlie felt cheated and more than a little robbed of any sense of accomplishment. For days he had practice his marksmanship in Gun Meister, but this game held his hand like a child. He wondered what having five points in pistols would be like. Could he just aim in the general direction of an enemy and hit them?


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