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Gun Meister Online: Adult and Uncensored

Page 29

by Noah Barnett

  "We never had to do that at the Armory," she argued with a pout.

  "I am not interested in picking up after you either. You can keep the house clean or go back to the Armory." He said gesturing to the front door. The busty Asian reviewed her odds, and reluctantly moved to the couch to pick up the dirty towels.

  "Fara, Elva; Transform." He commanded a little more curtly than he intended.

  Both girls materialized. Fara looked around rather impressed with the damage. Elva took in her surroundings in shock.

  "I'm sorry Charlie. I…"

  "Your friends can stay, but you need to show them the ropes."


  "What?" She asked looking like she was ready to tell him off. The weapon probably expected to be assigned something to do.

  "Elva and I are going to spend some quality time together. Can you go a night without being cleaned?" He asked.

  "Yes," she said, but disappointment was written on her face.

  "Tomorrow morning, at the latest. You did good work today." He said turning Elva toward the bedroom. Charlie wasn't about to let her clean up after the women, and he urged her through the door.

  "Charlie…" She said in a strained voice, but he stopped her by covering her mouth.

  "You're like the matron of this family, Elva. This house is as much yours as it is mine. After I log out, you can give them the birds and the bee's of staying here." He said. Elva smiled slightly at his compliment and straightened with pride. "Get naked and lay on the bed."

  Charlie walked to the nightstand, and pulled off his jacket, armor, and holsters. Elva yanked her shirt over her head like it was on fire, and the top made a supersonic crack as it broke the sound barrier on its way into the laundry basket. Her daisy dukes and panties swiftly followed before Elva leaped onto the bed.

  "Roll over on your belly." He said pulling several pillows closer and patted them. Intrigued she did so.

  Elva had bronze skin, a result of many days spent lounging naked on the beach. For a few seconds, he admired the swell of her ass and the long valley her spine made. Charlie touched the back of her calves and ran his hands up her smooth legs. She shook her hips seductively as he slid his hands over them. He continued up her back to the base of her neck, and started to massage the skin. His fingers worked like he was kneading dough across her shoulders, and he did this all the way down each arm. Elva sighed relaxing fully onto the bed.

  "You mentioned they pamper you all at the hotel."

  "Uhh huh," Elva said in agreement.

  She deserved a little something. The situation with the girls wasn't entirely her fault, and he rather enjoyed having them in the house. Elva did the shopping, kept the house clean, and even did the laundry, so he wanted to give her a special present for always doing the chores.

  He was no professional masseuse, not by any margin, but he was enthusiastic in his attempt. By now he was working his way down to her lower back. His palms slid over her dorsal muscles and rolled over her sides. Charlie dug his fingers and knuckles into her plump posterior. He toyed with her inner thighs, and his fingers lightly stroked along the edge of her sex.

  She moaned into the pillow and said, "They never did that on the massage table." Charlie moved down each thigh kneading the bronze colored flesh. After giving her feet some love, he returned to the cleft of her core. Elva parted her legs, and his fingers grew slick with her sweet smelling lubricant. He took his time gently rubbing her until she made a sound, not unlike an impatient cat waiting for its food.

  Charlie straddled Elva from behind, entered her slowly, and descended inch by inch to her molten core. Her hot swollen walls clung to him like oiled fingers, and his manhood quickly grew slick. He bottomed out within her and there was a momentary pulse of electric pleasure. Charlie withdrew completely, and his shaft glistened with her milky lubricant. Elva reached back and spread her bronze ass cheeks for him. Smiling at her invitation, he aimed at her honeyed entrance again and dove. As he fully entered her, another shock of sweet bliss raced up his spine, and Charlie moaned feeling dizzy from the intense sensation.

  For a time he was in control. For a time he moved gently, but eventually his restraint broke, and he began pumping into her as hard as he could. The climax slammed into him like a runaway dump truck. Charlie roared as a tsunami flooded down his loins. His trembling arms buckled, and Charlie collapsed atop the bronze goddess.

  She reached back, combing her fingers through his tousled hair, and he bit her neck tasting her metallic skin. Elva purred like a satisfied kitten.

  "I'm going to log out for tonight," he murmured in a drunken voice.

  "Okay," Elva breathed. He touched his temple to access his system menu. The prompt came up, and he logged from the game.

  Sunday morning he woke early, which gave him time to fix a proper breakfast before logging in. Like usual he carried a bottle of water into the living room and pulled the Dive Helmet on. It hummed to life and dropped him into the game.

  Gun Meister Online Loading…

  Installing Amorous Content…

  Initiating Modem Foreplay…

  Network Swapping Digital Fluids…

  Logging into Character…

  Charlie opened his eyes. Above him, an old Twilight Zone show was playing in black and white. Fara lay on the bed with her head between his legs, and must have noticed the change.

  "I want season two," Fara said without moving.

  "We can work something out." He said running a hand along her jawline. She bit his hand as it approached her mouth and he winced. Fara was like a moody cat. Sometimes she was sweet, but mostly just rebellious and disobedient. He reached down and flicked her nipple through the thin t-shirt. It instantly stiffened under his attack, and Fara growled biting down harder.

  "Ok, you win. You're obviously not in the mood for play." He said through the pain. She let go, and he examined his hand for teeth marks. Maybe she was annoyed at not being cleaned last night.

  "Where's Elva?"

  "Showing the girls how to serve man," Fara said in a deadpan voice. Charlie hoped Fara didn't mean seasoned and deep fried in oil.

  “If you can tear yourself away from the television, I’ll clean you.”

  Fara touched the screen and it blinked off. Then she glowed yellow and transformed into a short barreled M16A4. Charlie picked up the weapon and walked out of the bedroom to an unusual scene. Six girls sat around the kitchen counter which was covered in banana clusters.

  "Sensei, show us again," a sultry Asian begged.

  First Elva pushed the thick pair of red glasses higher on her nose, then fetched another banana and unwrapped it. She checked to make sure everyone was watching before the woman opened her mouth. The white fleshy fruit approached, and she licked a tongue across the tip. Her lips closed over the head and slowly forced its length into her mouth. The lucky food item bottomed out at the peeled base. Elva's head bobbed as she withdrew the fruit, and saliva covered it all the way to the yellow hilt. She smiled and wiped her lips clean.

  "The trick is to relax your throat." She said, and several girls tried it. Sofie managed it on the first attempt, but she had those sultry lips and a long, languid tongue. The fruit disappeared down her throat, and Elva applauded. The two white-haired twins managed to get about halfway before gagging. They coughed in unison and started to giggle in embarrassment. The auburn haired girl tried next. She only managed to get the tip in before biting down.

  "I cannn't hellp itt," she mumbled with a mouthful of fruit. The girl swallowed. "Banana tastes so good, I can't help but eat it."

  Charlie could see why Fara hadn't been interested in joining. He probably would never let the sadist near his manhood. Not with her penchant for biting.

  "I see you're going above and beyond," Charlie said announcing his presence. Sofie turned in surprise and quickly ate the banana.

  Elva leaped from the kitchen stool and circled the counter with an excited smile on her face. She was wearing her teacher's outfit today.
Only a few buttons were actively used on the white shirt, which strained mightily against her cleavage. Elva smoothed the red pleated miniskirt and stepped toward him in bright red four-inch heels.

  The sex-ed teacher pressed herself to him in greeting. Charlie tasted the banana Elva had so vigorously practiced upon. Her kiss and the scene he'd just witness conspired to get him highly aroused. He slipped a hand under her skirt and traced the line of her lace panties to the damp crotch.

  "I only asked you to show the girls the ropes, but I didn't expect you to give your secret techniques away."

  She moaned as he continued to prod her wet panties. "How about we finish with a proper demonstration?" Elva suggested in a heavy lust ridden voice.

  "I would love that, but first I think you should introduce your friends. It's only fair after the lengths they're going to." He said removing his hand from Elva's skirt.

  She gestured to a voluptuous Asian sitting closest to them. The woman still had the banana in her mouth and winked at him. "We didn't have names, so we used the last three numbers of our object ID's when talking to each other. 853 is an M79 Stand Alone 40mm Grenade Launcher."

  Elva paused and whispered into his ear, "She hates being called blooper."

  "A grenade launcher," Charlie thought. It was a good thing he'd already promised Sofie the slot, or he would be sorely tempted to pick her as his Gold contract.

  Next Elva pointed to the white-haired twins sitting together. "901 and 902 are a pair of Thompson Center Machine Guns." If he ever wanted to dress up as a mobster for Halloween, those two would be perfect weapons. They blushed in unison and giggled behind dainty hands. The shy brown haired girl was an M97 Trench Shotgun, and Charlie whistled. They were all reliable guns in his opinion. Each seemed to be around world war two era, but maybe that was how the batches came out.

  "It's nice to meet you all," he said, before the phone began to ring. Charlie fished it out and activated the screen.

  "Remy," he said accepting the call.

  "You usually don't pick up."

  "I'm always afraid you're in the middle of something I'd rather not hear," Charlie admitted.

  "There's another event today. I figured we could show up early and practice together." Remy suggested, which was surprisingly thoughtful.

  "That could be useful. I'll message the others. We're going to have to integrate Tobias and Jennifer with their new weapons. You'll be surprised I think." Charlie said with a wolfish grin. He was already starting to imagine that Gatling Cannon and the Sniper Rifle at work on the Roth Captains.

  "Hold… hold on.... oh god, that feels so good. Right there… I'm gunna cum," Remy groaned.

  Charlie sighed and hung up. He turned to Elva and said, "It looks like our demonstration will have to wait until later." The weapon pouted but nodded reluctantly.

  “I still need to clean you. If you change, I’ll give you and Fara a quick scrub down before we leave.”



  At ten in the morning, the Competition Center was a bright bustle of activity. Red strobing lights still decorated the outside like a Las Vegas sideshow. Charlie parked the car near the street, shut the engine off, and fetched Fara from between the seats. He was halfway to the entrance when he caught sight of Grace sitting on the same bench as yesterday. Remy sat beside her licking an ice cream cone, and the southern belle was busy ignoring the little girl. She had purchased a hoop dress of plain white fabric. As Charlie approached, she gave him a small wave and a smile.

  "Charlie," she greeted.

  "How are you doing today, Grace?"

  Her smile never faltered, but she said, "I am miserable. How are you?"

  "I am doing good, quite good. My only regret is that Montgomery is not here to bask in the excitement."

  "I share your sentiment," Grace admitted.

  "Do you need anything?"

  "No, but thank you," Grace replied with another forced smile. Charlie turned his attention to the small girl next to her. She was licking her fingers clean of ice cream.

  Remy was dressed in a skimpy black bathing suit, and her teal hair was tied back into a single ponytail. Under her right arm was the magnum holster. A half-full belt of 40mm grenades were slung across her small chest, while a full one wrapped around her waist. At her thigh was a leather holster containing the double barrel shotgun. There sat a large weapon in her lap, and with it, she must have been pushing her weight limit.

  "Why are you wearing a bikini?" He asked.

  "That light armor didn't do shit against the lasers yesterday, so I bathed in 180 SPF sunscreen instead. Every half-pound I save is another 40mm grenade." She said running a hand down her stomach.

  "You seem unusually chipper."

  Remy smiled in response and patted the Milkor Six-Shot Grenade Launcher in her lap. The heavy weapon looked like a giant black revolver.

  "Missy is still a little annoyed with me."

  "This is the gun you had waiting at home?" Charlie asked.

  "I wouldn't let her go till we had a contract, so she bit me. I had no idea a girl's clitoris could be circumcised, but hooweee… Missy did it. I couldn't get the blood stopped no matter how many towels I used." Remy admitted.

  "You deserved it," Grace said in a none too quiet whisper.

  "Philip wouldn't help me in the slightest. Do you know how awkward it is to bury yourself in the garden?"

  "Can't say I do."

  "It certainly gives you some existential thoughts on life. At least I got Missy contracted. I think she'll come around in the end." She said giving the weapon another long, lascivious stroking.

  "Remy, you are so utterly fucked in the head."

  "I just didn't want Missy to contract with anyone else while I ranked up. She had TV, food, and I played with her tons."

  "Weapons are not pets."

  "Well, they're not entirely human either. Besides, Missy could have left at any time. All she had to do was change into weapon form to slip the cuffs. Then change back and walk out while I wasn't home. She's not human though so that never occurred to her." Remy countered crossing her arms over her flat chest.

  Charlie wasn't sure what to say about that, so he only shook his head in disgust. Thankfully, Jennifer showed up halting the debate before it began. The woman had gone shopping. Her platinum hair was cut into a short shoulder length layered bob, and she wore light body armor under a tight-fitting black turtleneck. A leather shoulder harness contained a few pistol magazines and a long-bladed knife. At her waist was a larger canvas bag containing spare M107 magazines. She wore matte black spandex with knee pads, and a pair of hiking boots. Following after her were two well-muscled men dressed in identical butlers suits.

  "I should thank you," Jennifer said as she neared. "After I got Sebastian to stop saluting he explained how to use him."

  "I'm glad you two hit it off."

  "What are we doing today?" She asked as the two weapons took up flanking positions at her sides.

  "Once Tobias arrives, I thought we could discuss a few squad tactics. I'd like to wait for him to show up before we start though." Charlie said and sat down next to Grace. Withdrawing his phone again, he sent the man another message.

  A couple minutes later, the final member of their small squad showed up. He walked through the lot like a man with boat anchors tied to his feet. Tobias had heavy kevlar armor on, which was covered in hundreds of paper pages. As he neared, Charlie could make out diagrams, scripture, and psalms. A metal pack frame was attached to his shoulders and connected to an articulating arm at his waist. On his back was a large square backpack with a link of ammo sticking out the top. Charlie frowned noticing that bloody two-handed sword sticking out between the backpack and his heavy armor.

  Walking beside him was a young woman radiant in white. Her snowy hair was shoulder length, and she wore a thin golden circlet around her forehead like a halo. Her distinctive pupils were highlighted with a lining of dark eyeshadow. A white silk dress
was split down both sides, and a thin string tied them together at the hips. The fabric hung down in front and back all the way to the ankles. A simple golden belt circled her waist, and finishing the outfit was a pair of white knee-high boots. The only thing missing was a set of wings.

  "I hope you didn't use a real bible for that," Charlie said.

  "Sacrilege," Tobias agreed. "No Brother, these are from the Biblica Demonica. A hundred demons once breached the gates of hades to wreak havoc on earth. Each page chronicles their capture and exorcism back to hell."

  "I'm glad you made it," he said extending a hand, which Tobias took.


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