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Gun Meister Online: Adult and Uncensored

Page 40

by Noah Barnett

  Sofie and Fara were floating in the air a few inches above his face while the others played tag in the zero-g environment. He tried to sit up but found his legs and chest fastened down via a thick Velcro belt. At the sound of tearing the girls turned toward him.

  "Enjoying space?" He asked.

  "Da," Sofie said while Fara shrugged her shoulders.

  "Very much," Thelma and Luise called from across the cabin.

  As the last belt came free, he floated upward. Charlie grabbed a hold of Sofie to steady himself except he only ended up dragging her into the center of the room with him. For a few seconds, he flailed in the weightless environment before Sofie pushed him. Charlie just barely managed to catch a handhold as he bounced off the wall.

  "Play tag with us?" The twins begged.

  "I'll pass for now, but you go ahead. I want to check out the dropship. The last time I was here, it was under hectic circumstances. I'd like to see the ship without aliens shooting at me." He said using the cargo rings to pull himself toward the exit. On the wall next to the door was a familiar square button. He touched it with his hand, and the door slid open.

  The hallway was filled with black scorch marks, and a two-handed sword was sticking from the wall halfway down. ‘Word of God,’ was still printed on the blade. He wondered if Tobias would try and yank his weapon out at some point. Charlie snaked through the upper part of the doorway into the passage. The twins sailed through the door after him, hit the opposite wall, and kicked off toward Charlie. A pair of hands pushed him, and he twisted away from the wall.

  "Tag!" The twins called in unison. Without handholds, he ended up floating slowly down the middle of the passage. Charlie quickly discovered that wiggling his hands or kicking his feet didn't do a damn thing. He only ended up spinning in place from the motion. Without something to push against all he could do was slowly drift down the hall. The other girls had stopped just outside of the bunk room.

  "Any help?" He asked, and they quickly shook their heads. He was 'It,' and they wouldn't risk getting tagged. Up ahead the twins were still giggling as they disappeared up to the command deck.

  As he spun in circles, the two-handed blade came into view. He reached out grabbing the hilt and pulled himself to the wall. Behind him Elva, Fara, and Sofie readied themselves to spring away should he come after them. He turned toward the stairs, placed his feet on the hilt, and kicked off. The switchback approached quickly, and Charlie managed to grab the armored cover. From there he used the railing to guide himself the rest of the way. Behind two of the consoles, white hair was just visible. A pair of twinkling purple eyes appeared over the edge then ducked down.

  "Did he see you?" Thelma asked in a whisper.

  "I don't think so," Luise whispered back.

  "This is fun."

  "I know, my heart is going doki-doki," Luise agreed.

  The rest of the girls stopped just at the switchback waiting to see what he would do. The command deck was about thirty feet across. Several chairs and consoles were grouped in pairs facing the front. A single massive chair dominated a raised central platform. Above him, the glory of space was visible through a thick set of glass windows. Without Earth's atmosphere to defuse the light every star was like a shining beacon. The twins were still giggling behind the console which brought him back to the present.

  He pushed himself forward and across the deck. Instead of going for the twins he kicked off the captain's chair, and back to the stairs. Sofie appeared first, and he caught her shoulders. They ended up spinning together toward the glass windows. She held onto him as they bounced off.

  "I vas right about you, Charlie," Sofie said in a throaty purr. "There is something special about you."

  "You girls are something else too," he replied.

  Sofie's steel colored eyes were full of pent-up lust. She spun him about and snaked her hands under his arms pinning him in a zero-gee-half-nelson. "We have been talking while you trained." She purred into his ear. "You are a vicked man, so we thought it time you are made to squeal."

  Her teeth bit down on his ear, and he started to grow hard as the other girls hungrily closed in on him. Elva collided with him next, and her fingers began to work the buttons on his pants. Thelma, Luise, and Fara quickly joined in the small tangle as his zipper slid down. Charlie's trousers were pulled free first. Within a minute he found himself stripped naked and his clothes tossed to the corners of the bridge. The girls undressed next, and more clothes flew away. As a mass of clinging arms and legs, they spun through the air. Charlie awkwardly kissed Sofie as she stroked him to full mast. Lips and tongues caressed his skin, but the girls found it almost impossible to mount him. Sex in space was simpler said than done. Newton's third law made for some tricky coupling.

  They bounced against the bridge windows and approached the commander's chair. Charlie was dragged toward it and hands grabbed him. Elva curled a hand around his bicep and held him down. Fara floated to his left side and pinned his thigh to the seat. Sofie wedged herself behind the chair and locked her hands together around his waist.

  The twins crawled atop him first. Both were identical except two distinguishing marks. Thelma had a small mole on her right breast. Luise had a rosy red splotch on her vaginal entrance. It was two inches wide, vaguely shaped like a heart, and strangely sensitive to the touch. Thelma eagerly closed on his manhood, and guided her entire body toward it. Each of the girls felt a little different inside, maybe just to spice things up for the Meister. Thelma had soft fleshy speed bumps all the way down her love tunnel, and for a second, her eyes crossed and she moaned as his cock slipped over each one. Meanwhile, Luise turned in midair to faced her batch sister. They clasped hands together as she seated herself atop Charlie's face. He licked up the length of her candy flavored sex to her birthmark, and she shivered in response.

  As one, the twins ground their hips back and forth against him. His tongue slid over Luise's birthmark, but it was Thelma that moaned. Charlie licked between the valley of her honeyed lips, and deep into her entrance. She was sweet like candy canes and gingerbread.

  "Yes," Thelma whimpered. Both girls picked up speed and Charlie groaned in response. Thelma rocked her hips, and his manhood kept rolling back and forth over her slick speed-bumps. He dug into Luise’s waist as she fucked his face faster still.

  The batch sisters weren’t just close. They shared the same database, reading and writing memories, along with a double dose of sensations. What Thelma felt, Luise did as well which explained why both were starting to shiver and shake. They hugged each other as the inevitable climax approached. Charlie joined them in that, and let out a long low groan as he came. They both slowed and Thelma slid free of Charlie's erection with a sigh of pleasure.

  The vacancies were quickly filled. Sofie climbed over the captain's chair and closed her long legs around his neck. Her sex was starting to puddle with leaking lubricant. The twins switched places with Fara and Elva as Charlie closed his mouth over Sofie's sex. The tall redhead leaked like a river, and spread copious amounts of slick lube over his face as she ground against his lips. Her voice was thick as she moaned. Hands pushed his legs apart as two tongues licked up the length of his shaft. Two sets of lips kissed his manhood before one settled over the head of his cock. They slowly slid lower and lower until they touched his base. This time it was Charlie who moaned. Despite having just climaxed, he started to grow hard again. While the lips made work of his shaft; a set of teeth bit at his thigh. That would be Fara, and he relaxed slightly.

  "Nyet! Don't stop, suck me harder," Sofie begged. Charlie had paused trying to figure out who was going down on him. That and the intense stimulation slamming into his brains. Sofie pushed herself hard against his face, and he sucked her exposed clitoris into his mouth. Long fingers sank into his hair as her hips shivered. Both he and Sofie moaned in virtual unison. Fara's tongue slid over his inner thigh while her nails scratched his balls. The soft, succulent lips pulled from his cock, and he felt a moment of cold air
on his saliva covered shaft. Then the lips were back faster than ever. The mouth quickly slid down his length, and he moaned as they touched the base of his shaft. Teeth bit down hard on his other thigh, and nails raked over his stomach.

  Sofie's sex was streaming more and more liquid across his face. In the micro-gravity, they made long stringy ropes between his mouth and her groin. Her hips rocked faster discharging fat blobs of clear lube in the air, and they floated away across the bridge.

  "Da, da!"

  Charlie agreed with Sofie as the mouth on his manhood sent him to second heaven. Another pair of hands started digging scratches into his stomach and thigh. The giant redhead shivered atop him as her orgasm came, and Charlie was moments behind as the mouth on his cock moved even faster. He moaned into Sofie's milky sex as raw pleasure rocked his world. The lips descended down his shaft, and a throat closed around his head as she swallowed, drinking his essence. Afterward, her tongue slowly licked him clean, and Charlie shuddered from the service.

  When Sofie released his head and floated free, he looked down. Fara knelt between his legs with her mouth around his manhood. She was looking up at him with her brilliant blue eyes. Elva knelt next to her and continued to rake her long fingernails over Charlie's thighs as he stared in astonishment.

  "Holy shit, Fara. I may not have squealed, but only because my mouth was full." He said to the girl, and her eyes twinkled at the compliment. His manhood popped free of her mouth before she turned and sank her teeth into his thigh.

  "Fuck," he cried as she quickly drew blood.


  Attack on Mars

  Together the ‘Misfits' stood on the bridge of the dropship. The rusty red marble of Mars drifted lazily across the window, polar caps starkly white against the blood-colored craters and valleys. It floated against a backdrop of scintillating stars and a vast dark void. A few kilometers away two more rocket-ships were visible by their engine flares. Those were the Chinese and European forces, and together they would soon assault the alien base.

  "That is a spectacular view," Charlie marveled. He hadn’t meant to say it aloud, but there it was.

  "I tried to come up here when it was first visible, but the Command Deck was—already occupied," Monty said coughing lightly, and glanced toward Charlie. The rest of the squad followed his gaze.

  "You saw that?"

  "Thankfully, no. There was enough warning to spare us any—awkwardness." Montgomery said pausing on the final word. Grace hung onto his arm while she fanned her heating face.

  "Wait, wait… you're telling me I missed the space orgy?" Remy asked in utter shock.

  "No such thing happened," Charlie replied immediately. "The girls were showing me how to play zero-g tag. That's all." He said in a quick matter-of-fact voice—which clearly fooled no one.

  "I can't believe I missed my chance to get fucked in zero gravity," Remy exclaimed slapping her forehead. She turned and threw her small frame at the massive ebony champion nearby. "Philip, take me now."

  "Ugh, some of us just ate," Jen said refusing to look at the girl.

  "Keep thy sin bottled; our holy mission is upon us." Tobias agreed.

  "Yes, the time for pleasure has passed. Mars may appear little more than a dot, but we are only an hour away." Monty said.

  Remy pouted and tried to coax her weapon down below for a quickie. Philip however, was strangely enchanted by the growing red sphere. The long scar of the Valles Marineris Trench could just be seen at this distance. They all stood—more or less—quietly watching the planet approach. The vessel decoupled with an explosive charge, and the Titan-X Rocket slowly tumbled away. It had done its job getting them here, and hopefully, the dropship would have fuel enough to return home. Less than a hundred meters away another armored ship turned on its axis and slid closer.

  The mission had been kept quiet until last night when word had leaked about the assault, and the news was quickly spreading. Thousands of players jealously poured into the Competition Center to find out more. Unfortunately, they'd only be spectators today. The camera feeds back to earth would be delayed by a nine-minute light lag, but the world was watching the event.

  The bridge intercom activated and a female voice announced, "Please come to the loading bay, and enter your armor. The event begins in twenty minutes."

  "Well shucks, I was rather hoping they would orbit the planet once before landing," Monty said slightly crestfallen. Grace clung to him as he turned and pushed from the bridge window. Charlie followed after with his own girls in tow. He glided down the stairs using the handrail before kicking down the hallway.

  The loading deck was filled with half-naked players suiting up. Five open sets of armor stood waiting in the corner of the cargo bay. Behind the towering Mark-One Power Armor was his equipment and the drop pod.

  "Good luck," Elva said kissing his cheek, then transformed in a flash of light.

  Charlie unlaced his boots and shucked his pants. After pulling his shirt free, Fara took them and clutched his clothes to her chest. Her eyes flicked across his face, and she smiled. Charlie reached forward pulling the girl toward him for a kiss as well. Her lips were soft, and tasted faintly of cherry. “Good luck,” she whispered and floated backward. They had certainly come a long way since their first meeting. Thelma and Luise hugged him next before changing into their weapon forms.

  Jen's armor was next to his, and she hastily stripped down to her red underwear. While Charlie didn't exactly look, it was impossible not to notice her shapely figure. Mostly naked she stepped onto the raised platform for the feet. The blond wiggled her arms down the sleeves of the suit and pushed her head into the helmet. Her butt went in last, and the Power Armor closed.

  "We got twenty minutes. You sure I can't have a quickie?" Remy asked next in line. The short flat-chested female floated naked next to her suit, and Charlie caught sight of her teal pubic hair before quickly glancing away.

  "Focus on the event. We'll be returning to the ships, so you'll get a second chance." Charlie said turning to his armor.

  He put one foot on the raised pad and thrust his arms inside the sleeves. As his head entered the helm, the suit closed over him. The inside reeked like an unwashed jockstrap, and for a second he held his breath against the foul stench. Thankfully the odor began to fade as bottled air shot up his nose. Slowly the armor powered on and green text crawled down the visor. The HUD appeared, and he straightened in the suit. Jen was shifting her weight back and forth familiarizing herself with the delay lag. He followed her example. Remy finally crawled into her armor, butt naked, and it closed. Tobias and Monty were already inside their suits and gearing up. Each of his squad mates had a small green diamond and a name-tag over their heads. The rest of the bay was filled with armored players testing their gear. Instead of diamonds, green dots floated over their heads marking them as friendly.

  "Mount up," he called. They had only minutes left, and there was a noticeable pull of gravity again. Charlie gathered his equipment, and double checked everything. The twins had slings which he wrapped around his forearms. Then he waddled slowly into the cramped space of his pod. It snapped closed leaving him in darkness, save the green HUD.

  A square formed in the lower right corner, and Colonel Blake's wrinkled face appeared. "This is a last minute reminder. Your objective is to get inside the dome and destroy the key installations. Killing aliens is only a means to that goal. Don't get bogged down in fighting. Today you are the ones outnumbered, and they will quickly swamp you."

  "It's currently day on this side of Mars, and the enemy compound will be five kilometers to the east."

  "Squad leaders, should you find the objective call for immediate aid. Your radio broadcast will automatically tell us your location."

  The image on the screen flickered a few times, and the old man scrubbed his face before looking into the pickup again. When he spoke, his voice was troubled. "Someone once said mercy is for the weak, but humanity could not be more so. No, that state
ment is patently false. I believe mercy is a luxury of the strong, and it's something we cannot currently afford."

  "Show them our mettle and courage, but above all—show them no quarter. Godspeed, and good hunting." He said before the window closed.

  Gravity was unquestionably back as the ship fell through the atmosphere. The engine noise grew so loud that it blotted out everything else. In the center of Charlie's HUD, a circle spun as it counted down from sixty seconds. The massive ship bucked as it continued to descend through the thin atmosphere. As they approached the landing site, pods began firing from the belly of the craft. Charlie was glad for the gel padding as his pod ejected from the ship, and his head slammed against the helmet of his suit. There was a whistling sound as his thin-shelled cocoon plummeted through the Martian air. He hit the ground hard and the sides of the pod exploded away, which left him standing on a roughly circular platform looking out at the rocky terrain.

  Charlie was facing south, but honestly, every direction looked the same. It wasn't blood red as it appeared from orbit. Instead, the broken boulder filled landscape took on various shades of brownish rust. The dropship continued on its flight as it disgorged more and more squads.


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