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The Promised Ones

Page 16

by Brad Stucki

  Chahzuu slowed his approach. Nothing seemed to change in his feelings, and there was no reason not to proceed. He stepped right up to the line along the floor but didn't break the plane it made. He put his hand close to the plane, though didn't cross. There was no sensation, yet something told him this line was significant. If he crossed it, he would not be able to turn back. If he crossed it, and wasn't supposed to, he'd be dead.

  He'd long since given up trying to figure out how he just 'knew' things. It had to be the crystal. Chahzuu had enough experience with it now to know, and not have to know 'how.' Hopefully that would come later. It was enough to make him pause before the blue line.

  I am here because I was guided, Chahzuu thought. It was more to reassure himself than anything.

  He took a deep breath, then letting it out slowly, stepped over the line. A tingling filled him from the front to back as he moved across, as if he were being examined. And as the crystal in his breast came even with the plane, it burned, a glow of comfort, as if he’d finally come home. But he knew he was far from it.

  Now he knew how the creators of the maze would ultimately protect what was inside from the lucky or insane. If the traveler did not have a crystal, it was a final barrier. How long has it been there, waiting for someone to pass?

  So much to learn, never adequate time. Chahzuu turned back to look at the barrier. It was glowing a faint red now. Barely visible even when you knew where to look for it. He turned back to his task. He must be very close now.

  The hall up ahead seemed to be growing lighter just as it turned another corner. There were no more intersections. Chahzuu moved cautiously forward and eased his head around the edge. What he saw was a large chamber starting to fill with light. He’d made it!

  Nothing seemed to be hindering his way, but he still, carefully, looked over the entire chamber over before moving. Just as he was about to step into the chamber a point of light flashed right in front of him. He jumped back and stared as the point grew, blinding with intensity. Inside the light coalesced the figure of a man.

  His countenance and skin were of brilliant radiance as were his flowing robes. Chahzuu raised his hands to shield his eyes from the glare. His first thought was that it was Nemesis come to challenge him again. That thought soon faded. Nemesis hadn’t had such radiance. Also, this being didn’t look like him at all. He had a kindly, almost fatherly air about him. His eyes were a dark contrast to the luminescent form, and his head was void of any hair.

  There was something else. Something familiar. It reminded him of when he was in another place . . . just after he’d been ‘drained.’

  The being stood in the air in front of him. His feet were a slight width above the ground. Nothing was said as they regarded one another.

  Chahzuu opened his mouth to speak then remembered he couldn’t anymore. Instead, he focused his thoughts.

  Are you a Guardian?

  There was no sound, but there was a caress in his mind, and a slight nod of the being’s head.

  Are you here to help me?

  This time there was no response. Chahzuu was surprised.

  Why are you here?

  The silence continued for a time as the being continued to regard him. Finally, a voice inside his mind spoke, while the being in front of him blinked his eyes.

  You don’t realize what you’re doing. You must turn back.

  What? Chahzuu responded.

  What you seek is not what you think. It was placed here for a far larger purpose. It is too dangerous to take now.

  Chahzuu stared at the being. What is it for? There is an Article of Power here then.

  There is. Its purpose is for . . . later. I can’t say. We are not sure ourselves. But the power is too dangerous for you to take. Especially now.

  The flavor of the being’s thoughts told Chahzuu that they doubted he could handle whatever it was, and further, their greater worry was that it would fall to the hands of Nemesis. It was amazing how much could travel through even the barest hint of a thought. Such a rich texture of meaning without the cumbersome nature of words.

  Why did you bring me here then?

  We didn’t.

  Chahzuu was confused. But the crystal. The light. I was guided here, was I not?

  You were.

  Then by whom?

  Unknown. Perhaps by yourself, and your desire to help your people. Perhaps some other force we have not seen.

  Underlying that thought seemed to be a shielded hope.

  Chahzuu didn’t know what to make of it, so pressed on with what he ‘could’ understand. Helping his people.

  Will you help me then?

  What do you wish?

  Now Chahzuu was starting to get frustrated.

  If I’m not supposed to take the Article of Power, then what should I do for my people? You do know what’s happened to them, don’t you?

  We see. The Guardian blinked at him again.

  Then what should I do? Chahzuu let his thoughts carry the note of anger he was feeling. Why would they stop him, and then act as if they didn’t know what to do? It seemed that maybe these Guardians were not the all-knowing, benevolent deities he’d been raised to believe.

  We are not ‘deities.’ We are simply . . . older.

  Chahzuu was silent for a time, waiting for the being to answer the rest of his unspoken question.

  We have told you all we can. We cannot become, there was a pause as the being seemed to be searching for the right expression. We are prevented from becoming ‘directly’ involved. Forces fighting the light you seek, counter our efforts as we are trying to counter theirs.

  Nemesis is with them . . . The others you’re trying to fight? The realization flashed in Chahzuu’s mind.


  Again, what should I do? How can I reclaim my people and put them back on the right path? If your enemies are helping Nemesis, then you must help me?

  We are.

  How! Tell me what I should do! At least give me more than simply telling me ‘not’ to do something. Give me a reason. Give me something better to do!

  You already know. The being stared back with no expression. Seek out The One. The One of The Two.

  And then what?

  You will know.

  Do ‘you’ know?


  Chahzuu stood gaping at the being. Then why was I brought here? You said yourself that you didn’t know why. Only that you thought it was too dangerous, and that it wasn’t the right time. Chahzuu was beginning to doubt the whole Guardian myth he was led to believe.

  What if I still think I need to pursue this? To help my people? The Guardian wasn’t being any help at all. And the more he thought about it, the more he felt he needed to press on. It seemed the Guardian himself didn’t know other than what he’d said. Yes, he needed to find the other Pale One, but where should he look? And why shouldn’t he get the tools he hoped would help along the way?

  Why is the Article of Power so dangerous?

  Unknown. We don’t know why it was constructed?

  Didn’t your people make it?

  The Guardian hesitated. No. It was made by those who came before . . . then left.

  More mysteries! Why don’t you tell me straight out what I need to know?

  You are not yet . . . ready.

  What? Chahzuu also sensed the being was a bit confused, like he didn’t really know himself.

  There was no reply.

  So. I’m on my own again?

  I have said all I can.

  What if I disagree? What if I still think that I need to take the Article of Power? And further, what if I still think I need to gather the others, and then use them to help my people? You don’t have a better idea, do you?

  The glowing being was silent.

  You won’t try to stop me? There was a definite reason why he was here. It ‘would’ help his people, and the Guardian hadn’t given him a better plan.

  Again, the being remained silent.

  Then mo
ve aside.

  You must not do this! You don’t realize what you’re awakening? We are not even sure those who made the Articles knew what they were constructing. So much has been lost.

  Stand aside. You don’t know any more than I do.

  The Guardian held up his hands as if to prevent him from passing, then slowly he lowered them. In your ignorance you may destroy all. But in our ignorance, we may have done the same. Who’s to say. You ‘were’ brought here.

  Be aware though, what you seek, you have no idea of, and what the Articles may do, may just destroy what you are hoping to save. We do not know. Still, taking it is far from accomplished.

  Underlying that thought was another volume of meaning. There was something here they didn’t know, nor had they been able to solve. If they had been able to solve the problem in taking it, they might have already taken it for themselves.

  Chahzuu looked at the being before him. The Guardian nodded then slowly started to fade, until all that was left was a bright point of light in the center of the air until that flickered out. The entry to the chamber beyond was open.

  Chahzuu stepped forward. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. It looked to be a simple chamber about the size of the one he’d been in before. There was no source of light he could see, but the room was brilliantly lit, not with the small pinpoints of light like the other. This time there were no pedestals where what he was looking for was sitting out in the open.

  Instead, across to the far side was a stone alter of sorts that was bare. It sat in front of a giant man-like statue that appeared to be made out of stone, but Chahzuu knew better than to assume that stone was all it was actually made of. It was twice as tall as Chahzuu and about three times as wide.

  The eyes of the figure were made of a black crystal that seemed illuminated with a dark light, but Chahzuu couldn’t tell because the shade was so dark it might just be the light reflecting off their glossy surface.

  He moved forward, trying to keep easy on his feet and observe everything around him at the same time. His hunter’s senses were as alert as he could make them. The only thing he noticed was the eyes of the statue. They seemed to be watching, though Chahzuu was sure it was only an illusion.

  Nothing happened as he approached the alter. He turned back to gaze around the room searching for some clue to what he was looking for. He didn’t know what an Article of Power looked like. The walls all around were smooth, apparently made of the same material as the maze. The alter in front of him reached up to about mid-thigh and was a squared off slab of the same material about a pace wide and half that deep. It was about a hand span thick and supported by two vertical slabs of about the same size. On the ground at the front of the alter was another slab placed apparently where a supplicant should kneel.

  Chahzuu could see nothing else so he knelt at the alter. Nothing happened. What now?

  The crystal must have something to do with this. It has with everything else.

  He looked around the chamber once again, just to make sure nothing had changed, then he bowed his head and focused his thoughts on what he was seeking, repeating over and over in his mind the children’s limerick that had started all this.

  For several moments, all continued to be still, then Chahzuu noted a slight dimming in the light then he felt a small, growing vibration begin in the floor of the chamber. The vibration grew until the chamber seemed to resonate with it. He glanced at the statue behind the alter. Cracks appeared in the wall behind it. It was separating from the wall! Chunks of material started to fall away, and Chahzuu jumped back from the alter, afraid the statue was going to fall on him.

  Instead the arms swung out then its head pulled free, the eyes focused on Chahzuu. The statue leaned forward, then turning its hips to free the rest of its body, it took one step over the alter in Chahzuu’s direction.

  The crystal in Chahzuu’s breast burned with a fire he was sure would char his insides, but he seemed unharmed. He didn’t have time to wonder as the stone giant raised its arms out straight and with a booming voice, “I am the guardian of what is here. Mulda’ fi, what do you seek?”

  Chahzuu was shocked. Mulda’ fi? What does he mean? He knew the legends. Those were the Promised Ones sent by the Guardians as protection from the forces of evil.

  He hadn’t been sent by the Guardians. And he certainly wasn’t Mulda’ fi.

  “Mulda’ fi! What do you seek?” There was a sense of urgency in the giant’s voice.

  Whether he was Mulda’ fi or not, Chahzuu knew what he was seeking. He wanted the Article of Power that was here. Then it occurred to him.

  I can’t speak! I can’t answer!

  “Mulda’ fi, you must answer! You must answer now!”

  The giant statue took a hulking step forward. Chahzuu backed out of his way.

  “What do you seek?”

  Chahzuu tried to focus on the crystal, still searing his breast with its burning heat. He tried to focus his thoughts and direct them at the giant continuing to move his way. I seek the First Article of Power. The power of creation!

  The giant continued to move forward, seemingly unaffected by Chahzuu’s directed thoughts.

  “What do you seek?” The giant swung an arm down, a blow that Chahzuu barely ducked and danced back to his left, away from the giant. If the sweeping blow had connected, Chahzuu would have been crushed. “What do you seek?” The giant moved after him.

  Chahzuu glanced back to the doorway. It was covered in a haze of red. It looked as if the way out was blocked. He knew if he tried to pass through that doorway, whatever the haze was, it would kill him. If he didn’t find some way to answer the giant stone guardian, and fast, he would be just as dead.

  He moved to one side of the chamber against the wall. As he neared it, he noticed the wall had started to glow in the same hazy red as had appeared across the doorway. Then the haze moved out from the wall in a vertical plane that advanced closer to him. Chahzuu moved away, to the other side, and noticed the same thing was happening with that wall, all the walls! The deadly haze was moving in, constricting him to a narrow path between he and the giant, who was slowly moving forward.

  Chahzuu backed up as far as he could until he bumped up against the alter. He stumbled and fell to his knees on the slab facing the giant now standing directly above, hands raised, fists locked together for the final, killing blow.

  “Mulda’ fi! What do you seek?”

  Chahzuu opened his mouth in desperation, but he could force nothing out but a rush of air as the thoughts behind the words he wanted to speak formed in his mind. I seek the Power of Creation!

  The giant's fisted hands began their downward fall.

  Chapter 14

  Javin could sense Sauros near, though he had no feeling. Their surroundings weren’t dark, but they weren’t light either. It was a grey nothingness they swam in. Along with sensing Sauros near, he could also sense what Sauros was feeling. He sensed no fear, which impressed Javin no end. He felt fear. There was a continual sensation of falling, or weightlessness, not one that was a rapid, like ‘I’m falling off a cliff’ type sensation. It was more of a ‘gently floating down to their destination’ feeling.

  Javin had a hunch as to what their destination was . . . he hoped. If the portal was in fact what he thought it was, then it ‘should’ tie them back to the portal he'd seen in the temple. Now all he had to do was to figure a way to take them from this void to the point he wanted to be.

  When he'd first seen the portal in the throne room, it had drawn to him in the same way the other had in the temple. He knew instinctively they were tied together, and somehow, stepping through one would, if done properly, allow them to step out of the other. The thing was, he hadn't had any time to think about how it was done. Instead, to prevent Sauros, and especially him, from being on the sharp end of one of the knives that were being waved in their direction, he'd done the only thing he could think of. With the crystal burning in his breast, and his thoughts focused on the throne roo
m portal, he had lunged forward and knocked Sauros and himself through. If he couldn't find a way out, he knew that Tranthra' Joh would have his wish, and the portal would become a death machine.

  Sauros' presence was still a strong fire burning somewhere just off to his left. He would have reached out to make physical contact, but he couldn't even feel his own hand. It was as if they were both disembodied intelligences, and only the essence of who they were was being transported through this void to wherever it was that they were trying to get.

  Javin focused his thoughts on the portal in the temple chamber. He visualized it just the way he remembered and visualized the portal shimmering in the same way he saw the one in the throne room of the city just before they went through.

  There was a burning in the vicinity where his breast would have been, if he could really feel his breast then the void started to change. It grew darker and felt more solid. The sense of movement increased and suddenly Javin found himself sprawling through the portal onto the dusty floor of the temple. Right after came Sauros, sprawling beside him. Their bonds had disappeared!

  Javin stood slowly, shaking himself, and allowing his eyes to adjust to the dimly lit chamber. There still was that unknown source of light that couldn't be picked out. It was just there. Javin turned to find Sauros getting to his feet, looking around.

  "Welcome . . . home, I guess," Javin said. "It's as much a home to me as anyplace on your world."

  "The temple?" Sauros asked.

  "Yep. Pretty smooth to get us here. I wish I could tell you I knew for sure how to work those things," Javin said pointing to the now lifeless portal, "but I'd be lying. It was pretty much desperate luck we ended up here. At least it beat the alternative."

  "I agree," Sauros said. "Though if we could use it once to travel from the throne room, perhaps we can use it to get back when we're ready to rescue the princess."

  "That'd be a good idea," Javin said, "but like I said, I'm not sure I can do it again. I think I know how to make them work but can't guarantee it. Then again, I'm not sure that just us jumping back into the lion's den would really help the princess right now."


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