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HWY 550 (Rock Point Book 3)

Page 16

by Freya Barker

  “La Plata County FBI.”

  “Dylan, can you run this? White older model pickup truck, extended cab and covered bed. License 748 OAW.”

  “Gotcha,” he answers easily. “Anything else?”

  “Yeah. See who it’s registered to and how they are connected to the Amontinados MC. Manny Salinas in particular.”

  “Will do.”

  “And Dylan? The truck’s engine has a whine.”

  “You don’t say?”



  I don’t get a chance to tell Ouray what I saw. He and Wheels are sitting on the small porch, sipping hot coffee when I walk up to the cabin.

  Ouray is grinning wide. “Could’ve saved you the trip, Sprite. Momma always loads that van up with supplies before we leave.” He gets up and grabs the heavy bags from my sore hands. “Coffee in the pot.” Leaning down, he plants a wet kiss on my pouting lips.

  So much for my plan to surprise my guy with a hearty breakfast. I grumble a greeting at Wheels, and follow Ouray into the cabin where bacon, eggs, and a loaf of bread are mocking me from the counter.

  “I was going to cook for you.”

  He drops the bags and turns around, taking me in his arms. “Appreciate it, but let me cook for you this morning, so you can grab a shower. Tomorrow you can have a turn. I have this fantasy of waking up to find you naked and barefoot in my kitchen.”

  I stick a finger between his ribs and he jumps back, barking out a laugh. “You can keep right on dreaming,” I toss out, darting around him on my way to the bathroom.

  When I walk out fifteen minutes later, I find Wheels still here, sitting at the small kitchen table wolfing down eggs, while Ouray is popping bread in the toaster.

  “Coffee’s on the table. You good with scrambled?”

  “That’s fine, thanks.” I slide into the seat next to Wheels and take a sip of my coffee. Ouray shows up a minute later with two plates piled high. “I can’t eat all that,” I comment when I notice the amount of food.

  “Anything you got left, I’ll take off your hands,” the older man offers with a grin.

  “Just so you know,” Ouray explains, popping a piece of toast in his mouth. “Wheels will try to hit anyone up for a meal.”

  “I ain’t cookin’.”

  “Find someone else to beg food off tomorrow morning, old man. Me and my old lady got plans.”

  I glare at Ouray, who pretends not to notice, but Wheels throws me a wink. Sneaky old bastard.

  I listen to the two men talking about their itinerary for the day. Something about going for a ride into the mountains. I get the impression this is something the guys do on their own, and since my ass is still protesting from the long trip yesterday and could probably use a break, I pass when Ouray tries to include me.

  Twenty minutes later, I watch from the porch as the guys roll out, but before I have a chance to head back inside, Lea walks over.

  “Morning,” I greet her as she climbs up the steps. “Looking for coffee?”

  “I’ll take some if you have any left.”

  “I do. Come in.”

  “I actually came to see if you’d be interested in hitting the slots? There’s a casino on the other side of town, and we usually slip out there when the guys are off doing their thing. They won’t be back until dinnertime.”

  “Who’s we?”

  “Me, Ginger, a few of the other girls. It’s kinda become tradition.”

  The invitation fits in quite nicely with my plans to see if I can get a bit more insight from the women. From what I can tell, Salinas is single, but he’s a handsome guy and I’m hoping his movements are noticed. Anything to help me find out more, even spending the day behind a slot machine.

  “How are we going to get there?”

  “Jill, Hanshaw’s old lady?” I recognize the name, he’s one of Wheels’ guys. “She’s six months pregnant and her man wouldn’t let her come on the back of the bike, so she drove down.” Lea grins wide, taking a sip of her coffee. “Can’t say he appreciated the surprise—he was madder than a puffed toad she drove all that way herself. Not that it lasted long. Sounded like she found a way to tame the bear, from the sounds coming from their cabin last night.”

  Immediately my eyes shoot to our bedroom, where I’m sure we made some noise ourselves. Fuck. Lea must’ve noticed, since she starts laughing. “Walls are paper-thin, Sugar.”

  “So noted,” I mumble a bit embarrassed. Wheels’s cabin is on that side of ours and I’m pretty sure the window was open.

  “You’ll get used to it,” she says, patting my hand with hers. “Most’a these guys don’t give a rat’s ass who hears or even sees them going at it. Although, once they stake their claim, they’re not so hot on sharing ya. Unless of course, they’re into that kinda thing.” That reminds me of what Ouray told me about Red, sharing his woman with Yuma. “Not me,” she hastens to tell me. “But I know some.”

  “So I understand.”

  “Ginger?” she probes and I just shrug. “Yeah, she can be a wild one. Not shy about it either.”

  “What about Manny?” I ask, figuring this might be a good segue into getting some more info on the guy.

  “Now there’s a juicy one,” Lea comments with a wink. “From what I’ve seen, he’s at least as adventurous—if not more so—as Yuma. I’m pretty sure Yuma draws a line when it comes to guys, but Manny doesn’t seem to have any such boundaries.”

  Remembering the comment I heard the man make to Ouray, I almost wince at the mental picture it paints and quickly redirect the conversation.

  “He doesn’t have an old lady, does he?”

  “Manny? Hell no. He draws enough attention. Believe it or not, there are plenty of women who seem to fall for the kind of game he put on you back at Sonya’s. Though there’s never been one able to keep his attention long enough. He’s too far up his own ass to see beyond his ego. Manny is not one to mess with. Best to leave handling him to your man. He’s always liked living on the edge, even predating his break with the club.”

  I offer more coffee but Lea waves it off. “Yeah, I heard something about that,” I casually prompt and Lea readily fills in.

  “Didn’t wanna let go of the adrenaline rush. While most everyone else was on board with Ouray’s vision for the future of the club, Manny took the offer to opt out without repercussions. The rest is history.”

  Sensing I’d be pushing my luck if I probed any further, I let the subject rest.

  I like Lea, she’s pretty straightforward and seems open in the way she describes her life with Kaga. In the half hour we spend chatting—before she announces it’s time for us to meet the others—I learn she and Kaga have seven-year-old twins at home her mother is looking after, and she works part-time as a bank teller.

  I’m sitting in the back seat of the large Yukon, flanked by Lea and Ginger, while Jill and Britney—of all people—take the front. Apparently those two are good friends and when Jill decided to follow her husband to Ruidoso, Britney was quick to jump on that plan. So when Jill asks me how I managed to get on the back of Ouray’s bike, I’m not completely surprised. Before I have a chance to respond, Lea—who probably knows which way is up—jumps in.

  “That’s not hard—she kicks ass and takes names. She actually took down Manny when he got too handsy, before Chief even had a chance to step in. She’s his perfect match.”

  “True,” Ginger offers, but Britney huffs from the front seat and Jill gives me a good once-over before returning her gaze to the road.

  Ginger catches my eye. “It was an impressive move, but you best watch out with Salinas. Underneath that slick exterior, he’s a snake. There are other guys with reason not to be happy with Ouray, but Manny is outright pissed, even though he hides it behind those smiles of his. I wouldn’t put it past him to hurt you to get at your man.”

  “Over my dead body,” I blurt out, earning appreciative glances from everyone but Ginger. She just looks pensive before muttering under her brea

  “Wouldn’t put that past him either.”

  “Word,” Jill adds.

  It’s not until we’re at the casino—and I’m sitting next to Ginger at neighboring slot machines—that I have a chance to ask her about a remark she made earlier.

  “What did you mean when you said other guys aren’t happy with Ouray?”

  I look at her sideways but she keeps her eyes peeled on her machine. At first I think perhaps she didn’t hear me, but then she sighs deeply.

  “I probably shouldn’t have said anything,” she finally says, shaking her head. “Red sometimes tells me stuff, and I know better than talk about it. He’s gonna have my hide as it is.”

  “Look,” I plead, my hand on her arm. “I’m not asking for details. This is all new to me, and I just want to make sure I don’t inadvertently make things worse.”

  “It all should be water under the bridge anyway, but these guys don’t forget easily.”

  “Which guys?”

  She turns and glares at me. “I’ve already said too much.”


  It’s a perfect day for the ride into the mountains. Would’ve been better with Luna’s warm body behind me, though. I didn’t particularly care to leave her behind, but Kaga—who’s been riding beside me—mentioned Lea would keep an eye on her. I didn’t bother telling him Luna is probably the last person who needs looking after.

  As usual, we stop at the No Scum Allowed Saloon in White Oaks, where they’re expecting us. Normally only open Friday through Sunday these days, they still accommodate us every year. A small, almost dingy, roadside bar where they’re not afraid of a couple dozen bikers dropping in to grab a quick bite and to drink a few. Most of us hang out back on the patio, which is twice the size of the actual building. They even have a stage for live acts on the weekends.

  I’m listening to Wheels recounting tales of the good ol’ days, when loud voices draw my attention. Off to the side, near the empty stage, I just catch Yuma poking an angry finger in Manny’s chest. I’m up out of my chair the next second, but Wheels grabs my arm to hold me back.

  “Hold up, boy. Red’s right there, he’ll set them straight.”

  I yank my arm back and turn on the old man. “My man, my business—and I’m far from your boy.”

  Wheels shrugs his shoulder. “Be my guest, but you stick your nose in, sparks are really gonna fly. Tension’s high enough after your run-in at the diner.”

  I hate that he’s right. I’ve done my best to avoid getting anywhere near Manny, especially since yesterday. He’s succeeding in getting under my skin after that stunt with Luna, and he fucking knows it too: it’s exactly what he wants. At best, we’ve tolerated each other these past years, but recently he’s been purposely provoking. Normally I can handle that kind of crap, but when he takes on my woman, or one of my brothers, I draw the line.

  I see Red sling an arm around an angry Yuma’s shoulder and walk him in the opposite direction.

  “Told ya,” Wheels pipes up.

  “Yeah, yeah. Ya did. I’m still gonna have a talk with him ‘cause we’re gonna have serious problems if he doesn’t stop this shit.”

  It’s not until later that afternoon, when we pull back into Canyon Cabins, that I have a chance to quietly pull Yuma aside. He follows me almost reluctantly to my cabin. There’s no sign of Luna, so I assume she’s off with Lea somewhere.


  “Sure.” He takes the bottle I offer him and drinks down half of it in one go, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

  “Wanna talk me what that was about?”

  “Not particularly.” He barely looks at me, but instead focuses his eyes on the window.

  “I fucking insist.” That earns me a quick glance, before his head drops down between his shoulders.

  “Motherfucker is just yanking my chain. I lost my cool. That’s all.”

  “Not like you to lose it, brother. It’s one of the reasons why I trust you at my back. I’m the one with a temper, not you.”

  He lightly shakes his head before finally looking up. “Guess he caught me on a bad day. He’s stoking a fire and I shoulda just walked away.”

  “What fire?”

  “Jesus, you’re a persistent son of a bitch. Fine. He’s stirring the pot with some of our guys, trying to recruit them, flashing money, making promises. I called him on it and the fucker laughed in my face, called me a bigger pussy than my boss.”

  I can feel my blood pressure rise. “Why the fuck didn’t you tell me about it?”

  “Because it’s my job and I knew you’d blow a gasket. Especially since he’s been suggesting you’ve handed off your balls to your new pussy.”

  “I’m gonna have a talk with—”

  “Hey guys,” Luna says, walking in carrying a few grocery bags and wearing a smile that promptly disappears when she gets a load of our mood. “I’m interrupting something. Sorry, I can—”

  “No need. I’m heading out anyway,” Yuma says, moving to the door before he turns my way. “Leave this with me.”

  “What was that all about?” Luna asks when I pull her into my arms.

  “Club business.” I know that won’t fly the moment I see her lips press together and feel her body stiffen. After that comment about my balls, it was a knee-jerk response. “I’ll tell you, but I need a kiss first.”

  The way my focus narrows on just her when her mouth opens under mine, I wonder if there’s not a grain of truth to it. This woman holds all the power over me.

  I slide my hand in the back of her jeans, squeezing her ass and slipping between her legs.

  “Wait up,” she mumbles against my lips. “Hold that thought. I brought home some stuff for dinner. I’m starving. You can fill me in while I cook. I have a few things I found out myself.”

  Reluctantly I let her go and take a seat at the table, filling her in while she putters around in the kitchen. She listens without interruption, making appropriate sounds until I mention having a talk with Salinas.

  “Don’t think that’s a good idea,” she says sharply, swinging around.

  “Why the fuck not?”

  “Because I don’t trust him. He’s up to something, and you don’t want to get drawn into his game. Not until we know what he’s up to. I never had a chance to tell you this morning, but I saw him.”


  She nods. “When I came back from the grocery store. Saw him talking to someone in a white pickup truck. The engine had a distinct whine to it.”

  It takes me a second to put two and two together but when I do, I sit up straight. “No shit?”

  “Nope. I called Dylan, had him run the license plate.” She turns back to the stove and stirs whatever she’s got cooking. It smells amazing. “Also,” she continues, “I spent an interesting afternoon with Lea and her friends. Did you know your Britney is friends with Jill? Hanshaw’s old lady?”

  “Britney isn’t anything to me,” I correct her sharply. “But that news doesn’t surprise me. She’s been around long enough.”

  “Yeah, well, apparently she drove down here with Jill. She sure doesn’t like me much, so I avoided her, and hung around with the others. I like Lea, and Ginger is okay too. She actually warned me to stay away from Manny Salinas. Gave me a little insight on the man. Told me he still holds a grudge, but apparently he’s not the only one.” She pulls two plates down from the cupboards.

  “That’s not a surprise either,” I volunteer. “Arrow’s Edge was part of a steady pipeline for guns through the Rockies along Hwy 550. When we shut down our link in the chain, none of the others were impressed.”

  She walks over to the table with two plates and sets one down in front of me.

  “What’s this?” I point at the plate with a bunch of green leaves topped with a pile of what looks to be chicken.

  “Lettuce tacos. Don’t judge, just try,” she suggests with a half smile. I watch her fold one of the leaves and take a big bite, juices dripping down her chin.
“It’s messy.”

  “Messy looks good on you.” Sexy as fuck, especially with those little sounds she makes as she eats. “It’s good,” I mumble after taking a bite myself. The shredded chicken is spiced up nicely for a bit of heat. In minutes I’ve emptied my plate.

  “Want more?” She starts pushing out of her seat.

  “You eat. I can get it,” I insist, getting up myself. “By the way, did you hear anything back yet on that license plate?”

  “Right, forgot to mention. Dylan shot me a message while I was at the casino with the girls. I was a little disappointed. The truck is registered to one Nathan Phillips.”

  The name is like a punch in the gut and I drop the spoon I’m holding, bracing myself on the counter.

  “Are you okay?” I hear her concerned voice, but it’s not until I feel her hand in the middle of my back I can take my next breath. “Ouray?”

  “It’s Paco.”



  “I’m so sick of motorcycles right now.”

  I turn to Lea, who is sipping on her drink.

  “Every year I look forward to these trips. Time away from my rambunctious boys, but always when I get to this point I just want to be home, drive around in my comfy SUV, where I don’t have to worry about bugs in my teeth or saddle sores.”

  “Amen.” Ginger raises her glass.

  We’re sitting around a picnic table, watching, as the guys wander around yet another bike show. The third day in a row. Lea is right, it’s getting utterly boring. If I didn’t have these women to hang around with I’d be going out of my mind.

  It’s been a tense couple of days. Ouray was ready to track down Paco and tear a strip off him, but I managed to dissuade him for now. He wasn’t having it at first. It took some fast talking on my part. With at least two suspects, it would stand to reason that if we confronted Paco, whoever the second one was would go to ground and we might never get this solved. I have to tell you, he would’ve been one of the last ones I might’ve suspected.


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