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Out of Bounds: An Enemies to Lovers Romance (Sinful Bachelors Book 2)

Page 9

by Khardine Gray

  “Then you haven’t learned your lesson.”

  “I think I have.”

  He sits forward and our knees touch. The spark sends a shiver of delicious heat through me. I’m not sure if that’s the drink but it feels good.

  “I’m not sure you should be sitting so close to me.” He gets his drink and finishes another glass.

  “Why not?”

  He picks my glass up and tips it so I can drink the rest. When I lean forward and drink it up as he serves it to me, he watches me the way a predator would watch its prey.

  More than a buzz hits me now and the combination of that heat filled shiver and the buzz assaults my nerves.

  “Why?” I nudge his knee and he looks at my finger poking into his pants.

  He dips his head low and catches the end of my ponytail as it falls over my shoulder.

  We both watch the ends coil around his finger and then he pulls it away and touches the underside of my jaw.

  “Because… your sexy as fuck and I want to kiss you. That’s why I can’t be friends with you.”

  My mouth goes dry, and I find myself unable to look away from his endless gaze.

  A moment of madness must take me because I find myself wondering what that might feel like. Then I remember the times I used to think about that a lot.

  The girl I was back then comes back and I want the answer to that question. The question of what his lips would feel like on mine.

  “Maybe you should kiss me.” I hear myself say. “If you want to.”

  “I do.”

  He comes closer and my heart stills in the cavity of my chest. He angles closer still and I lift my head to meet his lips.

  When his mouth touches mine a spike of arousal coils through me, inch by inch slowly possessing me.

  It’s still working its way through me when he pulls away to look at me, look deep into my eyes and I can see he has the same question on his mind. The “What did I just do?” question.

  Mine is a little more enhanced than that because I’m wondering what I’m getting myself into.

  Especially when I want more.

  So, when he catches my face and brings me back to his lips for a more demanding kiss, I melt into him like I’m warm butter and I explore him and taste him as much as he tastes me.

  As his tongue thrashes into my mouth moisture beads between my thighs and I wish he would touch me all over.

  But then he stops again, leaving my mouth burning with fire.

  “Come out with me,” he whispers.


  “Yeah. We’re in Vegas.”

  “But we just kissed.”

  “I know. In Vegas. Let’s go out.” He strokes my face and I giggle.

  I know from that I’m a little more than buzzing.

  “I think I’m on the verge of being drunk.”

  “Me too.”

  “So maybe we should call it a night.”

  “But I want to kiss you again, somewhere that’s not here or in this hotel.”

  “I want you to kiss me again, but where would we go?”

  “I don’t know, Muffin. All I know is you’re safest when you’re with me.” He stands up and reaches out to take my hand. “You coming?”


  Chapter 15


  I roll on to my side and the sharp pain that stabs into my head jangles my nerves.

  It also wakes me up a little, but my body feels so heavy I’m stuck between asleep and awake.

  I have that mind-fucked sensation that can only be explained with drinking way too much. I just haven’t done so in so long I forgot how to deal with it.

  I force my eyes open but close them again when the bright sunlight blinds me.

  At that moment soft fingers flutter over my belly and my dick hardens up all over again.

  A soft body rolls into me and hair as silky and smooth as velvet brushed over my chin.

  When I filled with the feminine scent of roses and honey I have a vague memory of tasting what I thought was roses and honey.

  What the hell did I do last night? And where am I?

  I’m with a woman, that much is clear, but I can’t recall who she is and how we ended up in bed.

  Scorching sunlight or not, it’s time to open my eyes and face the music.

  I do and when I see I’m lying naked in a king sized bed without so much as a sheet covering me in what looks like the presidential suite of somewhere I straighten up. That’s one surprise.

  The other surprise has me wondering if I either died, fell down somewhere and hit my head, or if I’m still asleep and dreaming within a dream.

  I can’t tell which, but I’d be more inclined to believe the latter because this woman has been the star of my dreams for years.

  Lying next to me with the sun gracing her naked body, Bree Dawson looks like a goddess.

  Her hair is sprawled out around her, and her face is even more perfect than I thought it was. Like an angel.

  My gaze drops to her breasts, big, round, with light rose nipples that are puckered like she’s aroused.

  I allow my eyes to roam over her body straight down to her clean shaven pussy where I settle and work my way back up slowly.

  The more awake I become the more I realize this can’t be a dream. Of course, I’ve imagined her naked countless times, but no way is my mind this good.

  So, if this isn’t a dream then it’s… real.

  A breath rushes out of my mouth at the realization, and I force my mind to work past the thick fog of shit surrounding it.

  Think Ethan, think.

  How did Bree even get here?


  I’m in Vegas.

  I remember getting here myself with the guys and I can see from the scenic view greeting through the floor to ceiling glass windows that I have to be in Vegas still, and I’m high up. In somewhere like the penthouse.

  I have to do better than that though. And fast before she wakes up. She’s going to hate me more than she already does if we did what I think we could have done.

  What else could waking up naked together mean?

  I remember being pissed off with Bryce and Denver then leaving the hotel suite. It wasn’t this one though. That was somewhere else.

  The view wasn’t this high.

  Think Ethan… come on use those cop skills.

  I squeeze my eyes shut again and I remember leaving Bryce then heading down to reception. That’s when I saw Bree.

  She mentioned a house then we went to the VIP room of that hotel, and I kissed her.

  I wasn’t that drunk when I kissed her, and I don’t think she was either.

  I remember leaving and grabbing another bottle of wine and then I don’t remember a God damn thing after.

  Oh my God.

  Jesus I have to wake her up. I have to…fuck.

  As soon as I think of that word—fuck—I remember Bree’s long legs wrapped around my waist as I pounded hard into her.

  We were in the elevator!

  No that can’t be right. Maybe that was one of my dreams or a fantasy. I wouldn’t do this.

  Would I?

  Shit. I need to figure this out. But it’s not going to happen anytime soon. I literally can’t remember shit. That means I don’t think I’m going to remember anything before she wakes, and it wouldn’t be fair to leave her asleep while I tried to. I couldn’t leave her at all.

  With that reasoning, I grab a pillow to cover my dick that’s hardening up even more from looking at her naked body next to me.

  The movement makes her stir and she reaches for me.

  He hands land on my stomach again and she smiles.

  Fuck, it’s a nice smile. The kind every man wants on his woman in the morning after a wild night.

  Is that what we really had? Us?

  “Wow, you must work out a lot. I told Shelby there’s no way you eat sugar so you wouldn’t want biscuits. I like biscuits though.” Her smile widens and I can see there�
�s no way she even knows what she’s saying. Her eyes are still closed too.

  “Bree,” I say her name tentatively and brave the task of shaking her shoulders gently. “Baby, you have to wake up.”

  “I’m not going to school today.”

  “Bree, come on baby, you really have to wake up.” I shake her a little harder and her eyes open.

  When she blinks and sees me properly, she sucks in a breath.

  “Ethan?” Recognition of some kind forms on her face. “What are you doing in my room? Where’s your shirt?”

  There we go. It’s show time. I just don’t know what show we landed in.


  Her eyes drop from my face, lingers on my chest and her cheeks color fiercely, but when she moves from there and sees the pillow covering my dick and realizes I’m naked she jumps.

  When she realizes she’s naked she screams and backs away so far from me she falls off the bed.

  “Jesus Christ, what the hell!”

  I get off the bed and rush over to her trying to help her but she’s too busy working out what part of her to cover.

  She settles on her breasts and locks her legs.

  I grab a pillow for her and hand it to her.

  She takes it and presses it to her body so she can stand up, but the damn thing barely does anything to cover her up.

  I look around for a sheet, but I can’t see a fucking thing. There’s not even a piece of cloth anywhere we could use.

  This is mess.

  “What the hell happened?” she stutters.

  I stare at her, and I don’t know how the hell to answer that question.

  “I’m not sure yet. Do you remember anything?”

  She brings a hand to her cheek and starts panting and shaking her head.

  “I don’t. Where the hell are we? What the hell did we do?”

  “We’re in Vegas. I can’t remember anything either, so I don’t know what hotel we’re in or anything.” I must have drank one hell of a lot of the hard stuff to have this type of effect. She would have too if she can’t remember. “Maybe we just fell asleep naked. It might not be what you think. Let’s try and find our clothes and figure out where we are.”

  I turn and another gasp rips from her throat.

  When I look back at her pure mortification is engraved in her pretty face.

  “What is it?”

  She moves closer to me, reaches forward and picks something off my back.

  When she holds up an empty condom wrapper, I know everything I just said was bullshit and that vision I had of us in the elevator was a fucking memory indeed.

  “Oh my God! Fell asleep naked? Really? You fucking asshole. How could you do this to me? We must have slept together.”

  “And you think it’s my fault?” My temper flares. Only she would jump from A and land on fucking Z.

  “Of course, it’s your fault. How could it not be? You think I would sleep with you if I were in my right mind?”

  “What the hell are you trying to say?” I hope like fuck she doesn’t think I forced myself on her. I don’t know what the hell happened, but I wouldn’t do that.

  “I said what I said. This is your fault. All you think about is fucking. I am not one of your women, you think I’m a piece of meat.” She grabs one of the other pillows and hits me with it.

  “Bree stop it.”

  “No, I will not stop it. You crazy bastard. How do you expect me to react. I don’t do things like this. This isn’t me. But it’s you though.”

  I back away as she hits me again and again until the pillow rips and all the feathers come flying out.

  She about to grab the other when I yank it from her and send it flying across the room.

  “Bree calm the hell down.”

  “Oh my God!” She shrieks looking at the floor. We’re near my side of the bed and there’s an empty box of condoms and at least ten empty condom wrappers nestled in the carpet. “I hope your fucking dick falls off.”

  “Bree!” I snap back around to her as she swaps hands and points at me.

  I’m about to answer but the words don’t come. They get sucked into the great beyond when I get another shock as my eyes fall on the wedding band on her finger. Along with the glistening diamond on the engagement ring on top of it sparking so bright it blinds me.

  Shock jolts my body and I grab her hand to get a better look. She sees the rings too and shuts down any more comments.

  Summoning everything in me I lift my left hand and a wave of lightheadedness hits me when I stare at the gold band on my finger.

  Oh my fucking hell. What the motherfucking hell did I do?

  I didn’t see that before. I was so concerned with the possibility that I slept with Bree I wasn’t thinking about anything else.

  I never even felt the damn thing on my finger.

  We got married.

  Bree and me.

  I want to think this is some joke, but I don’t think it is. Everything so far looks legit and there’s a feeling in my gut that tells me I shouldn’t even bother to refute what I see.

  When I look back at Bree her skin is so pale I expect her to faint on me, or die.

  She starts shaking and I release her hand.

  “Ethan, what did we do? What the hell did we do?” her words come out a whisper and she no longer seems mad at me.

  I’m sure she would have known I couldn’t have forced her to marry me.

  Or did i?

  I don’t know what the fuck is what anymore because one of us had marriage on their mind last night. And that was me, and it wasn’t to get married. It was avoiding it.

  Now look at me.

  I got married.

  Chapter 16


  Jesus. I run a hand through my hair and try to steady my breath.

  Bree sits on the edge of the bed, no longer too worried about her nakedness because she’s hardly holding the pillow at her breasts. What she’s looking at is her rings.

  “I can’t believe this. I just can’t.” Shallow breaths fall from her lips and it looks like she’s on the verge of a panic attack.

  Pushing my worries aside I crouch down and take her hands. At least she allows me to do that.

  “Let’s just calm down and figure out what to do.”

  “Ethan, I just want to go home, but I don’t even know where my bag is with my passport and my purse and money.”

  “I will take care of this, just trust me.”

  “Trust you?” her brows knit together. “You’ll probably just leave me here and think this is one big joke like everything else.”

  “Bree, have I ever put you in danger?” Better to ask her like that because I know I’ve hurt her.


  “Next question and please think about this, haven’t I stopped anyone in their tracks from hurting you, and, or putting you in danger?”

  Her face softens and she nods. At least one good thing came from Bryce running his mouth at the barbeque.

  “You have.”

  “Exactly. Baby I never let nobody hurt you. In the twenty years I’ve known you that’s the one constant and I’m not going to stop now. So, despite all the shit I pulled in the past, you know you can trust me. Yes?”

  “Yes.” She sniffles like she’s going to cry but holds back.

  “We need clothes, then we need to know where we are. Can we please agree on that?”

  “Okay.” She nods.

  “Okay, come on.” As soon as I say that another memory hits me.

  It’s of her and how she looked at me after I first kissed her. That spark was there, and it never left. I remember kissing her again after that, but we were outside by the volcano of lights. In this memory she’s wearing a wedding dress and I’m in a tux.

  She looks like she was picked out of a fairytale. I remember picking her up after we kissed and carrying her up some wide steps.

  I look around the room again and something comes to me. I think I might know where we ar
e. I’ve never been in the presidential suite here, but I’ve been to the Bellagio before.

  “You look like you remember something,” she states.

  “Um…I think we’re at the Bellagio.”

  “You’re kidding. The actual Bellagio?”

  “Yeah, and no there’s no way I’m joking around right now.”

  I stand and she joins me.

  We both look at the door and I release a haggard sigh. I’m not sure what we’re going to see when I open it. But we have to.

  I step forward first and she follows.

  I make my way to the door and open it.

  We walk out into the living room and what’s in there is exactly what I feared. A mess.

  There’s a giant white fluffy teddy bear sitting on the sofa with a popcorn machine next to it and lots of other stuffed animals. Big stuffed animals. I recall Bree saying something about a giant teddy bear and a popcorn machine.

  On the coffee table in front of them is a giant muffin that says ‘Just Married’, written in swirling icing and adorned with little pink hearts.

  There’s fucking popcorn everywhere, pizza boxes and far too many bottles of alcohol all over the floor. There’s a mixture of wine, vodka, whiskey, and scotch. All the bottles are empty so there’s no fucking wonder we can’t remember shit.

  We got wasted. Plastered shitfaced drunk and it’s anyone’s guess how we’re still alive with the amount of alcohol we must have consumed between us.

  A look to the left side of the room and I find her wedding dress over in the corner. It looks exactly like it did in my memory.

  Her mouth falls open when she sees it then she floats over to it.

  “This is my dress?” she gasps. “Oh my God. I wore something like this. Me?”

  I can see why she’s surprised. The thing looks like it’s got diamonds splashed over it. I’m sure I’ve seen it before in some magazine Mom was looking through.

  God help me I’m trying to focus but when my eyes land on her ass as she turns around, I can’t look away. How the hell am I supposed to look away when I’ve always been obsessed with that ass.

  It’s as perfect as I imagined. Smooth and round and just perfect, and my God, of course my next memory has to be her on her hands and knees on the bed as I took her from behind.


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