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The Edge of Destiny

Page 4

by Emma Easter

  She tucked her hands into her jeans pockets as she walked. Her usual walks helped her focus on her plans for the future and reminded her of all she’d gained, especially on days when she felt glum because she’d been thinking about all she’d lost.

  She got to the end of the street, but rather than turn left to go to the store, she turned right. She began to walk while looking at the buildings. She had only passed by here once, and she remembered she had seen a church here. She continued to walk and then spotted it. It was a small church, but it had a steeple and there were cars in the parking lot. Her heart flooded with guilt as she came closer. She hadn’t been to church since she’d come to Sofia’s. Every time she talked about finding a church to attend on Sunday, Sofia always had some other activity she wanted them to do.

  But come to think of it, it wasn’t really them. It was her. Sofia always had some chore or other Lily had to do. She knew how it would look to anyone who found out about her life with Sofia. It would appear as if the girl was using her as a maid, but Lily didn’t mind the hard work. She was used to doing many more chores in Fallow Creek. What she did mind was the lack of freedom. Yes, she had a measure, but it wasn’t the complete freedom she had envisioned for herself when she’d dreamed of one day escaping Fallow Creek, before she was banished from the community.

  She stopped in front of the church and gazed at it with longing. She could hear the faint sound of singing, which meant there was a service going on now. She stood, wondering whether to enter, and then turned around. Sofia would be waiting for her things. She hoped those things were not for who she thought they were for, but she had a sneaky feeling they actually were. She had only met George once, because he and Sofia usually rendezvoused in some unknown place.

  He was an older man, probably in his forties. Lily had thought it strange that George hardly ever came to the house to see Sofia, but now she knew why. Apparently, George’s wife had found out about them and had threatened to leave him. He’d told her he would break it off, but he hadn’t. Sofia told Lily she’d found out the woman had traced him to her house. “That old bag knows where I live,” Sofia had said.

  “Why are you telling me?” Lily had asked, disgusted.

  “I was just thinking out loud.”

  Lily had gotten up from the living room and gone to her bedroom. She had covered her face with her hands. “Why oh why, Lord, has the same madness that I gladly left behind in Fallow Creek followed me here?”

  You can move out of Sofia’s.

  “And where will I go if I move out?” she’d whispered harshly to herself and then sighed. She’d promised Sofia she would stay. Aside from that, she had very little money — just a part of the money her mother had given her on the day she’d left Fallow Creek. She doubted it would be enough to get a livable apartment. As long as Sofia continued to keep George out of sight so she didn’t have to deal with him, she was fine.

  But what if these things she sent me to buy are for George?

  Lily hoped not. She didn’t know what she would do if they were.

  She got to the store where she and Sofia usually shopped for their household essentials. She quickly picked up everything Sofia had asked her to. She began to head to the counter to pay and then spotted a bag of potato chips and made a beeline for it. She picked it up and smiled widely. She had not seen this brand in years. She recalled eating it regularly as a child, sitting outside her house with her friend, Rachel Dalton. During those days, her friend’s brother, Taylor, would come out of the house and, once in a while, tease her and Rachel, which had always left her in a daze. He was easily the most handsome boy in Fallow Creek, and girls swooned when he was near. Her eyes would always follow him as he walked away and then Rachel would tease her about her huge crush on her brother.

  “I will marry him one day,” she would whisper to herself, but even as a child she’d known the probability of that happening was nil. Parents in Fallow Creek were heavily involved in arranging marriages for their kids. Thankfully, her huge crush on him had disappeared as she grew up. Soon she knew she didn’t want to ever get married, especially not to someone from Fallow Creek.

  She picked up a bag of chips and smiled all the way to the counter, reminiscing about her childhood. Where was Rachel, who she’d reunited with just some months ago? And where was the handsome Taylor now?

  Of course Taylor was still in Fallow Creek, married, and, from what she’d heard before she’d left, on his way to get a second wife. But she yearned to know where Rachel was now. They had renewed their friendship at the Restoration House, but Rachel had been kicked out of town shortly after. She paid for the things she’d picked up and left the store.

  Outside, she felt a strong desire to go back to that small church, and she gave in. She would only stay for a short time. She might not even like the service.

  But she did. She had never attended any church service where God’s presence was so palpable. She stayed right to the end, basking in God’s presence.

  After the service, she left quickly, feeling refreshed and as though she could conquer whatever came her way. She checked her phone as she hurried back to Sofia’s apartment. She had no messages and she heaved a sigh of relief. Usually, Sofia sent her a hundred messages whenever she went out.

  But that might not be such a good thing. Maybe Sofia didn’t send you a message because she is busy with you-know-who.

  Lily brushed the thought aside. She didn’t want to think of such things when she was on such a spiritual high after that church service.

  She got to the apartment door and opened it slowly, hoping Sofia was alone. Again, she let out a sigh of relief when she found Sofia sitting in the living room alone. She went up to her and handed her the bag of items she’d bought. “I’m sorry I didn’t come back earlier, Sofia. The truth is, I…” She frowned as George walked into the living room, probably from Sofia’s bedroom. He was shirtless and barefoot. Lily’s heart sank.

  “Hi! Lily, isn’t it?”

  Lily ignored him. Men like him were all that was wrong with this world. She looked down at Sofia again. “Can I speak to you in private?”

  Sofia looked tired. “What is it, Lily? You can say whatever you want to say in front of George.”

  “I’d rather not.” Lily took Sofia by the elbow.

  Sofia mumbled and then stood up. She stopped in front of George and gave him a look that turned Lily’s stomach. Lily pulled her along until they stopped in front of Sofia’s bedroom.

  “Why is he here, Sofia?” Lily said. “I thought you would keep him away knowing how I feel about the nonsense both of you are doing.”

  Sofia gave a harsh laugh. “Nonsense?” She glared at Lily. “In case you’ve forgotten, this is my house and not yours. I can bring whoever I want and do whatever I like here.”

  Lily sighed wearily. “Sofia, I don’t have to tell you that what you’re doing is very wrong. You know it is… in the depths of your heart. The man is married. Why can’t you find someone who is single? Why do you have to be involved with a married man?”

  “And why are you so judgmental, Lily? This is the thanks I get for putting you up in my house and for giving you everything you need? You constantly criticize and judge me. I wish you would just mind your own business and let me be!”

  “Listen, Sofia. I know how awful all this is because I come from it all. You don’t understand how much damage you are doing… how much you’ve already done. You said the man’s wife found out about you and he lied to her that he’d broken it off. Do you even know how much suffering you have caused her?”

  “Stop, Lily! Stop talking! I’m so tired of your constant criticism. If it wasn’t for how useful you are, I would have shown you the door a long time ago!”

  Lily blinked. “What?”

  Sofia waved her hand. “It doesn’t matter. Just please leave me alone. And don’t talk to George at all. I beg you. I don’t want anything spoiling our week-long staycation.”

  Lily’s heart sank to her
feet. “Your week-long staycation?”

  “Yes!” Sofia sounded exasperated. “We’re spending the week together here. His wife is out of town and his children are with the nanny.”

  Lily said slowly, “And where did he tell his wife he was going?”

  Sofia shrugged. “I don’t know. To a business conference or something.” She narrowed her eyes. “Anyway, just stay out of George’s way until the week is over.”

  Lily smiled sadly and nodded. She would stay out of his way and Sofia’s, not just for the week, but permanently. There was no way she could in good conscience stay here with them in this house. She hadn’t left the polygamous mess that was Fallow Creek to come here and wallow in the same thing. It didn’t matter that she was not participating in it. She would be a part of it if she stayed because she would be condoning it, knowing exactly what her friend and her married ‘boyfriend’ were doing. She said to Sofia, “Thank you for everything you have done for me.” She turned around and began to walk away.

  “Lily!” Sofia called.

  Lily did not turn around. She hurried to the room that had been hers for months and, as fast as she could, packed up the few things she had. She had meant what she’d said. Sofia had done so much for her. Most of the clothes she had now were bought by her friend because she’d had no suitable clothes to wear after she’d left the hospital. Sofia had fed, clothed, and housed her. But it was time for her to go and try to make a life of her own. It was going to be difficult and if the Lord didn’t perform a miracle, she might end up on the streets after some time. But she had to leave this place.

  Sofia barged into the room as Lily zipped up her suitcase. “Where are you going?” Sofia cried. “Please don’t go, Lily. I’m really sorry for the way I spoke to you.”

  Lily smiled at her and shook her head. “I have to go.”

  Sofia folded her arms across her chest. “The reason you don’t want to stay is because of George, isn’t it?”

  “You and George,” Lily said simply.

  “But I don’t want you to go. Please stay. I need you.”

  “I can’t. And you don’t need me, except for chores.” Lily carried her suitcase to the bedroom door.

  “That’s not true. What can I do to make you stay?”

  Lily turned to look at her. “You can do the right thing and break up with George. Let him go back to his wife… or wherever he wants to go.”

  Sofia hugged herself as though she were freezing. “You know I can’t do that.”

  Lily sighed. She went and hugged Sofia tightly. “I’ll miss you.”

  “But where will you go?”

  “I don’t know yet. Maybe to a motel.”

  “Wait here. Let me get you some money to tide you over until you find a job.”

  “No, Sofia! Don’t…” She sighed when Sofia ignored her and left. She picked up her suitcase and hurried to the living room. She glanced at George, who was sprawled on the couch, and said softly, “You should go back to your wife, George.”

  She opened the door, walked out, and shut it quietly behind her.

  Chapter 5

  Rachel felt someone touching her hair and opened her eyes. She smiled at Keith, who sat next to her, gazing at her, and then gasped. She sat up straight and looked at her husband. He looked worried. “I fell asleep,” she said. “Are they back? Are Cecilia and Gertrude back?”

  “Yes,” Keith said softly. He sighed, and her heart sank at the look on his face. “They said Mike was angry when they sent our message to him. He sent them…” Keith stopped speaking and sighed loudly again.

  “Keith, what is it?” she cried. “What message did Mike send back to us?”

  “He said he had warned us about trying to get Emily back. He’s going to take her out of Fallow Creek in a few days and you’ll never see her again.”

  Rachel cried out, and Keith gathered her in his arms. “I’m so sorry, Rachel. This was my plan. I have to find a way to make it right.”

  Rachel pushed away from him. “You can’t make it right, Keith. Mike is the devil himself. If he’s made this decision, nothing will change his mind. I have a feeling he might not even be in Fallow Creek anymore.” Tears fell down her cheeks and she began to panic. “Maybe he’s even taken Emily away already. Maybe he’s…”

  “Rachel, calm down. Mike wouldn’t have taken her. I think there’s still some hope to get Emily.”

  Rachel brushed away her tears and looked at him. “What hope?”

  “Cecilia and Gertrude said Olivia wants to meet with you. She didn’t say why exactly, but it’s probably to do with Emily.”

  Rachel sprang up from her seat. “Then what are we waiting for? Let’s go. Where does she want to meet?”

  “Wait, Rachel. Sit.” Keith held her hand. “I didn’t want to tell you about Olivia’s message because I knew you’d want to go without first thinking about it.”

  Rachel looked at Keith as though he were speaking another language. “What are you saying, Keith? I have an opportunity to see Emily, and you don’t want me to take it?”

  “I just want us to be careful. Think about it, Rachel. Olivia asks us to come to the house just after her husband says he’s going to take Emily away to punish you and doesn’t say why. After Gertrude left, Cecilia told me it was actually her sister, Davina, and Olivia who asked us to come to the house, and Mike was somewhere near. As you have told me before, Gertrude’s sister is not exactly allies with Olivia and loves Mike. Do you think she would want to help us?”

  “Are you saying that it might be a trap?”

  “Yes. That’s what I’m saying. Mike might have set them up to do this. I don’t know what he wants to do when we get there, but it won’t be to throw us a welcome party, I’m sure of that.”

  “But Olivia wouldn’t do that to me. She’s been so helpful, sneaking Emily out of the house a couple of times so I could see her. Why would she suddenly want to betray me?”

  “Because she loves Mike. Maybe for once Mike paid her some attention and it made her complicit in his plan to trap us somehow. I know it sounds paranoid, but it’s possible. We’re talking about Mike Cadwell here.”

  “So what should we do, Keith? I can’t just sit and wait for Mike to take my daughter out of Fallow Creek to somewhere I’ll never see her again.”

  “I’m not suggesting you do. But just going to Mike’s and being captured would be even worse. Not only would you not get to see Emily again, who knows what Mike would do to us? I think I should go… alone. You stay here. I’ll go and find out if Olivia and Davina’s request to see us is a trap. If I don’t come back, you know something has happened to me, and then you can find help.”



  “No, I won’t let you go to Mike’s alone. And I want to see Emily now if Olivia’s plan is truly to help me see her. I wish we could go to the police in Prospect, but it would take forever to get them here, and Mike will have gone by then. I think we should send someone to Prospect and tell all the women here where we’re going. We’ll let Mike know we’ve told everyone where we are, and have a girl at the police station in Prospect to alert them if the women here don’t call in an hour to tell her we’re safe.”

  “But if Mike wants to harm us, he would do it and then disappear before any police officers got here,” Keith said.

  “The police would hunt him down. He knows he might not get far. I don’t think he would want to risk getting caught by the police. And he fears law enforcement agents as much as he hates them.”

  Keith didn’t say anything for a while, and then he nodded. “Okay. We’ll go together. But we still don’t know what we’re going to do about Mike’s intention to leave Fallow Creek with Emily.”

  “Maybe if I can tell him face to face that I’m serious about giving him the land and houses, he might reconsider. I can’t think of anything else.”

  Keith nodded and stood up. Rachel did too, and he took her hand. She picked up her phone from the bedside table and
frowned when she saw a missed call from a number she didn’t know.

  “Yes, I remember. Someone called while you were asleep, but I wasn’t sure if I should pick up.”

  “Did Taylor call me back?” she asked, hopeful.

  “No,” Keith said.

  She sighed. They could use his help, but he had refused to take any of her calls or answer any of her messages for months. She was beginning to worry about him. The only thing that calmed her heart and let her know he was okay was the fact that his phone still rang and he’d changed his voice message twice during the nine months she’d been calling him. But she wasn’t sure he was well or that his family were. He had just upped and taken his wife and son away from Fallow Creek one day, before the exodus out of town had even begun.

  She and Keith left their small apartment and went in opposite directions. They’d had to do this once before — tell everyone where they were going when Mike had called her for a meeting at his house. She and Keith had gone together, of course, but had not entered his house. They had stood in front while Mike had come out to meet them. That was the day he’d told her he’d found out Olivia had allowed her to see Emily again and that he would take Emily away if they tried to do the same thing after that day.

  The women in the house greeted her warmly as she approached them. She told all the women she saw that she was going to Mike Cadwell’s with Keith. After that, she called Cecilia to an empty room and told her about their plan.

  “Sure, I’ll go now.”

  Rachel put her hand on Cecilia’s shoulder and smiled at the thirty-four-year-old woman. “Thank you, Cecilia. You’ve been such a huge help to me and Keith.”


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