Sacred Water, Book 2, The Time Before

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Sacred Water, Book 2, The Time Before Page 7

by Charles Kaluza

Chapter 6

  Despite Heather's anxious pleas, Captain John would not risk the ship and crew in an attempt to rescue Daniel. As he told Heather, "Our ship must survive or all will perish – including your Daniel."

  They spent the better half of an hour inspecting the damage and checking for major leaks. Those of the Forest helped by manning the bilge pumps. Only when Captain John was confident in his ability to control the ship did he turn back to where the Crow was sinking. He had a boat lowered and the crew sent out to inspect the ship and search for survivors. A few people were still clinging to the ship and were pulled aboard the boat. Daniel was not among the survivors. One of Captain John's crew climbed aboard the capsized hull and began pounding against the wood planking and listening for a reply. None came.

  It was Jeremy, still perched atop the mast, who spotted what appeared to be some survivors floating on debris out in the channel. Heather’s spirits, which had sunk as she watched the rescue crew, again lifted with some hope. Captain John gave new orders to the rescue crew and they began rowing out into the channel. Jeremy gave directions from his perch. The sea had become choppy enough that those in the rescue boat had only an occasional glimpse of their quarry. Captain John gave orders to his crew and they moved the ship into the channel to be closer to the rescue boat.

  As the rescue boat approached the floating hatch cover, they could see someone was sitting on it, but received no response to their calls. The choppy sea made the rescue extra difficult; if the boat struck the hatch cover they would probably spill the survivors into the water. Only after repeated calls did Daniel look up with eyes which had no recognition. He was far too cold to help in his own rescue. The sailor manning the tiller had the oars on the port side pulled in as they approached and the sailors grabbed hold as best they could to the bobbing hatch cover. Daniel just stared at his rescuers, unable to move, and Tivi had already lost consciousness. One of the sailors crawled over the gunnel and with another sailor holding his legs, he grabbed Daniel and began dragging him towards the rescue boat. The waves were doing their best to toss them all into the water.

  Daniel had a cold-induced death grip on Tivi and dragged him along as he was himself pulled towards the rescue boat. The hatch cover tilted down and they began sliding back into the water, but now several hands were available to pull them free and into the safety of the boat. The cold had chilled Daniel to the point that he was unable to respond to his rescue. Even his violent shaking had stopped because he was too cold to even shake. The sailors tried to talk to Daniel, but he just sat there with his eyes open, not seeing. They covered Daniel and his small partner with a tarp and headed back to their ship in silence.

  Strong and ready hands pulled Daniel and Tivi aboard the ship where they were met by a very anxious Heather. When Daniel failed to respond without even a look of recognition Heather cried out, "Daniel, what's wrong?"

  Captain John gave orders saying, "Take him and the small one to the Red cabin and heat as many warming bricks as we have." He turned to Heather and said, "Princess, your Daniel is suffering from the cold of the Sea. We must warm him, but be warned, he may have seizures as his body warms."

  Heather was in better control now and followed Daniel to the cabin. They stripped his clothes and placed him in the bed. She climbed in next to him waiting for the warming bricks to arrive. As the cold held in Daniel was shared, she began to shiver. He seemed as cold as the fish brought from the sea. His breathing was so shallow she had to concentrate to perceive it. Placing her hand over his heart she could detect a heartbeat but it seemed slow and distant. Not knowing what else to do, Heather hugged him, trying to transfer some of her life force to the cold still body she held.

  When the first of the warming bricks arrived and were placed under their covers, Heather thought she felt Daniel move a little and her spirits rose. She could hear Betty giving orders about the little one rescued with Daniel. She had him placed in her bed and was using her body heat to try and warm him. The coldness which entered Heather from Daniel did not seem to decrease and her shivering continued despite the warming bricks. She ignored the cold seeping into her and held tightly to Daniel. Time went on but she was aware only of the slowly warming body next to her. The warming bricks had been changed many times before a change occurred and Daniel began to shiver. It wasn't much movement, but enough to give Heather hope.

  Heather's perception of the cold had finally eased and she said softly, "Daniel of Issip it is your turn to take some of my life's energy and heal yourself." She heard no reply but the shivering in the cold body she held seemed to increase. Time went on but Heather was only aware of the gradual strengthening of Daniel's breathing and pulse. The heating bricks were changed every fifteen minutes or so, but Heather had lost count of the changes. Daniel's body was now shaking almost violently and Heather wondered if he was having seizures. Gradually the shaking decreased to a tremble, but his teeth were now chattering and Heather worried he would break them.

  Surely several hours had passed when Daniel tried to talk. Heather had to listen intently as he repeated the phrase several times, finally she understood, "I'm so cold."

  Her heart leapt for joy and she spoke in his ear, "Daniel of Issip, you live."

  Daniel did not respond but gradually his trembling decreased to a shivering and his teeth were no longer chattering. Then he moved, not a lot, but sort of rolled onto his back trying to see who was next to him. It took his eyes a long time to focus but finally he said, "It is good to see you, Heather of the Northern Kingdom."

  Heather began to cry, at first just tears of joy but then almost uncontrolled tears of love and relief. She wasn't sure if she was shaking from excitement and crying or just because she was still chilled. Many minutes went by before Daniel tried to speak again in the slow halting manner of someone truly cold, "I would hear how you found me."

  Before Heather could respond Daniel began to struggle and she asked, "Daniel, what's wrong?

  "I need to find Tivi."

  "Is he the little one who was with you?"

  Daniel tried to speak but was having trouble formulating the words so he just nodded in the affirmative.

  "He too was rescued. Now Daniel of Issip it is time for sleep. Others will keep watch."

  Daniel was silent and then said quietly, "I owe the little one my life. Sleep would be good, especially next to you."

  Quiet returned and Daniel seemed to fall into a natural sleep despite his continued shivering. Heather lay quietly next to him ignoring her own shivering and relishing every breath she felt Daniel take. People would silently exchange the heating bricks and Heather would simply nod in appreciation. Her mind seemed to cycle between thoughts of a young woman in love and thoughts of a warrior concerned with the meaning of the abduction. The sound of the anchor being lowered rumbled throughout the ship and Daniel slept despite the sound.


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