Sacred Water, Book 2, The Time Before

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Sacred Water, Book 2, The Time Before Page 8

by Charles Kaluza

Chapter 7

  Daniel slept through the next day. Heather did not leave his side until his shivering had finally stopped. Asking Betty to keep watch, she sought out Captain John to check their status. He was conferring with his crew after again having inspected the damage. Heather realized they had dropped anchor in a protected area near the capsized boat that had imprisoned Daniel.

  Captain John looked up as Heather approached and asked, "How is your Daniel?"

  "The cold of the Sea seems to have left him but he sleeps. What is the status of your ship?"

  "Her injury is not too severe. We will salvage planking from the Crow and repair the hull damage. We have enough pitch to seal the new planking so after a couple of days we should be ready to sail. Until the patch is complete, we will have to man the bilge pumps."

  Heather asked, "And the injured?"

  Captain John replied, "We have done our best but could use the services of your healer. I lost two of my sailors in the battle and several others have wounds but none seem too serious. It would seem allowing him to sleep for now is appropriate."

  "I will check on those of the Forest. It was a dangerous battle and I thank the God of the Sacred Water for Daniel's survival."

  "Aye, that Captain Dirk was a dangerous one. Your sword made all the difference."

  Heather accepted the complement by saying, "We each have our own gifts."

  Leading those of the Sea to their work, Heather sought out Jeremy. She found him with another of the Forest manning the bilge pumps. Despite the coldness they were sweating from their efforts as they repetitively moved the long lever arm up and down. Heather had to smile a little and Jeremy asked, "Heather of the Northern Kingdom you look as if you wish to play on our totter-teeter. If you are here, does that mean our Daniel has improved?"

  "Jeremy of Issip, our Daniel has improved and sleeps. I would think perhaps I'm not too well-suited to play on your totter-teeter but it did remind me of my childhood. I came to check on those of the Forest."

  Jeremy replied, "This machine is hard work but it is what we from the Forest can do to help. My shift is almost complete and I would talk with you."

  "And I with you. I will wait near the bow on the deck."

  Heather climbed the ladder back topside and stood near the bow looking out at the snowcapped mountains which appeared to arise directly from the sea. The air was chilly and she decided to retrieve her cape. She quietly opened the cabin door and could hear Daniel's gentle snoring. Betty was sitting in the small chair and asked, "Are we OK?"

  Heather said quietly, "Yes. How is the little one you are caring for?"

  "He sleeps like your Daniel but seems okay."

  "Daniel said his name was Tivi and he must be very brave. I leave you again to the watch. I need to speak to Jeremy."

  Heather picked up her cape and quietly closed the door behind as she returned topside. She waited only a few minutes before Jeremy arrived wearing no coat or cape and with sweat still visible on his shirt. He too looked out at the mountains jutting from the sea and said, "A harsh land but one with great beauty."

  Heather did not reply at first and just shared the moment with someone who had come to be part of her life. She said quietly, "Not just the land is harsh but the times themselves seem harsh. How are those of the Forest?"

  Jeremy was solemn as he reported, "We lost one of ours when the ship tilted with the ramming. He slipped from his harness to the deck below. A few others are injured but can await Daniel's recovery. It could've been much worse."

  "The God of the Sacred Water still looks out after us. I had all but given up hope for Daniel when you spotted him. It was a very close call."

  They stood silently for a while before Jeremy asked, "Why would someone kidnap Daniel?"

  Heather replied in a thoughtful faraway voice, "I would expect it had to do with a statement made by Arthur of the Southern Kingdom. When you told of the destruction of the Trade Bridge by Daniel's powder, Arthur was so impressed he said Daniel with his powder was the most powerful person in the world." Heather continued, "It would seem the Red Ambassador has other emissaries who thought the same. Whoever was behind the kidnapping wants the power of Daniel's powder."

  It was Jeremy's turn for quiet reflection. "Keeping our Daniel safe without locking him in a cage is going to be a problem. How can I help?"

  "It has been shown that neither the Southern Kingdom nor the Northern Kingdom are safe. What are your thoughts about returning to the Forest?"

  Jeremy smiled as he recalled the hearth fire which was waiting for Daniel on their return and said, "It seems the Forest has a special affinity for Daniel." He saw Heather's questioning look and told her the story of their return. He continued, "I would expect no place is completely safe but the Forest has eyes which would help protect him."

  Heather's face showed the concern of the young lover, not the face of a powerful warrior as she asked, "And would the Forest accept me?"

  Jeremy's face broke into a huge smile and he replied, "Heather of the Northern Kingdom, your place in the Forest has been assured since the story of Daniel's rescue was first told. You will always have a home in the Forest."

  Heather's eyes had tears in them and she replied, "Jeremy of Issip I thank you for your counsel and your friendship. I will speak with Daniel about this."

  "I have cooled off from my work and it is time for some food. Would you also eat some before returning to your watch?"

  Nodding in reply, Heather followed Jeremy below deck to the area used by those of the Forest for eating. Several of the Forest were there and they looked to Heather for information about Daniel but said nothing directly. Heather accepted their welcome and told them that Daniel was sleeping but seemed to have survived the coldness of the sea. The mood became much more festive and despite her worries, Heather enjoyed herself. After eating her small meal, Heather excused herself to check on Daniel.

  Betty was sitting in the only chair keeping watch. On hearing Heather enter she said, "They both sleep. Are you okay?"

  "Yes, I have had something to eat. Now it is your turn to eat and my turn to keep watch."

  Betty left Heather to the stillness of their cabin. She sat quietly, trying to envision what it would be like for her to live in the Forest. Listening to the stories of Daniel and Jeremy had made it seem almost like a paradise but it would be a life far different from the Northern Kingdom. She would be the stranger, but at least she would be with Daniel. She wondered if Betty would stay with her and if she would see her father ever again. Watching Daniel sleep, she knew the price was well worth it.

  The day wore on and darkness gradually came upon them. She lit the small lamp and had meant to stay awake, but was overcome with drowsiness. She crawled in bed with Daniel, trying not to disturb him. He did not awaken, but must have sensed her presence because he backed into her, allowing her to hug him. Sleep came to Heather and her dreams were mostly pleasant.

  The hammering on the ship’s hull awoke Heather, and Daniel, sensing her awakening, said, "Heather of the Northern Kingdom your presence at my side fills my heart with joy. How is my love this morning?"

  "Daniel of Issip, hearing your voice makes it the most wonderful of mornings."

  Before the conversation could continue they heard the voice of a small one asking, "Who are you and where am I?"

  Betty responded, "I am Betty. You are safe in the ship of the Red Ambassador.

  "How did I get here?"

  "You were rescued with our Daniel. You be okay now."

  "The healer saved me. Is he okay?"

  Daniel spoke up saying, "Tivi it is you who saved me. I owe you my life."

  Heather interrupted the conversation saying, "It is time to prepare for the day. We will have much time for stories after you two have something to eat."

  Heather and Betty completed their morning ritual and met up with Daniel in the area used by those of the Forest for eating. Spirits were high
and stories had already begun before eating was finished. Captain John looked in on the group and was invited to stay as the stories began in interest. Jeremy, as always, led the way, recounting for Daniel the battle between the ships. Tivi sat silently listening, picking slowly at his food. When the sword battle between Heather and Captain Dirk was described his eyes got big as he looked at Heather in a new light.

  When it was Daniel's turn to speak he arose and began with, "I must first beg your forgiveness because it was my stubbornness that has led to all these troubles. If I would have respected my wife's concerns and instincts none of this would've happened. That said, my joy of being rejoined with you is boundless." Daniel then continued with the story of his imprisonment and the significance of this talisman in his escape. When he described the role Tivi played all eyes turned towards the little one. Tivi was not at all comfortable with the attention. When the tale was ended and a toast was raised in his honor, if it were not for Betty, he would have crawled under the table. Betty made him stand and accept the thanks of those around him.

  Captain John arose saying, "I must return to the work of our ship but thank you for allowing me to share in your stories." Nodding to both Betty and Tivi he continued, "My respect for you little ones just keeps growing. And to think I almost refused to allow you aboard my ship. I must beg your forgiveness."

  For some time people came and went and the stories were repeated often. When Daniel realized there were injured, he insisted on seeing them. He was without his medical kit and was forced to use the ship’s supplies. Most of the rest of the day was spent setting bones and repairing lacerations. Heather checked on him eventually and his fatigue was showing. She said, "Daniel of Issip, it is time for a rest."

  Daniel did not object and followed Heather topside to the bow of the ship. The sun had already passed behind the mountain to the west and the sky was awash in color. The snow on the mountains varied in color from a rose color at the tips to a gray in those areas of deep shadows. Daniel stood with his arm around Heather and for several moments they said nothing.

  Heather broke the silence by saying, "I have spoken to Jeremy about living in the Forest. I would be your wife there."

  Daniel did not respond but Heather had learned that Daniel usually thought before speaking. She did not like the waiting but it was who her Daniel was. After several minutes of quiet contemplation Daniel replied, "Heather of the Northern Kingdom I would like to have you as my wife in the Forest. We would have a good life. It would seem the hard times are not yet over and we may have to wait a while yet."

  Heather objected, "Agents of the Red Ambassador are obviously about our lands and you would be safest in the Forest."

  "I expect you speak truly and I pray to the God of the Sacred Water for your safety also. It would seem our destiny is to seek out the place where my kidnappers were bound. Without knowledge how can we protect our peoples?"

  It was Heather's turn for silent contemplation. The young bride in her sought safety and stability but her warrior instincts knew Daniel spoke of the greater need. She countered, "We can return to the Forest and Captain John can sail on his mission of exploration."

  A smile appeared on Daniel's face and said, "Having you as my wife in the Forest would be a dream come true. The voice within me says this dream must wait. I would see these unknown lands and have you evaluate the danger they represent. When our peace is secured then we'll have our life together."

  The darkness became dominant and the stars took their place in the night sky as Daniel and Heather stood silently together. Heather began to shiver despite her cape and Daniel insisted it was time to go below. Heather did not want to leave the moment but knew Daniel was right. She said, "I wish not to share you, but we need to hold council with those of the Forest and of the ship. Then we will decide."

  As they went below they were greeted with the aroma of freshly cooked meat. Some of those from the Forest had spent the day hunting and had been successful. The room was small, but space was made for Daniel and Heather. The stew was tasty but of a flavor unknown to Daniel. He asked from what animal the meat had come. Jeremy spoke up saying, "An amazing animal that those of the ship call a lion of the Sea; Clumsy on land but swims with the grace of an otter. We had to create floats for our arrows to keep it from sinking after we shot it. It's much bigger than our deer – almost as big as a bear, and just as hard to kill."

  Daniel said, "I would see such a wonderful animal. We thank the God of the Sacred Water for allowing it to give up its spirit to nourish us. If we continue on our journey I would expect to see many such wonderful things."

  Jeremy asked, "What journey?"

  Heather spoke up saying, "Our Daniel wishes to see the lands where he was being taken to as a prisoner. We need to hold council to see if others would accompany us."

  Jeremy continued to act a spokesman for those of the Forest and asked, "Where are these lands and how do we reach them?"

  Daniel answered, "Captain Dirk said when they first put me in the basket that it would be three weeks before I set foot on land again. So from the time we left the river of the Northern Kingdom it was a three-week journey. I think the little one who saved me has some knowledge of the journey."

  It was Betty who now spoke up saying, "Tivi has spoken some of the journey to me but he is shy. I think he has the courage to be our guide."

  Someone asked about the other prisoners and Heather replied, "I trust them not."

  Many questions about the types of lands and animals they would see were asked but no answers were available. The discussion began to diverge and it seemed as if the time for stories was arriving. Heather brought some order by asking, "Who is willing to join us on this journey?"

  Jeremy looked a little puzzled before replying for all of those from the Forest, "It is our journey, why would we not all want to go? If you are going, we are going."

  The time for stories had arrived and Heather sat back and let the solidarity of the group envelop her. The evening wore on as the stories were told and Heather did not realize how sleepy she had become until she felt Daniel lifting her. When she opened her eyes Daniel said, "My bride awakens, so before Jeremy's stories put her to sleep again I think we had better leave."

  The bantering continued until they had moved on to their own cabin. Daniel tried to carry Heather into the cabin but the doorway was just too small. He set her down and held the door for her. The small lamp was lit and Daniel realized that Betty's hammock was gone. He smiled and closed the door.


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