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Sacred Water, Book 2, The Time Before

Page 30

by Charles Kaluza

Chapter 24

  Daniel and Heather presented to the royal chambers and were invited into the conference between Jason and his advisers. They listened quietly to the ongoing discussion and the update on the battle. Only after the advisers had left did Jason relax enough to truly welcome Heather and Daniel. His glee was obvious when he asked, "Did you see the look on the face of the envoy when I spoke his high tongue?"

  Heather returned his smile and answered, "It was a good move and helped bring him down a notch. I was impressed with this reference to the ‘all-conquering scarlet king’."

  They spoke for some time about how those of the Red seemed to feel such superiority. Jason was quiet for just a moment and said, "Those of the Red have spent much of their wealth on this expedition of conquering. Is such an expenditure just for the glory of conquering?"

  Daniel added, "Those of the Red that I have treated are well-clothed but their nutrition seems to be not right. Their skin has a tallow color and their teeth are loose."

  Jason asked, "Would this be due to a lack of the sacred water?"

  Daniel answered, "Only partially, but also maybe to a lack of fresh food. Their wounds seemed to heal poorly and we know this can be due to a lack of fresh green foods."

  Heather spoke up saying, "Is it not probable that they wage this war for our sacred water?"

  Daniel objected, "Why not then just establish trade?"

  Jason sat nodding his head and spoke, "If they feel superior, maybe it is below their dignity to trade with such as us. Better to just conquer and take what you want."

  Heather agreed saying, "That is why it was so important for your display today. Only if they accept us as equals, is there hope for peace."

  The conversation was interrupted when a page stepped into the room and announced that a messenger had arrived. Jason had the messenger brought in. It was one of the Forest who had accompanied Heather's father. He brought a letter and said, "Those of the Red who are trapped in the great gorge have raised a white flag and presented this letter. We understand not their language but Heather's father thought you might be able to interpret the letter."

  Jason received the letter and carefully opened it. It was written on fine parchment with significant embossing. He read the letter silently a few times working on translating it before reading it out loud. Even translated, the language seemed strange to Heather and Daniel and they had trouble following the meaning. Their look of confusion made Jason stop reading and say, "It sounds like they are willing to lay down their arms in exchange for food."

  Arthur had returned from his inspection of the battlefront and had heard just the last portion of their conversation. He spoke up, saying, "This represents an interesting opportunity if the offer is genuine."

  When Jason asked for an explanation he replied, "Our battle makes little headway because the range of the weapons of those of the Red is greater. If the army of the north can bring pressure on the eastern flank, those of the Red will be hard-pressed to maintain their position."

  The conversation continued but Heather was lost in thought and brought back only when Jason specifically asked, "Heather of the Northern Kingdom, what is your opinion?"

  Heather replied after another moment of compilation, "I have felt that the envoy has secretly believed his troops would liberate him and has not been genuinely interested in negotiations. Perhaps if we asked him his opinion of the letter his attitude may change." She added, "Feeding the enemy who wishes to destroy you is not what the warrior within me would do, but from what I have learned from those of the Forest, it would be best."

  The discussion continued for some time but in reality the decision was made based on Heather's comment. Jason prepared a reply letter and had his scholars review both his interpretation and his reply before sending the letter off. He then offered the letter to Heather to show to the envoy. Heather accepted the letter and took a moment to write a short note to her father for the messenger to deliver. She felt, if at all possible, her father should join them and be part of the negotiations with the envoy.

  Daniel and Heather returned to those of the Forest as the evening meal was already in progress. The envoy had again joined those of the Forest around the campfire and shared the food. Not till the food was finished and the stories begun did Heather hand the letter to the envoy saying, "King Jason has requested your opinion on how to reply to this letter."

  The envoy read the letter and his scowl became even deeper but he spoke not and simply handed the letter back to Heather. Heather received the letter and turned her attention to those telling the stories. As they had planned, the stories were mostly about the hard times and of winter times. As the evening wore on, Heather excused herself and she and Daniel retired to their tent.

  It was only after the breaking of the fast that the envoy spoke of the letter, asking, "What is your plan for the soldiers who have written the letter?"

  Heather answered, "Those of the Forest would feed those who are hungry and pledge not aggression."

  After a long pause the envoy responded, "We who serve the Scarlet King do not give or expect mercy. I cannot advise King Jason on how to respond."

  Heather was learning the language of the envoy slowly but still needed the young priest to translate and assist. She worked hard to convey the message that those of the Forest would soon be returning to their homes because the war no longer required their skills. When the envoy realized she expected him to accompany them to the Forest, he became agitated, saying he needed to remain in the palace to negotiate the terms for peace. Heather replied, "Winter and nature will decide the winner of this war. The army that can sustain itself through the cold will be victorious. There will be no negotiations for peace." She added, "King Jason has suggested a possible trade relationship when the war is complete, because Daniel says your troops suffer from a shortage of the sacred water."

  The envoy said, "I would speak to King Jason about this trade relationship."

  Heather replied, "I will have a message sent to him and if he so wishes we will set up a meeting."

  "In the palace itself?"

  Heather shook her head slowly in the negative saying, "You are a guest of those of the Forest; the meeting will be here in the open."

  Jeremy spoke up and Heather translated for the envoy saying, "It may not be possible to raise your house on wheels up the mountainside to the Forest. Jeremy is pledging his best to make sure the ropes are strong enough, but if not, you may have to walk."

  The envoy just stared at Jeremy with a look that was definitely not friendly and then retreated to his house on wheels. Jeremy spoke up again saying, "I'm not sure he appreciated my efforts in raising his house on wheels the last time."

  Heather smiled and said only, "We can but do our best."

  The next two days were filled with more posturing and advantage seeking but those of the Forest just continued with their lives. The envoy began asking an occasional question during the evening storytelling and was obviously understanding those of the Forest. On the third day, Heather received word that her father was on his way and would arrive by evening. She and Daniel made arrangements to meet with him in the palace. The envoy noticed they were not sharing the evening meal with those of the Forest and Heather told him, "We will be joining my father and King Jason for this evening's meal."

  The envoy looked at the simple food on his plate and back at Heather who just shrugged her shoulders saying, "It is not mine to invite you, but if you wish I will speak to King Jason about it."

  The envoy puffed himself up somewhat and replied, "I would think it would be appropriate that I be invited."

  Heather answered not and she and Daniel left to meet with her father and King Jason. The meal was set in the royal quarters and seemed a true banquet compared to the simple food those of the Forest were enjoying. Her father's arrival was heralded by a messenger and a single trumpet. He entered the room dressed for travel and showed the effects of a hard day’s travel
. Despite the dust, he received a most welcoming hug from Heather, with a slightly more formal welcoming from Daniel. Jason was a bit more reserved but the welcome was genuinely friendly. Jason refused any discussion of the war until they had enjoyed the evening meal.

  Heather's father reported that the truce seemed to be holding and he was providing food in exchange for weapons from those of the Red trapped in the great gorge. There had only been a minimal counterattack from the main forces of those of the Red, which they easily repelled. They had established a minimal form of communication with the assistance of the scholar Jason had sent with a messenger from the Forest.

  Heather then updated her father on the envoy and their slow progress towards negotiations. Both Jason and her father could relate to the envoy's desire to leave the simple camp of those of the Forest for the comfort of the palace. Jason could hardly stifle his laughter when Heather repeated the envoy's response to Jeremy's statement of needing stronger ropes to raise the house on wheels up the mountainside. He said, "I well remember that skinny fellow telling me to trust that ever so thin rope as he rescued me."

  The discussion turned towards the next step in the negotiations. Heather's father was of the opinion that their position was now strong enough to proceed. Heather said only, "The pride and arrogance of the envoy is still strong. It seems the thing he fears the most is the fact that those who serve the Scarlet King are not to fail. It may be possible to allow him to save some face with the trade agreement."

  Heather's father questioned what she meant by the trade agreement and Daniel spoke up saying, "Those of the Red that I have treated seemed to be suffering from some shortage of the sacred water. We feel this war is about the sacred water."

  Her father asked if there was enough sacred water to actually trade. Daniel explained that with the new sources that had been identified, they had some ability to trade. The discussion went on for some time until Daniel asked, "What is to become of those of the Red who are now stranded because we have destroyed their ships and passage over the ice field is no longer possible?"

  Jason said, "It will be a strain, but we probably can feed them over the winter and could they not then travel over the ice field to their home?"

  Heather objected, "I would prefer those of the Red continue to think of the ice field as being impassable. They must return home by sea."

  Jason asked, "Did not your Larby say that the whirling storms prevented travel by sea?"

  "Until the harvest moon, he said it was too dangerous. I would those of the Red be allowed to travel overland to the protected cove we used as a lookout. They could be transferred back to their homeland from there, in stages with their few remaining ships."

  Jason asked, "What would they do for food and water?"

  Heather replied, "Those of the Forest identified a small spring in the hills above the cove. It would provide enough water to sustain them but we would need to provide them with food."

  Heather's father asked, "We give them their freedom and support them until they can travel to their homes, what do they give us in this trade?"

  Heather shrugged her shoulders and said, "I know not."

  Jason sat silently thinking before saying, "We know so little of our enemy and what they may offer. The thing I would desire most is the knowledge they may have of the world, for I expect the world is far larger than we can imagine."

  Heather asked, "What is the worth of this knowledge?"

  Jason responded, "Who knows? If you know not what you do not know, how can one judge? I would expect our isolated unknown lands will never again be the same, for whether we want to or not we will be interacting with those of the Red. Those of the Red came from somewhere else to conquer our ancestors. I would know more about the where from which they came."

  Heather spoke saying, "Larby, the stranger from the Southland, aided those of the Forest greatly in the attack on the ships. I would he and his people, be granted one of the ships as spoils of war. I would also claim one for those of the Forest to be used in trade."

  The discussion continued for some time with Jason making a list of demands. Daniel, for most of the discussion, just watched and listened, but when he noticed the fatigue in Heather's face, spoke up saying, "I would think the planning can wait until morning. I would my bride rest."

  They returned to the camp where the storytelling was still going strong. The envoy watched them return and said a sarcastic lilt to his voice, "Did you enjoy your meal in the comfort of the palace?"

  Heather responded, "The food was excellent but seeing my father was even better."

  For the next several days the posturing and planning continued. The envoy seemed to become ever more agitated that he was not invited to the palace proper. The war had come to something of a standstill with the army of the north containing those of the Red in the great gorge. The army of the South was unable to dislodge the remaining army of the Red, but this army was deprived of any source of supplies.

  Jason, at one of the meetings, suggested it was time to allow the envoy a visit to the palace. He suggested a wedding celebration for Jeremy and Edna as an excuse. Attendance would be limited to only those they trusted the most, and the envoy would be kept surrounded by those of the Forest at all times. Heather agreed and left the planning to Jason. When they returned to the camp she told the envoy of the planned celebration and his invitation.

  He responded, "It is about time I was brought into the palace proper." He then added, "I am not sure what to wear; I did not bring wedding attire."

  Heather replied, "Those of the Forest will dress in their traditional garb but I expect King Jason will dress somewhat more formally. You are being invited as our guest and will sit with us."

  The day was spent in preparation for the celebration, with those of the Forest doing their best to make their travel garb presentable. Heather and Betty assisted Edna in her preparations, using small swatches of fabric and flowers to create a headdress. Heather considered trying to obtain nicer clothes for Edna but wished not to dispel the envoy's belief in the nature of the wild ones.

  Those of the Forest presented to the royal hall as an unorganized group who only partially arranged themselves into the procession line. The formal presentation according to status was completely interrupted by their arrival. The dignitaries from the South showed great respect to those of the Forest and accepted easily their disorganized arrival. Those of the Forest were escorted to the front of the royal hall and given seats at the head of the table, where two thrones sat. The remaining dignitaries took their places as delegated by their status. The envoy was brightly adorned in scarlet and purple robes and stood out quite dramatically amongst those of the Forest. Only the height of his hat feathers could be seen when he was amongst the much taller folks of the Forest. He kept looking at the dignitaries of the South, trying to make eye contact, but those of the Forest kept shifting their positions to block his view.

  The trumpets were sounded and from opposite doors Heather's father and Jason entered the hall and took their respective positions on thrones at the head of the table. Jason was dressed in royal fashion but a sword was very visible under his robe. Heather's father was dressed more as a warrior, with his status as King being designated by the small crown and the royal cape he wore. Jason opened the ceremony by saying, "Tonight we celebrate the marriage of this man, to whom I owe my life and freedom, to his bride, a woman who undoubtedly has been blessed by the God of the Sacred Water with patience which knows no bounds."

  Heather's father then spoke saying, "All of our peoples owe these two young ones from the Forest a debt which only the God of the Sacred Water fully understands. It is right that we honor their wedding."

  The trumpets sounded again and all took their seats. Wine goblets were filled and the first of many courses began to appear. Jason then stood up and all small talk ceased. He turned towards Heather and said, "A toast would be in order to start the evening."

; Heather arose, raising her glass towards Jason and her father, and said, "I would first toast these two Kings who have worked together to protect all of our peoples." A cheer went up as everyone joined in the first toast. Heather then spoke again saying, "I would have Daniel provide the wedding toast, for it is he who allowed these two to finally come together."

  Daniel arose, raised his glass, and said, "To my lifelong friend, to whom I owe so much, and to his bride, a woman of uncommon valor who is blessed with the patience of the Forest itself."

  The cheering went on until Jeremy and Edna stood and satisfied everyone with a long passionate kiss. Only then did the eating begin. The mood was festive and everyone seemed to be talking. The envoy tried to make eye contact with those of the palace but those of the Forest kept moving just enough to block his vision. The conversation was again interrupted by the trumpets and the palace chef entered, followed by a large roast being carried by four assistants. They stopped at the head of the table and the chef most ceremoniously sliced off two slivers of beef and presented them to each of the Kings. The Kings, with great dignity, carefully tasted the beef and conferred amongst themselves before Jason announced, "The beef is fit to eat."

  The main course was then served and conversation resumed. Wine and ale flowed freely but Heather and Daniel drank little as they closely observed the envoy. He was obviously enjoying the food and partook freely of the wine. When dessert had been served, Jason again stood and asked, "I would hear the story of your wedding."

  Jeremy stood, and with a nod to his wife, began the story. The envoy was obviously listening closely, especially to the portion involving the battle on the ice field, and of Betty's communicating with the spirits of the Forest. Daniel listened to his friend tell the story and realized how different Jeremy's view of the surgery was to his own. He had done only what had needed to be done, but Jeremy made it sound as if it was some superhuman effort. When the story reached the scene of the wedding announcement, Jeremy stopped to take a sip of ale.

  Edna spoke up saying, "I had always said that anyone who married Jeremy would need to have a hole in their head. It seems that Daniel put a hole in my head just so I would have to marry Jeremy."

  After the laughter had settled down, Jeremy completed his story of the wedding itself. Jason and Heather's father rose together and Jason spoke, "A story well told. We would propose a toast to Jeremy and Edna of the Forest."

  Everyone rose and raised their glasses as Heather's father spoke, "A toast to these young people of the Forest, may they live long with the blessings of the God of the Sacred Water."

  When the cheering had settled down, Heather spoke up, saying, "I would we give our guest an opportunity to tell a story."

  Jason looked at the envoy, who was obviously a bit surprised at the request, but nodded in assent. He rose and first apologized for his limited vocabulary of their tongue. With the help of the young priest, he told a brief story of his people’s origins and their destiny to be rulers of the world. His people had arisen in a land far across the sea, but war and famine had forced them to explore beyond their borders. This exploration had led to the discovery of the lands of "Those Left Behind" which were conquered, as was their destiny. He then again mentioned the ancient seer who had foretold of a warrior with golden hair who would both defeat and save their people. He finished with a simple nod to Heather and a brief bow to Jason and Heather's father.

  Jason conferred briefly with Heather's father before rising and saying, "A story well told, for which we thank you. I would propose a toast to the envoy and a prayer to the God of the Sacred Water for his health."

  The envoy accepted the toast and responded, "I too would propose a toast. A toast to the potential peace and trade between our peoples."

  The toasting continued and then more stories were told as the evening wore on. Those of the Forest continued to prevent the envoy from making eye contact with anyone from the palace. The dinner came to an end, and those of the Forest left soon after the Kings had departed. They resumed their stories around the campfire, with the envoy listening closely. Heather's fatigue was evident as she and Daniel departed the group for their tent.

  In the morning the envoy told Heather, "I would speak to my generals."

  Heather responded, "If you prepare a letter I will discuss with Jason a means of delivery to your generals. I would expect some of the Forest would be willing to deliver it with the protection of the white flag."

  The envoy responded, "My troops will respect a white flag. I will prepare the letter."

  Heather and Daniel departed soon after to confer with Jason and her father. Despite the free-flowing wine and ale on the previous evening, everyone seemed to be feeling positive. After listening to Heather's request, Jason said, "I think it is time we try for peace."

  Heather's father agreed saying, "If those of the Red will halt all hostilities, we can begin peace negotiations." He then looked at Heather and added, "I pray to the God of the Sacred Water for you and your baby to live in times of peace."

  Heather could not stop a few tears from forming and she said only, "I dream of returning home and raising my child."

  Heather's father face lit up as he visualized Heather and her baby joining them in the palace. He said, "It will be good to have you with us again."

  Heather's tears ran down her cheeks as she reached out and took her father's strong left hand, saying, "Father, my home is with Daniel in Issip."


  I wish to give thanks to my daughter Ruth for her efforts in proofreading this manuscript. I enjoy the writing process, but find it very difficult to proofread what I have written…must be my surgical background, for everyone knows that surgeons cannot spell. With my dyslexia, I read in pictures and it is difficult for me to slow down and see the words.

  I can be contacted at: or at:


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