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San Rafael Jacked

Page 13

by Tom Ellis

  Burns laid his head on the Don Cameron’s neck; the horse whinnied as if he understood every word said. Andy patted his neck and stepped back. He walked out of the barn and around to one of the corrals. Andy pulled the leather gloves out of his back pocket and put them on. He walked around the corral and selected a few dried horse apples off the ground. Burns went back to the RV and placed the horse apples on the picnic table. Buddy Russell had arrived and was inside the motor coach with Burrito and Jolene. They were looking over her shoulder at the computer screen. One the screen was the Rocking H Bar headquarters house. The old cops were awed by the surveillance camera in a horseshoe.

  Burns looked at the screen. “Anything going on?” He asked Jolene.

  “No, right after you left the grossing thing I’ve ever seen happened. Some butt ugly dude, ugly enough to play Frankenstein in porn flick walked out on the porch pulled down his sweat pants and peed off the porch. Is that a guy thing peeing off a porch? Burns I’ve seen horses standing around with their thingy hanging out, but that freak would put a horse to shame.”

  “That must have been Pauli Dumas, the failed porn actor, and computer genius.”

  “There’s not any way he can find that camera is there?” Russell asked.

  “I doubt it. The retired cop that set up these cameras for me made them hack proof. He is the guy that got the ID information off that footage you sent me.”

  “I still wanna see those cameras close up,” Burrito said.

  Burns opened a cabinet and removed the hard camera case. “Come outside; I’ll show you some of my toys.”

  Jolene pointed out a Mexican walking from the barn on the Rocking H Bar. Cruz and Russell watched, Burns went outside to the picnic table and opened the case. He unwrapped a couple of horseshoe cameras and then unwrapped a couple of horse apples. He put these beside the real ones he picked up in the corral. A few minutes later the two PI’s and Jolene joined him at the table.

  “Horse shoes and horse shit go together,” Cruz said.

  Burns picked up the horseshoes and passed them around. Russell and Cruz studied them intently. Jolene looked appreciatively at the one she held.

  “Burns, I will admit I wondered if you’d hit your head when I saw you bubble wrapping horseshoes and horse apples.”

  “You got cameras in that horseshit!” Cruz exclaimed.

  Burns nodded affirmative, watching as both Cruz and Russell reached for a horse apple. Both of them picked up the real thing.

  “DAMMIT THAT’S REAL SHIT!” Cruz exclaimed.

  “Glad it wasn’t fresh,” Russell deadpanned dropping the horse apple.”

  Burns was laughing now, and Hadfield was having a hard time keeping a straight face.

  “I knew you two didn’t know shit from surveillance cameras,” Burns said.

  Jolene giggled.

  “Well suppose you pick up the right horseshit and show us,” Cruz said.

  “Tell me Burrito, do you think anyone we’ve seen today would pick up horse shit?”

  “No, not likely. Not like a couple of dumbass private detectives I know.”

  “Where are you going to put them and how are you going to get them there?” Russell asked.

  “That hillside overlooking the barns and the house. I figured I would put couple there. I want to put another horseshoe on the water tank. There a no dogs on that ranch. We would have heard from them if there were. I can’t see that bunch posting sentries at night. So about three AM tomorrow morning I’m going to pay them a visit and put out some cameras.”

  “What if the freak comes out to pee?” Jolene asked.

  “You will warn me via radio and I will hide.”

  “How am I going to know to warn you?”

  “These cameras have night vision capabilities as well. It is the same stuff I use around the place back home. I’ll be wearing night vision goggles, and I’m going to solicit Buddy and Burrito to go along as a backup. We’ll ride horses over there. I’ve been over a couple of times with TR and Butter Billy checking on the cattle. I’ve put out infrared trail markers I will be able to see with the night vision goggles. Once we get to the ridgeline, we will have to mark the trail as we go.”

  “What if they have someone on guard?” Jolene asked.

  “We will know that before we go. You will see the guard on the camera. I don’t believe Bradford has brought in anything illegal yet. We drove in the place without problems. No guards on the road or anything. They probably did that until they got comfortable and realized guards attract attention. They have a Mexican male with an AK 47 riding a four wheeler watching from a few hundred yards away while we check the cattle.”

  “So you think going over there at night is the thing to do?” Jolene asked.


  “And what if you have to shoot somebody, or they shoot you?” She said.

  “Let’s hope I see them first.”

  Hadfield was not happy with the plan.

  “I’m good with it,” Russell said.

  “Me too,” Cruz added.

  The Double B hands, TR and Butter Billy Three, showed up later and asked if Burns wanted to ride with them to check on the Rocking H Bar cattle. Russell and Cruz volunteered, and Andy declined, saying too many riders might raise the guard's interest. After the PI’s saddled up and the foursome rode off. Hadfield swept the real horse manure off the table and faced Burns as he packed up his wireless cameras.

  “Burns are you sure going over there in the middle of the night is smart?”

  “The word smart is subjective when used to describe this whole endeavor. If we were smart, we wouldn’t be here. Now that we’re here, all we have to do is outsmart the crooks and cops. In this case, probably the FBI as well. It’s possible they are looking at Bradford and Kroll for something. And it is also possible that Kroll is undercover.”

  “If he is they went to a lot of trouble to put him there,” Jolene said. “You are describing the big picture, quit dodging the question about tonight.”

  “I’ve changed my mind about tonight. I’ve got seven pairs of NVG’s, tonight is night vision goggle orientation. I don’t know how much experience Cruz and Russell have had with the things. Them being unfamiliar with the equipment adds to the risk. It is a calculated risk, but the odds are in our favor. We’ll go to the Rocking H Bar tomorrow night. I doubt they will post guards. What all the thug on the ATV is doing is making sure no cowboy stumbles into what is going on. I think it is worth the risk to put out the cameras. It’s a wise move whether or not it’s smart, well that’s subject to interpretation.”

  “Well, don’t get yourself in trouble or hurt. We are not duty bound to take risks. We are not cops anymore Burns.”

  “No, we are sophisticated surveillance specialists.”

  “You’re going over there no matter what I say.”

  “Go to the head of the class Miz Hadfield.”

  “I won’t forgive you if you get yourself killed.”

  “You will thank me after David Cromwell reads my will.”


  “Then you won’t have to ask permission to redecorate the kitchen.”


  “You will be sitting in that motor coach watching the camera. You will have my back. I trust you. That’s why I’m not worried about wandering around over there. I’m going to saddle Don Cameron and ride over to the Double Headquarters and put in a camera. Carson Bell has got a horseshoe or two nailed in the right places.”

  “Why do you want a camera over there?”

  “To see who comes for a visit.”

  “How are going to put the camera up without him or Miguel and Estella noticing?”

  “Bell will to distracted by me showing up on Don Cameron. Miguel and Estella will be too busy watching him. I could walk away with the whole barn, and nobody would notice.”

  “Burns I’m glad you are honest.”

  “Thank you, how about researching motorcycle dealers in Noga
les and Sierra Vista. A couple of side by side four wheelers might come in handy. No bright colors, I prefer green or camo.”

  “Will do.”

  They walked to the barn and Jolene watched him saddle the stud horse. Don Cameron greeted her with a whinny. She rubbed his nose while Burns worked.

  Burns swung into the saddle and trotted Don Cameron down the ranch road toward the Double B headquarters.

  “Miguel and Estella were beside themselves when I rode up on Don Cameron. Carson Bell just smiled.”

  “I watched his expression when you rode off. It was sad, almost guilty sad. And by the way, you did a good job of placing the horseshoe camera. A great angle on the front of the house.”

  “Thank you, wait until you see the pictures you get from the next ones I plant.”

  Hadfield took a deep breath. “OK, I’m good with it. But I don’t like it.”

  She watched Burns strap a folding camp chair and a tripod behind Don Cameron’s saddle. He hung the heavy duty padded bag that held a large spotting scope around the saddle horn. The next thing was the saddle scabbard that held his rifle. He shouldered a backpack that carried his hydration bladder. Burns mounted Don Cameron and looked down at Jolene.

  “How do you know when you’ve hung too much stuff on a horse?” She asked.

  “When you land on your ass in the dirt,” Burns answered smiling.

  “I can’t imagine a horse throwing you.”

  “Imagine it; it’s happened more than once.” Burns patted Don Cameron’s neck. “This big guy thought about it. So far I’ve stayed ahead of him. But he might put me off just to show me he can.”

  With that, Burns rode off toward a place he’d spotted earlier. Ten minutes later he stopped unloaded his gear and loosened the saddle cinch. Don Cameron browsed the area for grass to crop while Jazz watched over him and Burns. Andy studied the Rocking H Bar through the spotting scope with a sniper’s eye for detail. He carried a pad with him and made notes and sketches from time to time. The SUV left with two men in it. Burns was too far away to positively ID the occupants. He guessed they were Bradford and Kroll.

  When Andy rode back to the casita, Jolene told him Russell and Cruz were back and put up the horses. They would be back later in the evening as would TR and Butter Billy, who were bringing steaks and beer.

  “Carson Bell had visitors this afternoon.”

  “They wouldn’t have been driving an SUV would they?”

  “Yep and it was Bradford and Kroll. Bradford appeared to introduce Kroll to Bell. So Kroll must be the new kid on the block.”

  “Sounds like it. I’m going to put Don Cam up. I’ll be back and look at the footage of Bell’s visitors. Did you find some ATV’s?”

  “Yes, a couple of side by sides with cargo boxes. Both camo. They aren’t cheap either.”

  “I didn’t expect they would be. We have time to go over and complete the purchase this afternoon. Where are we going?”

  “Sierra Vista. I figured we would need a trailer. There’s a place over there with a good selection.”

  “Good, I knew there was some reason I like you.”


  Chapter Fourteen

  The four agents met in Havelee Harris’ room at the extended stay motel in Nogales Arizona. The supervisory agent was meeting with her team for the first time. After thanking Vargas for the up to date reports and the forwarded videos of the ranch. Harris gave her thoughts on how they would proceed.

  “I need to get a handle on the San Rafael Valley and where that ranch is. So we need to drive over there first thing in the morning. You guys have one serious looking ranch truck and another pickup truck in your motor pool so that we will travel in those. Ranching communities despite their being far apart, are often busy body small towns. Everybody knows everyone else’s business. We need to visit the other ranches under the pretense of investigating what happened to Lyon Hamilton. We will split into two teams and cover all of them leaving the closest ranch for last. We will meet there and decide if we want to work it with one team or both teams. I understand we have at least an hour driving time to get there from here. So we probably need to leave by seven AM latest. Any questions or thoughts on this?”

  “I think we need to dress down, casual, coats and ties will scare those people. And we probably need to be in the valley at seven AM. Those people start work early, and they are not likely to be around their houses much after eight.” M&M said.

  “Good point. Can everyone be ready to leave by six? We can get breakfast at a drive through.”

  Everyone agreed. Havelee changed the subject. “Ivalou tell me how your prostitution deception works.”

  “When we need to meet, I post an advertisement in the escort section on the Backpage website. The phone I use will only accept Kroll’s number, and he replies via text. It all sounds like a john meeting a hooker. If he needs to meet, he sends a text asking if I’m working. If he sends a text wanting an outcall and doesn’t specify a dress code, that means he needs an emergency backup. If he sends a text with a dress code, that means he needs a quick undercover extraction.”

  “Where do you meet?”

  “We use the Motel 6 here in Nogales.”

  “Motel 6, why?”

  “It’s a hotbed motel for hookers.”

  “Explain your dress code,” Havelee said skeptically.

  “Boss, you dress like a ho. Tank top and a mini or a mini dress. Short shorts are good, as long as they are tight. I hope you got a thong.” Ivalou answered smiling.

  Desmond and M&M were trying to keep professional demeanors, but it wasn’t working. Havelee pointed at them.

  “And what do you two wear to these meetings?”

  “He is yo pimp; I am his enforcer. We dress badddd.” M&M answered in street dialect.

  “Tell me this wasn’t your idea,” Havelee said to Ivalou.

  “It was Kroll’s and it works. Bradford has a computer genius on the payroll. That’s why we use texts and the Backpage ads. The geek is a real pervert, ex-porn star. And he’s surveilled us once and Bradford once. Both times using a different beater car. Des and M&M picked up on them. They did not follow Ron to the last meeting. Apparently; they are starting to trust him. But we have only met once since we’ve been here.”

  “I want a face to face with Kroll. When can you set up one of these meetings?”

  “To make it go smooth, it doesn’t need to be a hurry up and with the distance he travels tomorrow night or the next day might be the soonest. I’ll send him a Penelope tease text saying I’m coming to Nogales for a couple of days.”

  “Oh, so you are Penelope,” Havelee said smiling.

  “Yeah, Penelope with her hot blond friend. A special on twosomes.”

  “Girl you wouldn't.”

  “If you want to get face time with Kroll, you will. I hope you got stiletto heels and a slut suit.”

  “What we do for the FBI. We probably need to go shopping after dinner tonight.”

  “Expense it as undercover clothing. And don’t forget the thong. Bras are optional.”

  “Dressing like a whore on the bureau’s dime will be fun.”

  “You better turn out looking hot. We only pimp the best.” Desmond deadpanned.

  The four FBI agents got out of their cars at the entrance to the Double B Ranch.

  “What have you guys come up with?” Harris asked Desmond Taylor and M&M.

  “Nothing of substance. Everyone we spoke with knows Lyon Hamilton and no one believes he would sell the ranch and leave without notice. They all say the owner of this ranch,’ Desmond pointed to the Double B sign post, ‘probably knows more than anyone because his hands are working the Rocking H cattle.” Taylor was reading from his notepad.

  “We were able to talk to some cowboys from another ranch whose pastures are across the dirt road from the Hamilton ranch. These guys said they’ve seen armed Hispanic males patrolling the fence line along the road. These guys ride in a side by side ATV.” M&M adde

  “That’s consistent with what Kroll reports,” Vargas added.

  “We went to every place on the east side of the valley with an open gate. The constant answer was we need to talk to Carson Bell, the owner of the Double B.” Desmond said.

  “It sounds like the same answers we’ve been getting. Does anyone have any thoughts on the four of us visiting Mr. Bell?”

  “Everyone we talked to said he is a congenial old gentleman. A widower retired military. His deceased brother ran the ranch for many years. Carson Bell has been running it for at least twenty years. Four agents might be of concern to him. We need to decide who is the primary interviewer.” Ivalou said.

  “I agree,’ Havelee answered, ‘I’ll be primary, Ivalou you are secondary and taking notes. Des you and M&M listen and watch. If you feel, I’ve missed something. Ask, but I don’t want to give Carson Bell the idea we’re ganging up on him.”

  The got into their trucks and started down the ranch road. None of them noticed TR astride a dapple gray gelding watching from a copse of cottonwood trees a hundred yards away. TR put his binoculars back in his horn bag and removed his radio. He lifted the handheld unit and keyed the transmitter.

  “Mr. Carson we got visitors on the road. Two trucks, two women in the first one. Two black guys in the second. They have been parked at the entrance talking. Now they headed your way. The women won’t hurt your eyes either. The men are clean cut. Most likely they are the FBI people you heard about.”

  “Thanks, TR, ride on up this way. I’ve been getting phone calls concerning them all morning. Between the two trucks, they’ve visited everybody in the valley. I guess they saved us for last.”

  Carson Bell clicked off and looked up the ranch road. He saw the dust from the approaching vehicles. Carson sat back in his comfortable chair. Estella brought him another cup of coffee. He told her to put on some more and picture of lemonade also. A few minutes later the two pickup trucks stopped in front of the headquarters house. Havelee Harris got out of the passenger side of the truck; Ivalou was driving. With both women out their vehicle, Desmond Taylor exited from the passenger side of the pickup, M&M shut off the motor and got out. They walked toward the four-foot-high picket fence that defined a small yard around the ranch house. They stopped at the closed fence gate and looked toward the porch.


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